MECHANICSBURG PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 300 E. SIMPSON STREET MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055 The Cornerstone VOL. VI, ISSUE IV April 2015 MARCH 29 - PALM SUNDAY – 8:15 and 11 AM APRIL 2, 7:30 PM – MAUNDY THURSDAY COMMUNION SERVICE APRIL 3, 7:30 PM – GOOD FRIDAY TENEBRAE (Service of Shadows) APRIL 5 – EASTER - 8, 9:30 and 11 AM Invite a friend to join you in worship. MPC Spring Yard Clean-up (AKA Mulch Madness) Sunday, April 19 Join the fun and experience the fresh air and fellowship at our Mulch Madness event. Helpers are needed at the church after the 11 o'clock service to rake leaves, edge garden beds, prune trees, clip bushes, and spread fertilizer and mulch. We will start at 12:30 and be finished by about 3 PM. Please bring along yard tools such as rakes, pitchforks, shovels, hoes, wheelbarrows, pruning saws, hedge clippers, brooms, blowers, and work gloves. If you have questions, please contact Kevin Breen (737-5739). Remember, many hands make light work, so please come out on Sunday, April 19 and join us for as long as you can. Rain Date Note: if the weather is bad, we have Sunday, April 26 set as the rain date. Inside this issue: Youth Auction & Gala 3 VBS, Kids Klub 4 Youth Group Schedule 5 Beginners’ Handbell Choir 5 Mother-Daughter Dinner 6 Rummage Sale 7 Session Notes 6 Hymnal Order Form 10 Page 2 THE CORNERSTONE They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. – Acts 2:42 Beloved Children of God, A recent poll suggested that 72% of youth spirituality comes from their parents. 72%. I guess that makes sense if you divide the week up into segments; 7 days a week divided into morning, afternoon and night. Sunday school is one hour. Church is another hour. Kids Klub is an hour and a half… once a month for half of the year. Youth group is more than that, but it’s still not as much time as youth spend at school or with their families. 72% of youth spirituality comes from their parents. The weather this past winter got into an interesting pattern of blasting through on the weekend. For many students that meant two hour delays and cancellations on Mondays. And for us on Sunday it meant we didn’t see many of you for months. We missed you. And I worry about folks falling out of the habit of going to church. It’s easy to do. Life is busy and Sunday morning can be the one morning during the week when an alarm doesn’t need to be set, coffee can stay out of a travel mug and pajamas can stay on. And if it’s cold or snowy or icy out – all the more reason to skip it. But… 72% of youth spirituality comes from their parents. My faith is important to me, and I know yours is too. I want my son to understand why faith matters. Why is a community of faith important? Why does my understanding of the world we live in include a God who creates, loves and sustains? And the thing is, just because I’m a pastor doesn’t mean that those conversations are any easier. I am thankful for the Bible studies that I have been a part of and the scriptures I learn about when preparing sermons because they help me answer his questions when he asks, and they help me have a broader understanding myself so that I can share it with him. He knows my faith is important to me, and not just because leading the church is my job. 72% of youth spirituality comes from their parents. In order to pass on our faith to our children and youth, we need to be able to talk about it. So come to church, come to Sunday school, read a chapter of Scripture a day, pray at the dinner table – talk about your faith. Your children and youth want to know about Jesus and faith from you. Peace be with you, Page 3 THE CORNERSTONE You and Your Family and Friends are invited to… The Connections Auction and Gala Friday, April 24th 7:00pm – 9:30pm at the PA State Museum Adults $25 Children (4-10 years old) $10 3 and under Free Sponsor $100 (includes 2 tickets and a chance to win a Hot Air Balloon Ride!) This year’s auction is even bigger and better than our last one. Your ticket includes an opportunity to explore the museum’s various exhibits including a planetarium show. Hors d'oeuvre and desserts provided by Grand Cru Hospitality. Some items we currently have for auction include: 1. Guitar signed by Paul McCartney, minimum bid: $4,000 2. Guitar signed by Taylor Swift, minimum bid: $2,500 3. Jimmy Buffett Record Album, minimum bid: $900 4. Star Wars Masterpiece 16X20 Movie Poster, minimum bid: $2,500 5. Dale Earnhardt Sr. 