MAY 2015 Faith Lutheran Church 2116 Mineral Point Avenue Janesville, WI 53548 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 233 Janesville, WI 53545 Ponderings from Pastor Anne Unwelcome? 50 Ways Churches Drive Away First-Time Visitors Your elected leaders on the church council have just finished reading a book, Unwelcome: 50 Ways Churches Drive Away First-Time Visitors. We discussed the book at two consecutive council meetings. Now the council members are looking for others who will read their copy of the book and pass it along. We hope that the ripple effect of more and more members of the congregation being aware of the importance of our hospitality and welcome will affect our welcome for the good. Why the big deal? If we’ve grown up in the church, we may not realize how very difficult it is for someone less churched to be brave enough to walk through the doors on a Sunday morning. Not long ago, someone was telling me they had a panic attack as they drove around the building several times trying to build up the courage to come in. I know that brave soul is not alone. The book we considered together encourages us to consider our building and the people within from “the others” perspective. Are they greeted with a friendly welcome? Are they guided to where they need to go? Do they understand our order of worship? Can they find the restrooms, elevator, and childcare? What image does our building project? Our restrooms? Our displays? Are things clean and appealing, or cluttered and outdated? What is in need of a little ‘sprucing up’? We have 15 new families joining the community of Faith this month. We don’t want to jump on them (or anyone else!) for what they can do, but we do want to welcome them warmly and invite them to find the place(s) where their soul will be fed as they serve God and God’s people. Theologian Henry Buechner said, The place God calls us to is where the world’s deep need and my great joy meet. That’s my hope for every member of this congregation! I want you to be serving wherever you will find joy! That’s the right place for you. We hope you will wear your nametag and introduce yourself to people you don’t know. You may wonder if they are old or new members. There’s nothing wrong with holding out your hand and introducing yourself! “Good morning, I’m ________.” And if a council member asks if you’d like to read Unwelcome, I hope you’ll say yes. It’s a quick read, then pass it on to another member of the congregation. We’ll be having an adult forum before too long to discuss our welcome and see how we can move it from good to great! If God sends people to our doors, then it is only right that we welcome them warmly in the name of Christ. We expect that we will learn from them, and they will grow in faith and community here at Faith. It is, after all, God’s church. We are the hosts to welcome and accompany the people God has sent here. God’s peace and joy to you! Pastor Anne P.S. Our Spring clean up day(s) are being scheduled. This is a time when you have the opportunity to help maintain your church building and grounds to keep them looking their best. We only get one chance to make a first impression. And we want to be good stewards of this holy space. I hope to see you at the Spring clean up! Many hands make light work. SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY MAY 16th The day starts at 8 am until ??? Most of the work is outside, every pair of hands is welcome! Pastor David Andert Reading Thoughts I’ve just been reading two books whose messages I think would be encouraging to and appreciated by most of the readers of this newsletter. They are Learning to Pray Again: Peace and joy through an ancient practice, by Bishop Michael Rinehart and The Gift of Years: Growing Older Graciously, by Joan Chittester. Both books are designed for reading short sections over a period of days rather than being read as a whole in one sitting. Each is available wherever you like to buy books or on your electronic device. In Learning to Pray Again Bishop Rinehart uses 40 very short chapters to address the concerns he hears asked about prayer. He speaks of the power prayer brings for daily life and then reminds the reader of 15 traditional prayer practices. He includes reflections about speaking and listening, memorized and rote prayers, music, journaling and other prayer practices. He follows with a section on praying with children and teaching them to pray. The book ends with 15 meditations addressing common questions about prayer. The set of meditations about answered and unanswered prayers and prayers which are answered in unexpected ways will comfort many. I found the chapter, “Unanswered Prayer” especially meaningful. Each brief chapter ends with an exercise to aid in applying the truth it covers. “If you are anxious, know that one of the