This Week @ Faith Sunday 8:00 AM Connection Classes 9:15 AM Morning Worship/Kids Church 10:45 AM Connection Classes 4:30 PM Christmas Tea Meeting - 208 5:00 PM Missions Fair in the Gym M onday 6:00 PM K.A.R.E Karate - 220 6:30 PM Boy Scouts - 140 Tuesday 9:00 AM Ladies Exercise - 220 10:00 AM WOM - Lunch-n-Bunch 6:30 PM Anna Prayer Ministry-Prayer Rm Wednesday 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:15 PM Prayer Ministry Wednesday Meal Gospel Light (2Yr. Olds) ABC Bible Verse (Ages 3 & 4) RA’s & GA’s, Kindermission MS Refuge - 203 HS Amplify - Gym “Equipping U” Classes Prayer Meeting Men of Faith Choir/Orchestra Practice Guatemala Mission Trip Interest Meeting - 212 Thursday 6:00 PM K.A.R.E. Karate - 220 Friday 6:00 AM Men’s Power Breakfast 9:00 AM Ladies Exercise - 220 Saturday 10:00 AM K.A.R.E. Karate Faith Family Matters wA Look Back at October 5, 2014 Morning Worship 1,357 Adult Connection 702 Student Connection 125 Children Connection 159 Preschool Connection 188 Budget Giving $99,986 Building Receipts $1,837 Missions $12,710 wToday’s Flowers The flowers today are given in memory of Myrtis Terrell from Charlotte Bondurant’s Connection Class. wDeacon of the Day Steve & Judy Norton have been members of Faith for 11 years. They have one daughter, Amber Nicole. Steve works at IAC in Bartlett in sales. Judy works in the daycare at Mid America Seminary and Faith’s Mothers Day Out Program. Steve volunteers in RAs on Wednesday nights and is on the Deacon Home-bound Ministry Team. Judy volunteers in the preschool ministry. wWednesday Fellowship Meal Salad/ Spaghetti /Baked Apples New reservations are required for all who wish to participate in the Wednesday Fellowship meals. wCongratulations Congratulations to Brett and Allison Frazier on the birth of Adelyn Fay on October 2. wAnnouncements 2014 Faith Photo Directory October 14-18 is the last chance to have your pictures made for the new Directory. Please come by the table in the Lobby, go to, or call 386-4785 to sign up before it’s too late! Christmas Tea Hostess Meeting Today Sunday Morning Messages Watch online LIVE on Sundays or watch archived sermons anytime at CDs $3 • DVDs $5 To order CDs/DVDs of the Worship Service email Kay at or call 901-531-6803. Orders may be picked up in the church office. Building & Grounds Jimmy Thornton Campus Watch Wilkes/Barkley/Essary/Felsburg October 12, 2014 Dr. Danny Sinquefield Pastor Dr. Mike Day Sr. Associate Pastor Terry Easley Associate Pastor Music & Worship Where Friends Become Family Stephen Brannon Associate Pastor Missions & Mobilization Brett Frazier Associate Pastor Next Generation Terry Hughes Associate Pastor Children & Young Families A Staying Believer’s Joy Jody Steward Minister Middle School Students Josh Sinquefield Minister College Students Casey Slagle Girls Ministry Coordinator 4:30pm in Room 208 This meeting is for those who are new, those who have questions and those who would love to pass on what they have learned while participating in our annual Ladies Christmas Tea. Ministry Staff TODAY, 8:00-1:00 Deacons Meeting Sunday, October 26 • 12:00pm Fellowship Hall • $5.00 Meal Mission Statement “The Mission of Faith Baptist Church is to glorify God through passionate worship, personal evangelism, purposeful discipleship, practical ministry and participation in missions.” Vision Statement “Our Vision is to first love God supremely and love others sacrificially. Then, in fulfilling the Great Commission, we are committed to sharing the Gospel, starting new churches, and ministries, strengthening existing churches and sending workers into the fields.” Vicki Purifoy Director Preschool Ministry Connie Lawyer Coordinator Children’s Ministry Ken Cox Director Recreation Ministry Richard Murley Director Communications & Media Kevin Womack Church Business Administrator 3755 North Germantown Road Bartlett, Tennessee 38133 901-386-4785 Please visit our website at From Our Pastor’s Heart Thank you for joining with us today in worship! I am looking forward to continuing our series, “A Gospel Focused Life” from the book of Philippians. As we approach the final few themes in this beautiful letter, we will be reminded that the real key to the Christian life is relationships. believe that is true here at Faith Baptist Church and it is our prayer We that you will get “connected” in this wonderful community of believers at a deep level. It is always a great honor to have guests with us on Sunday morning – we hope you feel welcome and will consider making Faith your church home! Today is a great day of celebration as we host our annual Mission Fair this afternoon from 5-8pm. Be sure to bring the entire family for this “up close and personal” look at the many ways Faith is engaging our community, the nation, and the world with the gospel. You will have the opportunity to ask questions, meet our mission partners, and be encouraged to get involved as a family. Don’t miss this wonderful evening of mission celebration in a festive and family-friendly atmosphere. Most of the activities