APRIL 2015 Faith Lutheran Church 2116 Mineral Point Avenue Janesville, WI 53548 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 233 Janesville, WI 53545 Ponderings from Pastor Anne Coming to terms with the times The presiding bishop of the ELCA - Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, wrote an article for The Lutheran this month titled “Coming to terms with the times.” She discusses, as we have been, the changes in church life across the United States. She writes about the different approaches that congregations have taken to this reality. Many congregational members look at potential members like replacement parts for aging congregations. This isn’t the reason Jesus wanted us to share the Good News. Bishop Eaton continued, But why do we want people to join our church? What does church mean to us? When I have asked that question, people often spoke about church as community or family. People talked about the good and important work their congregations carried out to feed the hungry or shelter the homeless. Some said the best thing about their congregations wasn’t programs but people. It was rare that anyone mentioned God or spoke about an encounter with the transcendent. I don’t believe our people lack faith or don’t know Jesus, but I wonder if we have lost the language to speak about the love of God that has been given to us in the crucified and risen Christ. Maybe we just assume Jesus. Maybe Jesus has become like wallpaper: we know it’s there and everyone can see it, but we don’t have to talk about it. The best thing about the church, the thing that is uniquely the church, is not programs or people, but Jesus. It we as a people, and as congregations, don’t get that right it doesn’t matter how many programs we come up with. In Christ through the Spirit, God has invited us into a deeply intimate and loving relationship with God and with each other. Being church is abiding in that love. We are God’s beloved people gathered around word and sacraments. That’s what gives us life. That’s what shapes us. That’s what sends us out into the world to do justice and to love kindness (Micah 6:8). And this must be the kind of community to which we invite others - not because we want to grow or pay for the boiler or attack young people, but because we have received this incredible life-changing gift and want everyone to be touched and claimed and transformed by it, too. A couple weeks ago I ended my sermon with this story. It is a powerful truth. Not long ago a clergy colleague had to bury a little girl from his congregation after a tragic drowning accident. Everyone was devastated. As person after person expressed their condolences to the heartbroken parents, many of them asked what they could do. The parents didn’t miss an opportunity to say to everyone that asked, “Find a church. We couldn’t bear this unimaginable grief without our faith and our church family. Find a church. It matters.” Or another true story that I told at midweek worship. I remember one Sunday a guest visited our church as she was facing some personal struggles. She was very surprised to find some of her coworkers at church. Her coworkers knew of her struggles and had been sympathetic at work, but none of them had extended an invitation for her to come to church. She was puzzled, and hurt. Our faith matters. Our faith community matters. Our love and care for one another matters. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection matters. That’s why we invite people to church. Resurrection and growth is not just for the afterlife; it is also for this life here and now. Resurrection happens often. New life comes. Faith sustains. Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Pastor David Andert Peace Be With You The Easter story in Matthew’s Gospel says, “They left with fear and great joy. Jesus came and said to them, ‘Do not be afraid.’” (Matthew 28:8-10) On Easter evening, John’s Gospel tells us, “The doors of the house where the disciples met were locked for fear. Jesus came and stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you.’”(John 20:19) It is often difficult to face the unknown. There may be excitement and anticipation when facing something new, but that is usually for a new experience that we have chosen to participate in. But when the structure is unexpectedly shattered and the supports are knocked away, fear is a common reaction. It is not difficult to understand the disciple’s fear in the above passages. They had followed Jesus for 3 years. They didn’t understand his promises about death and resurrection. They didn’t know what was happening. Their whole world had been turned upside down. They had lost a leader and friend, a mission and purpose in life. When Jesus comes to them there is no blame or recrimination. He doesn’t say, “Where were you?” or “Why did you leave me alone?” There isn’t even a hint of that kind of thought. Instead he came with words of comfort, encouragement and hope. “Do not be afraid.” “Peace be with you.” Jesus looks to the future, and to his follower’s part in it. He