benefits of prayer is lower anxiety.” (chapter 2) “What if we begin renewing our prayer life with silence? Let God speak. Listen.” (chapter 5) In The Gift of Years, Sister Joan Chittister , a recognized author and public speaker, reflects on the next stage of life as she turns 70. (I think the book will appeal to anyone who has entered their 50’s and is thinking about their future.) This book also has 40 short chapters, each with a one word title like: regret, meaning, joy, accomplishment, possibility, relationships, freedom, success and loneliness. Each theme ends with two related summary thoughts that begin, “A burden of these years is. …” and “A blessing of these years is….” I appreciated that the book is filled with the hope and possibility that are a part of growing older rather than having a focus on what is lost (although that is also appropriately addressed.) The piece about meaning includes, “A burden of these years is that we might allow ourselves to believe that not being as fast or as busy as we used to be is some kind of human deficiency. A blessing of these years is that we can come to understand that it is the quality of what we think and say that makes us valuable members of society, not how fast or busy we are.” (p.12) The thoughts about forgiveness end with, “A burden of these years is that we run the risk of allowing ourselves to be choked by the struggles of the past. A blessing of these years is the ability to see that life does not have to be perfect to be perfect; it only needs to be forgiving – and forgiven.” (p.193) Happy Reading, Pastor David Andert WELCOME TO OUR NEWEST MEMBERS... This month we welcome 15 new families to Faith Lutheran Church. In next month’s newsletter we’ll have their pictures with a short bio and contact information. Please offer them a warm welcome! Tiffany & Coy Brockmann and their son Case Marlene Carrel Mary Esser Sarah & Dan Harvey and daughter Ally Esser James Heider Allison Johnson joins Brittany Crowe here, and their son Liam Jenny O’Neil Loyd Courtney & Jason Lou and their son Drayton (with one on the way!) Jenna Miland Grace Morris Ann Pedersen Brandon Pedersen Helen Proeber Melissa Trew & Nora Johnston and their son Rome Johnston-Crouch Karl Yager and her daughter Becca Church News... CIRCLE BLUEGRASS JAM FRIDAY, MAY 8TH Fellowship Hall at Faith 6:30-9:00 pm Doesn’t matter if you can sing, dance or play an instrument...join us for this evening full of entertainment! Concession will be provided by FLY! MILLION MEALS On Sunday, May 3, 2015, Faith Lutheran will participate with over 4,000 volunteers in packing ONE MILLION MEALS for ‘Kids Against Hunger’ at the ShopKo Plaza in Janesville (2604 Humes Road). Fifty Faith members signed up to cover five tables from 1:00 – 3:00. This county-wide event is being sponsored by the Rock County Rotary Clubs. Each packaged meal feeds six people. Boxes of sealed meal packages are placed on pallets with each pallet holding 1,188 packages and feeding 7,128 people. Faith volunteers, please be at the event site by 12:30 to help facilitate team transitions. We are blessed to be involved! Thanks to all who volunteered and donated to the One Million Meal celebration on May 3 rd. Faith Lutheran is AWESOME! You always “Step up to the plate”. Thanks again, Gary Bersell THANK YOU to Glenn & Beatta Kipfer for their generous gift of lawn care for the church again! Mission Outreach Get involved. Make a difference. Share God’s love. GIFTS MEN’S SHELTER Thanks to Kathy McGrath’s leadership, Faith Church has been a “Partnering Church” with the Gifts Men’s Shelter for 3 years. We shared meals and volunteers with a “Host” church offering overnight facilities for the homeless men. It has been a remarkable experience for everyone involved. When Stephanie Burton, Executive Director for Gifts, came to our adult forum this winter, she said Gifts was becoming a permanent year-round shelter. As a result, more “Host” churches are needed. Hosting is already filled for the summer, but a couple fall openings provide opportunities for new hosting churches. Both “Hosting” and “Partnering” are important roles. Our congregation continues to support the Gifts Shelter, but as members we need to discuss whether our facility is offered as a “Host” church or Faith continues its support as a “Partnering Church”. During the adult forum on SUNDAY, MAY 3rd, Stephanie Burton from Gifts, Deb Westby (Faith’s new Gifts coordinator), and Ron Krueger (Council President) will be available to share information on hosting, to answer questions, and to receive your input. PLEASE set aside this time between services to help determine our direction for this mission. If you are unable to attend the adult forum, and you have questions or concerns, PLEASE take a minute and call Deb Westby (921-6744) or Ron Krueger ( 756-2043) so your voice