FAITH LUTHERAN VISITOR April - 2015 Volume 62 Issue 4 Faith Lutheran Church-ELCA 201 S. 4th Street, P.O. Box 305 Cameron, WI 54822 Monday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Office: 715/458-2788 Worship Line: 715/458-3200 Dear Friends in Christ, Our book club book, Touching the Void, is about the real life adventure of two men who climbed one of the most difficult mountains in the Andes of Peru. Having fallen into a deep crevasse, Joe found himself alive with a severely broken leg, all alone and knowing he was going to die. He lowered himself down deeper into the crevasse and saw an opening through which he was able to miraculously climbed out and live to tell about it. What I found interesting was that Joe, who had been raised Catholic, later renounced his faith. He said that when he was in the crevasse and knowing he was going to die, he didn’t call out to God once. He realized he truly did believe there was no God and that death was simply the end of life. I found that hard to believe. They say there are no atheists in fox holes because when death is near one will at least hope there is a God and the chance of a life to come. That’s what the Easter message proclaims. I suspect there are many people who have similar thoughts as those of the three women who went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter morning and heard the young man say that Jesus, who was crucified, had been raised from the dead. The women “went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.” (Mark 16:8) However you respond to the Easter message, the promise is that it is true. There is a God. There is a resurrection. There is the promise of eternal life with God in a life to come. For you! When it comes right down to it, I’ll put my faith in God’s Easter promise. Living in the hope of Easter, Pastor Loren The Mission Statement of Faith Lutheran Congregation: We, the children of God at Faith Lutheran Congregation, gathered by the Holy Spirit as loving Christian people around Word and sacrament, strive together to witness to God’s grace in Jesus, inviting our neighbors to share our journey towards discipleship. 2015 Easter Message from Bishop Rick Hoyme I walked slowly down the hall to Vera's room. It was the day before Easter and I had spent much of Holy Week bringing Communion to my church's shut-ins. But I had not yet crossed Vera off of my list. Vera was in our local hospital, and Vera was dying. Perhaps this is why I waited to see her last. Pastors aren't supposed to have favorites, but I always have, and Vera was one of my favorites. I didn't want her to die. As I sat by Vera's hospital bed, I confessed that I didn't have my Easter sermon done yet, and even worse I told her, I really didn't like writing Easter sermons. "Everybody knows the story," I told her as I held onto her withered fingers, "and I never know what else to say." It was time for Vera to become her pastor's pastor. "You have to tell them the story, because some of them have never heard it." Her tired eyes shone and her face began to smile. "Pastor, so many people need to hear that story. Just tell them what happened on Easter." And then she closed those shining eyes. She was tired and I was just sad. I watched and listened as her breathing grew deeper. How long will she sleep I wondered, and should I stay until she wakes? I continued to hold on to those worn down hands. And then her eyes opened. "Pastor, promise me you'll tell them the story." I wanted to say yes, but I could only nod, because the words caught in my throat as tears ran from my eyes. "You'll do fine," she said. "You always do." Vera died a few days later, and as I sat with her family I remember asking if we could sing a song at her funeral that I thought they knew. They thought it would be nice. "Mom liked that song." And so we sang, I love to tell the story; ’tis pleasant to repeat What seems, each time I tell it, more wonderfully sweet. I love to tell the story, for some have never heard The message of salvation from God’s own holy Word. I love to tell the story, ’twill be my theme in glory, To tell the old, old story of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story, for those who know it best Seem hungering and thirsting to hear it like the rest. And when, in scenes of glory, I sing the new, new song, ’Twill be the old, old story that I have loved so long. It's a good story. Have a blessed Easter. Bishop Rick Hoyme, Northwest Synod of Wisconsin -ELCA Faith Lutheran Church Council Minutes Tuesday March 24, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. These minutes are pending council approval Present: Pastor Barker, Pam Frankenberg Florence Weise, Char Smith, Carol Moen. Wayne Brenholt, Bill Knickerbocker, Shannon Martin, Paul Larson, Russell Mayfield, Rande Purdy, Rose Hale Prayer: Opened with Prayer Covered and discussed Ministry Review with Pastor Laurie Skow-Anderson. January Council Minutes: Bill Knickerbocker made a motion to accept the January Council Minutes, seconded by Rande Purdy and passed. Pastor's Report: Confirmation interviews Wednesday, April 22. 