gives his friends and followers words of comfort and encouragement. That is how Jesus also comes into our lives when we feel most empty or alone. He comes with comfort and encouragement, with promise and with hope. His message continues to be, “Do not be afraid.” and “Peace be with you.” Every Sunday when we gather at worship a part of the experience is to be reminded and renewed in those promises. Christ is with us. His presence and his promises renew, give strength and direction, and restore hope. See you in worship and have a blessed Easter season, Pastor David Andert Mission Outreach Get involved. Make a difference. Share God’s love. MILLION MEALS Our congregation has had cross-generational fun in recent years packaging food for KIDS AGAINST HUNGER. On Sunday, May 3rd, Rock County Rotary Clubs (Janesville Morning, Janesville Noon, Edgerton, and Beloit Rotary) are sponsoring the area’s biggest food packaging event, and we’ll be there! Groups of 10 volunteers ages 5 and older will work in two-hour shifts on 48 lines in the vacant building at 2604 Humes Road, Shopko Plaza, Janesville. If you can lift a small cup, are 5 years old or 95 (or anywhere in between!), we can work together. Volunteers will measure, weigh and package powdered food from bins. The goal is to package one million meals between 7:30 am and 5:30 pm on Sunday, May 3rd. Faith Lutheran has reserved five tables from 1:00 – 3:00, so we need 50 people to sign up to help. Sign up sheets will be available the month of April (after Easter). Please watch for them! Anyone who volunteers to help needs to be sure they show up at the Shopko Plaza location on time. To be successful, this needs to be a well-oiled machine. Thank you for helping! GIFTS Men’s Shelter Thank you to everyone who donated time and/or food & supplies to the GIFTS men in March. They are grateful, and we are blessed to be part of the giving. It is wonderful that shelter is being expanded for year-round availability and outreach for the men. Consistent support is essential for sustainable change. Our congregation will be discussing how we can continue participating in this important mission. THANK YOU to Kathy McGrath for leading us into a mission with GIFTS for the past three years. Thank you also to Deb Westby for agreeing to be our new GIFTS coordinator. We will be partnering with United Methodist on Mount Zion the week of June 28th. The Methodist church will host the men, and we hope to provide volunteers and food the first three days of that week. Look for more information as we move into late spring. CROP WALK Remember, the Crop Hunger Walk, is Sunday April 26th, with 1:00 registration at Cargill Methodist and a 1:30 start. There are two important ways to participate: as a walker raising funds or as a supportive contributor. See Jim Tollefson to ask questions, to sign up as a walker, or to donate. Each walker is encouraged to bring a canned good or non-perishable item with them for ECHO. ECHO In February our congregation collected peanut butter for ECHO. Our total item count was 77. In March we’ve focused on contributing toilet paper (although anything is eagerly accepted). Imagine having very little money for food and having to spend part of that $ on the “extras” like toilet paper. There are ECHO collection bins in the entrance area between the front door and the fellowship hall. There will also be a basket in the gathering space outside the sanctuary. Sharing our blessings is important, and the more ways we can be reminded of others’ needs, the better! If you EVER have an idea of how to increase our awareness or how to challenge the congregation to contribute, please don’t hesitate to share it with Evon Mitchell or the pastors. The last Sunday in April our ECHO focus will be toothbrushes and toothpaste. Blessed to be a blessing From the Council President - Ron Krueger Recap of the Congregational Q & A The top three concerns of the congregation were: Attendance and Membership; Finances; and Congregational Input into decision making I’d like to cover how these issues were addressed during the Q & A on March 22. Attendance/membership We can discuss statistics but our efforts are focused on more than just increasing numbers. Fifty percent of the comments on the survey noted attendance at worship and membership loss as the most important topic for the council and congregation to consider. Previous information presented showed that Faith’s attendance decreased 8%, but in relation to other ELCA churches in the area – that was a small decrease. How do we grow? One way is to recognize that as we grow it is really all about our worship feeding the spirit, sharing Christian hospitality and inviting others to receive the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. Perhaps you have already noticed that the pastor’s sermons, newsletter articles, and meetings are addressing attendance and membership. Sharing this concern the council has formed a Hospitality Committee. Thus named because hospitality is another way of giving a warm and inviting welcome to guests and new members, enhancing relationships with seasoned members and re- welcoming members who have been absent for a while – Just what we want to do! It is focused on making the worship experience as communal and welcoming as possible. Initiatives the hospitality committee are working on include: Reinitiating name tag use; Creation of a Hospitality counter or Welcome Center; Establishing a greeters protocol; Developing a Welcome packet; Secret Greeters (everyone); Follow-up with guests; Re-connecting with lapsed members; Rides for non-drivers; and Hosting new member classes more frequently (once a quarter). Finances 1) Monthly financials can be found in the Council binder on the back counter in the Gathering Space. 