2013 Convention - Las Vegas, NV

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Most Alike Ladies 11 - 20
Leora Keener & Lillie Keener
Most Alike Ladies 31 - 51
Linda DeWitt & Brenda Pritchett
Newsletter - January 2014
email: secretaries@intltwins.org
Most Alike Ladies 52-55
Donna Hyson & Debbie Zawacki
Arizona & Illinois
2013 Convention - Las Vegas, NV
Most Alike Ladies 56-60
Kathy Gilchrist & Karen Smith
Most Alike Ladies 61-67
Karen Buskirk & Sharon Smith(OH)
Kay Moranville & Karen Pope (IA)
Most Alike Ladies 68-71
Carolyn Bridges & Marilyn Elder
Most Alike Ladies 72-76
Evelyn & Virginia Hatt
Most Alike Ladies 77-82
Kathleen Jessie & Catherine Ottinger
Most Alike Ladies 83 & over *TIE*
Dale Mattson & Gale Carter Oregon
Geraldine Dunn (Alabama) &
Wardine Wilcox (Texas)
Introducing a new drawing for all currently active ITA Members!
Bring a new member to ITA at Chicago’s Friday Evening Event so all can
be recognized. Your name will be placed in a drawing for $50.00! Word of
mouth is the best advertisement. So help us grow ITA by inviting a new
multiple to join our family! Will you be the first annual winner?
Most Alike Triplets
Cary, Chris & Charles Clark
Our photographer
Jerry Hymer
P.O. Box 12652
Oklahoma City, OK 73157
(405) 410-6910
Our media sponsor:
It was our pleasure to welcome everyone to the 79th Annual ITA Convention in Las Vegas held at the fabulous Orleans Hotel and Casino.
Thursday night 109 of us went to Big Al’s Comedy Club @ the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino. Most of the jokes were about twins and kept us
laughing. Friday morning, the Double Trouble Golf Tournament participants departed early for golf and a box lunch at the beautiful Angel
Park Golf Course. Fifty-two others took part in a bowling tournament held at The Orleans Bowling Lanes with 70 lanes. Our group used 13
lanes, and judging from the laughter, all had a great time. Friday evening’s Welcome Dinner/Dance started with a proclamation by Mayor
Pro-tem Starvos Anthony, declaring it International Twins Association Day in Las Vegas. We had a fantastic dinner with music and entertaining games by DJ Bonny Rivera. Thanks to Pam Simmons and Randy Bienick for their table and room decorations with the Casino Night
theme. Saturday morning we toured the Hoover Dam, including a one hour guided tour of the power plant and passageways within the dam.
At the visitors center we viewed a 10 minute film describing the contributions of Hoover Dam to the developing west, and the massive
construction effort behind the engineering marvel. On our way back to The Orleans we enjoyed picnic box lunches at local parks. Saturday evening we went to The Hotel D on Fremont Street for a Mystery Dinner Show, “Marriage Can Be Murder”. This show was customized
for us, with Royce and Boyce Peeples and Charles Clark recruited as actors. It was hilarious. Afterwards many of us went to the Fremont
Street Light Show Experience where they flashed a welcome message for our group. Sunday morning our Gospel Hour was led by Mildred
Statzer, and our Surviving Twins Service led by Sandy Meyer. Thank you both for your participation and leadership. At our general
meeting, for the 2014 convention , Cheryl and Meryl Hollar were elected as Co-Presidents, and Cindy Hockensmith and Lindy Miller as CoVice-Presidents. Cary, Chris, and Charles Clark will serve as Co-Secretary/Treasurers for the next 3 years. Jerry Hymer will be our official photographer. The 2015 convention will be held in Orlando, Florida. Sunday evening was our Mardi Gras Dinner/Dance. The 2013 &
2014 officers were introduced. We had a fantastic meal and danced to music by DJ Bonny Rivera. Many homemade Mardi Gras themed
masks and costumes were present, including the three “Elvi and Pricilli”. The winners of the mask contest were Jeanette Meadows and
Geneva Petitt. We also had our 50-50 drawing and silent auction. Thank you to the talent show participants: Ed and Ralph Flori, Jim and
Jeff Thiel, and Russell Scott. We watched a brief memoriam to Ralph Scott, showing Ralph and Russell clogging, as they had done at most
conventions. It was a very moving and well done tribute to Ralph. Thank you to Pam and Randy for their wonderful table and room decorations following our Mardi Gras theme. You ladies are so talented and artistic! Monday morning was our farewell breakfast at The Orleans
buffet. The Monday Night Dinner Club started by Carol Bond and Connie Morey was attended by 53 at The Orleans Corner Café. We do
want to thank all The Clarks, including their wives,
for all their assistance . It certainly made everything go smoothly. And a special thanks to Jerry
Hymer for taking such wonderful pictures. We
also want to thank our husbands, Jerry Markus
and Ernie Abbit, for all of their assistance and
support. We could go on and on, but you all know
that “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”! We
certainly hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much
as we enjoyed planning this convention, and we
look forward to seeing you in Chicago in 2014.
