MAY 2015 News Bits First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown, New Jersey BTOGETHER ound Pa s tor ’s M e s s a g e It was a few years back one Saturday morning during a church spring clean work day when, just for fun, I thought I might take a bottle of Windex and attempt to clean the stained glass windows in the Sanctuary. This was a huge no-no. The windows were dirty. I mean really, really, really dirty. It amazed me that any sunlight could penetrate through those windows; the dirt was caked so deep. I remember inspecting the lead as well. Ouch! The lead holding the windows together was brittle and ready to break. I thought to myself it’s amazing the windows didn’t collapse and cave in. Brian Walsh pointed out the deterioration of the windows on Sunday morning and questioned whether something ought to be done about them. I didn’t disagree, though I thought to myself “This is going to be one expensive project if and whenever we get around to getting the job done!” Those original windows were installed back in 1870, nearly one hundred and fortyfour years ago – installed when the present church was built. They had weathered many a howling winds and winters, so as the accumulation of dirt on the windows and the deteriorated lead came as no surprise, I decided any cleaning I did on those windows that Saturday workday wasn’t about to make much difference. No, this job needed someone with professional stained glass windows restoration skills. This job needed Cathedral Crafts from Winona, Minnesota. We hired them, and what a fabulous job they did bringing life to and bringing light through our windows! I call to mind how the windows used to be and how they now are, because Sunday, May 3rd, the stained glass windows will be dedicated during the service of worship – to the glory of God! The Chancel Choir will lead the congregation with soul stirring music. Singing group, Kelly and the Perks, will also join us and lead us in worship with their spirited revivalist songs. Songs, scripture, the sacrament of holy communion, the sermon – May 3rd we’ll give thanks to God for God’s faithfulness, for God’s forgiveness, for God’s guidance, for God’s abundance, during the time the windows were removed, restored and, now, reinstalled. Yes, the job is done. What a joy to see the rich colors in each window not only shining but illumining God’s light and love onto us, gracing us and reminding us that God is taking care of us. On our part, we’re like the people in Nehemiah’s time, after they had rebuilt the temple in Jerusalem after it had been ransacked and left in ruins: “We will not neglect the house of our God” (Nehemiah 10:39). I hope that you’ll attend worship that Sunday. Come, participate and celebrate with gladness and gratitude, God’s faithfulness and forgiveness, God’s tireless ability to look over us and care for us. Let us never loose sight of that! See you in worship, Pastor David by Faith Inside this issue: Session News 2 Deacon Notes 2 Presbyterian Women 2 Stewardship & Finance 3 Worship & Music Ministry 3 Christian Ed Ministry 4 Other Bits of News 5 Daily Prayer List 7 Birthdays & Anniversaries 7 Sermon — May 3, 2015 Dedication of the Stained Glass Windows Musical Guests: Kelly & the Perks 1 N ew s B its S e s s ion New s HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Fruit Iced Tea Sandwiches Chips Baked Goods Water Our church will once again be providing a hearty lunch for about 12 to 15 Habitat for Humanity volunteers at their work site on Saturday, May 9. There is a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall for those who would like to donate. Any questions? Please contact Joan Cameron at (908) 459-9068. The lunch is greatly appreciated by the Habitat volunteers so any assistance would be greatly welcomed! Please drop off your lunch donations at the OC by 10 AM on Sat., May 9. Excerpts from the Session meeting held on April 16, 2015. Session approved the following requests and recommendations: 1) The Session accepted with deep and profound regret the resignation of Nancy Bair from Session effective immediately. We are extremely grateful for her service on Session. 2) A request from Pastor Harvey to pay the $4,000.00 fee to the New Jersey Dept. of Environmental Protection for the NJ Flood Hazard Area Permit application. The application was prepared by Dykstra Associates in Newton as part of the feasibility study for the proposed additions for the new staircase and elevator at the rear of the church. 3) Baptism requests from William and Holly Chadwick for the baptism of their son, Theodore Chadwick, on May 17, 2015 and from John and Tara Knol for the baptism of their son, Colton Joseph Knol, on May 31, 2015. 4) A recommendation from the Stewardship and Finance Ministry to conduct a fundraiser to help with the cost of a new church marquee/ message board. 