is heard! Thank you. CROP WALK Thanks again to Jim Tollefson for coordinating Faith’s participation in the CROP Hunger Walk on April 26th. Both walkers and supportive donors are essential and appreciated. CROP Walk’s motto is “ending hunger one step at a time”. In 2014 the local Crop Walk effort raised $38,000; putting our area at #33 in the country (out of 1,200 CROP walks). The money donated helps children around the world, and 25% of what is raised goes to ECHO. GREEN TEAM Last week following our inspiring Earth Day service, Cathy Jennings stepped forward to volunteer as chair of a congregational GREEN TEAM and already members have expressed interest in joining. Cathy compiled a list of possible goals and ways for Faith to begin this mission. You can access the ELCA’s social statement on the environment by going to the ELCA website on-line. At this site you can also view resources by clicking on “Caring for Creation”. If you’re interested in attending the first meeting when it’s scheduled, call Cathy Jennings directly (201-1786) or Vicki in the church office (754-0261). We are called by God to "keep the earth" (Genesis 2:15). ECHO Through April we collected toothbrushes and toothpaste for ECHO. In May our focus will be macaroni and cheese. We have a collection basket outside the sanctuary as well as labeled wooden bins in the downstairs entrance area. Please remember those struggling with daily expenses when you’re shopping for your family. Check the mission bulletin board for ECHO updates. Blessed to be a blessing Church News BeFriender Ministry Update May 10th to the 16th is National Women’s Health Week Things are looking very bright for the Faith Lutheran Befriender Ministry Program. We will complete our inaugural training on Saturday May 9. Our Befrienders will be commissioned during worship services on June 21. We will be seeking members of Faith and their families who would be in need of a listening visitor. These would include people dealing with death, illness, divorce, new baby, or any significant life change. Psalm 139:14 is a reminder that we are “wonderfully and fearfully made.” This should encourage us to develop an attitude of care and respect that includes monitoring, educating and self-discipline in caring for the body provided for us in this life. It is our responsibility and privilege. Lutheran World Relief... During the month of May, Faith will be collecting items for Health Care Kits. These will be collected through May 24 so they can be delivered to the Synod Assembly. We will be creating HEALTH CARE KITS Each kit consists of: One bath-size bar of soap One toothbrush One nail clipper One (sturdy) comb One bath sheet (similar in size to a beach towel) Please start collecting some of these items now. Collection will begin the first Sunday in May. Baskets will be placed in the Gathering Space. Saturday, MAY 9 FAITH’S LITTLE FRIEND’S CARNIVAL Games-Prizes-Food-Fun! 11 am to 1 pm Tickets available at event. Money raised goes toward new playground equipment. Call for details. Plans are under way to Schedule training sessions in the fall. We will be recruiting potential Befrienders on an ongoing basis. Please call the church office or the pastors if you are interested in a Befriender visit or to volunteer. This is an exciting opportunity to grow our sense of community at Faith Lutheran church. Feel free to direct your questions to Mat Haeger, Evon Mitchell or Lynn Husen. May is National High Blood Pressure Awareness Month Managing a chronic illness can be a significant challenge in your life. The following Care Notes in the kiosk in the gathering space at church may be of help: Chronic Illness-How To Deal With Day-to-Day Challenges When Illness Challenges Your Faith in A Loving God Finding Strength to Survive a Crisis From the Council President - Ron Krueger How do we grow? As I stated last way is to recognize that as we grow it is really all about our worship feeding the spirit, sharing Christian hospitality and inviting others to receive the gifts of forgiveness and eternal life. With that in mind this month we welcome fifteen new member families to Faith! Faith is growing. Let’s continue to make the worship experience at Faith as communal and welcoming as possible. We can do this simply by continuing to encourage everyone to wear their name tag (please order one through the church office if you don’t have one); and by remembering we are ALL Secret Greeters! Remember it may be difficult for a new person to even walk through the door. Let’s take action and greet everyone with a friendly welcome. Until next month, Ron You are welcome to contact me or the other council members with concerns. Contact information for the full council is listed at the back of the newsletter for your convenience. SUMMER WORSHIP SCHEDULE Summer Worship begins Sunday, May 