5 council members needed to help with interviews. Walking together synod event Saturday May 30 in Eau Claire. All congregation members encouraged to go. Synod Assembly May 30-31 in Eau Claire, delegates are Wayne and Marilyn Brenholt and Pastor. Preaching May 31 is Pastor Jim Gordon. Community supper is Wednesday April 15, 2015 at 5:30. Bill Knickerbocker made a motion to spend up to $300 on a new grill for the community suppers, seconded by Wayne Brenholt and passed. Presidents Report: (Russell Mayfield): Going to get a date set for the Spring Clean-Up. Florence Weise will work on Karen's 2015 contract and yearly evaluation. Pleased with all the extra's Karen does. Florence Weise met with representatives for our church insurance. Business Manager: (Florence Weise): After meeting with the two insurance companies, Hastings was cheaper then Church Mutual. Recommended we go with Hastings Insurance. Bill Knickerbocker made a motion that we switch to Hastings Mutual, seconded by Pam Frankenberg and passed. Also, been in touch with Betty at WITC for CPR/Defib class. Need 8-10 people to attend to be able to hold the class. $17.09/person and $4.00/seniors. Florence Weise will schedule this class and let us know the date. Possible dates are May 6 second choice is April 29. A motion was made to make new member directories in 2016 by Shannon Martin, seconded by Bill Knickerbocker and passed. Continued next page Council minutes cont. New Business: Spring Clean up Building clean up Treasurer (Wayne Brenholt): Motion was made to move elevator fund money from general fund to building fund in 3 sections by Wayne Brenholt, second by Florence Weise and passed. General Fund $6,103.02* Memorial Fund $2,649.29 Building Fund $15,467.54 Legacy Fund $6,711.49 Noisy Offering $2,214.93 ($6,908.91 Designated for elevator)* ($2,566.00 in general fund not transferred)* Next meeting is Tuesday April 21, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:12 by Bill Knickerbocker, second by Russell Mayfield and passed followed by saying what we were thankful for. Council Secretary Rose Hale ————————————————————————————————————————- Holy Week Seder Meal- April 1 at 5:30 pm – (For those that have signed up to attend) Maundy Thursday Worship – April 2 at 6:30 pm Good Friday Worship – April 3 at 8:00 pm (Note time change) Easter Sunday 6:30 am Sunrise Service 7:30-9:15 am Easter Brunch 9:30 am Easter Service Sunday School News Happenings for April April 5– Happy Easter April 12– The Lord is my Shepherd-Bible Games April 19– The Lord is my Shepherd-Cooking April 26– The Lord is my Shepherd-Science Project May 3– Last Fun Day! Start planning your summer fun. Luther Park has great activity camps! Visit for information. Faith Lutheran Noisy Offering helps reduce camp cost. THANK YOU to Mary Dodge and Mary Dexter for singing with the children weekly. THANK YOU to Kirsten Huth for teaching weekly to the 3yr to Kindergarten students. Education Committee Meeting ~ April 14 from 6:00-7:00 pm. Parents are welcome to attend! High School Youth Group will be going bowling on Sunday, April 19 at 3:00 pm. in Rice Lake. Confirmation Sunday will be April 26 at the 10:45 am. Service. God’s blessings to our confirmands: Meranda Richter, Kelsey Richter, Brianna Crotteau, Hannah Richter, Makalyn Williams. Please send your photos of Faith Lutheran group events to the church office or “share” them on our facebook page. FAITH LUTHERAN CHILD CARE CENTER Happy spring! We have been looking forward to warm weather, playing outside, and completing some updates to the outdoor learning environment (OLE). We are taking quotes to place sod in the OLE, planning on placing pavers under the pergola, and finishing the climbing wall that was installed last fall! The Change and Thrive Review provided us with some insight as to how we are doing and how the community views our services. Their affirmation of the work we are doing helps to solidify our mission and ministry! The review team also provided us with some excellent ideas for building the child care and church’s relationship! It is this walk we take together that deepens our faith, and builds community and long lasting relationships. I cannot thank you all enough for the support of the child care! It is a wonderful feeling to know that we can count on our congregation in this walk of “Faith”. In faith and grace, Brynne Financials: As of February 28, 2015 Revenue $12,788.40 Expenses $8,277.03 CHILD CARE COMMITTEE Brynne Schieffer, Director Bonnie Barker, Administrator Trisha Falstad, Treasurer Mary Dodge, Secretary Carol Berg Julie Emerson Bill Knickerbocker Tina Saffert Pastor Loren Volunteer Schedule APRIL 2015 Communion Date April Ushers Lectors Assistants Greeters Acolytes 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. 