5) A recommendation from the Stewardship and Finance Ministry to sell food at the town wide yard sale and to host a fish fry dinner, date TBD, to raise money towards the cost of the stained glass windows restoration. Deb Albrecht, Clerk of Session In April, our food pantry served 34 families. A few weeks prior to our distribution day, we received a large donation of food, paper products, and personal hygiene items from the first graders at Blairstown Elementary School. Every first grader from the school paraded into the food pantry, happily carrying in bags of the items they had collected. It was a joyful sight indeed! Our next food pantry will take place on Saturday, May 16. On May 9, our church is preparing and delivering lunch for workers at the Warren County Habitat for Humanity site. Please consider making a donation of sandwiches, chips, baked goods, or water – there is a sign up sheet at church or you can contact Joan Cameron or the church office. In the coming months we will be preparing care packages for members and friends of the church who are serving in the military. Please contact me at 362-5084 or to submit names and addresses of those in the service. Yours in Christ, Teri Harvey De a con No te s According to the Book of Order, “the ministry of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of compassion, witness and service, sharing in the redeeming love of Jesus Christ for the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lost, the friendless, the oppressed, those burdened by unjust policies or structures, or anyone in distress.” Your Board of Deacons strives to fulfill this calling and appreciates all the good works and assistance provided by members and friends of our congregation. Blairstown Elementary School first graders, along with Food Pantry Coordinators, Betsy Gervasi and Erika Wulster, stocking the Food Pantry shelves with their donations. Pr e s byte r ia n Wo m e n The Presbyterian Women are extending their offering scholarships to Camp Johnsonburg for those interested. They will need a letter from the campers by May 4. There are also 2 forms to be filled out by the parents. These can be obtained from the church office. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 9 for a trip to Genesis Farm! Have breakfast at home then meet at the Church at 8:45 AM to car pool to the farm or meet there at 9:00 AM (address: 41 Silver Lake Road, Blairstown). Learn the history of Genesis Farm and take a tour. All are welcome! MAY 2015 S tew a r ds hip & F i na nce M in is tr y Every month when Session meets one of the Elders is responsible for devotions. In April, Chester Topolski shared his thoughts about the basis of faith and the choices we make. As I sat there listening, I began to consider what faith meant to me. To begin we need to think about what faith is. According to Wikipedia, faith is defined as belief, confidence or trust in a person, object, religion, idea or view despite the absence of proof. That sounds pretty cut and dried, but what does it really mean? There is a reference to faith in the Bible in Matthew 17: 20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ’Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” So now I wonder does that mean if I have faith the size of a mustard seed, that I can do anything I want? I remember a necklace I was given when I was about seven years old. It was a little clear ball with a mustard seed inside of it. I can remember feeling very special when I was wearing it, which was almost all the time. Did that represent my faith at the time? Perhaps it did. When I was seven we lived in New- B IB L E Q UI Z ark NJ in what I thought was the best place on earth. I went to Sunday School at Memorial Presbyterian Church and colored some great pictures as I learned about Jesus. So perhaps I was just beginning my journey with Jesus. When we moved to North Brunswick NJ, I attended the Reformed Church and went to Sunday School, Youth Group, and church services. This church was different than the Presbyterian church, but I still learned about Jesus and so my faith grew. I still had my mustard seed. A mustard seed is like any other seed in that it needs to be planted and nourished to grow into a large tree. To me my journey with Jesus began in Newark going to the church my father had attended his entire life, and learning the basis of faith. My faith continued to grow through my teen years as I was confirmed and tried to put my faith to work. In addition to the teachings of the church, I was extremely lucky to grow up in a family that followed God’s teachings and ,as they say, “practiced what was preached”. Now, as an adult, I find I’m growing my faith as I participate in this church community. So here’s my question for you: do you practice your faith? Does your faith grow or is it still the size of a mustard seed? Does your faith or lack of faith affect the decisions that you make in your life? I would like to think that if we all work to have our faith grow as a tree does from a tiny mustard seed then we all may be able to move mountains. Gail Weber, Chair Worship & Music Ministry Don’t miss the