SEMANA #2 (Clique para assistir: EVENTO 4 CONTRA UM RELÓGIO CORRENDO POR 19 MINUTOS, REALIZE NA SEGUINTE ORDEM: Complete o máximo de rounds e repetições possíveis em 4 minutos de: 4 Hang Squat Snatch (135lb/95lbs) 8 Toes to Bar EVENTO 5 DESCANSE EXATAMENTE DOIS MINUTOS, QUANDO O RELÓGIO MARCAR 6:00, REALIZAR O SEGUINTE: Complete o máximo de rounds e repetições possíveis em 5 minutos de: 5 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs) 10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs) DESCANSE EXATAMENTE DOIS MINUTOS, QUANDO O RELÓGIO MARCAR 13:00, REALIZAR O SEGUINTE: EVENTO 6 Contra um relógio correndo por 6 minutos, realizar o seguinte: Row 1000 Meters (tie-break) Max reps Muscle ups NOTAS O envio do vídeo é obrigatório para os 130 primeiros colocados de cada categoria e também para quem deseja se classificar ao Monstar Games – Etapa Brasília. A organização se reserva no direito de solicitar ao atleta, por meio de email, que mude score, caso notada alguma irregularidade na execução da repetição ou incompatibilidade do score com o vídeo. O atleta deve ter certeza de cada repetição antes de enviar o vídeo. Haverá punição de 10 segundos por repetições mal executadas em workouts por tempo. Cinco ou mais repetições irregulares torna o score inválido. A arbitragem será bem rígida com padrões de movimento. O atleta não pode receber qualquer tipo de ajuda externa durante a execução dos eventos. TIE-BREAK Atenção, finalizado os 1000 metros de remo, o tempo deve ser anotado na súmula. Isto servirá de critério de desempate no evento 6. EQUIPAMENTOS Uma barra de levantamento olímpico (deve ser usada esse única barra durante os três eventos desta semana); Collars (presilhas); Anilhas com o peso apropriado para a sua categoria; Um remo com um monitor que mostre a distância em metros ou kilometros; Um par de argolas de ginástica aonde o atleta possa excutar perfeitmente um muscle up. *O peso oficial é em libras. Como regra, o mínimo aceito em kilos é 61kg para os homens e 43 kg para as mulheres. REGRAS PARA ENVIO DE VÍDEOS Antes de iniciar os eventos, se apresente, filme as anilhas e a barra de levantamento olímpica, para que as cargas fiquem bem claras. Todos os vídeos devem ser gravados sem edição. Um cronometro deve ser exibido durante todo o vídeo. A câmera pode ser movida durante o evento, mas o vídeo deve mostrar, de um ângulo favorável, a execução dos movimentos. Isto inclui mostrar o monitor do remo no zero e ao final dos 1000 metros. English Version EVENT 4 AGAINST AN 19-MINUTE RUNNING CLOCK, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of: 4 Hang Squat Snatch (135/95 lbs) 8 Toes to Bar EVENT 5 REST EXACTLY TWO MINUTES, AND WHEN THE CLOCK REACHES 6:00, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 5 minutes of: 5 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs) 10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs) REST EXACTLY TWO MINUTES, AND WHEN THE CLOCK REACHES 13:00, PERFORM THE FOLLOWING: EVENT 6 Against a 6-minute running clock, complete the following: Row 1000 Meters Max reps Muscle ups SCORE & VIDEO SUBMISSION Score submission will be required each week by april 10th – 14th and april 17th – 21th. You must submit your video with the scores at the same time. At the qualifier, the top 130 male & female athletes will be required to submit all the 6 workouts videos. You must upload your clearly visible video one of these two platforms: Vimeo, YouTube . You’re required to ensure your video link accessible by Monstar Games valid videos. Features a running clock in the frame. Movement standards clearly met (camera angle, preferably side angle). This includes being able to clearly see the monitor of the rower set to zero at the start and at least 1000m prior to moving to the muscle-ups. TIE-BREAK Attention, finished the 1000m rowing, the time should be recorded. This will serve as a tie-breaker in 6 event. EQUIPMENT Barbell (the same barbell for the all events of the week); Collars; Plates; An indoor rower with a monitor that measures meters; A set of gymnastic rings hung so you can successfully perform a muscle-up; *The official weight is in pounds. For your convenience, the minimum acceptable weights in kilograms are 61kg / 43kg. INVALID Score submitted does not match score in video. Video non-functional/unwatchable by Monstar Games Staff. Angle or quality of video does not show movement standards. It is at the discretion of the Monstar Games Staff to deem an athlete’s score invalid, or modify scores based on video submissions. *Athletes will have 24 hours to submit a new video if indicated by the Monstar Games Staff that the original was deemed invalid. STANDARDS Hang Squat Snatch This movement begins with the athlete deadlifting the barbell and stopping at this position prior to snatching. The athlete may lower the bar past the knees after deadlifting the weight. The barbell must be received in the overhead squat position. A power snatch followed by an overhead squat will not be permitted. Only the feet may touch the ground during the lift. Toes-to-bar In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pullup bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body. Shoulder to Overhead The barbell must start from the athlete’s front-racked position – at the clavicle. The finish position is at full elbow extension with the barbell directly aligned over the athlete’sh eels and hips. Power Clean The barbell begins on the ground. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. A muscle clean or power clean may be used, as long as the barbell comes up to the shoulders, with the hips and knees fully extended with the feet in line and the elbows in front of the bar. A squat clean is not allowed. Row – Athletes will start on the rower. They must remain on the rower until the display reads greater than 1,000 meters. The athlete may coast over the required distance, but cannot make an attempt to get off the rower (e.g., unstrapping early or standing up) until they are past the required distance. The athlete may adjust the damper setting and foot positions at any time during the row. Muscle-Up – In the bottom position the athlete must hang with fully extended elbows. At the top position the athlete must fully extend the elbows with the shoulder directly above the wrist and elbow. Kipping is allowed, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. THANK’S! WELCOME TO MONSTAR GAMES
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