Faith Lutheran Church OUR MISSION ... To make disciples for Jesus Christ we GATHER in faith for worship, prayer, study, and fellowship EQUIP the people of God with a faith that works in real life SERVE the world in the name of Jesus Christ. Inside This Issue Worship Schedule . . . . . . . . . 2 Parish Officers . . . . . . . . . . . 2 The Faith Family . . . . . . . . 3-7 Faith Event Highlights . . . . . . 4 Parish Ed News . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Children’s Page . . . . . . . . . . . 9 May Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . 10 May Special Days . . . . . . . . 11 Prayer Ventures . . . Online at May 2015 uring the Easter season we hear many stories from the book of Acts. As we make our way through the Lectionary readings, we are gifted with multiple stories of the early church. One characteristic of that primitive Christian community was people's understanding of what it means to be a steward. D I find it interesting to note the origin of the word “steward.” It is derived from the Anglo-Saxon term “sty warden,” a name for the person who took care of the pig sty! However, the understanding and concept behind the term goes way back to the Greek word “economos.” In the world of the early church, the economos was a slave who faithfully served the owner of an estate and was the caretaker of everything the estate owner possessed. So, the term “steward” was used by New Testament writers and evolved to describe anyone who is the keeper of another's possessions. In the life of the church, we use the word “steward” to describe our relationship with God, the creator. As Christians, we believe all that we are and all that we have is a gift, a gift that comes from God the creator. In fact, in Luther's Small Catechism we read, “God has created me and all that exists.” As followers of the crucified, risen Christ, we are called to be good stewards of the gifts we have been given - of all that exists. We are called not only to responsibly care for these blessings, but also use them wisely. We are called to be good stewards of our time, the relationships we have with others, our passions, our talents, our energy, our way of life, the environment in which we live, our very selves, and yes - our money. The Stewardship Committee here at Faith Lutheran Church has developed a plan where we will establish a different (Continued on page 3) May 2015 1 Worship Schedule May 2015 ACOLYTES May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 8:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Clayton Wenzel Lauren Schultz Kaela Sturgeon Aiden Hanchett Virginia Heft Juliana Lewis ALTAR CARE Brielle Bowers, Heidi Bowers, and Karen Whitmyer COMMUNION ASSISTANTS May 3 Harold Sollenberger Rich Weingartner May 17 Susan Heft Diane Wilke GREETERS May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Ken and Ellen Milne Harold Sollenberger Martin and Kris Wright Karen Whitmyer Walter Kopf Melinda Schultz Bob Shorman Corey O'Brien Dick Knoll Mike Eschelbach LAY ASSISTANTS May 3 Rich Weingartner Walter Kopf May 10 Jim Crum Bob Nelson May 17 Diane Wilke Bob Shorman May 24 John McPhail May 31 Rich Weingartner READERS May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 Harold Sollenberger Karen Whitmyer Jeff Rosenthal Natalie Dingledine Susan Heft Melinda Schultz Elaine Harrison Jack Dingledine USHERS May 24 and 31 NURSERY May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31 2 Harold Sollenberger Dingledine family Sollenberger and Dingledine Beth Ballegeer Jody Marquardt Drew and Pam Williams Connie Nelson Becky Bills May 2015 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 4515 Dobie Road Okemos, MI 48864-2203 Office Hours: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Monday-Friday Phone: (517) 349-0620 Fax: (517) 349-5822 Ministers All Members of the Faith Family Pastor Ellen Schoepf Director of Christian Education Melinda Schultz Youth Leader Director of Music Deb Borton-McDonough Instrumental Worship Leader Bruce Williams Church Secretary Rita Barry Newsletter Editor Rich Weingartner Mission Partner Congregation Redeemer Lutheran Church, Lansing 2015 PARISH OFFICERS President Linda Hirt Vice President Jim Crum Secretary Molly DeHate Treasurer Doug Hirt Financial Secretary Tom Schrote Members-at-Large Diane Flatley Jack Dingledine Past President Walter Kopf Caring Ann Mayer Evangelism/Outreach Carol Towl and Gretchen Bills Human Resources Lee Gerard Long Range Planning Jim Crum Membership Dev. Marilyn Hogan Mission Endowment Parish Education Heidi Bowers and Nina Schrote Property Nate Nelson Stewardship Mary Ann Scheuerman Worship & Music Diane Wilke Youth Melinda Schultz The Faith Family (Continued from page 1) stewardship focus each month of this year. You will be seeing various messages and displays as we look at the different ways in which we live into being good stewards throughout the year. So, watch for information each month as we develop a more holistic approach toward becoming faithful stewards. Here is our list for the remainder of this year: • • • • • • • • May: ELCA World Hunger - Everyone will receive a Piggy Bank at the beginning of the month to return filled to the brim on the last