Newsletter 15 Mar 15th

Call of the King!
For the Parishes of St Anthony, Rumford, St Francis Xavier, Falkirk and
St Mary of the Angels, Camelon Scottish Charity # SC008540
Contact: St. Francis Xavier's, 1 Hope Street, Falkirk, FK1 5AT
Tel: 01324 623567 or email:
Clergy: Fr Jamie Boyle, Fr Andrew Garden, Fr John Peter Siluvappan
March 8th, 2015. Fourth Sunday of Lent. We find our Liturgy on page 162 of the
teal book. ‘God sent His son so that through Him the world might be saved.’
Our first reading tells how the Jews forget their covenant with
God and fall into sinful ways. Next, in the Psalm, we hear
their pleas to God from captivity in Babylon, far away from
their homeland, weeping by the rivers there. God sends them
Cyrus, King of the Persians, who lets the remaining Hebrews
go back to their homeland and even builds a new temple for
them in Jerusalem. The pattern is one we all recognise - the
Hebrews forget God, they fall into sinfulness, they repent and
God forgives. The liturgy helps us remember how we also
repeat this same pattern in our own lives; we bring to God the
times we have forgotten Him and fallen into ways we regret.
As Jesus tells Nicodemus, God loves us so much he sent His
only son to save us. May we all seek new ways to thank God
for His astonishing love.
Warmest congratulations to Kenneth Manunga from St Francis Xavier’s who was installed as Lector
on Wednesday by the Archbishop, a further step in Kenneth’s formation for the permanent diaconate.
We’re grateful to Kenneth, a man of great faith and prayer, for his example of ministry which inspires us
all to do what we can for our community.
We thank God too for the gift of Kenneth, for putting in his heart such a strong desire to serve,
and we ask that he continue to be strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit as he moves
forward in his ministry.
What’s Happening This Week?
Saturday Vigil Mass: Second Scrutiny, liturgy to be found on page 165.
Sunday: Fourth Sunday in Lent.
Tuesday: Feast of St Patrick. Bible Study St FX House, 7.30 pm.
Wednesday: Lunch Club this Wednesday 18th at 12 noon in St FX hall. Come along
and enjoy good food and good company. RCIA meets at 7.30pm in St FX church house.
Thursday: Solemnity of St Joseph. Choir rehearsal St FX church at 8pm. New members
Friday: Reception of Charles Allison 6:30pm @ St. Francis Xavier’s
Saturday : Funeral of Charles Allison 10:00am @ St. Francis Xavier’s
Next Sunday: Fifth Sunday in Lent.
Called to Worship
Mass Schedule
St Francis Xavier’s
10:00am Every Day
7:00 pm Mon to Wed
7:00 am Thurs & Friday
Sunday Mass St FX (Vigil) St
FX 6.30pm; 10, 12 noon and
Polish Mass – 1.30pm
St Francis Xavier’s is open
all day for prayer
St Mary of the Angels
Sunday – 9.30 am;
9:30am Tues, Wed, Thurs
St Anthony’s
Saturday 10:00am
Sunday 11:00am
Called to Reconciliation
Confessions in St FX on
Thursday 7 to 7.25 pm;
Saturday 10.30 -11.15 am,
5.45 - 6.25 pm; St A’s after
mass Sat 10 am
Called to Prayer
Morning Prayer at 9.30 a.m.
Rosary after 10 am Mass
(Mercy Devotions –
Tuesday; Stations of the
Cross – Friday)
Stations of the Cross
7pm on Monday in St Mary
of the Angels
7:30pm on Thurs@ St FX
7:30pm on Thurs @ St
This Week’s Big
Question: What way might
I serve others this week,
particularly the poor or
Welcome to new
parishioners – please let us
know who you are by filling
out a registration form, to
be found in the porch. Join
us for tea/coffee in the hall
after 10 a.m. Mass at St FX
Called to Give
Last Sunday’s offering: St FX: £1666.82; St A’s:
£459.23; St M o A £410.57
Special Collection today for Papal & Episcopal Charities
Bill McEleney is walking the John Muir Way in aid of SCIAF
(the 134 miles from Helensburgh to Dunbar via the Falkirk Canal)
starting the 24th March and finishing Holy Week. Any funds raised
will be matched by the Scottish Government. If you would like to
support Bill please hand in funds to the St FX church house or put
your donation in your Wee Box, marked ‘Bill’.
