Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Sanctuary Candle in Church and at Xavier House
will burn the week of
October 26-November 1
in Thanksgiving for God’s Blessings.
Mass Intentions
Monday, October 27
7:30am (SFX) U
Jack & Jeanie Lambert
Tuesday, October 28 (Ss. Simon and Jude)
7:30am (SFX) U
Marion Orde
8:30am (SM) UHenry Hinnendael
Wednesday, October 29
7:30am (SFX) U
Laura Krines
8:35am (SFX) UEdward & Audrey Gagan (School Mass)
Thursday, October 30
7:30am (SFX) U
Patricia Holmes and the Living & Deceased
Members of Grains of Wheat
8:30am (SM) U
Chris & Catherine Tordeur
Friday, October 31
7:30am (SFX) For the Parishioners of Our Parishes
Saturday, November 1 (All Saints)
4:00pm (SFX) U
Fr. Tony and Friends & Family of
the St. Francis Xavier Choir
4:30pm (SM) U
All Souls in Purgatory
Sunday, November 2 (The Commemoration of
All the Faithful Departed - All Souls’ Day)
8:00am (SM) U
Louis Albers
9:00am (SFX) UJoe Nies
10:00am (SM) U
Allen Sinkler
11:00am (SFX) U
All Souls in Purgatory
Mass Schedule for November 1 - 2
St. Francis Xavier, 4:00pm................................................Fr. Judah
St. Mary, 4:30pm............................................................Fr. Getchel
St. Mary, 8:00am & 10:00am ...........................................Fr. Judah
St. Francis Xavier, 9:00am & 11:00am.........................Fr. Getchel
We Remember Those Whom We Have Lost
Next weekend, Sunday, November 2, the 11:00am
Mass at St. Francis Xavier will be a “Remembrance
Liturgy.” We celebrate the Feast of All Souls for
those who have passed away throughout the year.
A Cross in memory of those loved ones has been displayed and may
be taken home by a family member after Mass. To accommodate all
of the families that have been invited, please consider attending the
Saturday, 4:00pm or Sunday, 9:00am Mass.
Your Financial Stewardship
Freely Receive . . . Freely Give
For the week ended 10/19/14:
Weekly Sacrificial Envelopes....................................$7,073.00
Offertory Collection..................................................$868.00
Continuing Maintenance Envelopes.......................$93.00
World Missions Collection.......................................$ 1,841.30
Envelope Budget 7/1/14 thru 10/31/14..................$163,000.00
Envelope Income thru 10/19/14..............................$ 137,879.57
Amount needed to make budget thru 10/31/14....$25,120.43
Thank you for your continued support!
October 26, 2014
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Thank You
A special ‘thank you’ to Marilyn Olson and her crew for putting
together a lovey supper for our volunteers, and to Ken Linssen
for making the delicious booyah for the evening! As we approach
Thanksgiving season, we are thankful for so much at St. Francis
Xavier, especially for our volunteers!
St. Francis Xavier Booyah, Bake and Garage Sale!
Mark your calendars for Saturday and Sunday,
November 1 and 2! Saturday there will be a Garage
Sale, then Sunday there will be a Booyah and Bake Sale,
in addition to the ongoing Garage Sale. Bakery donations are
needed! Please drop off bakery in the Dolski Center, Saturday,
November 1 from 3-4pm or anytime during the sale! If you have
“treasures” to donate for the Garage Sale, please drop
them off in the southend parish garage stall or call the
office for help with large items, 336-1813, by Monday,
October 27. No baby car seats or computers/TVs, please.
Parish Accountant
St. Francis Xavier Parish is seeking a part-time Accountant
Mondays-Thursdays, approximately 24 hours/week, with some
flexibility in the daily work schedule. Qualified candidates
will possess computer skills, including Microsoft WORD &
EXCEL and financial accounting systems. Responsibilities
include payroll, accounts payable, general ledger accounting,
contribution recording, and other recordkeeping duties. The
ideal candidate will have a minimum of a two-year Associate’s
degree in finance or accounting and at least 3 years of experience
with bookkeeping and payroll. Please submit resume and cover
letter to: St. Francis Xavier Parish - Search Committee
220 S. Michigan Street
De Pere, WI 54115
Or to:
NEW Community Shelter
On Monday, October 20, 277 people were served a hot meal of
Swan Club chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing and gravy by
Elizabeth Hoeppner, Emma, Kevin, Fran & Laverne DeCleene, Jim
Wiza, Floyd & Mary Klister, Jesse James Weiland and Jim Harold
as well as homemade desserts prepared and served by Alan & Rita
Devroy. With a chill in the air the children were so thankful for
the hand-knit hats and mittens they received from Barbara Smits.
Just a little time and love goes a long way at the NEW Community
Baptism Preparation Class
To properly prepare for the sacrament of Baptism, first-time
parents need to attend a two-hour baptismal class. The next class
is scheduled for Saturday, November 22 at 9:00am at St. Mary.
Please contact the Parish Office to register for a class and to
schedule your child’s baptism.
Pray the Rosary with the Cenacles of Life Prayer Group
Pray weekly with the Cenacles of Life prayer group,
for the beauty and dignity of human life, Mondays, at
St. Francis Xavier in the church, 6:00-7:00am or 6:007:00pm. New prayer cards are now being used. Contact
Julie Deprey with any questions at 660-7827.
Low Gluten Hosts Available
If you have Celiac Disease and would like to receive a low gluten
host, please let Fr. Getchel or Fr. Judah know prior to Mass so they
may accommodate you.