Sunday of the month! June: LSSM - The director of LSSM will be with us for worship and be our guest preacher on June 7. During this month, we will also highlight the quilts members of the congregation make for LSSM. July: Christian Education - We will highlight what happens educationally here at Faith, and we will also highlight education in the greater church (colleges and seminaries). August: Meridian Community Resources - We will be taking a special offering for this area program. September: Pledge Drive - We will begin sharing information about yearly pledging, our major focus for the coming month of October. October: Stewardship Pledging - Yearly pledging of Time, Talents, and Money. We will also highlight the quilts that will be given to Lutheran World Relief. November: ELCA Good Gifts - As the holiday season begins, we will focus on giving options through this program. December: Stewardship of Self - At a time when giving becomes very materialistic in all of our lives, we will focus on ways we give of our very selves. One of the opportunities people will have as we live into this focus will be caroling to area shut-ins and other members of the congregation. Stewardship is a year-round effort and a part of our daily lives. It is a spiritual discipline and a mark of discipleship. I look forward to discovering the ways in which we will grow together as good stewards of all the blessings we have been given by a various gracious God of love! — Pastor Ellen May 2015 Prayers for Health and Healing _ Members of the congregation: Susan Heft, Ken Kleimola, John McPhail, Ellen Milne, Rose Marie Nawrock. _ Friends and family: Chris Cotter, Heather, Krista Finazzo, and Dick and Lil Jennings. Prayers of Intercession _ Our mission partner congregation: Lansing Redeemer Lutheran Church _ Those in military service: Adam Wright and Lani Yearicks. Please contact the church office at or 349-0620 to update the prayer list. The website for Prayer Ventures is Prayer Ventures is a guide to daily prayer for the ministries of the church produced by ELCA Communication Services on behalf of the whole church. You can read Prayer Ventures on the Web, subscribe to daily e-mails of the prayer for that day, and/or access Prayer Ventures on your PDA. . .or copies are available at church on the table near the elevator. 3 The Faith Family Faith Night at the Lansing Lugnuts Worship at the Willows! Beginning on Sunday, May 10, we will be facilitating a monthly worship service at The Willows at Okemos, 4830 Central Park Dr. This service will be taking place on the second Sunday of every month at 4:00 p.m. Anyone from the congregation is invited to come and participate as we worship with The Willows residents. On Saturday, June 20, the Faith family and friends will gather for the Lansing Lugnuts game which starts at 7:05 p.m. This game will feature: _ Christian Family Night! _ Fireworks! _ Lansing Lugnuts vs. Great Lakes Loons. It doesn’t get any nuttier than this. There will also be peanuts, popcorn, baseball, and lots of fun with Faith friends! Ticket order forms are in the gathering area and the deadline to sign up is May 18. You don’t want to miss this event! Social Justice Group Gathering On Sunday, May 31, Pastor Ellen will be hosting a Social Justice Group Gathering after the morning worship service. We will discuss various ways in which we can better live into God's dream of justice for the world, both locally and globally. Faith Family Spring Sunday School Picnic Everyone is invited to the end of year Sunday School picnic, which is on Sunday, May 17, after the 10:45 a.m. service on the church grounds under the tent - weather permitting. The hot dogs, brats, buns, and beverages will be provided by Membership development. Ice cream will be provided by parish education. Members attending are encouraged to bring salads and other side dishes. Faith Event Highlights for May May Stewardship Emphasis: ELCA World Hunger Sunday May 3 Youth Group car wash 10:45 a.m. Confirmation Sunday May 10 4:00 p.m. Willows at Okemos worship service Friday Saturday Sunday May 15 May 16 May 17 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. Youth Group garage sale until 4:00 p.m. Youth Group garage sale until 4:00 p.m. Faith, Family, & Friends spring picnic Synod Assembly begins Monday May 18 7:00 p.m. Church Council meeting June/July newsletter deadline See the calendar in the newsletter or online at for all the events! 