
June 1, 2011
A mid‐week newsletter of First Presbyterian Church ‐ Jody McDevitt & Dan Krebill, co‐pastors Willson at Babcock, PO Box 1150, Bozeman, MT 59771 (406) 586‐9194 ‐ ‐ Deb Griffin, Editor ‐ To unsubscribe, email and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. What’s Special This Sunday? Newly elected elders and
deacons will be ordained and
installed during the 10:30
service. Elders in the class of
2014 are Chuck Beck, Betsy
Crabs, Debbie Ernst and Ric
Tieman. Deacons in the class of
2014 are Judy Arkwright, Dick
& Rosemary Lee, Rhoda
McCormick, Tom & Mary
McMakin, Maureen Poremba,
and Scott & Mary Thompson.
A cherished part of the
service is the laying on of
hands for those being
ordained, when all previously
ordained deacons, elders and
ministers of word and
sacrament are invited to
participate in this powerful
symbol connecting our
ordination today with the
initial call to service by Jesus.
Also during each service
this Sunday, the quilt that is
being raffled to raise funds for
the purchase of defibrillators
both for the church facility in
town as well as up the canyon
at Rockhaven will be
Raffle Tickets for
Handmade Quilt
Beginning next Sunday, June 5th, we will be selling raffle tickets for a beautiful hand‐made quilt which has been donated by Betsy Crabs. The proceeds will go toward purchasing two defibrillators for the church and for Rockhaven. The tickets will be $2 each or 3 for $5. Please come next Sunday and see this magnificent quilt! It will be shown at both services. We will be doing additional money‐making projects this summer! If you like to sew, knit, or crochet, please plan to come to Bonnie Blakely’s home at 1717 South Willson Street on June 7th at 11a for a soup and bread meeting. Bring only your ideas and we will have a brief organizational/
informational meeting along with a delicious meal. It will be well worth your time and you can take the entire summer to make your favorite things. Please call Donna Beck at 587‐4087 or 539‐0917 if you will be joining us. If you want to be involved but cannot make the meeting, please let me know as we would love to include you in our plans. Page 1
PresbEnews - 6/1/2011
This week... Wed, Jun 1 ‐ Thu, Jun 2 ‐ 7:30a ‐ Women’s Morning Book Group 7:00p ‐ Deacons’ Meeting 7:00p ‐ Compassionate Friends Sun, Jun 5 ‐ FOOD BANK SUNDAY 8:30a ‐ Jazz Worship 10:30a ‐ Worship Tue, Jun 7 ‐ 7:00p ‐ Boy Scouts In Memoriam William H. “Bill” Williams September 10, 1920 – May 22, 2011 Ralph Knutson July 31, 1931 – May 30, 2011 A service celebrating Bill’s life was held at the church on May 26. A memorial service honoring Ralph will be held on July 15. Thanks be to God for the gift of life and the gift of life eternal in Jesus Christ. Meet Rev. Art Ziemann from Church World Service The Rev. Art Ziemann, Regional Director for Church World Service, plans to be in Bozeman on Sunday, June 12. You are invited to a soup and bread luncheon at 12:30p. He invites you and others who might be interested in an update on the work of Church World Service, CROP Hunger Walks, and the importance of working ecumenically. Please join us for lunch, and learn more about how you can join in helping to bring relief to hungry people. A CROP Hunger Walk is planned in Bozeman on Sunday, October 16. More information about it will come next fall. Judy Mathre * CROP Walk Coordinator * 587‐8666
VBS Needs for “Creative Missions” When arts and crafts meets giving to others, we call it “creative missions.” Please sign up to donate the following items by letting Linda know (; 586‐9194), or by filling in your name on the master chart in the back of the sanctuary. All items are needed by Wed morning, June 15. Thank you! 10 foam paint brushes 5 pairs new knee‐highs (nude or beige) 1 roll wax paper 1 bag potting soil 10 pairs “googly eyes” 25‐50 ct. opaque, 8‐oz drinking cups 1 box (50‐100 ct) plain note‐card size envelopes Assorted stickers and/or foam stickers Flower seed packets Fleece remnants For the assembly of school kits for children in need, you can contribute these new school supplies. Please note that the requirements are very specific for these kits. You may contribute the quantity you are able, and no “sign up” is needed for these items. Blunt scissors 30‐cm rulers 1” long, hand‐held pencil sharpeners 150‐count loose leaf paper Spiral or top‐bound paper 24‐count box of crayons Unsharpened pencils 2.5” erasers Page 2
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A Round of Prayer The Presbytery of Yellowstone is
beginning a “round of prayer” for our
churches, pastors, and disciples. Each
Sunday beginning June 5, 2011, through
May 29, 2012, we are encouraged to
pray for one another according to a
calendar suggested by the Presbytery
This Sunday we begin the cycle with
prayer for the Rev. Paul Krebill, who is
honorably retired as Pastor Emeritus of
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church and a
beloved pastor in our
church as well.
