Curriculum Vitae for web - University of Illinois at Urbana

Daniel Z. Korman
Academic Positions:
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Associate Professor
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Assistant Professor
Australian National University, Research Fellow
University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D., philosophy
University of Colorado at Boulder, M.A., philosophy
Brandeis University, B.A., philosophy, magna cum laude
Area of Specialization:
Areas of Competence:
Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Mind, Epistemology
1. Objects: Nothing out of the Ordinary, Oxford University Press (forthcoming).
2. Metaphysics: An Anthology, 2nd edition, co-edited with Ernest Sosa and Jaegwon
Kim, Blackwell Publishing (2011).
3. “Composition,” with Chad Carmichael, Oxford Handbooks Online (invited).
4. “Fundamental Quantification and the Language of the Ontology Room,” Noûs
5. “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about Ordinary Objects,” Philosophers’ Imprint
(2014), 14: 1-21.
6. “The Vagueness Argument Against Abstract Artifacts,” Philosophical Studies
(2014), 167: 57-71.
7. “Ordinary Objects,” The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2011).
8. “A New Framework for Conceptualism,” with John Bengson and Enrico Grube,
Noûs (2011), 45: 167-189.
9. “Locke on Substratum: A Deflationary Reading,” Locke Studies (2010) 10: 61-84.
10. “The Argument from Vagueness,” Philosophy Compass (2010) 5: 891-901.
11. “The Contingent A Priori and the Publicity of A Priori Knowledge,”
Philosophical Studies (2010), 149: 387-393.
12. “Strange Kinds, Familiar Kinds, and the Charge of Arbitrariness,” Oxford Studies
in Metaphysics (2010), 5: 119-144.
13. “Eliminativism and the Challenge from Folk Belief,” Noûs (2009), 43: 242-264.
14. “Unrestricted Composition and Restricted Quantification,” Philosophical Studies
(2008), 140: 319-334.
15. “What Externalists Should Say About Dry Earth,” The Journal of Philosophy
(2006), 103: 503-20.
16. “Law Necessitarianism and the Importance of Being Intuitive,” The Philosophical
Quarterly (2005), 55: 649-657.
17. “The Failure of Trust-Based Retributivism,” Law and Philosophy (2003), 22: 561576.
18. Review of Familiar Objects and Their Shadows by Crawford L. Elder, in Notre
Dame Philosophical Reviews (2011).
19. Review of Austere Realism: Contextual Semantics Meets Minimal Ontology by
Terence Horgan and Matjaž Potrč, in Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2008).
Conferences (Submitted)
1. APA Central, February 2014: “The Vagueness Argument Against Abstract
2. Bellingham Summer Philosophy Conference, August 2013: “The Vagueness
Argument Against Abstract Artifacts.”
3. APA Central, February 2012: “The Language of the Ontology Room.”
4. Northwest Philosophy Conference, November 2011: “Debunking Arguments
Against Commonsense Realism.”
5. Central States Philosophical Association, September 2011: “Debunking
Arguments Against Commonsense Realism.”
6. Australasian Association of Philosophy, July 2011: “Debunking Arguments
Against Commonsense Realism.”
7. APA Pacific, April 2010: “Universalism, Vagueness, and the Argument from
Borderline Hammers.”
8. Central States Philosophical Association, October 2009: “Universalism,
Vagueness, and the Argument from Borderline Hammers.”
9. APA Pacific, April 2009: “A New Solution to the Grounding Problem for
Coincident Objects.”
10. APA Central, February 2009: “Eliminativism and its Counterexamples.”
11. Illinois Philosophical Association, November 2008: “Eliminativism and its
12. Society for Exact Philosophy, May 2008: “Strange Kinds, Familiar Kinds, and the
Case for Robust Particularism.”
13. APA Central, April 2008: “Ordinary Objects Without Overdetermination.”
14. Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference, March 2008: “Naturalness, Eligibility,
and Particularism in Material-Object Metaphysics.”
15. APA Eastern, December 2007: “Unrestricted Composition and Restricted
16. Central States Philosophical Association, October 2007: “Unrestricted
Composition and Restricted Quantification.”
17. APA Eastern, December 2006: “Restricted Composition Without Sharp CutOffs.”
18. Northwest Philosophy Conference, November 2006: “Restricted Composition
Without Sharp Cut-Offs.”
19. APA Pacific, March 2006: “Incars, Outcars, Klables, and Trables.”
20. APA Eastern, December 2005: “Locke on Substratum: A Deflationary Reading.”
21. APA Pacific, March 2005: “What Externalists Should Say About Dry Earth.”
22. Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference, March 2005: “What Externalists Should
Say About Dry Earth.”
23. Central States Philosophical Association, October 2004: “What Externalists
Should Say About Dry Earth.”
24. APA Pacific, March 2004: “The Modal Flexibility of Causal Laws.”
25. Central States Philosophical Association, October 2003: “The Modal Flexibility
of Causal Laws.”
