June Newsletter - Mt. Healthy UMC

June, 2015
The Messenger
The Ripple Effect
Chris Bieri, Risk Taking Mission and Service
Can a child pick the family into which he is born? Can a
child help being born? Can a child save himself? I ask
myself these questions when volunteering at Zone
231. The answer to all three questions is – obviously no. Then, I ask myself two more questions – Can I pick
the family into which the child is born? Can I keep a
child from being born into hard circumstances? The
answer to these questions is also no.
The next logical thought ‒ So, why volunteer at all? – is
a question I CAN answer. When I was five my father, a
weary Marine veteran, took me for a walk. At a pond,
he picked up a pebble and gently dropped it into the
water. As the pebble fell, he asked me to watch when it
hit the water. Where the pebble “plunked” into the
pond, the water formed a perfect circle. A circle rippled
out around the spot. We watched as bigger and bigger
circles formed, until the last and largest circle reached
the banks of the pond. The lesson of the circles was
the most precious gift my father gave me.
When I hand a cookie to a child at Zone, I am dropping
quiet pebbles with the word “love” carved into them. A
circle forms within that deep pond of a child and bigger
circles ripple out into that child’s future. I will be long
gone when the largest circle touches the bank, just as
my father is gone and will never know the circles are
still rippling in me.
But ‒ a child doesn’t have long to be a child, and being
born into hard circumstances makes that time even
shorter. My father was a tough, Depression-era kid. He
was in a gang, and slept with a gun beneath his pillow
by the time he was twelve. I see my father in the kids at
Zone, and that’s why I drop the pebbles.
You can be a pebble-dropper, too. Zone 231’s Funfest
2015 program will operate Monday through Friday from
11 AM to 3 PM during summer vacation. The children
will go to the Mount Healthy Pool every other week. On
alternate weeks, field trips to the bowling alley, skate
park, zoo, a Reds Game, and Sky Zone are planned.
Mt. Healthy UMC
I’ve been there. But I learned from experience that
increasing my faith through giving time or money‒even
during times of struggle‒brings hope. I cannot say that I
expect God to reward me with material gain for
giving. But the words of Psalm 126:6 ring true: Those
who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return
with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. As we sow
even the tiniest of seeds, we will not see the plants
sprout right away, but with faith nuturing those seeds,
God promises that we’ll reap the harvest. God provides
our needs, and also gives us the opportunity to be a
blessing to others. Friends, I encourage to believe in the
unseen‒to have extravagant faith that leads to
extravagant generosity! May God bless you!
In conclusion, I also encourage you to attend a special
event at our church on June 14 in the sanctuary. Please
refer to the article below:
Legacy Giving and Planning Your Final
Celebration of Life: June 14, 11:10 AM–12 PM
Please remain in the sanctuary after church on June 14
to learn how you can leave a legacy of financial support
for Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church. Also, Pastor
Jonathan will be conducting a presentation on how you
can plan for the final celebration of your life. All are
encouraged to attend.
Annual United Methodist Men's Yard Sale:
Saturday, June 27, 9 AM‒3 PM
Come and shop with us on June 27! Proceeds from the
sale will benefit missions.
Your donations to the yard sale are appreciated.
Suggested donations are gently used glassware,
pottery, holiday items, books, working kitchen
appliances and small furniture. We can’t accept
clothing, bedding or shoes. Please place donations in
room 125 in the lower level of the education wing. Please
bring them before or after church events or during office
hours. Office hours are Wednesday, 9 AM to 12 PM and
Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM. Thank you!
You can sponsor one child for $150 or two children for
$250. However, donations of any amount can be
applied to a sponsorship. If you’d like to support the
Zone 231 summer program, see or contact me or
Sharon Heim, or you may email Pastor Zack Whittle at
youth@mthealthyalliance.org. Volunteers are also
needed to attend field trips with the children. Thanks!