6:30 a.m. Dick Miller & Curtis Dodge Curtis Dodge Chuck & Wanda Brett Bellows Roux Rolly Olson 5 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30a.m. 9:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Arlan & Caren Bonnie Barker Bonnie Barker Mark & Mary Hannah Brion Richter Klinder April 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. Dick Miller & Neil Hoffman Chuck & Wanda Brianna Bellows Crotteau Rolly Olson 12 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Arlan & Caren Mary Dexter Mark & Mary Carter Brion Richter Klinder 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. April Ben & Darlene Ben Haugen Lois Miller Harold & Debbie Makalyn 19 Haugen Bann Williams 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Jim Lundeen & Bonnie Barker Caren Klinder Donna Anderson Henry Jim Goede Huth 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. April Ben & Darlene Judy Smith Harold & Debbie Peyton 26 Haugen Bann Frank 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Jim Lundeen & Curtis Dodge Donna Anderson Jamey Jim Goede Cotteau Altar Guild Schedule April 5 6:30 April 12 April 19 April 26 Norm & LaVonne Mike & Brynne Mike & Brynne Olson Schieffer Schieffer Norm & LaVonne Olson 8:30 9:30 Mark & Mary Brion 1 10:45 Maxine Huseth ELCA Malaria Campaign A child dies from malaria every 60 seconds. We are in a special moment to help turn this around. Since the start of the ELCA Malaria Campaign, ELCA members and our companions overseas have already seen a reduction in the number of deaths from this preventable, treatable disease. We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world — together. Working through Lutheran partners in Africa, the ELCA Malaria Campaign is uniquely positioned to help provide mosquito nets, education, testing, medication and more to help eliminate deaths from this disease — for good. Our Approach For many years, the ELCA has been supporting clinics and programs in Africa that provide health care. Now, through the ELCA Malaria Campaign, we are focusing on malaria with new intensity. By joining hands with Lutheran partners in 13 African countries, we are becoming part of the global movement to make malaria history. How we work The ELCA Malaria Campaign funds programs of companion churches and Lutheran partners in education, prevention and treatment of malaria by: providing life-saving health care, including medicine to treat malaria training pastors, church volunteers and health care providers to diagnose and treat malaria teaching people how to protect themselves from the mosquitoes that spread malaria, recognize symptoms and seek treatment distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets and providing training on proper use providing preventative medication to protect pregnant women and their babies encouraging governments to provide adequate health care and engage in malaria prevention activities supporting community projects to control the environments where mosquitoes breed promoting sustainable livelihoods through participation in village savings and loans groups so that community members can afford mosquito nets, transport and health care gathering people together to discuss the importance of malaria prevention and control World Malaria Day is observed April 25. - See more at: Community Enrichment Classes and Upcycling Workshops Offered at the Cameron ReStore Barron County Habitat for Humanity will begin offering community classes and upcycling workshops at the ReStore starting in April. Community classes are free to the public and will be held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the ReStore in Cameron. Classes will cover a wide variety of topics including budgeting, finances, home upkeep, landscaping, and gardening. Participants will also have the opportunity to purchase ReStore merchandise before and after the class. The first class will be held on April 7th at 6:00 pm. The topic will be Creating a Container Garden and will be hosted by Cindy Willger of Roadside Greenhouse. If you are looking to try your hand at crafts, Upcycling workshops will be held the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:00 am at the Cameron ReStore. Upcycling is the process of repurposing old items into something new and unique. Participants will pay a small fee to cover the cost of materials. The first upcycling workshop will be held on April 18th at 10:00 am. The project will be turning a cabinet door into a chalkboard. Registration is required for both community classes and upcycling workshops. If you are interested in attending, please visit our website, and click on “Community Classes,” then “Class Schedule and Registration” to look at the class schedules and fill in our online registration form. WEEKLY GIVING REPORT Offering needed each week: $2,658.00 February 22, 2015 Attendance 8:30 a.m. 91 Offering Received $2,382.00 Building Fund $ 72.00 Noisy Offering $ 190.92 Attendance (Ash Wed.) 64 Attendance Lent Feb 25 68 March 1, 2015 Attendance 8:30 a.m. 79 Offering Received $2,247.00 Simply Giving $ 580.00 Building Fund $ 31.00 Simply Giving Building $ 110.00 Noisy Offering $ 106.62 Attendance Lent March 4 60 10:45 a.m. 19 Community Supper