St. Francis Xavier and St. Mary News
Religious Formation October/November Schedule
The Sunday Morning Program, Grades Preschool–2 meet during
the 9:00am Mass at St. Francis Xavier and 10:00am Mass at St. Mary
Church November 9 & 23.
Grades 3 & 4 gather for class at St. Mary from 3:30–5:00pm, while
Grades 5 & 6 meet at St. Francis Xavier from 3:15-4:45pm on
Wednesday, November 12.
Grades 7–10 meet for classes at St. Francis Xavier from 6:30–
8:00pm on Wednesday, November 5 & 12. Like last year, we offer
the use of the gym prior to class.
Youth Ministry News
Life Night Grades 7-10, Wednesday, November 19, 6:30-8:00pm at
St. Francis Xavier. This night is an extension to our already existing
Religious Education program and will focus on social issues and
topics relevant to the teen’s everyday walk with the Lord. Snacks
and beverages will be served!
High School Youth Group All High School youth are welcome!
Sunday October 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30, from 6:00-8:00pm
in the St. Mary Youth Room.
Middle School Youth Group Grades 6-8 meet Mondays, October
27, November 3, 10, 17 & 24 after school from 3:00pm-4:30pm, in
the Campus Ministry Room at Notre Dame Middle School next to
St. Francis Xavier. Please use the back parking lot entrance on the
east side of school.
Youth Jam This event is open to ALL 6-8 grade youth. Sunday,
November 2, at St. Bernadette Parish in Appleton, 12:30 - 7:00pm.
Visit: for more information.
*Questions or to sign up contact: Dustin Katona – cymdepere@ - 615-1492
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is offered weekly, on Sunday
nights from 5:00pm-8:00pm with Benediction at 8:00pm in the St.
Mary Day Chapel. If you wish to sign up for an hour, please contact
Dustin Katona in the Parish Office or just show up. Everyone is
School News
We Need Your Help!
Congratulations to Linda Gentile!
Linda’s Key Raffle ticket was pulled
as the winner of $500 cash on Friday,
October 17. Linda remains eligible
for the $15K, $3K or $2K prizes that will be drawn on Friday,
November 7. We still have about 200 Keys to sell; don’t miss your
chance to join in the fun.
The 24th Annual Notre Dame/Our Lady of Lourdes
Key Event -- Friday, November 7 at the Swan Club.
It’s less than 2 weeks away – we hope to see you there!
Thank you for supporting this important fundraiser!
Notre Dame Academy News
Shadow Program: Interested in finding out more information
about NDA? Consider shadowing a current NDA student. 2014
NDA Open House welcomes prospective students and families on
Thursday, November 13.
For more information contact the Admissions Office at 429-6191.
Area News
Marriage Encounter Weekend
Looking for a weekend away, for just the two of you? A Marriage
Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It's a time to
renew your relationship, away from the everyday distractions of
life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and
promote greater intimacy in your life together. You don't need a
Marriage Encounter Weekend, but you DESERVE one. ‘Discover
each other again,’ more deeply, honestly and warmly. The Fall/
Winter weekend schedule includes November 7-9 and February
6-8 at the Norbertine Center for Spirituality, De Pere. For more
information or to obtain an informational brochure, contact Sue
& Dennis Amtmann, (920) 544-5166 or visit
The Joy & Power of Advent
Find the perfect gift to prepare for the Advent Season Joy, Peace and Prayer.
Register today for an evening with Bishop David Ricken, Sunday,
November 16, at Riverside Ballroom. Doors open at 5:00pm.
The evening includes Bishop Ricken’s presentation on The Joy and
Power of Advent, dinner and silent auction - including a variety
of beautiful Advent wreaths and Holy Christmas items from
Nativity scenes, Advent candles and silent auction items including
iPad, wines and more! Join Bishop Ricken and give meaning to
your Advent in a powerful way! Registration and details at www.
ThePowerOf Questions? Call 362-6377.
St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter Update
As the nights get colder, we are reminded that cold weather is
coming quickly. Imagine sleeping in the woods or under the
freeway, or in an abandoned porch not just one night, but for 180
nights. For those less fortunate, who have hit hard times, who have
given up hope, St. John the Evangelist Homeless Shelter will be
opening November 1 as an emergency shelter. To accomplish
the shelter’s mission, volunteers are needed to help. While they
have paid staff, without volunteers the shelter could not offer the
range of services it does. We are proud that parishioners have
volunteered in the past and hope that many more will consider
reaching out to those in need. If you would like more information
on becoming a volunteer at the Shelter and you are 18 years old or
older, call Alex Neis at 436-9344 or email
God’s Strength
“Our faith is stretched by exchanging our
weakness for God’s strength.”
~Thoughts About God
2014 Key Event Chairs: Leah Olson 609-0123; Alissa Drewieske
366-4609; Jen Heideman 639-7581; Megan Skoczynski 676-2387.
Ad N
ve EW
GRACE Annual Appeal Supports Children
The 2014-2015 GRACE Annual Appeal directly supports students
with financial needs. Approximately 225 students qualified for a
grant through the FACTS Financial Aid Application Program.
Information and gift envelopes are available in the kiosk located in
the Gathering Area. Gifts to the Annual Appeal can also be made
online at
Advertiser of the Week
CPA Heroes
Contact us for all of your
Accounting & Tax needs!
Chris Fameree, Partner & Parish Member