26. Northwest Philosophy Conference, October 2003: “The Modal Flexibility of
Causal Laws.”
27. Mountain-Plains Philosophy Conference, September 2003: “The Modal
Flexibility of Causal Laws.”
28. Society for Student Philosophers, March 2003: “Linguistic Vagueness Without
Crazy Objects.”
29. Illinois Philosophical Association, November 2002: “Linguistic Vagueness
Without Crazy Objects.”
Conferences and Workshops (Invited)
30. Workshop on Eliminativism, Ovronnaz, July 2016: TBA.
31. Workshop on Intuitions (Lingnan University), May 2015): “Debunking
Commonsense Metaphysics”
32. APA Central, February 2015: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
33. Inland Northwest Philosophy Conference (“Metaphysics on the Mountain”),
March 2014: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about Ordinary Objects.”
34. California Metaphysics Conference (USC), January 2014: “Debunking Perceptual
Beliefs about Ordinary Objects.”
35. Midwest Annual Workshop in Metaphysics (Notre Dame), September 2013:
“Arbitrariness Arguments.”
36. APA Pacific, March 2013: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about Ordinary
37. Metaphysical Virtues (Western Michigan University), March 2013: “Debunking
Perceptual Beliefs about Ordinary Objects.”
38. Conceptual Foundations of Information Science Group (Urbana-Champaign),
February 2013: “Documents, Statues, and Constitution.”
39. Departing from Sainsbury Conference (Barcelona), October 2012: “The
Vagueness Argument Against Originalism.”
40. University of Notre Dame, March 2012: Roundtable on my “Language of the
Ontology Room.”
41. Baylor Philosophy of Religion Conference, January 2012: “Debunking
Arguments Against Commonsense Realism.”
42. Consciousness on the Beach (ANU), July 2011: “The Irreducibility of Sensory
43. SPAWN (Syracuse), July 2010: “The Language of the Ontology Room.”
44. Margaret D. Wilson Early Modern Philosophy Conference (CU-Boulder), June
2010: “Locke on Substratum: A Deflationary Reading.”
45. Russell Mini-Conference, March 2010: “A New Framework for Conceptualism.”
46. CU-Boulder Summer Seminar, July 2009: “Restricted Composition Without
Sharp Cut-Offs.”
47. Logos Vagueness and Metaphysics Workshop (Universitat de Barcelona), June
2009: “Restricted Composition Without Sharp Cut-Offs.”
48. UT-Austin Methodology Workshop, August 2008: “Paraphrase Strategies.”
Departmental Colloquia
49. Portland State University, April 2015: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
50. University of Miami, March 2015: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
51. University of Texas, Austin, February 2015: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
52. University of California, Irvine, November 2014: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
53. University of Georgia, November 2014: “Arbitrariness Arguments.”
54. Brandeis University, October 2013: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about
Ordinary Objects.”
55. Yale University, October 2013: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about Ordinary
56. University of Vermont, October 2013: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about
Ordinary Objects.”.
57. Illinois State University, November 2012: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about
Ordinary Objects.”
58. Boğaziçi University, October 2012: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about
Ordinary Objects.”
59. Universitat de Barcelona, October 2012: “Debunking Perceptual Beliefs about
Ordinary Objects.”
60. Northern Illinois University, March 2012: “Debunking Arguments Against
Commonsense Realism.”
61. Portland State University, November 2011: “Debunking Arguments Against
Commonsense Realism.”
62. The University of Manitoba, September 2011: “Debunking Arguments Against
Commonsense Realism.”
63. The Australian National University, May 2011: “Debunking Arguments Against
Commonsense Realism.”
64. Charles Sturt University, May 2011: “Debunking Arguments Against
Commonsense Realism.”
65. Victoria University of Wellington, March 2011: “The Language of the Ontology
66. University of Otago, March 2011: “The Language of the Ontology Room.”
67. University of Auckland, March 2011: “The Language of the Ontology Room.”
68. National University of Singapore, February 2011: “The Language of the Ontology
69. University of Melbourne, October 2010: “The Language of the Ontology Room.”
70. Australian National University, September 2010: “The Language of the Ontology
71. Grand Valley State University, March 2010: “A New Framework for
72. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 2008: “Strange Kinds,
Familiar Kinds, and the Case for Robust Particularism.”
73. Southern Methodist University, February 2007: “Three Solutions to the
Grounding Problem.”
74. Brown University, February 2007: “Restricted Composition Without Sharp CutOffs.”
75. University of Tennessee at Knoxville, February 2007: “Externalism and
Privileged Access: A New Puzzle.”
76. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, January 2007: “Three Solutions to
the Grounding Problem.”
77. University of Manitoba, January 2007: “Three Solutions to the Grounding
78. University of Virginia, January 2007: “Three Solutions to the Grounding
79. University of Colorado at Boulder, September 2003: “The Modal Flexibility of
Causal Laws.”
80. APA Eastern, December 2014, Wesley Cray and Tim Schroeder’s “An Ontology
of Ideas”
81. Central States Philosophical Association, October 2014, Philip Osborne’s
“Epistemic Intuitions and the Problem of Cognitive Diversity.”