11X14 Photo, minimum bid: $1,000 6. Charles Schulz Snoopy Sketch , minimum bid: $1,250 7. Muhammad Ali Boxing Glove, minimum bid: $1,600 8. Johnny Depp 8X10 Photo, minimum bid: $300 9. Boxing legends Limited Edition Boxing Glove, minimum bid: $4,000 10. Celebrity Cruises, minimum bid: $8000 Veranda Stateroom 7-Night Alaska or Bermuda Cruise, or 4-Night to 7-Night Caribbean Cruise for 2 including Priority Tender/Disembarkation 11. Lake Tahoe Ski Getaway, minimum bid: $5700 Lift Tickets, Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe Resort 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2 12. New Orleans Jazz & Dining -, minimum bid: $5900 Preservation Hall of Jazz VIP Admission, Commander's Palace Jazz Brunch or Dinner with Wine Pairing, Hyatt French Quarter 3-Night Stay with Airfare for 2 I need your help! Please donate items to the auction (For ideas check out our display in the Gathering Area or call Pastor Mark) Buy your tickets and invite your friends! Page 4 THE CORNERSTONE Vacation Bible School August 3-7, 2015 Kids Klub—April 1, 2015 Our last Kids Klub of the 2014-15 year will be Wednesday, April 1, from 5:30 until 7 PM in Lower Fellowship Hall. We will complete our stories of Paul with the story of a shipwreck! We will also help make this year’s Community Garden sign. Students will be able to bring home their “Paul” books, on which they have been working all year. Students should bring $2 if they would like to have pizza for supper. This year’s Vacation Bible School will be held the first week of August, August 3-7, from 9 until 11:30 AM each day. We will be doing some mountain climbing, with the theme Everest! We will have training for teachers and staff on Sunday, July 12, immediately following morning worship. On Wednesday evening, July 29, we will gather to decorate. Please save the dates and plan on being with us for a week of climbing EVEREST! A volunteer sheet is included with this edition of The Cornerstone. Nursery Help Needed! Once again, our list of nursery volunteers has dwindled, and we are in need of reinforcements! You may specify whether you would like to serve at 8:15, at 9:35, or at 11:00, or whether you could volunteer at any time. We have two volunteers scheduled in each nursery at each time. What better way to help fulfil the vows we take when a new baby is baptized in our church, to help raise children in our faith? If you “used to” volunteer in our nursery but have taken a break, please consider volunteering again. If you regularly use the services of the nursery but have not volunteered, please consider serving in this way. We have always been able to provide both an infant and a toddler nursery at the 11 AM worship service, but we may not be able to continue with both if we do not have more volunteers available. Check out the 2015 summer season by going to There are many different kinds of camps for many different ages! Registration can also be done on-line. Although the Christian Education Committee no longer is able to offer a subsidy to all campers, there is still money available through the Chris Rossman Fund. To apply for a camp scholarship, contact either Don Hopper or Kathy Wells. Krislund itself also has a new way to save money this year. Campers who bring with them a first-time camper, someone who has never been to Krislund before, can save 50% on the cost of their registration. If you would like to send your child to camp for the first time, ask to see if someone from MPC would be willing to take them as their firsttimer. Then the 50% savings can be shared between families! VOLUME VI, ISSUE IV Page 5 Last Call for the Beginning Bell Workshop! Our beginning bell workshop is set to begin at 5: 30 PM on Wednesday, April 8, in the Conference Room, and will conclude on Wednesday, May 13. If you would like to give those beautiful bells a try in a non-threatening and friendly atmosphere, please get in touch with me by calling 691-9680 or emailing at ASAP. I have lots of experience in teaching music to beginners, and I promise – I do not bite! This workshop is open to anyone from middle school through adults, male or female. The only requirements are that you are able to read music and are curious about ringing. Ringing hand bells is a truly experience! Why don’t you give it a try? MIDI ENSEMBLE UNIT We extend sincere appreciation to the families of David W. Petko, Stanley A. Walton and James L. Zerbe for the gift of the MIDI Ensemble Unit. The unit has expanded the voices of