Eco-Gardens CSA *Winter* CSA!

Eco-Gardens CSA
*Winter* CSA!
No need to wait until spring for
Nutrient-Dense, Organically-Grown, Local produce
from your farm, Eco-Gardens CSA!
Community Supported Agriculture
CSA gives city dwellers the opportunity to form a direct personal relationship with a local farm. CSA
members sign up and pay before the season begins, making a commitment to cover the costs of operating
the farm. In return, during the growing season, members receive a weekly basket of farm-fresh produce!
Fresh, Local, Chemical-Free Produce!
Eco-Gardens is a small family farm in Southern KY, about an hour north of Nashville, owned by Andrew
and Reuben Habegger. Our farming roots run deep as we can trace our farming heritage to a homestead
in Canton Bern, Switzerland, owned by a Habegger in 1540 and, the last we heard, still owned and
operated by a Habegger. Using only horsepower to till the soil, we have worked the current family
homestead for 32 years. We practice sustainable living and sustainable farming. But above and beyond
sustainability, we employ organic growing practices, both tried and true and also the newest innovations in
organic gardening. Our first fields were certified organic in 2006. To keep paperwork to a minimum, we
currently are not certifying our fields but continue to abide by organic standards and apply methods we
learn that exceed organic standards. Of course, all your veggies will be grown free of synthetic fertilizers,
pesticides, fungicides, etc.! And we never grow genetically modified vegetables. We use organic potting
soil. As per certified organic guidelines, organic seeds are used when commercially available and
untreated seeds whenever organic seeds are unavailable, no GMO seeds. We believe healthy food comes
from healthy soil, and eating healthy food makes healthy people. We are always working to boost the
quality of our soil and thereby boost the nutrient content of your food. We discuss our farming methods
in weekly newsletters and welcome questions from CSA members.
*Winter* CSA:
*Begins Tuesday, November 24 (Tuesday before Thanksgiving)
*Weekly Half-Bushel boxes
*Tuesday afternoons
*Skipping the week between Christmas and New Years
*12 Week Season guarantee
Sweet winter Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, variety of Lettuces, Butternut Squash, Kales and Spinaches
Also canned goodies from our summer bounty and lacto-fermented vegetables
Contact: Lisa & Gregory Cochran 331-0104
*Let it Snow*Let it Snow*Let it Snow*
2014-15 Eco-Gardens *Winter* CSA
To Sign-Up:
1. Mail (USPS) this Sign-Up Form with Check ($216 payable to Eco-Gardens CSA) directly to Farm:
149 Strawberry Lane, Scottsville, KY 42164.
2. Also, Email ( with
Your Name
Phone #s and
Pick-up Location
SIGN-UP FORM --- Please Print
Name _____________________________________E-mail ________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________
Phone (Home) __________________ (Work) ___________________ (Cell) ________________________
Check ONE Location:
(Include choice of location in your email.)
□ Crievewood Baptist Church 3 - 5:30
□ Christ the King Catholic Church 3:30 - 6
Enclosed total payment: $216
(payable to Eco-Gardens CSA)
Check #: ________________
CSA Agreement: Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a partnership of mutual commitment between a farm
and a community of supporters. CSA members make a commitment to support the farm throughout the season and
assume the costs, risks, and bounty of growing food. The share price helps cover the farm’s operating cost. In return, the
farm provides, to the best of its ability, a healthy supply of seasonal, fresh produce throughout the growing season. As a
CSA member, I promise to participate the entire season.
Your signature indicates that you have read and will abide by the CSA Agreement.
*Let it Snow*Let it Snow*Let it Snow*