Faith United Milton

Faith United Milton
Our Statement of Being
We are a Christian people of Faith who together are United in our worship of God & in service to Milton and
the world community.
Our Mission
Faith United Milton is committed to praising the Lord, spreading the Word, and loving our neighbours – in our
community and beyond; giving of ourselves that we may grow in faith and be blessed by the spirit of God.
Announcements for Sunday, April 19, 2015
This week
Apr. 19 – Carol Hyde, LLWL
Upcoming Services
Apr. 26 – Outreach
May 3 – Rev. Mario Charpentier
As some people are allergic
to perfume and aftershave lotion,
it has been requested that you do not
wear them when attending church.
Forward announcements to by Wed. of week you’d like the announcement to appear.
Women of Faith
All WOF events are normally scheduled for 7:30 pm on the first Monday of the month at Birkdale Place, 611
Farmstead Dr. unless otherwise stated. For more information visit the website below.
The possibility of procuring some paid part-time ministerial support: Thanks to all who attended the first
discussion meeting or sent in their comments. The information from that meeting will be sent out this week.
A follow-up meeting is scheduled for after church on April 19th.
New Faith Calendar: Faith has now implemented a new Calendar to indicate all Faith events from Worship
leaders/Guest ministers to Choir practices and Singing dates. Also included will be Faith sponsored or
endorsed community events (for example Empty Bowls or Salvation Army Picnic). Any other community
events that may be of interest to Faith members will be listed below the calendar.
To see any events you can go to It is also in the navigation tabs
across the top of the website so it is easy for all to see.
Mission and Outreach
Milton Community Day is May 2nd. Come with other members of Faith United to Hugh Foster Hall for
breakfast and then to clean up an area assigned in Milton. More details to follow.
Salvation Army Picnic, Sunday, June 14th - 3:00 - 6:30 P.M.: Mark your calendars now to volunteer at the
annual picnic hosted by Faith United for clients of the Salvation Army. More details to follow.
Update on Sheila
Sheila has arrived safely back at her home in Florida. She reports she is doing well and hopes to come back to
Milton at the end of May. Her full letter will be available at church.
Coffee Time (10:30 am) – Join your friends Friday morning at Lunch Box Cafe (Nipissing Road at Thompson
Road), which is staffed by folks from Milton's Community Living program. (Faith Outreach) See you there!
Pictures are taken at our services and are posted on Faith United’s website and Facebook. If you do not wish your picture or
pictures of your children to be posted on the website or Facebook, please speak to the photographer/usher.
Members are reminded that they may place flowers at the front of the church on any Sunday for any personal
event or memorial. Contact either Barb McFarlane or Louise Prevost as to which Sunday you’d like to book.
Pastoral Care
If you are aware of anyone who is ill, has a family concern or is celebrating a special occasion, would you
please advise Ione Cox at or call (289) 429-1151 and leave a message.
In The Community (For more detailed information, go to
Summer Employment for students age 15-30 as Vacation Bible School Camp Counselors
Three positions available in a multi-site United Church Vacation Bible School Program. More information on
Faith Web Site. For complete job descriptions and how to apply please go to
Application Deadline May 3, 2015
Student Employment: Port Nelson United Church, Burlington, has several positions open for high school
and university students to form the leadership team for Port Nelson’s summer GLEE Camp program.
Job postings & position descriptions found here:
Information about the GLEE Camp program may be found here:
Annual SPRING FAYRE - Saturday April 18th, 2014 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Grace Anglican Church, 317 Main St., Milton
The Fayre features 40 vendors with a variety of items from popcorn, honey, jewellery, Tupperware, spices,
wood craft items, handbags, candles, soaps, massages to mention a few. Lots of baked goodies and a silent
auction too.
The Marion Singers with Conductor Tony Browning - April 25, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.
This a Capella choir are singing 'Delightful spring music' for your enjoyment. There will be a 'Meet and Great'
reception following. Tickets will be available on Sunday at St. Paul’s: Adults $20 and Students $10. All ticket
proceeds are for St. Paul's. Tickets will also be available at the door.
FASCINATING Rhythms – Tempus Choir SPRING Concert - Friday, May 1 at 8 pm
Clearview Christian Reformed Church, 2300 Sheridan Garden Dr., Oakville
Oakville’s 90-voice Tempus Choral Society sings tunes from the greatest “pop” composers. Their “Fascinating
Rhythms” spring concert will include: Cole Porter’s “Anything Goes”, the classic 60s hit “Build Me Up
Buttercup”, and the Carl Perkins masterpiece “Daddy Sang Bass” along with Leonard Cohen’s “Halleluja” and
many others. Tickets are $20 and are available from Nicolette who will be happy to deliver them / by phone:
905-334-9375 / email: / or at the door.
Teens, Topics & Toast Youth Group - First Sun. most months at 9:30 am: May 3, June 7.
St. George’s (Lowville) Anglican Church, 7051 Guelph Line at Derry Road
Youth in grades 7-10 will meet for breakfast and to discuss topics of interest to them. This year’s theme is
“Discovering My Place in God’s World”. All welcome.
Like a Mother’s Love: (6th Annual Fundraiser)– Silent Auction and Concert on Friday, May 8 – 7:30-9:30 pm
at St. Matthew’s Church, 126 Plains Rd. E., Burlington (located two blocks east of Waterdown Road)
Admission: Pay What You Can. All proceeds in support of “Home of Grace Care Centre.”
Escarpment Walk Church - St. George’s (Lowville) Anglican Church, 7051 Guelph Line at Derry Road
Saturday (usually the 2nd of each month) at 9:30 am: May 9, June 13, July 1
The Escarpment Walk Church meets at St George’s Anglican Church in Lowville for a meditative prayer walk
on Halton Conservation Area trails, followed by refreshments at the church. Cost to cover park fees and
refreshments is $10. All welcome.
Pictures are taken at our services and are posted on Faith United’s website and Facebook. If you do not wish your picture or
pictures of your children to be posted on the website or Facebook, please speak to the photographer/usher.