ADMISSION APPLICATION – NORTH SEATTLE COLLEGE Please submit your application to: International Programs North Seattle College 9600 College Way N. Seattle, WA 98103 USA Tel: 1-206-934-3672 * Fax: 1-206-934-3794 * TO APPLY, PLEASE SEND: ëA completed application and a $50 U.S. application fee (non- q New Student q Transfer Student refundable) qConcurrent Students q Returning to NSC ëA current bank statement of $18,400 U.S. (minimum) Student number ______________________(If transferring ëA copy of your passport photo page from a WA State school) STUDENT INFORMATION (Please print or type) q Send my I-20 to this address Surname or Family Name (as appears on passport) Permanent address in home country City Telephone number (area code + number) Date of Birth (month/day/year) Gender qMale qFemale First or Given Name State/Province Zip/Postal Code Fax Marital Status qMarried qSingle Country of Birth U.S. or agent name (if applicable) Country Email ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFORMATION City Middle Name Country of Citizenship q Send my I-20 to this address Address State/Province Telephone number PROGRAM INFORMATION What is your intended program of study? (Mark all that apply) q Intensive English (ESL) q High School conversion Zip/Postal Code Fax Country Email Major: ___________________________ qAssociate Degree/University Transfer Applying for: qSpring 2015 (Apr-June) q Summer 2015 (June - Aug) q Fall 2015 (Sept - Dec) qWinter 2016 (Jan - Mar) Did you graduate from high school? q No q Yes, name of High School_____________________________________ University Conditional Admission (check only one) North has conditional admission to partner universities for students in the college transfer program. If you are interested in receiving conditional acceptance, check one of the universities. By selecting this option you understand that North will release your contact information to the school of your choice. q Arizona State U. q California State U, Northridge q California State U, San Marcos q Eastern Washington U q Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) q Montana State U. q San Francisco State U. q Seattle University (by Fall 2017) q SUNY Oneonta q University of Alaska, Fairbanks, College of Engineering and Mines (apply by Spring 2016) q UMASS Dartmouth q University of Nevada Las Vegas qWashington State qUniversity of Washington, Bothell qUniversity of Washington, Tacoma q Western Washington U. 6.05.15 STUDENT NAME: (Print): ________________________________________________________ VISA INFORMATION Are you currently in the U.S.A.? q No q Yes Visa type: _______________________ Are you attending school in the U.S.? q No q Yes Name of school __________________________ HOUSING q I do not need help with housing q Please advise me of my options qHomestay qApartment qRoom (If you are attending school in the U.S., you need to submit a copy of your I-20, I-94 and visa) REFERRAL/AGENT INFORMATION How did you hear about North Seattle College? q Agency (Name) _______________________________ q Language School (Name) ________________________ q Friend or Relative (Name) _______________________ q Education fair (Name/Year) ______________________ q Embassy (location) _____________________________ q Website ______________________________________ q Advertisement (magazine) ______________________ q Teacher or Advisor (name)_ ______________________ qNorth student (name) ________________________ q Other _____________________________________ PAYMENT $50 U.S. non-refundable application fee is required to process your application. To pay by credit card, please complete the credit card authorization form: HEALTH INSURANCE Students will need to purchase health insurance through North. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY All international applicants are required to show proof of financial support to live and study in the US. This includes sufficient funds available to pay for all necessary expenses and tuition for the time you are studying in the US. The sources of these funds will continue through the duration of your study at North. This section must be completed and signed before admission. Please attach a bank statement (not more than 6 months old) with this application. Please visit North's website for current tuition fees: ( I understand that I am not eligible to receive financial aid, such as grants or loans. I also understand the tuition and fees refund policies as outlined on the website. North will require an advance refundable deposit of US $4500 to ensure that applicants with sponsor's from these countries are financially prepared to study in the US., and that applicants intend to enroll as international students. Following is a list of countries affected by this policy: Congo, Gambia, Guinea-Conakry, Kenya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania. I will pay my tuition and living expenses with: (check all that apply) q Personal Funds q Family Funds q Government sponsorship from home country q Company sponsorship q Sponsor within the U.S. (additional documents required) q Other _________________________________ SIGNATURE I verify that I understand the above questions and that the information I have provided is complete and true. I authorize North to release my information from my records which is needed by US immigration officials pursuant to 8 CFR 214.3(g) to determine my nonimmigrant status. Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Your application is not complete until you have submitted all the required documents! *Passport photo page (REQUIRED) *Bank/Financial statement (REQUIRED) *High school transcript (if applying for high school completion or under 18 years old) *I-20, I-94 and visa (if transferring) 6.05.15
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