24th. We’ve Listened! The feedback we received has encouraged us to bring back a section of the newsletter that seemed to fade away last year. We are including a monthly calendar with the Weekly Church Volunteers listed. Of course then summer worship schedule starts and we resort to a sign-up sheet, but we’ll be ready for the Fall! As you read through the calendar, if you find an “EMPTY” opportunity that you are able to fill, please contact the office to volunteer. Date Lectors Communion Servers Counters May 3 8:00 Julie Seiler 10:30 Sandi Valentine Julie & Robert Seiler Sandi Valentine Ray & Alice Freiwald May 10 8:00 Mary Nelsestuen 10:30 Barb Becker Open Open Joyce Laverty Jean Wickingson May 17 8:00 Karla Lathers 10:30 Jason Poole Karla Lathers Open Mel Brewer LouAnn Amundson May 24 Summer Worship Begins 8:00 Open Open 9:30 Rachel Perkins Open May 26: Bill & Barb Koch May 31 Sign Up Sheet Ray & Alice Freiwald Sign Up Sheet Services will be at 8 and 9:30 am Both services on this day will be indoors as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. Outdoor worship will begin the following Sunday, May 31 at 8 am. Indoor worship will be at 9:30 am. Summer Worship Leaders and Special Music Sign-up is in the Gathering Space. Consider signing up to be a lector, greeter and/or communion server during the summer months...Have a musical talent, hidden or otherwise? Share your gifts with the congregation during the summer months. FAITH 5 Verses for MAY can be found on Faith’s website. Church News Faith’s Little Friends Nicky Bird, Director May...Happy Birthday! 5/01 5/03 5/05 5/05 5/07 5/07 5/12 5/14 5/14 5/15 5/16 5/20 5/20 5/21 5/21 5/21 5/21 5/21 5/22 5/25 5/26 5/27 5/28 5/29 5/30 Doris Anderson Cleone Ames Elaine Peterson Janet Thomas Donna Hobbs Ellen Knutson Helen Anderson Marie Worden William Raatz Natalie Indgjer Betty Miller Ron Syverson Ron Krueger Frank Spoden Norman Anderson Duane Huber Carole Draheim Arnold Melbye Edith Herbst Blaine Vance Orville Larson Bernice Hart Joey Polzin Geneice Elmer Charles Henry Faith’s Little Friends P4J Graduation Please join us for an evening of celebration for the class of 2028! When: Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Doors Open at 6:00 PM, Ceremony Begins at 6:30* Come early to enjoy a slideshow of pictures from our year! Where: Faith Lutheran Church Sanctuary There will be a dessert reception following the ceremony in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP by returning the form below to the Daycare of church office by Wednesday, May 27th! Name:____________________________________________ MISSIONARIES… What an opportunity we have to help support Curtis and Katie (Andert) Kline as ELCA missionaries in Bogota, Colombia! A suggested weekly sponsorship is $20. If you would like to participate, use the missionary sponsorship envelopes located in the pews and place it in the offering plate, or mail to the church office. If you would like a specific date to sponsor use the sign-up sheet on the kiosk in the Gathering Space. To follow their work via their blog simply “Google” 8000 Feet and Counting. Number of guests: ____________ Faith’s Little Friends 608-754-9336 Parish Nurse Mat Haeger, RN May is National High Blood Pressure Awareness Month Less is better in some things, including in blood pressure. About 1 of 3 US adults—67 million people—have high blood pressure.1 High blood pressure makes your heart work too hard and increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. You can have high blood pressure and not know it. That is why it is called the silent killer. It is also why it is so important to have your blood pressure checked. If you or family members haven't had your/their blood pressure checked recently, make it a point to have it checked in May. There will be a screening at Faith Lutheran Church on Sunday, May 17 between church services. Caution! Arteries Under Pressure Blood pressure is the force of blood on the walls of your blood vessels as blood flows through them. This pressure naturally rises and falls during the day, but when it is consistently too high, it is considered high blood pressure. The medical term is hypertension. Like the pipes in your house, your arteries can fail if they are under too much pressure. More than 360,000 American deaths in 2010 included high blood pressure as a primary or contributing cause.2 That's 1,000 deaths each day. Blood pressure has two numbers, systolic and diastolic, and is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg). Systolic pressure (the top number) is the force on the blood vessel walls when the heart beats and pumps blood out of the heart. Diastolic pressure (the bottom number) is the force that occurs when the heart relaxes in between beats. If your blood pressure is less than 120 systolic and less than 80 diastolic, then your