Moving Sale Colossal Clearance! Welcome to... Pay by Debit or Credit Card! Prayer for the Sick and Healing Cloths If you would like to request prayer for healing during a service, please fill out a Healing Ministry Request Card from the information table and hand it to an usher before the service starts. If you would like to bring a healing cloth to someone who can’t attend the service, please give the cloth to an usher before the service. During or after the service, the Pastoral team will pray over the cloth(s) according to Acts 19:11-12. (Available for $1 in the Wordshop) Thank you for joining us! Staff: Senior Pastors: Roma and Anita Fisher Assistant Pastors: Ken and Cindy Semeschuk Youth Pastors: Steve and Kendra Hussey 70 Secord St, Thunder Bay ON P7B 3C9 April 2015 2015: The Year to Win! If you believe anything is possible. Mark 9:23 New Address: 360 Black Bay Road, Thunder Bay ON P7A 1P5 Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday, 9:30 am to 12:30 pm Email: Faith City Church Geraldton Pastor Glen & Bev Wesley Sunday 10:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Location: 310 Main St, Geraldton (side entrance) Service Times: Sundays 10:30 am Wednesdays 7:00 pm Phone: 807.344.1956 Email: Welcome! Welcome to Faith City Church as we celebrate 2015: The Year to Win! We’re believing God to fulfill His promises in our lives. 3 John 2 promises us prosperity and blessings in spirit, soul and body. If you are a first time guest, we invite you to fill out a Guest Registration Card and bring it to the Wordshop after service! For more information, please speak to one of our Staff or look us up on or like us on Facebook. View Sunday Morning Services Live! 1. 2. Go to and search “Faith City Church Live” (this link can also be found on the Faith City Church Facebook page.) Go to and click the livestreaming button. Connection Groups • • • • • Elders In Action - Wednesday, April 8 @ 11 am Men’s Ministry - Thursday, April 16th @ 7 pm Women of Destiny - Thursday, April 16th @ 7 pm Topic: “Begin Again” Young Adults - Saturday, April 18th @ 7 pm Leadership Essentials - Sunday, April 26th @ 6:30 pm We Are Moving! Tentative Last Service @ 70 Secord: April 29th The new Faith City Church building address is 360 Black Bay Road. The projected cost of the purchase and renovation of this building is $820,000. You can get involved by donating towards the building project and helping with the renovation and move. Please sign up at the back table if you are able to help! Faith Foundations These classes will run until Sunday, April 12th! If you would like to attend, join the group downstairs after the morning service! Open Mic, Café & Auction! Featuring many church items and memorabilia! Friday, April 17 @ 7pm Please bring in your donations for the auction by Wednesday, April 15th! Can you sing or play an instrument? Are you interested in joining the Faith City Church Worship Team? Come join us on Monday, Apr 27 at 7 pm! Worship Team practices on Monday evenings at 7 pm. There will be no practice on Monday, April 6. Faith Life Bible School Auditing applications are available at the information table at the back. Cost for auditing is $50.00 per semester, maximum of one class per semester. Fourth Semester classes are: - Church History Fourth Semester Starts Tuesday, - Healing April 21st! - Spiritual Growth Spirit Alive Sunday—April 12th Current Broadcast Schedule (EST) CHEX Television - Sunday 5:00 am CKWS Television - Sunday 5:00 am Grab your tickets and get in line as we learn how to face life's difficulties using the ultimate fruit, the Fruit of the Spirit. Nursery - up to 3 years Pre-School - 3-5 years Faith Kids - 5-9 years Pre-Teens - 10-12 years Nursery - up to 3 years Join us on Facebook at Spirit Alive TV Ministry Hope TV - Sunday 3:00 pm Sundays Wednesdays View Programs Online: TB Television - Sunday 9:30 am Pre-Service Prayer - Sundays at 10 am Corporate Prayer - Tuesdays at 6:30 pm CKPR Thunder Bay - Saturday Mornings Times Vary Faith Kids @ Nite - 4-10 years Impact Jr & Sr Youth - Wednesdays @ 7 pm - Fridays April 3 & April 17 @ 7 pm
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