2) Designated Funds are all fully funded and current. 3) Payment of all invoices are current and on time. 4) Members of the Finance Committee are reviewing all expenses and meeting every Friday to cover bills. 5) The office staff is zealous in their management of the financial records of the church. And 6) Faith Little Friend finances are currently under review as a potential revenue stream. Congregational Q & A (continued) Congregational Input into decision making The 2015 Council is committed to enhancing FLC mission statement while doing it with transparency and inclusiveness. Please ask any of the council members any questions that you have. It is important to get updated and correct information so that you can inform the under or misinformed. As in any organization unreliable rumors fracture good will! How is the council being transparent and inclusive? 1) Three ring binder on the counter with all the past agenda's, minutes, financials, and written committee reports in it. Be intentional about reading it. 2) The Whiteboard in the Gathering Space used as an informational tool with the most current news posted and an area for comments, questions and suggestions. 3) Congregation Members have time slotted at the beginning of each council meeting to speak directly to the council. And 4) Have Quarterly "State of the Church" forums. Thanks, Ron You are welcome to contact myself or the other council members regarding any concerns. Contact information for the full council is listed at the back of the newsletter for your convenience. WELCOME! New Member Orientation For awhile now we have held a New Member Orientation in the fall, spring, and winter. Our next New Member Orientation will be Thursday, April 16 or Saturday, April 18. Your choice, since finding one time that works for everyone is difficult. The orientation will last for two hours. Please R.S.V.P. to let us know if we can expect you, so we can have a packet of materials prepared for you. Phone: 754-0261. We would love to welcome you officially to Faith! Where you, your questions, your doubts, your passions, and your God-given gifts are all welcome! Thursday, April 16, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm - or Saturday, April 18, from 9:00 - 11:00 am We’ll meet outside the office area - upstairs (at the north end of the building). Sunday School Reimagining Sunday School The pastor told us with tears in his eyes of the 50 children who recently prayed for 15 minutes over a 75-year old man dying of brain cancer during their Family Faith Night. It was clearly a powerful God story for the pastor and for all who participated. Many of you have expressed concern over declining Sunday School numbers. This year we started moving from a traditional Sunday School model to a more cross generational model. HUGE thanks to Donna Herzfeldt for her energy, creativity, and dependability in teaching our children! We introduced the “Faith 5” for families to use at home each evening” (Sharing highs and lows, reading a short scripture passage together, talking about how that scripture might intersect with our highs and lows, praying together - with parents and children praying, and blessing one another all around.) It was well received by those who were present. As we have talked with the families who come on Sunday mornings, we have discussed options for alternate meeting times. The reality is that there are a huge number of competing demands for the Sunday morning time slot. Everything from team and club sports to shared custody arrangements mean that many children are no longer available for weekly Sunday morning education time. Add to that the general craziness of young family schedules which no longer make church a priority, and the recipe is replicated over and over and over again in congregational life. So we started talking about moving to a midweek family-friendly, interactive, cross-generational worship / education time. We have talked with the families about beginning with a simple meal and then moving into worship / family faith time. At the Synod LEAD (Leadership, Education, and Development) conference a few weeks ago one of the workshops talked about this topic. Pastor Rob Nelson of New Heights Church in our synod said that from 1990 - 2010 in the ELCA, Sunday School enrollment declined by 61%, worship attendance declined by 53%, membership