blood pressure is normal; Women between 120 and 139 systolic and 80–89 Age Men (%) diastolic, you have prehypertension. Systolic (%) of 140 or greater, or diastolic that is 90 or 20–34 9.1 6.7 greater, is hypertension. What Is Your Risk? Men and women are about equally likely to develop high blood pressure over their lifetimes, but their risks vary at different ages. The condition affects more men than women before 64 years of age. For people aged 65 years or older, more women than men have high blood 35–44 24.4 17.6 45–54 37.7 37.7 55–64 52.0 52.0 65–74 63.9 70.8 75+ 72.1 80.1 Keep It Down in There! If you have high blood pressure, there are steps you can take to get it under control, including— Ask your doctor what your blood pressure should be. Set a goal to lower your pressure with your doctor and then discuss how you can reach your goal. Work with your health care team to make sure you meet that goal. Take your blood pressure medication as directed. If you are having trouble, ask your doctor what you can do to make it easier. For example, you may want to discuss your medication schedule with your doctor if you are taking multiple drugs at different times of the day. Or you may want to discuss side affects you are feeling, or the cost of your medicine. Quit smoking—and if you don't smoke, don't start. Find tips and resources at CDC's Smoking and Tobacco Web site or Be Tobacco Free Web site. Reduce sodium. Most Americans consume too much sodium, and it raises blood pressure in most people. Learn about tips to reduce your sodium. There are other healthy habits, that can help keep your blood pressure under control: Achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Participate in 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week. Eat a healthy diet that is high in fruits and vegetables and low in sodium, saturated fats, trans fat, and cholesterol. Manage stress. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink (no more than one drink each day for women and two for men). If you have a family member who has high blood pressure, you can help by taking many of the steps listed above with them. Go for walks together or cook meals with lower sodium. Check your blood pressure regularly (at least twice per year). (Parts of article taken from CDC website) Church News... Welcome to the Green Team! During my Earth Day sermon on 4/19/15, I wondered aloud if we might form a Green Team here at Faith to educate, encourage, challenge and hold us accountable to be better stewards of this creation that God has made so masterfully. After worship that day there were four individuals who rallied to the call, and by Tuesday morning I had a proposal for the team’s purpose on my desk. Clearly God is up to something green here! There are lots of ideas percolating and one can almost see the Holy Spirit moving. I promised that Sunday that we would include an eco-tip weekly in the bulletin, and something in the newsletter each month as well. The Green Team proposal will go to the May council meeting and then likely that group will follow their passion to include something in the newsletter. If you might be interested in being part of the Green Team, call Cathy Jennings as the chair of the group. 608-201-1786 Meanwhile, I’ll repeat my sermon eco-tips for this month: 1) If you fill a plastic water bottle 1/4 of the way full with oil - this is how much oil is required to make the typical bottle of water. The numbers are staggering - adding up the plastic used, the energy required to collect and clean the water, and the fuel it takes to ship the bottles to stores; equates to millions of barrels of oil each year. So, filter your water at home and carry your own reusable water bottle. 2) If every household in the United States replaced just one incandescent light bulb with an Energy Star rated compact fluorescent light bulb, it would prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of more than 800,000 cars. Blessings to you as you make some small but sustainable changes in your daily habits for the sake of creation and the next generation(s). The grandchildren and great-grandchildren who inherit this world thank you. FLY! Jason Poole WASH ‘N WORSHIP SUNDAY, MAY 24 9am to Noon after first service and through Feeding Faith Potluck. A fundraiser for FLY! All proceeds will go toward the ELCA Youth Gathering in Detroit. Shop on Want an easy, free way to benefit Faith? The next time you go to to buy something (anything) use the following link and Faith will receive a percentage of EVERY SINGLE eligible purchase made via at no additional cost to you. It’s that easy! Just use the web address below or visit and search for “Faith Lutheran Church Janesville” and choose us to receive that donation each time you shop online with Amazon. For more information or to learn more, contact Jason