4 May 2015 The Faith Family Caring Committee and LSSM and You! The Caring Committee is committed to reaching out to help those in need in our community. Members of the committee have talked with staff members at LSSM (Lutheran Social Services of Michigan) and discussed several different ways the Faith Family can become involved in supporting the many programs offered through LSSM. Please read about the two projects below and prayerfully consider how you can help. Prayer List One simple thing that we as members at Faith can do is pray. We all know and have felt the power of prayer sometime in our lives. The names that we will be providing to you to lift up in your prayers are the names of children and young adults that are in the LSSM adoption program, need placement, have aged out of the program, and/or are in need of some sort of continued assistance in their young lives. Please look each month for new names to be printed in our monthly newsletter. This month please pray for the staff members at LSSM as they work daily to help and support those in need. Also, lift up in your prayers these children in need: Damon, Nishawn, Dylan, and Ashley. Stock the Kitchen for LSSM Young adults, families, and refugees beginning a new life are in need of the supplies to help them successfully achieve this goal. Please help them by participating in our Stock the Kitchen Drive. We are coordinating this service project with the support of our Vacation Bible School program in June. They will also be asked to bring items to Stock the Kitchen during the week long VBS. Here are the items that are needed: cooking utensils, wooden spoons, measuring spoons, spatulas, hot pads, oven mitts, measuring cups, mixing bowls, small baking dishes, cookie sheets, muffin pans, dish towels, and anything else that you can think of that is used in the kitchen. These items can be new or gently used. May 2015 Sunday School Teachers for 2014-2015 Thank you to all of the volunteers who have stepped forward to donate their time. We truly appreciate your support. There are still several positions available, so please consider helping. The curriculum is VERY easy and the children are great. If we have multiple teachers per grade, it allows for some flexibility on how often you have to teach. We also need volunteers to fill our substitute list. Pre-School Still open 1-3 Grades Nate Nelson 4-6 Grades (Trinity) Kris Wright, need 2 more (offered both Sunday and Wednesday night, where a meal is included). 7-8 Grades (Confirmation) Ellen Schoepf, Connie Nelson, need 1 more (offered both Sunday and Wednesday night, where a meal is included) Youth (9-12 Grades) Melinda Schultz Children's Church Nate Nelson, Connie Nelson 5 The Faith Family Stewardship Focus for May ELCA World Hunger “For I was hungry and you gave me food. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” – Matthew 25:35. Some situations I have seen that have made me think about Hunger in our own communities and around the world: _ I was on call at the hospital. It was around 10 or 11 p.m. I was grabbing a snack before the next emergency surgery. A boy who appeared to be 11or 12 was alone and was ahead of me. Distracted, I paid little attention. He said, “I'm hungry we have been here all day.” He began counting his change. He did not have enough. _ In the hospital cafeteria there was a stooped old woman in the checkout lane. She shuffled away from the cashier leaving food behind and taking only coffee with her. She did not have enough money for all that she had wanted to purchase. _ There was also a man with two elementary age children in the grocery line. He was having to decide what to leave behind since his assistance didn't cover what was going to be that night's dinner (I was in line buying shrimp). _ I have a son-in-law who worries about snow days. Hopefully there would not be two snow days in a row. And, hopefully not 6 one on Friday. He worries about snow days because, as a principal of a junior high, he knows HIS kids need the free meals and snacks sent home for the weekend. Hunger is in my face. Hunger becomes something that is up close and personal. My stomach tightens. That is my first gut reaction. I close my eyes and want to turn away. But, we are called to respond and make a difference. This month our Stewardship focus is World Hunger. I invite you to search for ELCA World Hunger at to learn more. Stewardship is about using ALL of our resources. NOT just money. I might have time but not money. Or, I might have money but no time. And then there are talents! To this day I have difficulty verbalizing what they are. Nevertheless, I'm keeping my eyes open to opportunities. Open to that inner, sometimes annoying, recurring voice or gentle call. If we can see the face of hunger, not only in your backyard but also around the globe, we are called to respond. And, by joining together to address this problem, we can do more as a group than we can if working alone. Please consider giving to ELCA World Hunger. Thank you people of Faith. Mary Ann Scheuerman Chairperson, Stewardship Committee May 2015 The Faith Family Sixty Plus or Minus Getting to Know Pastor Ellen Stewardship Committee Update Sixty Plus or Minus has a special guest for the May 20 meeting and brown bag lunch. That person is known to us at Faith Lutheran as Pastor Ellen. You may not have had opportunities to learn about her interesting life. Join us on May 20 starting at 11:30 a.m. for a brown bag lunch and get to know Pastor Ellen more. She has stories to tell about her earlier career and previous positions, about her family, how growing up in Muskegon as a PK (pastor's kid) shaped her life. She especially wants to share with us her commitment to ONE, an international advocacy program that has led to changes and improved lives for many countries on the African continent. Please put 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 20, into your calendar, bring your luscious lunch – and a friend! Beverages