declined by 20%, Vacation Bible School declined by 40%. Sunday School (continued) That’s the bad news. Now the good news! New Heights Lutheran Church had 8 children in Sunday School in 2006, with 4 of them belonging to the Sunday School coordinator. By 2014 that had increased to 130! How? They started by introducing the Faith 5. They moved to midweek Family Faith Night beginning with a simple meal and continuing with a time of teaching and then small groups that are cross generational. Pastor Rob talked about the number of families who come to this Family Faith Night who have not been churched. The Wednesday night format is a safe entry point. It is less scary than Sunday morning for those who have not been raised in the church. And with 80% of those under the age of 18 never having been inside a church building, that is an increasing concern. The Faith Family Night is a like getting together with friends. And from it are coming incredible God stories. We had talked about trying a midweek time once in April and once in May and then launching it weekly next fall, but I have jury summons the last two weeks of April when it would make sense to begin, and trying to introduce a new idea in May probably doesn’t make as much sense as waiting until fall when we can really prepare well and get out enough notice that families can begin planning for the midweek time. It’s time to reimagine Sunday School. We’re doing the right things. The next step is to move the education time to a Wednesday Family Faith Night and get bold about inviting friends to “come and see”. Faith nurtures faith! And Faith matters. Pastor Anne Lutheran World Relief... During the months of April and May, Faith will be collecting items for Health Care Kits. These will be collected through May 24 so they can be delivered to the Synod Assembly. We will be creating HEALTH CARE KITS Each kit consists of: One bath-size bar of soap One toothbrush One nail clipper One (sturdy) comb One bath sheet (similar in size to a beach towel) Parish Nurse Mat Haeger, RN World Health Day The World Health Organization has identified Tuesday, April 7 as world health day. The theme for this year’s observance is: “Improving Food Safety, From Farm to Plate”. The World Health Organization indicates there are an estimated two million deaths each year linked with unsafe food or water. It would be easy to dismiss this concern and say this is more an issue for developing countries. Certainly the water and food in the United States is safe. The reality is that as our food supply becomes increasingly global, there are new threats emerging each year. This is evidenced by the number of foodborne and waterborne illnesses that are reported each year in the United States. So what actions can you take to make sure your food is safe. One of the biggest steps is to buy local. In Rock County we are blessed to have a number of local farmers growing organic produce. These farmers are selling shares to interested families right now and will begin with deliveries in May. These farmers also sell produce at local farmer markets in our communities. For a list of these farmers and their locations enter (fyi.uwex.edu/rockf2s) into your web browser. When this web page comes up, click on the (Local Farmers, Local Food) tab. Then scroll to the bottom of this web page for a list. Purchasing local produce from these providers has two added benefits to our environment; lower use of fossil fuels for shipping and no use of synthetic fertilizers and insecticides. Other actions the World Health Organization recommends to promote food safety include: (1) Keeping Clean. Wash your hands before preparing food to eat and when eating food. Wash and sanitize surfaces and equipment used for food preparation. (2) Separate Raw From Cooked Food. Separate raw meats and seafood from other foods. Raw vegetables and fruits should be (3) cut with a separate knife on a separate cutting board from meats and seafood. Store raw and cooked foods separately in the refrigerator. (3) Cook Thoroughly. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature of meats and seafood before serving, 165 degrees Fahrenheit for completely cooked and 145 degrees Fahrenheit for medium well. Reheat cooked food items thoroughly before serving. Bring soups and stews to a boil first before serving. (4) Keep Food Temperatures Safe. Don’t leave cooked food items at room World Health Day (Continued) (4) Keep Food Temperatures Safe. Don’t leave cooked food items at room temperature for longer than two hours. Keep hot food items hot (above 140 degrees Fahrenheit). Promptly refrigerate cooked and perishable food items, below a refrigerator temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Use a thermometer to check your refrigerator to make sure it is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Thaw frozen food items in the refrigerator for a couple of days, not at room temperature. (5) Use Safe Water and Raw Materials. Choose foods that are safe such as pasteurized dairy and juice products. Wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them