our organ three times and has added 258 stops, or voices. On many occasions during worship, these voices will be heard with the full ensemble of the organ, adding depth and color. With the MIDI box, we now have expanded the swell choir, great, and pedal. We even have two stops (32’ Contra Violone and a 32’ Contra Posaune). There are numerous trumpets, chimes, and bells which were not on the original organ. On behalf of the Worship and Music Committee and congregation, we express our thanks for the gifts given by family and friends in memory of David, Stanley and Jim which have provided this wondrous gift of praise to the glory of God. unique ~Eileen House Mission Trip to Huntington, WV May 10-16, 2015 Our seventh annual mission trip to Habitat for Humanity of Hungtington, WV, will take place on May 10-16, 2015. We will be commissioned in church at the 8:15 service and leave right after Sunday School. Our weeks in Huntington are always good experiences, with lots of work for many different skill levels. There is still room for new participants on this trip. If you would like to participate, please let Kathy Wells know. Each participant pays $50 towards the cost of the trip. The rest of the money is raised through the sale of Giant gift cards. April - 4– Rock the Camp – Cost is $35 April 12 – 5 – 8 PM Youth Sunday Practice – Dinner is provided. April 19 – Youth Sunday – “Fall Into Grace” April 24 – Connections Auction and Gala He Brews will be meeting April 16th at Your Place on the Carlisle Pike. Men of all ages are invited to attended and are encouraged to bring friends. Page 6 THE CORNERSTONE MOTHER/ DAUGHTER BANQUET MAY 8, 6:30 PM Upper Fellowship Hall Mary Kate (from the group "Seasons") will play her harp during dinner. This is a fun evening of great food, great music and wonderful fellowship. We will take reservations on April 19, 26 and May 3 after each service. See you at the dinner. Menu: tossed salad with dressing herb dijon rubbed pork loin ginger teriyaki chicken breast coconut quinoa pilaf fresh vegetable medley bread pudding chocolate cake with chocolate cherry icing Weekly Weeders Group to Start in May at MPC Do you have a green thumb anxious to get outdoors after the long winter? Are you looking for a way to get some exercise and to get to know your fellow MPC members? If so, here's an opportunity you might enjoy. Every Tuesday evening, beginning on May 5, we will meet at MPC from 7 - 8 PM to work on maintaining the garden beds, keeping them watered and weed-free. If you have an interest in helping or have questions, please contact Kevin Breen (737-5739). $9 adults, $5 children under 10 years Did you know that an estimated 1.3 million women are physically assaulted each year by their intimate partner? Did you know that women between the ages of 20-24 are at the greatest risk? Did you know the 5 forms of domestic violence – physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, and economic, encompass not only our initial thought of physical harm; but also isolating, controlling, and undermining self-worth are key factors? Men can be victims as well. We at MPC have been working closely with Domestic Violence Services in Cumberland Co, and Stop the Violence in Harrisburg. Here’s what we’re doing – publishing the local hotline number (800) 852-2102, supplying pamphlets in our restrooms and at New Hope, raising awareness, discussing early controlling and unhealthy behaviors with our 6-12th graders. Raising money from the Peacemaking Offering, Alternative Gifts and restaurant events – we turn the money into Giant gift cards for DV clients to buy gas and food to stay independent as they rebuild their lives. We give money and time to Stop the Violence. We are also putting a panel discussion together for the fall to have a larger discussion with former victims, leaders in the DV fight and a coroner or officer. All of us can help - friends and families looking out for each other, girls nurtured with good self-esteem and a strong path to financial independence, men raising the bar on each other for what is acceptable, boys nurtured with love and compassion in their hearts… Keep your eyes open for how you can help! ~From the Peacemaking & Justice Committee VOLUME VI, ISSUE IV Page 7 Snyder Scholarship High school seniors and returning college students, remember to fill out your applications for a Snyder Scholarship! Applications can be downloaded from the church web site. A few copies are available in the box outside the Christian Education office. 