will take place in the gym and fellowship hall areas of the facility. Thank you, church family, for your excellent participation in our recent Faith 2024 Survey. We had nearly 900 members who took their time to respond – a great sampling that will be very helpful as it informs our Task Force in setting priorities for the future of Faith. I was very encouraged by the overwhelming sense of gratitude and affirmation that was shared concerning our ministry and mission at Faith. Our members also gave honest and helpful suggestions and offered constructive and creative ideas. Good leaders are also good listeners and I believe our task force will deeply appreciate this excellent feedback. We will share an overview report from our 2024 Survey on Sunday evening, October 26th. Morning Worship Praise and Worship “Day’s of Elijah” FBC Orchestra “O Happy Day”Congregation “10,000 Reasons” “May We Never Forget” FBC Choir & Orchestra Trio: Konnie Easley, Leigh Williamson, and Danielle Rye Message “A Believer’s Joy”Pastor (Philippians 4:4-13 ) “Just As I Am”Invitation OffertorySamaritan’s Purse Video Church Conference Join Us Tonight ...... For a special time in the gym at the 2014 Missions Fair. This churchwide event will give families and friends the chance to meet Faith On Mission Offering partners and friends. This will also be your chance to get information about the 2015 Mission Trips at the Preview tables in the gym. Plus, hear a missions message from Guest Speaker: Brad Dunlap, Pastor of Mercy Hill. Missions Christmas in Guatemala! Faith is sponsoring a mission trip to Guatemala over the Christmas break that will be focused on children’s ministry. Trip dates are December 27-January 2. The trip interest meeting will be Wednesday, October 15th, at 7:15pm in Room 212. Please email Rachel Walker for more information at About You ..... Sunday, October 12 Please Print (Circle one) Mr. Mrs. Miss Name ___________________________ Address _________________________ ________________________________ City _____________________________ State __________ Zip _____________ Children’s Ministry Phone (H) ______________________ Trunk or Treat - October 31 at Buckhead Creek. If you would like to bring your car and be a “treater”, please register at the table in the Grand Lobby. You will be given your instruction information at that time. If you would like to promote “Trunk or Treat” in your neighborhood, stop by the table and pick up a yard sign today! RA ‘s are collecting $5 and $10 gas cards for the Men’s and Women’s Christian Job Corps. These cards will be used to help applicants get to job interviews. If you would like to help, please bring gas cards to the RA table in the lobby or give to any of your Faith Royal Ambassadors. Recreation Ministry Registration for Upward Basketball for kids in 5 Yr. K-2nd grade will be Sunday, October 26, 4:30-5:30pm in the gym. Fee is $65. Practice will begin the end of November & games will begin in January. Registration ends on Sunday, Nov. 2 JOY Group The regular JOY Group meeting is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 16. This will be a covered dish supper at 6:00pm in the gym. If you are new to the church or have not attended in a while, this is a great way to meet new people. (C) ______________________ E-Mail ___________________________ Date of Birth _____________________ Are you a member of a church? ______ Church __________________________ I would like to know more about: q A personal relationship with Jesus q How to join this church Please pray for me concerning: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Student Ministry ________________________________ ________________________________ High School Guys Discipleship starting on October 16 at the home of Brett Frazier. We will meet every Thursday for 6 weeks. Sign up in the gym on Wednesday nights & Sunday mornings. It’s not too late to sign up for Girl’s Ministry Fall Discipleship, which meets on various days of the week. Sign up in the gym on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings. Women On Mission Come join us for the Women On Mission Lunch-n-Bunch to hear our guest speaker, Bro. James Williams of Hope Fellowship on Tuesday, October 14 at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall. Music Ministry Have you ever considered joining the Choir or Orchestra? Come join us for an Open House this Wednesday evening, October 15. Meet us in the Grand Lobby from 6:30- 7:00pm and be greeted by a Choir or Orchestra Member who will partner with you for rehearsal. Choir rehearsal is from 7:00 - 8:30pm and Orchestra rehearsal is from 7:15- 8:30pm. ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ q Request for Pastors only q Request for Wed. Night Prayer Meeting Meal Reservations Wednesday Nights • 5:00 - 6:00 PM $5.00 Adults • $3.00 Child (10 & under) $20.00 maximum per family Name _________________________ # of Adults _______ # of Kids _____ q Wk 1 q Wk 2 q Wk 3 q Wk 4 q Wk 5 q Make this a permanent reservation
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