Where Do You Want to Go? Listening Guide Order of Worship How to Say a Good Goodbye May 19, 2013 John 14:1-7: Welcome and Greeting Praise Because Of Your Love Blest Be The Tie That Binds Aspects of Goodbye: 1. Anticipate Every spiritual journey is different—each unique and specific to the individual embarking upon it. Sometimes getting started can be daunting. So here at Faith Church, we offer a GPS to help you chart your particular course. Gather is to come together in groups, large and small, with a shared mission to pursue God. When we get together to love one another, and to serve others, God shows up – and does amazing things. Practice is to put your hands to work for the kingdom. This includes mission opportunities, serving, helping out where needed and much more. Christian life is about more than good thoughts and a loving attitude. It’s about living our calling to be salt and light in the world. This means doing the work of the kingdom. Study is to increase our understanding of the God we gather together to worship and serve. At the heart of our navigation plan is the belief that the Bible is our ‘compass’ for life. We can never fully understand God. But mysteries and questions are not obstacles to growth; they are an invitation to continually journey deeper in our understanding of God and the Kingdom to which He invites us. 2. gratefully. 3. generosity. 4. Acknowledge How to Say a Good Goodbye Sacrament of Holy Baptism Camdyn Ryan Hendrix . Children’s Message Following the Children’s Message, children ages 4— 2nd grade are invited to attend Children’s Chapel Aspects of Jesus' speech in John 14:1-7: 1. 2. May 19, 2013 Prayer I Stand In Awe Of You 3. 4. Message How To Say A Good Goodbye Offering “Connecting people to God and each other through the love of Jesus Christ.” Faith Staff Senior Pastor..................Rev. John McLarty . pastor@tryfaith.org Adult Ministries .............Rev. Don Kirsch...... don@tryfaith.org Caring Ministries ............Serena Eckert ........ serena@tryfaith.org Youth Director ...............Chad Seagle ........... chad@tryfaith.org Children’s Ministries ......Jeni Walsh ............. jeni@tryfaith.org Connection Ministries ....Jennifer Rader ....... jennifer@tryfaith.org Music Ministry ...............Pat Schaider........... music@tryfaith.org Business Manager ..........Steve Pollard ......... steve@tryfaith.org Media Ministry...............Trey Yates .............. media@tryfaith.org Ministry Intern ...............Sherry Kantarevic .. sherry@tryfaith.org . Faith United Methodist Church "I am the way, the truth and the life." WAY Psalm 27:11 TRUTH Psalm 86:11 LIFE Psalm 16:11 Closing Song Desert Song 6060 Teasley Lane Denton, TX 76210 940.535.2267 mail@tryfaith.org ** For further study, reflect on this statement, the psalms, and what each of these words mean for your life and faith. Children are always welcome in worship at Faith. If preferred, a nursery is available for children ages 0-4. W h a t ’s H a p p e n i n g a t F a i t h C h u r c h *Bulletins are available on our web site: www.tryfaith.org* Gather Practice Called Charge Conference—TODAY Youth Calendar Notes Today, right after church at 11:30, we will hold a very brief ‘called charge conference’ - which is Methodist-speak for an all-church meeting. The purpose of our meeting is to endorse and affirm a candidate for ministry. Playground Safety The weather is warming up and our beautiful, shaded play area out back is a real draw for kids. Even though the play area is enclosed with a fence, it is imperative that you supervise your children while they are on the playground. As dictated by our Ministry Safe policy—for the safety of the children and the protection of the church—we cannot allow children to be unattended on the playground (where they are literally out of sight and out of earshot). They must be supervised by at least two adults at all times. To ensure adequate supervision—without requiring every parent of every child to be on the playground—we would like to set up a rotation, much like we have with nursery volunteers and Sunday School teachers. We respectfully request that all parents with children that enjoy spending time on the playground volunteer to be on this rotation. You can let us know you are willing on your Connection Card. Family Fun in Frisco Faith has reserved a block of 60 seats for the Rough Riders Game on Friday, July 5. Tickets are $17 (section 103) and include all-you-can-eat hot dogs, brats, nachos, and Dr. Pepper products, a Rough Riders baseball cap, and fireworks after the game!! Tickets go on sale here at the church starting today. Tickets will be available to purchase thru Sunday, 6/2. We will not be able to ’hold’ tickets; payment is required to secure tickets. FYI—children 2 and under will be admitted to the game for free if you are happy to have them in your lap, rather than purchase them a ticket. Calendar Notes: Wednesday Nights We will meet this Wed, 5/22—then be off for a couple weeks We will kick off poolside Bible Studies on Wednesday 6/12 Sunday Suppers No Supper Sunday tonight—Pirate Pancake Dinner instead—see info below Pirate Pancake Dinner—Tonight In lieu of their Supper Sunday this evening, the youth will host a thank you banquet for all those that have invested their time, talent, and/or resources in the youth ministry this year. So if you supported our kids financially in any way, if you drove them to/from activities, if you contributed to a Sunday Supper, if you donated ‘stuff’, if you sponsored someone for S.T.R.I.V.E.