Girl Scouts of Western Ohio I can’t wait to ... Make new friends Go on an environmental adventure Create new memories Discover my own natural treasures Be a Girl Scout at Spring Break Day Camp! Are you ready to have the best spring break ever with Girl Scouts? We have put together a Fun-cyclopedia of all things exciting. Come explore with us—we will help you discover how you can have fun and make new friends all while learning about loving our planet. Join us at Girl Scouts Spring Break Day Camp today! Who: Girls in kindergarten through sixth grades looking to have the best Spring Break ever (For girls currently not registered in Girl Scouts.) When: Monday through Friday, March 30 through April 3, 2015, during your daughter’s school spring break. Time: Choose from one half day session: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1–4 p.m. Where: Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 William Howard Taft Road, Clifton, OH 45219 Cost: $15 per girl for half-day session (Financial assistance available to all girls.) Return the attached registration form along with your payment to your school’s office by Friday, March 20, 2015. Financial assistance is available on the attached registration form. Questions? Please contact Cheryl Shrider at 513-619-1424 or CS:fs/27159-002 Dear Parents/Guardians: Welcome to Girl Scouts. In Girl Scouting, girls discover, connect and take action. We strive to help girls understand themselves and their values, use their knowledge and skills to explore the world, care about, inspire and team with others locally and globally, and act to make their world a better place. The great news is that Girl Scouts is coming to your neighborhood. Girl Scouts of Western Ohio is sponsoring a Spring Break Day Camp at Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church, 103 William Howard Taft Road, Clifton, OH 45219. Girls will learn Girl Scout traditions, participate in many hands on and team building activities, play games, learn songs and come home each day with wonderful new memories! All girls from kindergarten through third grades, who are not current Girl Scouts are welcome to attend. How do I register? To register for the Girl Scouts Spring Break Day Camp, please complete the attached registration form and return it to your child’s school office. There is a $15 registration fee, which covers the cost of all the days of camp, as well as Girl Scouts registration. Financial assistance is available upon request. Will there be transportation? Unfortunately, transportation will not be provided. You will indicate on the confirmation packet who will be allowed to drop your Girl Scout off and pick your Girl Scout up. Who is facilitating the sessions? The sessions will be facilitated by a combination of Girl Scouts staff and volunteers. All of our staff and volunteers have completed an application, background check and are trained. Will the girls be with girls from different grade levels? While all girls in kindergarten through sixth grade will attend Spring Break Day Camp, the girls will be broken out by grade level once they arrive at the camp for most of their activities. Can adults be involved in Girl Scouts? Of course! Parent(s)/guardian(s) are welcome to volunteer for a day or the whole week of Spring Break Day Camp. If you would like to help, please indicate the times you would like to volunteer in the space provided on the attached registration form. A staff member will contact you before camp begins to discuss the process to become a volunteer; such as online application, background check and becoming a registered member of Girl Scouts and submit the $15 annual registration fee along with your specific volunteer days, times and roles. We hope to see you and your daughter at our Girl Scouts Spring Break Day Camp! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 513-619-1424 or Sincerely, Cheryl Shrider Recruitment Manager CS:fs/27159-002 Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Spring Break Day Camp First Name: Address: Phone: Last Name: City: Cincinnati Email: For office use only 486 49891 New State: OH Zip: Check here if you don’t have an email address I wish to opt in: School: Racial Background: Re-reg Grade: American Indian or Alaskan Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander Ethnic Background: Hispanic or Latina Parent/Guardian Name: Emergency Contact Name: Text email Birth Date: Asian White Black or African American Other Not Hispanic or Latina Alternate Phone: Phone: Yes, I would like to volunteer to be A leader An assistant leader a troop/group helper Cash Check enclosed (payable to Girl Scouts of Western Ohio) or charge my credit card: Visa/MasterCard/Discover Am Express Card Number: Exp. Date: CVV (3-digit): Signature on Card: Billing Zip Code Financial Assistance FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR MEMBERSHIP FEE Financial assistance may be available for girls who want to attend but are unable to do so because of limited family income. Applicants are encouraged to pay some portion of the fee. Please complete the line below. All fees are non-refundable. Family can pay $ Total $15 Financial assistance requested $ I understand the nature of the activities in which my child is going to participate and give my permission for my child to: 1) engage in all program activities as planned by the Girl Scouts of Western Ohio and its affiliates, 2) for the Girl Scouts and or its affiliates to use her picture (s) or video recording(s) and 3) if my daughter is not a registered Girl Scout I am willing to have my daughter become a registered Girl Scout member. Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: PARENT/GUARDIAN PERMISSION AND HEALTH HISTORY List any medical conditions requiring treatment, medication, or special needs: Allergies this person has: Special needs this person has: Name of Family Physician: Phone Number: This health history is correct to the best of my knowledge, and the person herein described has permission to engage in all prescribed event activities except as noted. Authorization for Treatment: In the event that I cannot be reached in an emergency, I hereby grant permission to the physician selected by the event personnel to secure treatment, including hospitalization, for the patient. Signature of Parent/Guardian: Turn over to complete Date: CS:fs/27159-002 Girl Scouts of Western Ohio Camp Session Please choose one half day session: 9 a.m.–12 p.m. or 1–4 p.m. DROP OFF/PICK UP INFORMATION Please PRINT and use the full name of the adult as it appears on their identification. Please limit to two people other than parents/guardians. Camper’s Name: The persons listed below have permission to pick up the above camper from the camp at: Mt. Auburn Presbyterian Church at 103 William Taft Road, Clifton, OH 45219. Please ensure this person brings ID when picking up your camper. (Name) Mother/Guardian (Name) Father/Guardian (Name) (Relationship to camper) (Name) (Relationship to camper) PARENT/GUARDIAN PARTICIPATION If you are interested in volunteering, please indicate the days on which you would like to volunteer below. A staff member will then contact you regarding volunteering. To volunteer at Spring Break Day Camp, the following steps will need to be taken two weeks prior to the start of camp. 1. Online application 2. Online background check 3. Online register as an adult member of the Girl Scout organization. Adult membership annual fee is $15 and to be paid online. Paper registration forms available upon request. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 9 a.m.–12 p.m. 1–4 p.m. 1–4 p.m. 1–4 p.m. 1–4 p.m. 1–4 p.m. CS:fs/27159-002
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