Math 080 Syllabus

North Seattle College
Math 080
Preparatory Mathematics
Winter 2015
5 Credits
ED 2842A
The afternoon class meets Monday and Wednesday, 1:15 – 2:35 p.m.
April 6 – June 15, 2015
Pam Lippert
IB 2420B
Office Hours
Monday/Wednesday 8:25 – 9:45 a.m.
934 – 4505
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
The Saturday class meets 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., April 11 – June 13, 2015
Deanna Li
Pam Lippert
Office Hours:
By appointment
Monday/Wednesday 8:25 – 9:45 a.m.
Tuesday/Thursday 11:00 – 11:45 a.m.
IB 2426B
IB 2420B
934 – 4506
934 – 4505
Required Course Materials:
Online access to MyFoundationsLab
MyFoundationsLab student online support:
Academic Advisor
Sara Cobb
Phone: (206) 934-3691
This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion
of the instructors or as circumstances necessitate.
Course Content: Math 080 includes Math 081, Math 084, Math 085, and Math 098 concepts and
is divided into 20 Course Modules, see
Learning Outcomes:
 To relate course content to your everyday living
 To lay the foundation for you to be able to continue in the study of mathematics
 To help in gaining confidence in your ability to do and understand math
 To communicate your mathematical knowledge effectively
 To develop strong and effective math study habits
 To become responsible for your own learning
 To improve critical thinking and problem solving skills
 To learn to assess your own work, evaluate and monitor how you study and learn math, and
learn how to adjust your study to increase comprehension and retention
 To become an independent learner
 To develop and improve your ability to reason quantitatively
Tips for Success in Math 080: In order for you to progress as far as possible in this course and
earn credit for completing the highest level of math that you possibly can, it will be essential you
make a commitment to attend class every day and devote time outside of class (minimum of 15
hours recommended) to working through the objectives in your learning plan. You cannot be
successful in math without doing math! Do not allow yourself to fall behind thinking that you will be
able to make up time later. Seek help whenever you feel that you need additional instruction or
explanation. Ask for additional help during class time, see a tutor in the Math/Science Learning
Center, HSSR 1639 or make an appointment to see your instructor; office hours are listed above. If
you are not progressing, seek help immediately!
A notebook dedicated to your MyFoundationsLab work will be a helpful resource when it is time to
review for your final exam. We recommend you keep the paper copies of your online tests in a
notebook along with a copy of this syllabus and other course documents.
MyFoundationsLab Student Access: See the Starting the Course handout to take your
diagnostic test and begin work
Course Structure: The course uses MyFoundationsLab instructional software to diagnose areas
of conceptual knowledge that students need to work on to gain mastery of topics from Basic Math
through Intermediate Algebra. The goal is for you to spend time learning and studying only those
topics which you need to gain mastery, not the ones that you are already proficient in. This may
allow you the opportunity to progress through more than one level of math in one quarter,
depending on the time and effort that you commit to the course.
To be successful in this class you must spend time outside of class working in the program.
A minimum of 15 hours each week working online in the program is recommended.
Class Sessions: Attendance in class is required. Class time will be spent working on your own to
complete the modules, taking online tests or getting help from the instructor.
Cell phones, pagers, and earphones: In consideration of others, please turn ringers off and use
cell phones outside of the classroom. All cell phones must be turned off during the test times and
may not be answered during a test. Earphones may not be used during a test.
Math/Science Learning Center: Tutoring for all math students is available in the MSLC, HSSR
1639. Computers are available so that you can work on MyFoundationsLab homework. The
MSLC website:
Math 080 class Advisor: Our class advisor is Sarah Cobb. The purpose of NSC Advising is
• To give you support navigating North’s resources
• To be available for questions regarding your educational goals and options
• To help you identify strategies for success in college
Students with Disabilities: In our commitment to student learning we want to support all
students. If you have a disability that will affect your performance in this class please contact your
instructor to discuss your situation. Students with disabilities are encouraged to use Disability
Services for support in implementing reasonable accommodations for their disabilities. You may
make an appointment with Disability Services by calling 934 – 3697 or stopping by the DS office on
the 2nd floor of the College Center building.
Diversity and Classroom Learning: Class attendance and punctuality are necessary to be
successful in this class. Please respect other students by allowing a learning environment that is
pleasant yet mindful of the quiet necessary for others to focus on module concepts.
Respect for diversity is a core value of NSC. Our college community fosters an optimal learning
climate and an environment of mutual respect. We are a classroom community and every member
of this classroom community shall be treated with respect and courtesy. The NSC community
recognizes individual differences and therefore, we are responsible for the content and tone of our
statements and are empathetic speakers and listeners. Each student in the class has the right to a
safe classroom environment that is conducive to learning. Students who demonstrate an inability to
abide by these guidelines may be asked to leave the classroom.
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade for the
material for which the student has committed the offense of cheating. Any student found to be
cheating on a test will receive a “0” grade for the test and disciplinary action may be taken.
Chemical Sensitivities and Smoking Policy: NSC is a non-smoking campus except for
designated areas where smoking is permitted.
Due to the increasing numbers of individuals developing chemical sensitivities and to the increased
awareness of such conditions, when you attend this campus you are asked to refrain from wearing
any fragrance or perfume.
Course Completion: The last objective you successfully complete will determine the course for
which you may earn credit.
Math 081
Modules 1 – 6, 9, 11
Math 084
Modules 7, 10, 8, 16, 13
Math 085
Math 098
Modules 14, 12, 17, 18 Modules 15, 19, 20
Communicating with your Instructor: The best way to contact us is by email, Note your class and name in the subject line.
Final Exam: The final exam will be a written comprehensive exam that will include the concepts in
the course you have completed. To earn credit in this course, your final exam grade must be 60%
or more.
The Saturday final exam is Saturday June 13, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
The afternoon class final exam is Friday June 19, 23, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Your final grade will be based on the following:
Online lessons (homework)
Online Posttests *
Final Exam
Class Attendance & Participation
* If you take a posttest more than once, the averaged score will be recorded for that section.
Math 098
Math 081, 084 & 085
Decimal grade
90 – 100%
3.5 – 4.0
80 – 89%
2.5 – 3.4
75 – 79%
2.4 – 2.0
70 – 74%
1.5 – 1.9
65 – 69%
1.0 – 1.4
Less than 65%
75 – 100 %
S (Satisfactory)
0 – 74%
NC (No Credit)
Spring Quarter Dates to Note
Monday May 18
Monday May 25
Summer and Fall quarter registration begins
No classes in observance of Memorial Day
Friday May 29
Last day to withdraw or make enrollment changes
Saturday June 13
Last Saturday class and final test
Monday June 15
Last day of afternoon class
Friday June 19
Afternoon class final test, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Monday June 29
Summer Quarter begins