May 3rd stained glass celebration with Kelly & the Perks! Community members of all ages are welcome to attend and enjoy the group’s alt-bluegrass, American roots music (with a gospel influence). We will take time to appreciate the restored windows as they were nearly 150 years ago and enjoy the musical contributions Kelly Planer, Dave Coin, and Dave Imhof – who have become First Church favorites. Summer is just around the corner. Looking ahead, worship during July and August will again be held at 9 AM in Fellowship Hall. Watch for a spruced-up, more “worshipful” look and feel to our downstairs space this summer. Mark your calendars for a community concert to com- memorate the church’s 175th anniversary. On Sunday, Oct. 18, world music duo Simple Gifts will present a 3 PM performance in the sanctuary, with a reception to follow. Thank you to everyone who had a part – whether large or small – in making our Easter week services such a great success! Sandy Crisafulli, Chair According to Acts 2, on Pentecost some people accused the disciples of being drunk. Why? A. Because they were still asleep at 9 in the morning. B. Because all the wine was gone. C. Because they were all speaking in foreign languages. D. All of the above. Answer: (See Acts 2:4, 13.) JOIN US! Don’t miss the May 3rd stained glass celebration with Kelly & the Perks! 3 N ew s B its Chr is t ia n E d M in is tr y Youth Group Join the Youth Group on May 17 at Oakwood Lanes! Everyone is welcome! Email for more information. The Youth Group hosted the egg hunt on the 29th of March and participated in the Sunrise Service on Easter. The next Youth Service is on June 7. On May 17, they will be going bowling (everyone is welcome). This outing has already been approved by Session. The Youth Group is looking for volunteers in the nursery as well. May Sunday School Dates: May 3 Sunday School May 10 (Mother's Day) - children will attend the first part of the service and then do a craft in FH May 17 Sunday School May 24 Sunday School May 31 Sunday School June Sunday School Dates: June 7 Youth Service - no Sunday School June 14 Teacher Recognition - no Sunday School, children will attend first part of the service and then have activities TIME SNACK NTED A HELP W Recycle Used Greeting Cards! The Faith Works Sunday School class will take your used cards, separate the fronts from the backs, and send only the fronts of the cards to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children to be made into new cards which are sold to raise money. St. Jude’s Ranch for Children provides services to abused, abandoned, and neglected children and families in Nevada and Texas. A basket for cards is on the communications table in Fellowship Hall. 4 The First Presbyterian Church of Blairstown invites all children to Move, Act, Care, Follow, and Share at G-Force: God’s Love in Action Vacation Bible School. Explore and experience serving God and others with active love! The fun begins August 3rd and ends August 7th from 9 AM until 11:30 AM at the Outreach Center, 35 Main Street (next to the Blairstown Post Office). The adventure includes music that will energize your ears, interactive Bible fun, super science projects, cool crafts, delicious snacks, great games, and more. To be part of excitement at G-Force Adventure Park call 908-459-9068 MAY 2015 O the r B i ts of New s Book Club The FPCB Book Club will meet again on June 3 at 7:00 PM, hosted by Betsy Gervasi, at the home of Erika Wulster. Our reading selection is a mystery novel by Patricia Hawkins: The Girl on the Train. New members are always welcome, please contact Ellen Nagy with any questions: 362-7260. A prayer for Mom A young boy had been misbehaving, so his mother sent him to his room. Sometime later, he came out and told his mom he’d prayed about the matter. “That’s good,” she replied. “If you ask God for help to not misbehave, he’ll help you.” “Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving,” said the boy. “I prayed for God to help you put up with me.” May 10th 5 N ew s B its Children’s Center Preschool & Kindergarten has limited openings for the September 2015 school year. Please call Marlene Wilburn, 908362-7887 or email: to learn more about the Preschool and Kindergarten programs offered. SAVE THE DATE: Please join me on June 6 for a motorcycle ride/silent auction to benefit The Puppy Rescue Mission at Garden State Harley Davidson, 1775 Rt. 10E, Morris Plains, NJ. The Puppy Rescue Mission is a 5013c national charity devoted to raising funds and assisting in rescuing the animals our military men and women have bonded with while serving our country in war zones. You do not have to ride to come and enjoy meeting our soldiers and the animals they love—win a silent auction item and meet some incredible people. The animals in the Middle East are considered garbage and are treated as such. The atrocities ISIS is committing to people has been done to animals for years. We cannot leave the animals our soldiers love behind. Please