News & Upcoming Events
All Day Confessions – there will be confessions available all day @ St Francis Xavier’s on Saturday 28th March Please use this
opportunity to experience the love and forgiveness of God in preparation for Easter.
St A’s Fabric & Social meeting in Church Hall @ 19.30 on Monday, 16th March.
The National Youth Gathering is on Palm Sunday, 29th March 2015 at Motherwell Cathedral at 2pm. Young people from all
over Scotland will gather for fun, faith and sharing with friends. Catechesis with Archbishop Leo on the theme ‘Blessed are
the pure in heart’. Please pre-register individually or as a youth or school group by 20th March.
The Walking Group will take part in a Walk of Faith from St. Paul's, Milton of Campsie on Tuesday 17th March 2015. We will
attend mass at St. Paul's at 9.30 then walk 4 miles to the Schoenstatt Shrine. Weather permitting there will be Stations of the
Cross in the grounds followed by fellowship over packed lunches. It is hoped Fr. John Deighan and St. Paul's Walking Group will
join us. Please join us. (Contact Neil on 637937.)
The questionnaire for the next synod is available on the front page of the Archdiocesan website. There are also simpler versions appearing online. Please make use of this opportunity to let your voice be
Children’s Gospel Quiz - should be completed and brought back to mass each week. There will be a prize draw at the end of
mass (10:00am @ St FX, 9:30 am @ St M o A, 11:00am @ St Anthony’s). Please encourage your children to collect a quiz sheet
and remember to bring it back each Sunday.
Stallkeeper and Flowers: Both of these vital roles need filling at St FX, manning the stall at the Vigil Mass on Saturdays and
helping adorn the altar with flowers once a week. Please speak to any of the priests if you would like to volunteer.
Hallkeeper & Cleaner for St Mary of the Angels- We are looking for someone to take on this role. Please speak to Fr Jamie if
you are interested in helping out.
Technology and the Good News – Same Message, New Opportunities
The Holy Father has described the ‘immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity’ which technology and social media
offer. As a parish we’re looking at fresh ways of transmitting the Good News. We’re hopeful our new website,, will go a long way to extend our Catholic outreach in the local area and beyond. Please
bookmark it, check it regularly and use it to tell others about our wonderful faith communities.
We’re also asking that everyone who can register online through the website as soon as possible. We need a
new, up-to-date, genuinely useful database for all three parishes. Registrations will automatically be filtered to the
right parish and information will only be seen by the priests and parish secretary. Paper forms are available for those
not online. Please complete s separate form for each member of your household
Another way we can make an immediate difference is by checking or downloading the newsletter online. It’s hoped
that we’ll soon be able to reduce the number of copies printed, whilst still allowing those without access online to collect a
paper copy.
Have you seen our new Facebook page
Another wonderful tool to keep us informed and inspired, as well as share any news. It will be regularly updated to include
parish events, sacramental landmarks, and formation and evangelization opportunities. Help us keep spreading the Good
News (and build our own community) by ‘liking’ our page – within the first few days it had a reach of over a thousand
Called Home
Anniversaries: Joseph Campopiano, Mary Sim, Hilda MacKintosh, Catherine Wilson, Bridget McKinlay, Colin Monk,
Dannie Halpin, Tony Duffy, George Jenkins, Joseph McGinlay, Thomas Moan nr, Bridget McNelis, Wllliam Hunter Jnr,
Marion Fitzpatrick, Eric Burns, Campbell Rich, Lee Cochrane, Maria Gunn, Margaret McPeake, Primo Pellegrini, George
Devlin, Patrick Lynach, Tom Harvey, Rosie and John Burgoyne, Patrick Gorman, Frank Allison, Helen Kennedy, John
Mohan, Margaret Ann Travers, D Hughes, D Hughes Jnr, Jean Hughes, Peter Hughes, Fred Walsh, Tommy Winter Jnr.
Charles Allison. May they rest in peace.