2015 SPRING RUMMAGE AND BAKE SALE APRIL 22 and 23 WE REALLY DO NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS ALL RUMMAGE SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO THE CHURCH Sunday, APRIL 19 - 12:30 - 8 PM Monday, APRIL 20 – 9 AM – 8 PM ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: Small household appliances THAT WORK, dishes, books, toys, games, sports equipment, tools, bedding and linens, curtains, shoes and clothing, and miscellaneous items of almost every variety. We can also use lots of paper grocery bags. NON-ACCEPTABLE ITEMS: Children's Car Seats, partially used cosmetics etc., torn or soiled clothing and shoes, toys & games with missing parts/pieces, any appliance that doesn't work. No large, heavy pieces of furniture as they must be carried down the stairs. If it looks bad, smells bad or is in need of repair do not donate it, throw it away! We are not accepting old televisions, computers, suitcases or adult bicycles. If you have these items in good condition, please consider donating them directly to MISSION CENTRAL, located at 5 Pleasant View Dr., Mechanicsburg (766-1533). If you need someone to transport items to the church, please call Paula Logan (697-3798) who will arrange for a convenient pick-up time on Sunday, April 19 or Monday, April 20. BAKE SALE ITEMS: Should be brought to the church by 9 AM Wednesday, April 22 or may be left in the kitchen, labeled for "Bake Sale" on Tuesday, April 21. COLLECTION: ***WE NEED MANY VOLUNTEERS--MEN AND WOMEN!!*** Sunday, April 19 - Noon - 8 PM Monday, April 20 - 9 AM – 8 PM SET UP: Tuesday, APRIL 21 - 9 AM - until completed SALE DAYS: Wednesday, APRIL 22 - 9 AM - 8 PM and Thursday, APRIL 23 - 9 AM - 12 PM CLEAN-UP: Thursday, APRIL 23 - 12 – 2 PM Please sign up to help on the clipboard in the Gathering Area or call Paula Logan. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! VOLUME VI, ISSUE IV Page 8 Mix ‘n Mingles/Pep Set - We will have lunch on Wednesday, April 15 at 11:30 AM at Snappers on Walnut Street, Mechanicsburg. Please sign-up on the sheet in the Gathering Area so we can give the restaurant an accurate count. Here’s the tentative schedule for the rest of the year: Date Time May 20 June 14 11:15 am 1:30 pm July 10 am Aug 15 10:30 Sept 16 or 23 Oct Nov 7 11:30 Dec 9 Dec 11 or 18 TBA TBA TBA 10:30 Activity Contact Picnic lunch –SAGE – Middletown Harrisburg Senators baseball game. Purchase a voucher for the game from the Welcome Committee. Tour of New Hope Ministries. Lunch at Café Magnolia on Old Gettysburg Road near Wesley Drive. Carpool from the church at 9:45 am. Picnic lunch at Centre Church. Carpool from the church at 10:30 Lunch at Boiling Springs Tavern. TBA Turkey dinner at Centre Church. Cost around $12. Carpool from the church at 10:30 Lunch at Hoss’s including a Christmas Sing-a-long Dessert at Zangs and Susquehanna Chorale. Sign up sheet will go out in September More than Conquerors Surely He has borne our infirmities and carried our diseases; yet we accounted Him stricken, struck down by God and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the punishment that made us whole, and by His bruises we are healed. Isaiah 53:4-5 Thanks be to God! There is no greater Love than this! No matter what we face in life, this Love gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Awesome! Myrtle Welcome Committee Kathie Carmines Signup ? yes no yes Kathie Carmines yes Rich Trout yes Kathie Carmines yes Mike and Karen Zang yes yes Please join us on April 28 at 7 PM, when we discuss Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline. This excellent historical novel has been chosen as the One Book, One Community selection in over two dozen cities and is one of the top book club selections nationally. Orphan Train intertwines the fascinating parallel stories of Vivian, an elderly woman who had been sent as a child on one of these trains that ran between 1854 and 1929 from the East Coast to the Midwest, and Molly, a teenager who has been a foster child and is now helping Vivian clean out her attic as a community-service project. This novel has received wonderful reviews for its powerful story-telling based on the author’s thorough research. If you can’t join us this month, we will be reading The Shoemaker’s Wife by Adriana Trigiani in May. Page 9 THE CORNERSTONE We welcomed Rennick Albert Ross Lysinger into the covenant family of God through infant baptism on March 8, 2015. Rennick