Giving in Times of Uncertainty
Greg Spitler, Extravagant Generosity
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and
assurance about what we do not see...Hebrews
11:1, NIV
Giving to God is an act of faith. We may be hesitant to
give in times of financial stress. We may doubt that
we’ll find that job or that God will see us through the
hard times. We may fear the unknown, the future.
A Message from Jeanne Marie (Brightfire) Stophlet
The Native American Indian community
would wish for realization that each of us, in
our own way, are gifts of the creator and the act of
giving peace is a blessing to many.
Peace will come into the homes, the communities and
the nations, when we all can work for a common goal.
Peace is not just a word, but the actions of people.
Words of Peace for Native American Indian People
Growing in Faith
Jeanine Smith, Intentional Faith Development
The spiritual progress of a congregation depends on intentional faith development.
Learning in community is how Jesus taught his disciples. Christian disciples desire
to grow in the grace of Christ and advance in the knowledge and love of God.
Christian practices are patterns of communal action that create openings in our lives
where the grace, mercy and presence of God may be made known to us. They are
places where the power of God is experienced.
Happy Birthday!
Brittaney Doxsey
Timothy Doxsey
Carolyn Garman *
Shirley Hinderberger 6/17
According to the apostle Paul, faith is something we grow into and strive toward. We
seek to have in us the mind that was in Christ Jesus, allowing God's Spirit to shape our
thoughts, attitudes, values, and behaviors. The change God works in us through the
Spirit results in a deeper awareness of God's presence and will increase our desire
to serve God and neighbor. We aspire to fruit-of-the-spirit qualities of love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self–control. These are
learned in the presence of others through practice. We should set ourselves where
God can shape us, intentionally opening ourselves to God's word and call.
Eric Hovemeyer
Barbara Leder *
Jeff Light
Ron Packer *
Bob Reep
Learning in community helps people explore possibilities that God may have for them
that they never would have considered on their own. The practice of intentional faith
development puts us in the most advantageous place to perceive and receive God's
activity and will for our lives. Growth in faith requires placing ourselves in community to
learn the faith with others. We learn the life of Christ and will of God by studying God's
word and through experience with other people of faith. Studies and classes provide
means to help people remain faithful in their journey toward Christ.
Rook Robinson
Charlene Roettele
Shirley Sand
Trudy Schreiner *
Please consider joining:
 Sunday School class: 8:45‒9:45 AM Sunday mornings in the education wing;
adults upstairs and children downstairs
 Adult Bible study: 2nd and 4th Monday evenings at 6:30 in Fellowship Hall;
contact person is Carol Smith
 Summer topical study: People Who Met Jesus; Wednesdays, 10:30 AM; starting
June 17
Andy Smith
Berdene Vehr
Shannon Vehr *
Robert Wiesman *
Eileen Zimmerman *
Be a part of others' faith formation:
 Help with Vacation Bible School (July 27‒31, 6:30 PM each evening).
 Teach Sunday School: Our present preschool class will be moving on in
September and their teacher, Diana Klenk, along with them. Please pray about
working with the new preschoolers.
 Help with childcare: Sarah Bode and our crew of helpers do an awesome job, but
occasionally there is an additional need.
 Help with Children’s Church
Contact me at 522-9250 or jds718@gmail.com with questions, concerns, or offers to
help! Thank you!
Loving and Welcoming All God’s Children
Diana Klenk, Radical Hospitality
As a church congregation, we want to practice radical hospitality to all people who
come into the church. We are all responsible to actively invite, welcome, receive and
care for those who are strangers so that they find a welcoming spiritual home. We
need to exceed visitors' expectations of their church experiences.
Our goal is to make our church radically hospitable. We are giving the restrooms some
makeovers, little welcoming touches that say, "Hi! We are glad that you are here!" We
are working on a new website. We now have a hospitality table, but we need volunteers to help with that table. Please sign the book and choose a date to be responsible
for the hospitality table. Bring juice and not more that two types of breakfast foods.