check o u t 1916 or send a donation to me at 21 Maines Lane, Blairand join us for a great day. stown, NJ 07825. For more information or to Thank you so much, make a donation, please Marion Satterthwaite contact me at (908) 362- Local resident and church member, Tom Cramer, enjoying the outdoors. Photos reprinted with permission from the Blairstown News facebook page Tom Cramer has organized a fishing contest to take place on Saturday, May 9, from 8 AM to 4 PM at Blair Lake. A $5 donation is requested for those ages 17–65. Prizes & gifts awarded. There will also be concert, service of patriotism, and a memorial service for Ervin “Sonny” Shipps at 2 PM in Fellowship Hall. 6 MAY 2015 O ur Da ily Pr a ye r L is t Christians Abroad: Our sister church, Mathare North, Nairobi Kenya and those living in fear of persecution: Africa, Asia, and the Middle East Prayers for America: Men and Women Serving in the Armed Forces: Kelly Ashton Holleran, Jeremy Britton, John Brotzman, Michael Hudson, Matthew May, Doug Swift Economic Hardship: The unemployed and those struggling financially 1 4 5 6 10 11 13 15 21 27 28 29 David Harvey Mary Paulson Kurt Oelschlager Michael Nagyhetenyi Zack Burke Erik Wilburn Robin Orcutt Justin Alan Nicholls Todd Fennell Larry Schumacher Jessie Wilburn Emily Bowditch Doug Swift Margret Wilson Jessica Quinn Charlotte Sliver Paul Chipko Marian Hillsdon Sarah Kapitko Healing for Friends and Families with: Cancer: Sue Bailey, Maria Bartalota, Maren Bell, Pat Belcher, Linda Caprario, Samantha Elwell, Dr. David, Nancy Klock, Laura Mack, Caitlyn McMorrow and her family, Nathan Orsini, Ann Porrovechio, Andrew Shan, Robert Talmadge, and Barbara VanderHart Illness and Injuries: Joe Arena, Mary Artuso, Oscar Ballestero, Isaiah Barlalotta, Mary Ann Bausewein, Rob Blankenhorn, Kyle Canonico, Mary Chalito, Richard DeChiara, Rev. Dick Gibbons, Kathy Hoyer, Don Fennell, Rachel Fezzie, Marian and Graham Floyd, Alan Galentine and Family, Dana Hei- 7 8 9 12 13 16 18 26 28 31 Marsha & Stephen Terwilleger Larry & Maureen Schumacher Jim & Chris McGrath Gary & Lori May Marian & Graham Hillsdon Holly & Bill Chadwick Cathy & Don Nicholls Gail & Ben Weber Betsy & Peter Peterson Sharon & Paul Jeges Robin & Walter Orcutt delberger, Deb Holsten, Marcia Kost, Erika Ohland, Jay Ohland Jr., Bob Schmidt, Kelsey Shingledecker, Mare Tripp, Peggy Walters, Bryan Wilson, David Wilson, Betty Zenock, Audrey, Kathy Z., Monica, and Tracy Prayers of Condolences: To the family of Ernest Schuckert, cousin of Jean O’Brien To the family and friends of Joke VanHuisstede, a close friend of Lola Szekula from Holland To the family and friends of Lucy “Cookie” Kise If you have an address of someone serving in the armed forces that might like to receive card(s), please forward their mailing address to the church office so that we may publish it in our News Bits and bulletin. Card(s) may currently be sent to: Colonel Douglas Swift 1ECEG Unit 61239 APO AE 09309 May 25, 2015 Is it enough to think today Of all our brave, then put away The thought until a year has sped? Is this full honor for our dead? Is it enough to sing a song And deck a grave; and all year long Forget the brave who died that we Might keep our great land proud and free? Full service needs a greater toll, That we who live give heart and soul To keep the land they died to save, And be ourselves, in turn, the brave! —Annette Wynne Bible Quiz Answer: C 7 N ew s B its FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF BLAIRSTOWN, NEW JERSEY Post Office Box 385, 1 Main Street Blairstown, NJ 07825 Church Office: 35 Main Street Phone: (908) 362-5254 Fax: (908) 362-8060 Food Pantry: (908) 362-5769 Children’s Center: (908) 362-7887 E-mail: Website: BTOGETHER F ound by aith C ale ndar of E ven ts — May 2 0 15 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 9:00 AM OC Girl Scouts 3 4 5 6 7 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 5:30 PM OC Girl Scouts 7:00 OC-W/CE 9:45 AM OC - Faith Works 8:00 PM OC-AA 10:00 AM Worship/Communion 1:30 PM OC-Knitting Group 7:00 OC-Admin 10 Mother’s Day 11 13 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 10:00 AM Family Worship 8:00 PM OC-AA 17 18 8:45 AM OC-Youth Group 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 9:45 AM OC - Faith Works 10:00 AM Worship / Baptism June News Bits articles due! 5:30 PM OC Girl Scouts 8:00 PM OC-AA 24 25 Memorial Day 8 9 2:00 PM at 1 Main Concert & Service Stained Glass Windows Dedication 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 9:45 AM OC - Faith Works 10:00 AM Worship 12 14 15 16 1:30 PM OC-Knitting Group 19 20 9:30 AM OC Food Pantry 21 22 23 1:30 PM OC-Knitting Group 7:00 OC-Session 26 27 28 9:00 AM OC Girl Scouts 29 30 1:30 PM OC-Knitting Group 8:00 PM OC-AA 31 9:00 AM Choir Rehearsal 9:45 AM OC - Faith Works 10:00 AM Worship / Baptism 8 CE: Christian Ed Suite (35 Main St.) OC: Outreach Center (35 Main St.) FH: Fellowship Hall (1 Main St.)
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