Wednesday, April 15 5:30 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 42 Pregnancy Help Center News March 8, 2015 Attendance 8:30 a.m. 36 10:45 a.m. 18 Offering Received $1,271.00 Building Fund $ 108.00 Noisy Offering $ 108.76 Thrivent Choice Dollars$ 328.00 Attendance Lent Service March 11 50 March 15, 2015 Attendance 8:30 a.m. 118 10:45 a.m. Offering Received $3,187.00 Simply Giving $1,625.00 Building Fund $ 86.00 Noisy Offering $ 109.29 Attendance Lent Service - March 18 54 March 22, 2015 Attendance 8:30 a.m. 62 10:45 a.m. Offering Received $ 1,875.00 Building Fund $ 57.00 Noisy Offering $ 98.25 Attendance Lent Service - March 25 56 Bring a dish to pass. Invite our community friends! More details regarding the meal will be forthcoming. Come & join in a fun evening! 22 Spring is here, and the garage sales will be popping up. It’s time to do your shopping for the Pregnancy Help Center in Rice Lake. Infant items to size 2 are needed as well as blankets, quilts, receiving blankets, bath blankets, etc. Items may be placed in the metal cabinet in the sewing room at any time, for a late May delivery. Submitted by Norma Jenson 35 May newsletter articles are due April 22nd. Annual “Chance Quilt Sale” Look for our annual “Quilt Chance Sale” after Easter. We will have 4 or 5 really nice quilts for you to take a “Chance” on. We have a nice queen size, machine quilted “Log Cabin” quilt in pastel colors and a baby quilt in primary colors we call “Blue Jeans Teddy. MEMORIAL GIVING LIST Homebound * Child Care Center Lyle Bonkrude Gerry Ekern * Feed My Starving Children - Maynard Ekern Joyce Holstrom * Funding for the worship phone line so homebound people can listen to the service ($30/month) Lorraine Hover Violet Hover Doraine Krug Harris Johnson * Cameron Food Pantry Janice Nelson Stacy Witkowski * Habitat for Humanity Ted & Carol Lieberherr * Benjamin House (for the homeless) in Rice Lake * Scholarships for sending children to Luther Park Bible Camp Sponsor the Phone Line - 2015 Remember in Prayer Prayers of Well-Being Our church Our pastor, Loren Barker Our bishop, Rick Hoyme Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, presiding bishop of the ELCA April Jerry & Bonnie Peterson in memory of their parents Prayers for our Servicemen and their families LTC William Moen Gunnery Sergeant Daniel Broom Sergeant Gary Wilcox Tech Sergeant Eric Richter Sergeant Steve Thompson Sergeant Andrew Cosgrove First Lieutenant Ryan Hansen June Arlyss Butler, Sue, Patty, Jarl & Brady in memory of Bill Butler Those that are dealing with health issues September Carolyn Crotteau in memory of Dean Raven If you would like a prayer request, a visit from the pastor or are hospitalized and would like to be added to the list, please contact Pastor Loren at 715/458-2788. ~WANTED~ Someone to take over the decorating of the tables for funerals. We do not have as many as before, and I need the space that has been used to store these items. There is a considerable amount of flowers and napkins you may have, or you may do your own decorating as you wish. I need to know, so I can reclaim the space used. It would not be convenient for me to travel to the church to get them ready. Sincerely, Norma Jenson May Arlyss Butler, Patty, Jarl & Brady in memory of Reid Wallmow July Rolly & Virginia Olson in memory of Glen & Leona Olson and Malcolm & Kay Rudd August David & Sharon Przybylski in memory of their parents October Dennis & Florence Weise in memory of Robert & Lillie Lystie November Mark & Mary Brion in memory of their grandparents December Melissa & Nathan Kallsen in memory of Dorothy Beranek Pastor Loren will be taking a week of continuing education April 6-12. Tom Mulderink will be preaching on April 12. 7:30 pm Alanon 12:00 Kallsen Family using basement 10:45 am Worship/Confirmation 9:40 am Sunday School 9:00 am Quilting 28 8:30 am Worship 27 6:00 pm Church Council 5:15 pm Daisy Girl Scouts 7:30 pm Alanon 21 20 7:30 pm Alanon 9:40 am Adult Bible Study 26 10:45 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 9:40 am Adult Bible Study 8:30 am Worship 19 Pastor - Continuing Ed. 10:45 am Worship 9:40 am Sunday School 6:00 pm Education Committee 9:00 am Quilting 5:30 pm Brownie Troop Meeting 8:30 am Worship 9:40 am Adult Bible Study 14 13 12 Easter Sunday 9:30 am Easter Worship 7:30 am Easter Brunch 7:30 pm Alanon 7 Tuesday 6:30 pm Bell Choir 8 9 10 Good Friday 8:00 pm Good Friday Worship 6:30 pm Maundy Thursday Worship 5:30 pm Seder Meal Maundy Thursday 3 2 1 Friday Thursday Wednesday 11 4 Saturday 29 6:30 pm Bell Choir 22 6:30 pm Bell Choir 5:30 pm Community Supper 15 30 23 1:00 pm Finance Committee 16 9:30 am Bible Study 24 9:30 am Bible Study 17 25 18 Pastor Loren - Continuing Education—————————————————————- ———————————————————————————————————- 6 5 6:30 am Easter Sunrise Service Monday Sunday April - 2015 Faith Lutheran Church PO Box 305 201 South 4th Street Cameron, WI 54822 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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