Coffee and coffee supplies, napkins, plates and cups are provided. Pitchers for the
juice and cold water are in the hospitality supply closet in the narthex. Thank you!
All of the congregation are team members of radical hospitality. We want to demonstrate a commitment to loving all of God's children and providing opportunity for them
to worship, fellowship, and move into active ministry at Mt. Healthy United Methodist
Copies of the Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church Council
meeting minutes are on the welcome table in the back of the sanctuary
and posted on the wall in the upper level of the education wing.
* Address Updates:
 Carolyn Garman; 1471
Rugg St.; Cincinnati, OH;
 Barbara Leder; 4
Deliquia Pl.; Apt. 31;
Cincinnati, OH; 45230
 Ron and Joy Packer;
10379 Maria Ave.;
Cincinnati, OH; 45231
 Trudy Schreiner; 7363
Martin St.; #315;
Cincinnati, OH; 45231
 Shannon Vehr; 3105
Regal Ln.; Apt. 12;
Cincinnati, OH; 45239
 Mark and Amy Wiesman
and Family; 7314 Gaines
Rd.; Cincinnati, OH;
 Eileen Zimmerman;
Maple Knoll/Breeze
Manor; 11200 Springfield
Pk.; #H219; Cincinnati,
OH; 45246
Blessed indeed is the
man who hears many
gentle voices call him
“father”...Lydia Child
Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church
7612 Perry St.
Cincinnati, OH 45231
Permit No. 6469
Sunday School:
8:45 AM
Sunday Worship Service:
10:00 AM, Sanctuary
This issue's mail date:
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Deadline to submit articles for the July/August
issue of The Messenger is June 10, 12 PM.
The next issue of The Messenger will contain news
for both July and August. The newsletter will return
to monthly publication with the September issue.
Mt. Healthy UMC Welcomes Cincinnati Nepali Church!
Cincinnati Nepali Church is meeting in the chapel on Sundays at noon,
sharing the gospel and Jesus’ love. Let us welcome Pastor Peter
Acharya and his wife, Indu
Making Summer Plans?
 Science Adventure Day Camp for Kids: A week in July. Funded by
a grant from The Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Details to be
 Vacation Bible School: July 27‒July 31, 6:30 PM each evening
 Church Picnic and Benefit Concert for the Mt. Healthy Alliance:
Sunday, August 16. Enjoy a picnic immediately after worship. After
the picnic, don’t miss a concert featuring the Jazz Trio!
Submitting Articles to
The Messenger
 Please email articles and information
to mthealthyumc@fuse.net (preferred).
Or, drop them in the church office
mailbox (near the office door). To
ensure accuracy, please do not give
articles by telephone.
 Due to the newsletter’s size limit,
please keep articles as brief as
 Please submit items by the 10th of the
month, 12 PM. The deadline for the
July/August issue is Wednesday,
June 10, 12 PM.
 Due to processing time, volunteers’
scheduling and slower bulk-rate
mailing, late articles may be
considered for the bulletin instead.
Pastor: Rev. Jonathan Kollmann  Phone: 931-5827  Email: mthealthyumc@fuse.net
Website: mthealthyumc.org  Like us on Facebook!
Church Office Hours: Wednesday, 9 AM to 12 PM and Thursday, 9 AM to 4 PM
Cincinnati Nepali Church: Meeting in Mt. Healthy United Methodist Church’s Chapel, Sundays, 12 PM.
Mt. Healthy Alliance Food Pantry:
Mt. Healthy Christian Church  7717 Harrison Avenue ● 521-3700 ● www.mthealthyalliance.org
Mondays and Thursdays, 9:30 AM‒12 PM; Saturdays, 9 AM‒12 PM; Tuesdays, 5 ‒7 PM ● Serving 45231
Mailing Address for the Mt. Healthy Alliance: P.O. Box 31028; Mt. Healthy, Ohio; 45231