Please join other
Yellowstone Presbyterians
as we encourage and equip
one another for God’s work
in our communities.
Food Bank Sunday ‐ June 5, 2011 Sunday, June 5, is our regular monthly Food Bank Sunday. This week, the Second Annual Listening Session on June 7 If you are interested in social and economic justice and
concerned about issues facing your community, please join
the Montana Organizing Project (MOP) on Tuesday, June
7th, for a listening session. There will be an opportunity
here to have your voice heard about matters that concern
you. This session is one of almost 30 that are happening
across the state that MOP will use to
determine our issues and areas of focus for
the upcoming year.
What: Listening Session
When: Tuesday June 7th 7:00- 8:30 PM
Where: Bozeman First Presbyterian Church, Room 204
Refreshments will be provided.
The Montana Organizing Project (MOP) is a collaboration of
diverse community, civic, labor and faith groups and
community members who have come together to form an
organization. We actively work for economic, racial and
social justice, promoting the dignity and empowerment of
people with low and middle incomes whose voices have not
been heard in their communities.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank Wish List includes: • Cheerios For more information contact Dan Krebill at
• Tomato Soup or at 586-9194.
• Hamburger Helper • Fruit Cocktail • Tuna • Peanut Butter Nancy Williams is still missing a pie
(or check out server from Piety Sunday. It has a wooden handle and belonged to her
mother. If you happened to pick it up by
Missing: Pie Server mistake, please return it to Nancy as
soon as possible.
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Pentecost Offering “So I Send You” (John 20:21) Offering Distribution 40% ‐ Congregational Ministries with children at risk which goes to Rockhaven Camp Scholarships. 50% ‐ General Assembly ministries with youth and young adults 10% ‐ Child advocacy at the national level Your giving to the Pentecost Offering, taken up each year for children at risk, Youth, and young adults, matters. New in the Library A number of items have been added to
the library inventory; among them are
selections from the library shelves of Jerry
Crabs and Ralph Knutson. A three-part DVD
set titled Jesus and the Gospels has been
donated by Ev and Mary Lensink. You will find
these items on the Recent Acquisitions shelf.
Also, a wonderful wall map of the world, from
“we don’t know who,” is now on display. Our
thanks to all of you for sharing your literary and
geographic bounty with FPC library.