is the son of Deborah (Zamboni) and Forrest Lysinger; and grandson of Albert and Alice Zamboni. We welcomed Kensley Marie Bell into the covenant family of God through infant baptism on March 22, 2015. Kensley is the daughter of Kristina Bell, sister of Riley, granddaughter of Bob and Barbara Bell, great-granddaughter of Dave and Mary Bressler, and Joshua and David and families her uncles and aunts. Congratulations to Michael and Michelle Kostelac on the birth of their daughter, Emily Faith Kostelac, on March 24, 2015. Emily’s grandparents are Mike and Karen Kostelac. We extend our Christian love and sympathy to the following: Family and friends of Richard Malone. Richard joined MPC January 27, 2013 and entered the Church Triumphant on February 27, 2015. He is survived by nieces Patty Gruen and Emma Persigehl; Millie Skelly and D. Wayne Skelly on the death of husband and father, James. Jim and Millie joined MPC in 1982 and Jim entered the Church Triumphant on March 1, 2015; Brad Singiser, Ran and Andrea Singiser, and family on the death of wife/daughter-in-law, Aisha, who passed on March 3, 2015, and infant daughter/granddaughter Layla Marium who passed on March 22, 2015; Lois, Jennifer and Jonathan Gayman on the death of husband and father, Lee E. Gayman on March 14, 2015. Lee and Lois were former MPC members and he belonged to Still Simple Gifts. (Lois’ address: 400 W. Keller St., Mechanicsburg, PA 17055); Bill Hosler and family on the death of their wife, mother and grandmother, Patricia. The Hoslers joined MPC in 1983 and Pat entered the Church Triumphant on March 25, 2015. Blessed are those who see the Lord face to face. Session Notes – March 2015 We opened with a worship service in the Parlor, focusing on God calling the Elders to lead (Numbers 11:10-17) and as an offering we gave our gifts of discernment from the past month. We focused on four areas of the church: music, youth/young adults, CE/ Sunday School and church beautification (making the church look more welcoming). The Session divided into action teams and talked about ‘next steps’ in each of these areas. The Technology Committee is slowly rolling out signing up for activities online. You can find it here: Online giving can be found here: (click the ‘online giving’ button on the right hand side) We closed our worshipful work with a devotion led by Wayne Yost, chair of the Spiritual Life Committee. We gave thanks for one another, committed to pray for one another and the church, lifted up our joys and concerns and concluded our worshipful work with the singing of the Gloria Patri. 896-0131 If you would like to contact a pastor due to an emergency such as a hospitalization or death in the church family please call this number at any time. It will connect you to the church office and at least one of the pastors. Glory to God Hymnal Order I would like to place the following order for the new Glory to God Hymnal. The hymnals are $25 a copy. Bookplates in memory of/in honor of a loved one will be placed inside the front cover. _____ In honor of /or _____ In memory of________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal By ________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal _____ In honor of /or _____ In memory of________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal By ________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal _____ In honor of /or _____ In memory of________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal By ________________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) as it should appear in the Hymnal _______ Hymnals @ $25 each: $ _______________ Paid by: ___________________________ Ordered by ________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED April 2015 Vacation Bible School 2015 AUGUST 3-7, 2015 9 – 11:30 AM Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church Yes! I want to spend a week climbing Everest, the 2015 Vacation Bible School! I can help with preparations for VBS ____________________ I can donate supplies or staff snacks ____________________ I can help the week of VBS in the following place: _____ Preschool Teacher _____ Elementary Shepherd _____ Arts and Crafts Helpers _____ Actors and Actresses (characters) _____ Games Leaders _____ Teen Helper _____ Picnic Coordinator Name__________________________________________ Phone Number____________________________________ E-mail _________________________________________
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