Nadine Abbit and Marlene Markus
2013 Co-Presidents
2013-2014 Officers
Correspondence Corner Duo
Meryl Hollar
Lindy Miller
Sharleen Dow & Sharon Kilbourne
4459 Hillside St. Gladwin, MI 48624
Sharleen: 989-426-1942
Sharon: 989-488-0551
Cheryl Hollar
Cindy Hockensmith
Sandy Meyer
8724 Valley View Place
Chanhassen, MN 55317
Phone # 952-270-1157
Cary Clark
ITA Surviving Twin Contact
Chris Clark
Charles Clark 405-250-1460
2013 International Twins Association 79th Convention Las Vegas
2012 ITA Convention Minneapolis MN 78th
2011 ITA Convention Branson MO 77th
In Memory of Ralph Scott
What a great way to share and remember the
special bond of multiples, family, and friends.
Join the tradition and order yours today!
The Monday Night Dinner Club will meet again! The location and
time will be announced at the convention. Contact Carol Bond and
Connie Moren for details.
9599 Skokie Boulevard , Skokie, IL 60077-1314
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Chicago – And all that jazz!
We can’t tell you how excited we are about the upcoming Chicago convention – and we have lots and
lots planned! First, we want to say “thank you” for allowing us to serve you as your Co-Presidents of
the 2014 Chicago Convention and “thank you” to Lindy and Cindy for working with us! The four of us
can’t wait! Not only is the convention going to be a blast, but it’s the 80 th one! We will celebrate this
great milestone as well with t-shirts that the Clarks are designing. American Airlines is working with us
to give everyone who flies with them a 5% discount. Taxi service will be around $35 to the hotel. Our
theme this year will be “A Taste of Chicago in the Roaring Twenties.” Events include a Highlights of
Chicago tour, a Tour of Gangster Hangouts from that era and possibly a stroll down the famous Magnificent Mile. Look for a goodie bag when you register that includes some cool freebies. Lindy and Cindy
are working very hard on filling these. The Friday night welcome dinner will include a fun facts quiz
about the 1920’s and Chicago. Be sure to wear your 1920’s getup on Sunday night. There might even
be a few gangsters among us! For you early arrivers, we’re going to the Navy Pier on Thursday to enjoy the vast venues to choose from. On Friday, we will visit the Museum of Science and Industry. On
Wednesday, you might check out the Navy Pier to watch fireworks from the pier. You can enjoy a dinner cruise before or after the convention. We’re having fun just thinking about the convention in Chicago and hope you’re making plans to join us at the “Double”tree (sorry couldn’t resist) by Hilton on the
North Shore.
Until then….twincerely,
Meryl and Cheryl Hollar
2014 ITA Convention Schedule
The ITA Annual Convention Yearbooks are available for ordering! Each year we create a new
book with the photos taken by our official photographer, Jerry Hymer. You can place your order online at www.adoramapix.com or by phone
at #888.216.6400. The following available
books are very nice quality, 8x8 sized and a
hardback professional style:
—— 2014 Hotel Information ——
DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Chicago
North Shore Conference Center
From our 2014 Chicago Co-Presidents
Chicago, IL
August 28 - August 31
Thursday, Aug 28th
Navy Pier Adventure
Friday, Aug 29th
Golf Information to follow.
Museum of Science & Industry Tour
A Taste of 1920’s Chicago Welcome Dinner/Dance 6:30pm
Saturday, Aug 30st
Tour of Chicago & Chicago Hot Dog @ Portillo's
Executive Committee Meeting
Gangster Haunts of the 1920’s Tour
& Chicago Pizza @ Gino’s East
Sunday, Aug 31st
Gospel Hour & Surviving Twins meeting
Business Meeting
Group picture
Twin Judging Contest
Chicago in the Roaring Twenties
& Banquet & Formal Farewell
Updated details & prices in June, 2014 mailing
Reservations by phone: 800-222-8733 or 1-847-679-7000
Group Name: International Twins Association
Reservation information: www.intltwins.org
Click on Convention Info and then hotel name.
Rate: $112 + taxes/fees is available Aug 24th - Sept 4th
Book by July 28, 2014 to reserve your room!
Most Alike Opposite Sex
Meredith & Preston Lange
Oldest Ladies
Geraldine Dunn & Wardine Wilcox
Alabama & Texas
Most Unalike Same Sex
Sharon Carman & Karen Vollman
Most Alike Men 41-50
Jeff & Jim Theil
Oldest Men
John & Joseph Patten
Most Alike Men 60 & over
Charles Oswalt & Leland Oswalt
$ Payment Options $
Would you like to spread out payment of the yearly convention registration fee? Members can make
multiple, smaller payments either by cash, check, or MO. Simply mail partial payments to the address on
the Membership Form and we’ll keep track throughout the year for you. Make your final payment by
July 28th and you’re all set!