or cooking with them. Do not use food items beyond the posted expiration date. With these practices you should greatly reduce your risk of a waterborne or foodborne illness. Remember, knowledge equals prevention, equals safety, equals good health. Enjoy! April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month A child’s life can be fraught with questions, anxiety, fear and anger. God’s love is shown through an act of kindness, gentleness, or reassurance to them or their parent. “For it is too such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14-15. FAITH 5 Verses for MAY can be found on Faith’s website. BeFriender Ministry Church News BeFriender Training dates...Mark your calendars! As you learn more about the BeFriender Ministry and consider the wondrous opportunity being offered at Faith to train and join the ranks of a caring group of people...mark these dates on your calendar. SUNDAY, APRIL 26 1:00 PM Registration 1:30 PM Start Walk begins at: CARGILL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 2000 Wesley Dr., Janesville. Contact Jim Tollefson to ask questions, 608- 756-1452. Portion of proceeds benefit local ECHO program….Each walker is encouraged to bring a canned good or non-perishable item for ECHO. Saturday, April 11 Thursday, April 16 Thursday, April 23 Thursday, April 30 Saturday, May 9 Check with Mat Haeger, Lynn Husen or Evon Mitchell for specific details. Please keep this exciting ministry in your prayers as we move forward. Saturday, MAY 9 OPEN HOUSE FAITH’S LITTLE FRIEND’S June 7th 2015 CARNIVAL Pancake Breakfast served from 9 to Noon Camp Activities Open from 10 to 2 Games-Prizes-Food-Fun! 11 am to 1 pm Tickets available at event. Money raised goes toward new playground equipment. Call for details. Parking Lot at Faith 8:30am-5:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 6:30-8:30pm 8:30am-5:30pm Lutherdale invites new and past campers to kick off the summer season at our Open House! Free! Meet the 2015 Staff Waterfront Activities Slip & Slide Camp Style Worship Service Farm Animals 9 Square in the Air Climbing Tower Ga Ga Ball Camp Tours Church News Faith’s Little Friends Nicky Bird, Director April... 4/04—Don Koenen 4/06—Ralph Cohen 4/06– Phillip Schuman 4/10– Kathryn Shebiel 4/10– Stephen Johnson 4/11– Gladwyn Helmeid 4/12– Beverly Schwanke 4/12- Carol Zimney 4/17- Phyllis Spangler 4/17– Barbara Arndt 4/18– Lavon Chatt 4/22– Merlin Olson 4/24– Joe Eichelt 4/26- Audrey McNatt 4/28– Beth Fries 4/29– William Bohn 4/30– Anne Naeser Faith Lutheran, “a place where everybody knows your name…” Welcome Spring! It is so nice to finally have the warm weather. The kids have been enjoying getting outside daily! We have been busy at the center doing lots of fun activities with the kids. Our parent involvement activity for April is a Lady’s Spa night. This will be Thursday, April 30th. The children will be having a tea party, painting fingernails and doing hair. What a great way to spend time with your child! The children are also looking forward to spending time with their families for Easter. The staff and children of Faith’s Little Friends would like to say a BIG congratulation to Pastor Anne and Pastor David on becoming grandparents! We would welcome visitors anytime, just to say HI to children or read them a story. Have a wonderful Easter! To emphasis “community” in the FLC family for visitors, new members and seasoned members, the Council is asking members to once again begin wearing their name tags. They will be in the Gathering Space if you left them at church. If you need a new name tag, please contact Vicki in the church office and she will get a new one made for you. MISSIONARIES… What an opportunity we have to help support Curtis and Katie (Andert) Kline as ELCA missionaries in Bogota, Colombia! A suggested weekly sponsorship is $20. If you would like to participate, use the missionary sponsorship envelopes located in the pews and place it in the offering plate, or mail to the church office. If you would like a specific date to sponsor use the sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the Gathering Space. To follow their work via their blog simply “google” 8000 Feet and Counting. Faith’s Little Friends 608-754-9336 flfriendsdaycare@gmail.com Church News... FLY! Jason Poole Time to start getting ready for... THE ANNUAL FAITH LUTHERAN RUMMAGE SALE Time to start cleaning out the drawers & closets, sorting what still works or fits, and deciding “do I really need this or is it just taking up space”. The annual Rummage Sale is scheduled to be held Friday and Saturday, April 17 & 18th Friday 4-8 pm; Saturday 8 am-4 pm As always, donations will be accepted at the church the entire week prior to the sale. Volunteers are needed to set-up on Thursday all day and on Friday day. They are also need to work and teardown the sale. Sign-up sheets are in the Gathering Space. Please consider how you can help. The Youth would like to send out a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to the Congregation for your support