1146 Cromwell Avenue Rocky Hill, CT 06067 860-529-6755 csa@fairweatheracres.com www.fairweatheracres.com CSA 2015 Contract What is CSA? Community Supported Agriculture is a program that directly links local farmers and the consumer. Consumer’s pre purchase a share of the farm’s harvest for the upcoming season. This allows the farmer to plan for the exact amount needed for the program based on the number of members signed up for the season, thereby lowering waste and cost. We purchase our seed in December for the following season. This year we will have a set number of slots for each share size. Once they are sold out, that size share will be closed. In order to guarantee you get what you want Please sign up Before December 24th 2014. We will also be applying a late fee to any person who signs up after April 1, 2015. What are the benefits? There are many benefits to participating in a CSA some are listed here below: o o o o o o o CSA memberships keep your money in your community The farmer has a guaranteed market for his produce and receives a fair price there by reducing overall prices Members have access to the freshest, highest quality, seasonal produce. You have a chance to experience new foods that you may have shied away from before You know your farmer and how your food is produced Children who have their own “farm share” are more likely to eat what they have helped “produce” CSA are communities where recipes, ideas and cooking tips are widely shared amongst its members How it works? You the consumer purchase a share. Shares are available in full, half and quarter size. A full size share is usually sufficient for a family of four and half shares for a family of two. Your share entitles you to a box of vegetables, herbs, and fruit each week, except quarter shares which are every other week, that you will pick up at the farm. The box will contain a combination of 8 or more different items in the full share and 6 or more different items in the half share and quarter share. The items will be what are in season that week. For example a late spring box might include lettuce, radishes, scallions and spinach, while a box in the early fall might contain apples and corn. Although we do not grow tree fruit at Fair Weather Acres, we will be offering fruit in the boxes when in season. Fruits that are offered will be grown by Belltown Orchards of Glastonbury and Dzens Farms of South Windsor. The 2015 summer share will run for 18 weeks starting the second week of June and ending the second week of October. Multiple shares may be purchased to accommodate larger families or for sharing with family and friends. ***CHANGES FOR THE 2015 SEASON*** Due to excessive numbers of people changing and swapping their pick up days, and coming in before and after set pick up times to pick up their share, we have changed the pickup format. We will no longer have assigned pick up days. We will pack all shares on Tuesday morning. You will be able to pick up your share anytime between 10 am – 7 pm Tuesday and 8 am – 7 pm Wednesday. Please understand we have limited refrigeration and storage space therefore all forfeited shares will be donated Friday morning. Also, this year we will have a set number of slots for each share size. Once they are sold out that size share will be closed. In order to guarantee you get what you want please sign up before December 24th 2014. We will also be applying a late fee to any person who signs up after April 1, 2015. We will no longer be sending an email reminder at the start of the season. Our website will have the first CSA pick up posted on the calendar. th When the stand closes on the 24 of December you can sign up for our CSA by doing the following: 1) 2) 3) You can come into our office Mon-Thurs from 10am-3pm to make your payment and sign up by paying in cash, check or credit card. Please make checks payable to Fair Weather Acres. And we also accept Cash, MasterCard, Amex, America Express, Discover and Visa. Or if you would like you can mail in your check to 1146 Cromwell Avenue Rocky Hill CT, 06067. If you have any questions you can call the office at 860-529-6755. 1146 Cromwell Avenue Rocky Hill, CT 06067 860-529-6755 csa@fairweatheracres.com 2015 Contract www.fairweatheracres.com 2015Contract Name:____________________________________________________________Address:___________________________________________________________ Phone Number______________________________________________________ E-mail_____________________________________________________________ Please select one pick up day from below: REDUCED RATE IF YOU SIGN UP BEFORE DECEMBER 24 th, 2014 AND PAY IN FULL. Tuesday/Wednesday……………..……. Full Share $550 Half Share $300 th Quarter Share $175 st Please select one pick up day from below: PRICE AFTER DECEMBER 24 , 2014- April 1 , 2015 Tuesday/Wednesday……………… Full Share $600 Half Share $350 Quarter Share $200 st **After APRIL 1 you are still able to purchase a CSA if there are slots available, but a $25.00 late fee will be applied.** The Quarter Share will be picked up every other week starting with the ODD WEEKS of our 18 week program. This means that you will start week 1, the second week in June, the same day the half and full shares start and you will end on week 17, one week before the half and full shares end. The quarter share consists of the same items that are in the half shares box, the only difference is that you pick up every other week. I understand that my full payment entitles me to a weekly share of the produce harvested by Fair Weather Acres and the other farms that may supply fruits for my share. Fair Weather Acres is committed to producing high quality produce that meets the standards we have set. That being said there are risks involved in agriculture such as weather and crop failure. I understand that as a member of the CSA I share in that risk and accept unforeseen outcomes. Forfeited shares will be donated to a designated food bank or shelter. Signature___________________________________Date________________________________
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