HANDBOOK & FINANCIAL AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and entered into this dba FAME All stars (“FAME”) and day of , 2015, between VA Cheer Academy, LLC (“Responsible Party”). The Responsible Party, as parent/guardian of follows: (“Athlete”) hereby agrees as 1. I have read the entire Handbook and understand the commitment, standards and significant financial obligation involved with joining a team and I agree to abide by the policies set forth therein. 2. I understand that competitive cheerleading is a time consuming sport and it is my intention for my athlete to remain at FAME throughout the entire season. However, if I remove him/her for any reason, I understand and agree that competition fees and tuition are non-‐refundable regardless of whether my athlete attends a competition. I agree to pay all fees due in full each month beginning the first month my athlete joins the team and continuing until he/she is removed from the program or the season ends. 3. 4. I agree to make payments on the first day of each month unless other arrangements have been made with Andrea directly. 5. I understand and agree that if my balance is not paid in full by the 10th of each month, there will be a late fee of $15.00 added to my account per month it is late. 6. I understand and agree that if my account becomes more than two (2) months delinquent, it will be sent to a collection agency and I will be liable for any and all fees associated with collection of the account, including attorney’s fees. 7. I understand and agree that if my account becomes delinquent, my athlete may be asked to sit out of practices and competitions until the account is caught up and I will not be refunded any money for those missed practices and/or competitions. 8. I understand and agree that if I remove my athlete from the program, I must provide a 30-‐day written notice to Andrea by emailing fameallstars@aol.com and that charges will continue to accrue until written notice has been received. ____________ _ Responsible Party – PRINT NAME ____________________ Responsible Party – Signature ________________________ Cheerleaders Name-‐ PRINT NAME Cheerleaders-‐ Signature ___________ FAME ALL STARS TRYOUT FORM 2015-‐2016 ATHLETES FIRST NAME___________________ LAST NAME_________________________ PARENT EMAIL_____________________________________________________________ PARENT CELL ________________________ATHLETE CELL___________________________ AGE (AS OF AUG 31, 2015) _______BIRTHDAY_____/____/_____ I would prefer to be on a _____travel team _____non travel team _____no preference TUMBLING SKILLS (PLEASE LIST YOUR HIGHEST UNSPOTTED SKILL) STANDING__________________________________________________ RUNNING___________________________________________________ STUNTING I AM TRYING OUT AS A (PLEASE CIRCLE) BASE BACKSPOT FLYER *This is for reference not a guaranteed spot. DOUBLE TEAMING I WOULD LIKE TO DOUBLE TEAM YES____ NO_____ I understand that by checking “Yes” I may or may not be put on 2 teams. However if selected I understand that there are/may be additional fees I also understand that by double teaming I am committing to two teams for the season. I will not be allowed to “drop” a team. _______________________ ______________________ Athlete Signature Parent Signature ____________________________OFFICE USE ONLY________________________________ JUMPS 1 2 3 4 5 STUNTING __________________________ RUNNING TUMBLING 1 2 3 4 5 STANDING TUMBLING 1 2 3 4 5 COMMENTS_________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FAME ALL STARS 2015-‐2016 AUTHORIZATION FOR MONTHLY CREDIT CARD DEBIT I authorize Virginia Cheer Academy (DBA FAME All-‐stars) to debit the credit card listed below on or after the 5th of each month during the 2015-‐2016 cheerleading season (July 2015 thru April 2016) for the total amount due on account. This amount will consist of monthly tuition/competition fees/choreography fee. The competition fee will continue until competition fees are paid in full. **Please read and initial each line** _____ I understand that if my card is declined for any reason I will not receive my discount for that month’s tuition _____ I understand that it is my responsibility to notify fame all-‐stars prior to the 5Th of new card information i.e. card expired, card was lost or stolen, and if I fail to notify fame prior to the 5th I will not qualify for my discount for that month _____ I understand that if my card is declined for any reason more than once I will be removed from the auto debit program and will no longer receive the monthly discount and will not be able to resign up for auto debit within the same season Childs Name ___________________________________________________________________ Card Type (please circle) VISA MASTERCARD DISCOVER AMEX Account #________________________________ Expiration_____/_______ Name As It Appears On Card _____________________________________________________ Signature of Credit Card Holder ___________________________________________________ Phone number_________________________________________________________________ Email__________________________________________________________________________ Additional Notes______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2015-‐2016 ATHLETE PROFILE PLEASE CIRCLE YOUR SIZES BELOW YS YM YS YM YS YM YS YM YS YM YL YL YL YL YL AS AM AS AM AS AM AS AM AS AM AL AXL AL AXL AL AXL AL AXL AL AXL ATHLETE’S NAME______________________________________________________________ ATHLETE’S DOB________________________________________________________________ ATHLETE’S CELL NUMBER________________________________________________________ ATHLETE’S EMAIL______________________________________________________________ PARENT’S NAME(S) _____________________________________________________________ PARENT’S CELL NUMBER(S) ______________________________________________________ PARENT’S EMAIL_______________________________________________________________ FOOD ALLERIGES OR MEDICAL CONCERNS__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS SIZE OPTIONS SHORTS TSHIRTS SPANKS JACKET SPORTS BRA
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