Poole @ (312) 505-7335 or FEEDING FAITH POTLUCK SUNDAY, MAY 24 Immediately following 2nd service (9:30 am) Please join us on Sunday, May 24th for the “official” start of summer! Bring a dish to pass, or just yourselves...enjoy the Fellowship at Faith...Feeding Faith! Church News Church News CPR/AED Training Have you ever wanted to learn how to use an AED (automatic external defibrillator)? Have you been curious about learning the new compression only CPR? Well here is your chance. In May there will be some opportunities for you to learn and practice with the AED and compression only CPR. Following are the dates and times for this training: Thursday, May 14, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM Saturday, May 16, 10 AM to Noon Monday, May 18, 10 AM to Noon Each class will have space for 10 participants, so please call the church office at 754-0261 to reserve your space. If you have any questions about the training call Mat Haeger at 752-8175. Thank you. Faith Lutheran, “a place where everybody knows your name…” To emphasis “community” in the FLC family for visitors, new members and seasoned members, the Council is asking members to once again begin wearing their name tags. They will be in the Gathering Space if you left them at church. If you need a new name tag, please contact Vicki in the church office and she will get a new one made for you. SPRING CLEAN-UP DAY MAY 16th The day starts at 8 am until ??? Most of the work is outside, every pair of hands is welcome! If you have anything to add to the June/July 2015 Windows, please submit it to Vicki by May 21st. Would you like to receive the Faith newsletter via email? Call Vicki in the office to add your name to the email list. The newsletter has a new location on Faith’s website. Go to and click on the month you would like to view under the “Newsletter” heading, lower right side of the web page. SPLASH! We have been using the Splash! program for the infants and children to age 3 in our congregation. This program helps us to provide information to and stay connected with the youngest members of our congregation. When children are baptized at Faith Lutheran we as a congregation make a promise to the children and their parents that we will help to pray for them and encourage them in their faith. This program provides information to the parents and new ideas to encourage growth in their faith. There are monthly Parent Pages that offer ideas for faith-filled play, worship, meals, and prayer together. We also send each child CDs that have music that is enjoyed by young children. All these things are good preparations for them before they begin Sunday School classes when they are 3 years old. We have added new members to our Splash! program in the winter months. Please remember these children and their parents in your prayers as they grow in their faith. As we add more children to our program we will remind you to add them to your prayers. The new members are: James Weis, Jiovani Nelson, Jase Glissendorf, Eisley Doud, Clara Spurbeck, and Liam Johnson Two of our Splash! babies have turned 3 and are now ready for Sunday School. They are George Perkins and Liam Zweifel. We welcome them to the Sunday School program and hope they will enjoy their journey of learning and growing in their faith. We are looking for members of the congregation who would be interested in being a part of the Splash! program as visitors, and who are willing to help in other ways. If you are interested, please contact Marcia Ahlgren or the church office. Soul Stitchin’ Sisters Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting: Tues. May 12th at 6:00 p.m. Hosted by: Donna Herzfeldt, 309 Forest Park God of Life, Love & Compassion, Bless our shawls and the hands that weave them, Bless the people who receive them. Thanks Be to God! Please remember…if you have a person who you would like to be a recipient of a shawl, please let a soul sister know or stop in the office and pick up one that is ready to be shared. Julie Seiler 752-0691 or Juanita Vitcenda 752-0490 Faith Lutheran Church Worship 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Learning for all ages 10:30 am Contemporary worship The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is a church that shares a living, daring confidence in God's grace. Liberated by our faith, we embrace you as a whole person — questions, complexities and all. Join us as we do God's work in Christ's name for the life of the world. Council Directory: President Ron Krueger Property Management Bob Jacobson 608-756-2043 608-752-6111 Phil Schuman 608-290-9669 Vice President Lee Braem 608-758-0787 Secretary Bonnie Kanter-Braem 608-201-1825 Life in Faith Karin Perkins 608-754-2536 608-207-0177 cell Mission Outreach Evon Mitchell 608-756-1007 Youth & Family Open position Adult Education Tom Hall 