—they want to thank you. The banquet (a.k.a. pancake dinner) will of course have a pirate theme, so bring your best pirate humor and feel free to dress the paaarrrt. There will be food and entertainment (hmmm....) so make plans to be here. If you haven’t already done so, you can let Chad know after church today that you plan to attend. Youth Lock-In & Out Our youth will kick off their summer of awesomeness with a Lock In & Out– Friday, 6/14 7pm thru Saturday, 6/15 7am. Itinerary includes: Broomball, Wal-Mart, Whataburger, fun games, and plenty of other yet-to-be-determined shenanigans. There is a $10/person cost for the broomball. ** We need adult volunteers to keep us Ministry Safe, and we would love to have you join in on some of the craziness and fun! If you are interested in taking a shift that night, please let us know on your Connection Card. Relief Effort Please continue to keep those affected by this week's Texas tornadoes lifted up in your prayers. Donations to support the UMC response in Granbury, Cleburne and other areas can be made through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Please make checks payable to Faith UMC with "UMCOR Advance #901670" in the memo line. 100% of your donation will go to the relief effort. Study Calendar Vacation Bible School News Vacation Bible School is the week of June 17, and registration is now open. You might be thinking, “What’s the rush?” But VBS will be here before we know it. So we’d really appreciate it if you would register as soon as possible. VBS is Faith's largest community outreach opportunity, so please pray for this ministry and consider donating your time and your financial resources. You can register children 4 years through 5th grade Cost is $10/child ($30 max/family.) and includes a T-shirt. If you would like volunteer, please indicate such your Connection Card or sign up at the registration table. Newly Rebranded Young Adult Ministry Define The Relationship (DTR) invites young adults of all ages to come and participate in the discussion as we strive to define our relationship with God. If you are a young adult looking for inclusive fellowship—and meaningful, relevant conversations about what it means to be a Now Generation Christian—we’d love to have you join us. We meet each week on Monday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30. Typically we’re here at the church or in Denton at Yogurt Fusion. Let us know you’re interested via your Connection Card, and we will gladly reach out to you. “Gift” from Mardel Mardel wanted to thank us for letting them come and ‘set up shop’ to sell Bibles, so they left an abundance of 30% off coupons. Help yourself—they are at the Welcome Center. * Coupon expires at the end of May, so get them now. This Week Sunday 05/19 9:00 10:30 11:30 11:45 1:00 3:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 Sunday School Worship—and Children’s Chapel Called Charge Conference Celebration Team Meeting Cancer Support Meeting District Conference in Plano Legacy Journey Class—last session Youth Pirate Pancake Dinner Parents Of Youth Group FPU Class Monday 05/20 1:00 7:00 Staff Meeting Young Adult Small Group Wednesday 05/22 9:15 12:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 Women of the Word Bible Study Staff Outing to Ranger Game Youth Bible Study Praise Chorus Women of Faith Bible Study Men’s Softball Thursday 05/23 3:15 Girl Scouts Saturday 05/25 9:00 Faith in Action Sunday 05/26 7:00 9:00 10:30 6:00 6:00 First Meal at FUMC Denton Sunday School Worship—and Children’s Chapel Parents Of Youth Group FPU Class Monday 05/27 *** Memorial Day—Church Office Closed Save the Date! Be sure to join us on Sunday, June 9— that is Pastor John’s last Sunday here at Faith. We want to make it a day to remember! Plans are in the works for all kinds of fun and interesting things. We will be looking for volunteers on several fronts. If you are interested, please let us know via your Connection Card. And… As long as you’re marking up your calendar, set aside Friday evening, June 21 too. That will be the culmination celebration for our Vacation Bible School. Lots of great family fun planned from 6:00-8:30 that evening!
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