Custodial Services EXPECTATION & ORIENTATION FORM Employee _ Hire Date Work Schedule: Days Hours Area Building Manager Crew Leader _ Manager’s Review for New Employees: (Please initial – My initials indicate that I understand the following) _ I have received and reviewed the Department Policy and Procedures _ I understand that this document is an addendum to the Employee Handbook and I am responsible to adhere to the standards herein. _ I understand that there are expectations of this job, and if I do not meet these expectations my employment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 1. _ I have been informed and understand that I cannot work different departments on campus. 2. _ I understand that I am to wear my I.D. card at all times during my scheduled working hours. 3. _ I will work my complete shift. 4. _ I understand that my work hours are set and that I am not to deviate from those hours without prior approval from my Crew Leader/Supervisor. I will be paid only for hours I work. 5. _ I understand the departmental policy on absences, tardiness, time off and break periods. 6. _ I will complete my tasks in accordance to my training. 7. _ I will report building & employee issues to my crew leader. 8. _ I will follow the directions of my crew leader as long as it conforms to the policy and procedures of the university. 9. _ I understand that I am expected to maintain appropriate appearance, dress and hygiene as outlined in the Department Dress Policy. I understand that I cannot wear open toed footwear while working. 10. _ MP3 players (I Pods), tape players or headphones may not be used in a way which may compromise the safety of the employee or building occupants. A crew member may only be allowed to use one ear devise at minimal volume level. Crew Leaders may prohibit use at their discretion if they feel that the device use has become a problem. 11. I understand that cell phones may be used to make work related calls to the staff crew lead. Use of cell phones for personal calls will only be allowed during personal breaks. Cell phones may be used as a music device. 12. _ I am expected to be polite, courteous, conscientious, and honest as a university employee. CUSTODIAN EXPECTATION & ORIENTATION FORM CONT… 13. 14. I understand that the University has a policy regarding egregious behavior. Examples of egregious behaviors include, but are not limited to: violence, threatening behavior, sexual harassment, and falsification of time. Serious conduct issues that are considered egregious may warrant moving to immediate termination of employment. (Rule 5-111C) _ I will protect the University’s assets. 15. I understand Custodial closets should remain closed and locked when not in attendance by a custodial staff member. I also understand all closets should be neat and orderly to allow ease of access to supplies and equipment. 16. I understand that I am not to open buildings, offices and other secured rooms for anyone. Locked buildings will be kept secured. I will not prop entry doors open. 17. 18. 19. 20. _ I understand that as an employee I will pick-up area keys from my Crew Leader at the beginning of my shift. I also understand that I will give my keys to the Crew Leader at the end of my shift. I understand that I am to open one office at a time when cleaning office areas. Custodians are to lock unattended office doors after cleaning. _ I understand that if I am unable to come to work that I am to call my crew leader at prior to or within the first half hour of my work shift or I will receive a no call/no show on my attendance record. (Alternate Numbers of Managers to be called between 7am and 4 pm: Robert 801-585-6655, Que 801-585-6625, Glen 801-585-6627, Todd 801-585-6912). I have reviewed the procedures for timecards, pay periods, paydays and direct deposit. 21. _ I understand that I am expected to give notice before I terminate my employment. I am responsible to turn in all university property at time of termination, which include; keys, I.D. cards and lanyards. 22. _ I understand that I am expected to obtain University of Utah I.D. card, when doing so I may also obtain a UTA pass at no cost. 23. _ I agree that my crew leader may contact me on my cell phone during working hours regarding business matters. (circle one): YES NO 24. _____ I have read and understand the following definitions: Verification of Sick Leave: documentation from a health care provider that an appointment took place for which sick leave was used. A Partial Shift Absence: is defined as greater than 60 minutes late or any unscheduled incomplete regular work shift. Excessive Tardiness: is defined as 4 or more late arrivals to a regularly scheduled work shift within 6 consecutive pay periods or more than 12 late arrivals in a rolling calendar year. Unscheduled Vacation: is defined as any use of accrued vacation leave which has not been scheduled at least 24 hours in advance and does not have the approval of your area manager. More than 3 occurrences within a rolling calendar year will result in disciplinary action. Excessive Unapproved Absence or Leave: is defined as more than 40 hours of unapproved absence within 6 consecutive pay periods, or more than 96 hours within a rolling calendar year. Pre-placement Training Session: Monday ___________ @ 6:45 AM in the Custodial Services Conference Room, Building 305. General Training Sessions: Wednesday ___________ Chemicals & Equipment @ 8:30 AM in Custodial Services, Building 305. Tuesday ____________ General Cleaning @ 8:30 AM in Custodial Services, Building 305. Thursday __________ Carpet & Hard Floor @ 8:30 AM in Custodial Services, Building 305. Manager’s Signature ____________________________________ Employee’s Signature____________________________________ Date __________________ Date __________________ CUSTODIAL CREWLEAD EXPECTATION FORM Employee _ Hire Date Work Schedule: Days Hours Area Building Manager _ Manager’s Review for New Custodial Crew Leads: (Please initial – My initials indicate that I understand the following) I have received and reviewed the Department Policy and Procedures. I understand that as a Crew leader I am to exemplify the standards and expectations of this job; and if I do not meet these expectations my employment will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 1. 2. 3. I am responsible for approving my staff’s time cards correctly. _I understand that I am to display my I.D. card at all times during my scheduled working hours. 4. I will follow the custodial procedures outlined in the custodial training manual and I will train my staff to the cleaning procedures found within this manual. I understand that I am not allowed to use any cleaning products that are not approved by the University of Utah Custodial department. I understand that if I violate this policy that I will be subject to immediate disciplinary action up to and including termination. 5. I am expected to be polite, courteous, conscientious, and honest as a university employee. 6. I understand custodial departmental policy and I will hold myself and my staff accountable to these policies. 7. _I will not exceed daily guideline hours without my direct supervisor’s approval. 8. I am responsible to lead my staff through their day to day activities, and will ensure that all tasks are completed. 9. I will report building issues to dispatch and if needed to my direct supervisor. 10. _I will report any employee issues to my direct supervisor. 11. I will conduct bi-monthly formal inspections of my staff and report inspection results to my direct supervisor. 12. I am expected to do periodical performance evaluations of my staff. 13. I am expected to manage my area’s inventory of supplies within the parameters set by custodial policy. MANAGER’S REVIEW FOR NEW CUSTODIAL CREW LEADS CONTINUED: 14. I understand that the University has a policy regarding egregious behavior. Examples of egregious behaviors include, but are not limited to: violence, threatening behavior, sexual harassment, and falsification of time. Serious conduct issues that are considered egregious may warrant moving to immediate termination of employment. (Rule 5-111C) 15. I will maintain a safe work environment for students, faculty and staff; and I will report any accidents according to custodial department policy. 16. I will protect the University of Utah Custodial equipment assigned to me by following the preventative maintenance program guidelines and will report any safety or repair issues to the equipment supervisor and my direct supervisor. 17. I am expected to become familiar with and have a working relationship with the key building occupants. 18. 19. _I am to coordinate and record all project work within my buildings. I will perform any other duties and responsibilities in a timely manner that may be requested by my direct supervisor. Manager’s Signature Employee’s Signature Date Date
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