Even though the summer schedule is
getting into full swing, the library will be open
for your reading pleasure. Please be sure to
sign a check out card when taking items with
The Summer of Hope The Summer of Hope, a non‐profit organization that brings orphans from impoverished countries to the Bozeman area each summer with the intent of finding them a forever family, cordially invites you to participate in this year’s Hope Walk on Saturday, June 11th. The Hope Walk is a fun, family friendly 6K fundraiser in which participants of all ages are encouraged to collect sponsorships to help fund the airfare for these children. Food, festivities, and entertainment will be provided after the walk at Bogert Park. To receive your Hope Walk packet, contact Jan Druckenmiller at 586‐
5773. “Service Plunge” Day Camp for Middle School
July 18‐22 is the week when our middle school students (entering grades 6‐9) will join students from Hope Lutheran Church and Christ the King Lutheran Church in a “Service Plunge,” helping with various community agencies and having Christian fun together. Students interested in participating in this local mission opportunity should contact Jody McDevitt ( or 586‐9194 x203) to sign up. Adults who could volunteer for a day with the youth should contact Jody. The week will conclude with a day at Rockhaven on the high ropes course! Page 4
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Holland‐days… By Dan Holland
Last weekend we traveled down to Denver to watch our son, Dain, receive his two year
degree in Culinary Arts from Johnson and Wales University. Although the school itself is
only ten years old, its campus dates back to the early 1900’s when it was first established as
the Colorado Women’s College. It is a lovely, immaculately manicured campus and the
commencement exercise was held outside on the lawn on Saturday morning (the weather
was gorgeous despite receiving more rain in the three previous days than they had all year.)
It is customary for the school to select a celebrity chef as its commencement speaker, and
this year Keegan Gerhard was the choice. If you are like me and don’t watch the Food
Network, then you have probably never heard of him either. I will, however, pause
momentarily while you google him and see that he is a person of note.
His commencement address was somewhat arduous, as many of them tend to be. As he
summarized — to the great relief of the assembled masses — he mentioned two things
completely out of context with the rest of his rambling: commitment and faith. The
commitment he spoke of was committing to be the best chef one could be, and the faith was
to have enough faith in yourself to believe you could do it, but it seemed to me that these
same principles have applicability in any endeavor.
Okay, Lord, I made that commitment
to be your servant a long time ago — well,
it was a long time ago by my reckoning. But
things seem to be stagnating lately. Maybe I need
one of those revival meetings between my soul,
and my heart, and my mind.
I need some faith in my commitment, and some
commitment in my faith to combat this lethargy.
And then I see all the opportunities you have
placed before me. Opportunities to pray, opportunities
to serve. Taken as a whole they are overwhelming,
but tackled one at a time, piece by piece, they are
manageable. So I pray that prayer; I perform that
ministry. I am revived.
James said ‘faith without works is dead.’ Isn’t it better
to say ‘works done in faith is alive.’
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Resident Rooms available at Christus Collegium Resident rooms are available for Fall 2011at the Christus Collegium, 714 S. Eighth. Two women’s single‐
occupancy resident rooms and a men’s room may also be available. Applicants must be currently enrolled MSU students, with priority given to members of the United Methodist, Lutheran (ELCA), Presbyterian (USA) and Episcopal churches. Applicants for a community Resident Assistant are also being sought. For more information, contact Kerri Brown, Administrative Manager, Christus Collegium, Center for Campus Ministry at 586‐3172, at, or stop by and visit us at 714 S. Eighth. Love INC Linen Closet The Love INC Linen Closet needs bath towels, hand towels, and wash
cloths (in good condition) to serve local residents in need. Donations may
be taken to the Love INC office at 443 E Main Street.
VBS Adult Helpers Needed We are partners with 4 other downtown churches in the Ecumenical VBS which will be June 20‐24, in the mornings. Adult volunteers are still needed in all areas, but especially in Games and Snack Preparations. If you could give some time to this wonderful annual event, please complete a volunteer form and turn it in this week to the church office. Volunteer Orientation is nest Sunday, May 22, from 5:30 – 7 pm. Talk with Suzanne Bratsky or Jody McDevitt if interested. Rockhaven Camp Brochures Available Rockhaven camp brochures are available throughout the church. Please pick one up if you have a child interested in attending one of the six camps. There are three overnight camps and three‐day camps. Holy Humor A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means? The son replied, "I do know!" "Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.' Page 6