82. APA Eastern, December 2013, Donald Baxter’s “Aspects.”
83. Carolina Metaphysics Workshop, June 2012: Shamik Dasgupta’s “Metaphysical
84. Northwest Philosophy Conference, November 2011: John Waterman’s
“Questioning Contextualist Error Theory.”
85. Carolina Metaphysics Workshop, June 2010: Carrie Jenkins’s “Explanation and
86. Illinois Philosophical Association, October 2009: Clare Batty’s “What the Nose
Doesn’t Know: Non-Veridicality and Olfactory Experience.”
87. APA Pacific, March 2008: Kevin McCain’s “Tye, Introspection, and Phantom
88. Northwest Philosophy Conference, November 2006: Michael Nelson’s “The
Contingency of Existence.”
89. UT-Austin Graduate Conference, April 2006: Stephen Kearns’s “Against
90. UT-Austin Graduate Conference, April 2005: Neil Van Leeuwen’s “The Line
Argument Against Nominalism.”
91. Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference, February 2004: Clayton Littlejohn’s
“Dealing With Your Internalist Demons.”
92. Northwest Philosophy Conference, October 2003: Ephraim Glick’s “The
Contingent A Priori and Linguistic Stipulations.”
93. Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference, March 2003: Iris Einheuser’s
“Counterconventional Conditionals.”
94. Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference, February 2002: Andy Egan’s “QuasiRealism and Fundamental Moral Error.”
Honors, Awards, and Fellowships:
Helen Corley Petit Scholar Award ($10,000), 2013-2014
List of Teachers Ranked as Excellent by their Students:1 Fall 2007, Spring 2008,
Spring 2009* (for two separate classes), Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Spring 2012, Fall
2012* (for two separate classes), Spring 2013*, Spring 2014
Illinois Program for Research in the Humanities, Co-Sponsorship Grant (with the
Department of Linguistics), Spring 2013
Center for Advanced Study Fellow 2011-2012
For receiving a 4.5 or higher out of 5 in both ‘Overall teaching effectiveness’ and ‘Overall quality of
course’. Asterisk signifies a ranking of Outstanding, for receiving top 10% in both categories.
Academic Service
Journal Referee2
Analytic Philosophy (2013)
Australasian Journal of Philosophy (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009*, 2010, 2011*, 2012*,
2013, 2014*)
Canadian Journal of Philosophy (2008)
Dialectica (2005, 2010*, 2012, 2013)
Ergo (2013*, 2014*, 2015)
Erkenntnis (2010, 2011, 2012*, 2013, 2014)
Inquiry (2014)
Journal of Consciousness Studies (2011)
Journal for Philosophical Research (2011)
Law and Philosophy (2006)
Mind (2007, 2010*, 2012, 2013, 2014*)
The Monist (2010)
Noûs (2007, 2008, 2010, 2013, 2014*)
Pacific Philosophical Quarterly (2010, 2011, 2014)
Philosophers’ Imprint (2009, 2011)
Philosophical Papers (2008)
Philosophical Quarterly (2007, 2009, 2010*, 2013*, 2014)
Philosophical Studies (2007, 2011*, 2012*, 2014*, 2015)
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (2009, 2010, 2012, 2014)
Ratio (2012)
Res Philosophica (2013)
Southern Journal of Philosophy (2011*, 2013)
Synthese (2007, 2009, 2013)
Theoria (2012, 2013)
Thought (2012*)
Miscellaneous Referee Work
Blackwell Publishing (2007, 2008, 2010, 2014)
Central States Philosophical Association (2009, 2012, 2013, 2014)
Continuum Books (2011)
Illinois Philosophical Association (2011, 2012)
Mountain Plains Philosophy Conference (2008)
Oxford University Press (2015)
Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference (2002, 2003, 2004)
Routledge (2008, 2010)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (2007, 2014)
Society for Exact Philosophy (2008)
Society for Philosophy and Psychology (2010)
Springer (2013)
UT-Austin Graduate Conference (2005, 2006)
Asterisk signifies multiple reports.
Miscellaneous Professional Service
Section Editor for Ergo (2013 - )
Illinois Philosophical Association Vice President (2011-2013).
Illinois Philosophical Association Conference Coordinator (2009, 2012)
ANU Seminar Convener (Spring 2011)
Area Editor for PhilPapers: Objects (2011- )
Nominating Editor for Philosopher’s Annual (2009)
Chair for APA (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012)
Chair for Arizona Metaphysics Workshop (2014, 2015)
Chair for Central States Philosophical Association (2009)
Chair for Illinois Philosophical Association (2009, 2011)
Chair for Midwest Epistemology Workshop (2008)
George Bealer, Yale University
Matti Eklund, Cornell University
Ned Markosian, Western Washington University
Trenton Merricks, University of Virginia
Jonathan Schaffer, Rutgers University
Amie Thomasson, University of Miami