608-754-0985 Youth Representative Brett Perkins 608-359-5166 Stewardship Deb Jacobson 608-754-4189 608-931-3123 cell Treasurer Linda Worth 608-756-2544 608-290-3752 cell Worship and Music Jason Poole 312-505-7335 Personnel Gerd Kanter 608-752-0517 Endowment Foundation Ron Krueger, President 608-756-2043 Linda Olander, Treasurer 608-755-9885 Marcia Ahlgren Diane Brown Deanna Hoff Paul Wojczak Garry Summers Meets 1st Sunday of all even months between services. Senior Housing Corp. Mark Johnson, President Loretta Slinde, Secretary Gordie Reed Duke Francis Nancy Will Church Staff: Faith’s Little Friends 608-754-9336 Senior Pastor Rev. Anne Andert 608-449-4403 Associate Pastor Rev. David Andert 608-247-4406 Youth Minister Jason Poole 312-505-7335 Administrative Assistant/ Bookkeeper (Accounts Payable) Vicki Trudell 608-754-0261 Custodian Joe Brazil Interim Faith Ringers Director Diana Jewson Accompanist Linda Worth Volunteer Staff: Bookkeeper (Accounts Receivable) Karen Bohn 608-754-0261 Spanish GED & English Tutor Coordinator: Barb Becker Parish Nurse Mat Haeger, RN Organist Gary Bersell Interim Sanctuary Choir Director Ellen Knutson Nicky Bird, Director Sue Hartman, Asst. Director Lizzy Zawacki, Melissa Brown, Mary Westness, Angie Brown, Lorie Olsen, Stephanie Petchak, Susan Blasing, Crystal Watkins, Kathy Scott, Suzanne Machuca, Brittany Beggs and Amanda Draeving Missionaries: Curtis & Katie (Andert) Kline Blog: Visit us on the web: Or on Facebook: Faith Lutheran Church Janesville May 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Watch the Sunday worship times….the Summer Worship Schedule starts on May 24th! May 24th-both services indoors May 31st-8am outside; 9:30 am indoors 3 4 5 6 Welcome New Members 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:15 pm Faith Ringers 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:00 pm Executive Team 6:00 pm Brownie Troop 6:30 pm All Team 6:30 pm Finance Task Force 7:30 pm Bldg. Fund T.F. 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am New Member Reception 9:15 am Adult Forum: GIFTS 9:15 am FLY! 10:30 am Contemporary worship 1-3:00 pm One Million Meals/Kids Against Hunger (arrive at 12:30) 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 6:00 Daycare Board Mtg. Cookout-Thank you to the FLF Staff THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Are you remembering To practice the “Faith 5”? Every night-every home. 5 steps-5 minutes. Verses on faith’s website: 1 2 8:30-4:30 pm Mexican Consulate 8:30-Noon Mexican Consulate 7 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs 8 9 6:30-9:00 pm CIRCLE BLUEGRASS JAM FLY! will have concession 8:30 am-5:30 pm BeFriender Training 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:00 pm BeFriender Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 pm AA 10 11 12 13 14 MOTHER’s DAY 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Education for all ages! 9:15 am FLY! 9:15 am Blood Pressure Check between services 10:30 am Contemporary worship Baptisms-Johnson & Rosenburg 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 9:00 am Quilting 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:00 pm Soul Stichin Sisters 6:30 pm Council Meeting 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:30-11 am English Class 1:30 pm Circle Lesson Leaders 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30-8:30 pm CPR/AED Training 7:00 pm AA-Gathering Space 17 18 19 20 21 8:00 am Traditional worship 9:15 am Adult Forum: Strong Women / Strong Bones! 9:15 am FLY! 10:30 am Contemporary worship Baptism-Laufenberg 7:00 pm AA/Alanon 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 10am to Noon CPR/AED Training 6:30-8:30 pm GED Tutoring in Spanish 9:00 Lydia Circle 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 6:00 PM Brownie Troop 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30 BeFriender Meeting 7:00 pm AA 11:00 to 1:00 pm FLF Carnival 15 16 10 am to Noon CPR/AED Training 9 am to 5 pm ELCA Youth Pre-Gathering/McFarland SPRING CLEANUP DAY! 8am until... 22 23 29 30 Synod Assembly May 30 & 31st Worship Led by Church Council on May 31st NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Office open to Noon today. 24 Summer Worship 25 26 27 28 8:00 and 9:30 am Worship After 2nd service-POTLUCK FLY! Wash & Worship CarWash 7:00 pm AA/Alanon Memorial Day-office closed 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 9:00 am Quilting 9:30-11:00 GED Tutoring in Spanish 10:00 am Staff Meeting 6:30 pm Sanctuary Choir 8:30-12:30 Parish Nurse office hrs. 8:30 am Green Team Meeting at Mocha Moments 9:30-11 am English Class 4:00 pm Book Group 6:30 pm Health Committee Mtg. 7:00 pm AA ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31Summer Worship 8:00 and 9:30 am Worship 7:00 pm AA/Alanon
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