during the Lent. Your weekly support at the Soup Suppers and joining us for Palm Sunday breakfast was greatly appreciated allowing the Youth to raise money to participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering this summer. SPECIAL THANKS also go out to Karin Perkins and the amazing Perkins family—who always seem to know how to step in and make things happen! Shop on Amazon.com? Want an easy, free way to benefit Faith? The next time you go to Amazon.com to buy something (anything) use the following link and Faith will receive a percentage of EVERY SINGLE eligible purchase made via smile.amazon.com at no additional cost to you. It’s that easy! Just use the web address below or visit smile.amazon.com and search for “Faith Lutheran Church Janesville” and choose us to receive that donation each time you shop online with Amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/ch/39-6023791 For more information or to learn more, contact Jason Poole @ (312) 505-7335 or jrp0529@gmail.com Church News Church News...from Pastor Anne The Church wishes to thank Natalie Indgjer for her time and talents with the Baptismal program. Her detail to the Baptismal towels and time spent creating the certificates is greatly appreciated. Continuing the Story at Faith: Natalie has recently let us know that she will be unable to continue completing the certificates. Thus, we are looking for a skilled individual to fill her spot. Natalie used her skill as a calligrapher to fill-out the printed certificates…Are you perhaps the person we need? Talk to Pastor Anne to find out more about this volunteer position. For the season of Lent our theme has been, “I Love to Tell the Story.” We have talked about how faith makes a difference, and the need to tell those stories. You are invited to bring in photos of where you see God at work in your life or the life of loved ones. Vicki Trudell - Admin. Assistant, and Jason Poole - youth minister, are starting a bulletin board in the lower level gathering space to collect the photos that point to where God’s presence is being felt, seen, and made real through your lives, your work, and your faith. The more we practice noticing and naming Jesus at work in and around us, the easier it is to recognize God’s presence among us. We’ve Listened! The feedback we received has encouraged us to bring back a section of the newsletter that seemed to fade away last year. Beginning with the May Newsletter we will be including a monthly calendar with the Weekly Church Volunteers listed. This will include: Greeters, Readers, Communion Servers, Ushers, Altar Guild, Monday AM Counters and more. As you read through the calendar, if you find an opportunity that you are able to fill, please contact the office to volunteer. God at work in and through the good people of Faith! An invitation for you. The bulletin board is titled, “God at work in and through the people of Faith!” It is not unlike when we were taking time in worship to, Celebrate What’s Right with God’s World. Maybe it’s time to consider again the messages from that focus. * Believe it and you’ll see it. * Recognize abundance. * Look for possibilities. * Unleash your energy to fix what’s wrong. * Ride the changes. * Be your best for the world. I hope you’ll consider bringing in a picture of God at work in or around you. Don’t be shy! This isn’t bragging. It’s about celebrating God’s generosity, love, and grace in our lives. God is good! Soul Stitchin’ Sisters If you have anything to add to the May 2015 Windows, please submit it to Vicki by April 21st. Would you like to receive the Faith newsletter via email? Call Vicki in the office to add your name to the email list. The newsletter has a new location on Faith’s website. Go to www.faithlutheranjanesville.org and click on the month you would like to view under the “Newsletter” heading, lower right side of the web page. Our next meeting is. Tuesday, April 14th at 6:00 p.m. Hosted by: Karen Symons 1512 Camelot Dr. Please join us for stitching, learning & visiting Please remember shawls are available in the church office or by calling Julie Seiler 752-0691 or Juanita Vitcenda 752-0490 Faith Lutheran Church Worship 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Learning for all ages 10:30 am Contemporary worship The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person — questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. Council Directory: President Ron Krueger Property Management Bob Jacobson rjkrueger@charter.net marynrobert1954@gmail.com jpoole@wartburgseminary.edu 608-756-2043 Vice President Lee Braem leebon@att.net 608-758-0787 Secretary Bonnie Kanter-Braem bekbraem@gmail.com 608-201-1825 Life in Faith Karin Perkins r6rgr8@yahoo.com 608-754-2536 608-207-0177 cell Mission Outreach Evon Mitchell evonm@att.net 608-756-1007 Youth & Family Open position 608-752-6111 Phil Schuman sayts46@att.net 608-290-9669 Adult Education Tom Hall Tom.pat53545@gmail.com 608-754-0985 Youth Representative Brett Perkins brettperkins1919@gmail.com 608-359-5166 Stewardship Deb Jacobson