and desserts will be provided and will make a delicious ending to a fun lunch with your Faith friends! Be sure to sign the RSVP list on the counter near the sanctuary. See you on the 20th! Each month this year has been designated by the Stewardship Committee for a special cause (i.e., April: ELCA Malaria Campaign and May: ELCA World Hunger). The focus for the month of June will be Lutheran Social Services of Michigan (LSSM), the social services arm of the church for both lower Michigan synods. This agency has 70 programs in 40 cities and is the largest faith-based social service organization in the state. Its ministry serves seniors, children and families, and people with disabilities as well as being actively involved in refugee resettlement. We will learn more about this remarkable agency at 9:30 a.m. on June 7 when Pastor Phil Hemke, Church Relations for LSSM, brings real life stories and events of happenings throughout the synod. Our congregation is involved with making quilts that are provided to refugees, with monetary gifts that send children to Stony Lake Camp, with resettlement and jobs for young refugees in transition. One of our FLC members teaches art to young unaccompanied minors as she aids with language and other needs. Please do not miss this presentation to learn the scopes of this ministry in your name. LSSM's mission statement is “Serving people as an expression of the love of Christ” – a worthy calling indeed for each of us. May 2015 7 Parish Ed Last Day of Sunday School The last day of Sunday School for this school year will be May 17. Please join us as we wrap up a wonderful year. We’ll be celebrating with a picnic after the 2nd service - around noon. Parish Education will be providing games and sundaes at this event. Membership development will be providing hot dogs, brats, and beverages. Please sign up to bring a side dish and join us for the fun! Graduation Sunday If you have a college or high school graduate, please let Melinda know so that she may include them during the service. Letters requesting background information for the bulletins will be going out on May 6. Vacation Bible School “Everest” Vacation Bible School will be from June 15 – 19 from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon each day and is entitled “Everest.” We have several positions still available for this very entertaining and inspiring week, so please let Melinda know if you are able to help. 8 Parish Ed Upcoming Events We are excitedly preparing to attend Summer Camp and the National Gathering, preparing for VBS, and beginning work on next year's Sunday School programs. We always need volunteers, so please consider helping out in any way you can. Please make sure to mark your calendars with these upcoming dates: Confirmand Dinner YOUTH CAR WASH Confirmation Sunday Last Trinity/Confirmation May 1 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. May 3 8:00 a.m. - Noon May 3 10:45 a.m. service May 13 YOUTH GARAGE SALE May 15 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. YOUTH GARAGE SALE May 16 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Panera Bread Trip for 4th-8th grades May 17 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Last day of Sunday School and Picnic May 18 12:00 noon Parish Ed Meeting May 24 10:45 a.m. Vacation Bible School Preparation Day May 30 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Graduation Sunday VBS Set-up June 14 9:30 a.m. service June 14 12:00 noon - ?? Sunday School Classes and Bible Studies for Adults We would love to start a Sunday School Class for adults and additional Bible Study Groups that meet in the evenings. If you are interested in leading one of these endeavors or participating in any way, please let Melinda Schultz know and we can proceed in a variety of ways. May 2015 Children’s Page May 2015 9 10 May 2015 Report all meetings and events to the church office at 349-0620 or email Go to for current calendar updates Faith Lutheran Church Monthly Planner May 2015 May Special Days MAY MARRIAGE BAPTISM BIRTHDAY 1 BELANGER, MARILYN 2 KADROFSKE, ELLIOT MAGYAR, HEIDI 3 4 RANSOM, BRIAN & MICHELLE WEBB, DANE 5 6 BAKER, PAM YOST, EILEEN MAGYAR, TIM & HEIDI LEWIS, PAIGE MAISNER, MIKE AND LuANN MAGYAR, KATHRYN SCHROTE, TOM & NINA GRASSO, OLIVIA 7 8 SOLLENBERGER, LOIS 9 10 11 HOLLE, MARLA BRINKMAN, HELEN WINKLER, ERIN CUNNINGHAM, JOHN WEBB, LORI 12 SOLLENBERGER, HAROLD 13 KIDDER, MEGAN KAPP, EMILY WILLIAMS, PAM 14 McPHAIL, JOHN & SUSAN ADAMS, ELIZABETH KAPP, JEANNIE 15 16 HAREMSKI, JACKSON 17 MERLEY, RENEE SCHROTE, JACOB 18 19 ADAMS, TODD & BLISSE 20 FRAME, ERIN 21 JACKSON, LORA JONES, ETHAN 22 HOGAN, MARILYN NELSON, PAUL WHITMYER, KEN 23 THORN, MILDRED 24 ESCHELBACH, MOLLY BOWERS, BRIELLE 25 26 27 BIETAU, CHUCK & NAOMI 28 29 MILNE, ELLEN 30 31 COTTER, KEITH DATE UNKNOWN BELANGER, MARILYN BASHORE, TODD WILLIAMS, PAM HIRT, DOUG May 2015 11 Faith Lutheran Church 4515 Dobie Road Okemos, MI 48864-2203 (517) 349-0620 Non-Profit U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 55005 Okemos, MI ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED May 2015 May Stewardship Emphasis ELCA World Hunger
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