Jacobsondeb@yahoo.com 608-754-4189 608-931-3123 cell Treasurer Linda Worth laworth@sbcglobal.net 608-756-2544 608-290-3752 cell Worship and Music Jason Poole 312-505-7335 Personnel Gerd Kanter kanterge@gmail.com 608-752-0517 Endowment Foundation Ron Krueger, President 608-756-2043 Linda Olander, Treasurer 608-755-9885 Marcia Ahlgren Diane Brown Deanna Hoff Paul Wojczak Garry Summers Meets 1st Sunday of all even months between services. Senior Housing Corp. Mark Johnson, President Loretta Slinde, Secretary Gordie Reed Duke Francis Nancy Will Church Staff: Faith’s Little Friends flfriendsdaycare@gmail.com 608-754-9336 Senior Pastor Rev. Anne Andert anneandert@gmail.com 608-449-4403 Associate Pastor Rev. David Andert davidandert@hotmail.com 608-247-4406 Youth Minister Jason Poole jpoole@wartburgseminary.edu 312-505-7335 Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper (Accounts Payable) Vicki Trudell faithlutheran2116@gmail.com 608-754-0261 Custodian Joe Brazil Interim Faith Ringers Director Diana Jewson Accompanist Linda Worth Volunteer Staff: Bookkeeper (Accounts Receivable) Karen Bohn faithlutheran2116@gmail.com 608-754-0261 Spanish GED & English Tutor Coordinator: Barb Becker Parish Nurse Mat Haeger, RN Organist Gary Bersell Interim Sanctuary Choir Director Ellen Knutson Nicky Bird, Director Sue Hartman, Asst. Director Lizzy Zawacki, Melissa Brown, Mary Westness, Angie Brown, Lorie Olsen, Stephanie Petchak, Susan Blasing, Crystal Watkins, Kathy Scott, Suzanne Machuca, Brittany Beggs and Amanda Draeving Missionaries: Curtis & Katie (Andert) Kline curtisline1@gmail.com kcandert@gmail.com Blog: 8000FeetAndCounting.blogspot.com Visit us on the web: faithlutheranjanesville.org Or on Facebook: Faith Lutheran Church Janesville April 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 Maundy Thursday 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 6:30 am—9:00 pm 9:30-11 am English Class Prayer Vigil for PEACE 6:30 pm Worship Service 6:30 pm Worship Service 7:00 pm AA 3 Good Friday SATURDAY 4 Faith's Little Friends-closed 5 EASTER 6:30 am Sunrise worship 8:00 am Traditional worship 10:30 am Contemporary worship 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 6 7 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:15 pm Faith Ringers 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse 10:00 am Staff Meeting office hrs. 6:00 pm Confirmation 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 2:00 pm Walk for Fitness 6:00 pm Executive Team 6:00 pm Brownie Troop 6:30 pm All Team 6:30 pm Finance Task Force 8:00 pm Bldg. Fund T.F. 8 9 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:00 pm Daycare Board Meeting 6:00 pm BeFriender Meeting 7:00 pm AA 10 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs 11 8:30 am-5:30 pm BeFriender Training 9:00 am—2:00 pm Confirmation Retreat 12 13 14 15 16 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Education for all ages! 9:15 am FLY! 10:30 am Contemporary worship Baptism-Manthei 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:15 pm Faith Ringers 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. Rummage Sale 9:30-11 am English Class 9:00-4:00 pm Set-Up 1:30 pm Circle Lesson Leaders 4:00-8:00 pm SALEOPENS! 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30-8:30 pm BeFriender Training 7:00 pm AA-Gathering Space 9:00am-9:00 pm Rummage Sale Set-up Rummage Sale 8:00 am—4:00 pm Rummage Sale Drop-off 9:00 am Quilting 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 2:00 pm Walk for Fitness 6:00 pm Soul Stichin Sisters 6:30 pm Council Meeting Rummage Sale Drop-off 19 20 21 22 23 25 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Blood Pressure Check between services 9:15 am Education for all ages! 9:15 am FLY! 10:30 am Contemporary worship 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:15 pm Faith Ringers 9:00 Lydia Circle 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 2:00 pm Walk for Fitness 6:00 PM Brownie Troop 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30-8:30 pm BeFriender Training 7:00 pm AA Rummage Sale Drop-off 17 24 FLF Picture Day NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 26 27 28 29 30 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Education for all ages! 9:15 am FLY! 10:30 am Contemporary worship Baptism-Brockman 7:00 pm AA/Alanon CROP WALK ECHO SUNDAY-collection 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:15 pm Faith Ringers 9:00 am Quilting 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 2:00 pm Set-up for Mexican Consulate 8:30 am—4:30 pm Mexican Consulate 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:00 pm Confirmation 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30 am—4:30 pm Mexican Consulate 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30-8:30 pm BeFriender Training 7:00 pm AA Are you remembering To practice the “Faith 5”? Every night-every home. 5 steps-5 minutes. Verses on faith’s website: www.faithlutheranjanesville. org Under the “Faith 5” tab on the home page. 18
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