Families First Home Visitation Program Newsletter PRESCHOOL ACTIVITY CALENDAR 9507 100th Ave Peace River, AB T8S 1J3 Phone:780-624-2451 Fax: 780-624-2479 Email: families@telusplanet.net Website: www.familiesfirsthomevisitationprogram.com Ideas for children from 3 to 5 years old Monday: In a basement or outside, give your child a large rubber ball that they can kick against a wall, and retrieve. Repeat. Place a colorful target on the wall to aim at, also. Tuesday: Have your child help you sort laundry by colors (white, red, blues and blacks, etc) Have them help you to put the Parent & Tot Gym Time at the Grimshaw Mile Zero Regional Multiplex (Field House) Monday & Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 Come meet new friend and get active, run around and play in a safe indoor atmosphere. For families with children from 0 to 6 years. Free program , for more laundry in and out of the machines. Wednesday: Imitate animals and their movements and see if your child can guess what you are acting out. Thursday: Have a “yellow” day. Wear something yellow. Find yellow things in your home and eat yellow food like banana, pineapple, eggs, cereal, etc. information contact (780) 332-4005 Friday: On a walk outside, have your child gather rocks. Then ask them to say a letter. Then with the rocks make that letter. Have your chid copy!. Saturday: Plant a see in a cup or outside in the ground and talk about what it needs to grow and then watch and check daily. Sunday: With alphabet shaped noodles or cereal find a letter then see if your child can find one that look like it International Children’s Book Day: Thursday April 2nd 10:30AM. Come enjoy the story about Ping and watch the Movie Horton Hears A Who! at 10: 45 AM And enjoy FREE popcorn and juice! Story time: Come for a story followed by songs, games, activities and hands-on fun at Peace River Municipal Library. Every Friday (English) ages 4-8 from 10:30 AM and Saturdays May 2, 16 and 30., French from 11:00 AM and English from 1:00 PM for children ages 4-8. Movie, popcorn and drink Saturday May 2, 2015 @ 2:00 PM, “Paddington” and Friday May 15th @ 1:00 PM, “The Penguins of Madagascar” Active Playtime Program Come enjoy a FREE, drop-in social time at the Toy Library (Peace Playland) for families with children under 6 years Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30am to 11:30am Peace Parent Link - Peace River Car Seat Clinic Keeping your child safe means knowing how to properly install your car seat and there is a ‘safe’ way to buckle. Learn More with Tammy Novak from Alberta Health Services WHEN: During Baby’s Day Out Program May 14th @ 10:30 am for more information call Parents Link 780- 624-0770 Peace Regional Pool FREE SWIM May 11 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM. Call 780-624-3720 for more information. Saturday, May 30th 12:00pm to 7:00 pm Battle River Agricultural Grounds – Manning Fun for the whole family! Games hosted by local business, target shooting for prizes, bike rodeo for kids, local entertainment. Free hot dog, snack & juices for kids, plus prizes. Adult admission $5.00 Free admission for under 16 Community Events Manning Grimshaw Peace River Aurora Theatre Book Bugs club with Parent Link Parent Link (free programming) Free Movie May 14th at 6:00 pm “Sponge Bob Movie” Sponsored by MDFP Every Wednesday from 10-11:30 at New Horizon Drop in center. Contact Tracey @ 780-618-7829 Phone 780-624-0770 for Information on various programs for children 0-5 years Mini Gym Public Library Saturdays Stay Positive with Your 2-10 year old. Peace Parent Link 10:00 am to Noon For children 5 years and older at the Manning Elementary School Mondays 10:30am-11:30am. On operational school days cost is $1.00. Like us on Facebook “Manning mini-Gym” to stay up to date with what's happening Book Buddies: - Every Tuesdays @ 10:00-11:30, ages 3– 5, (parents may bring younger/older Drop-in open Monday to Saturday children). Story readings, related song/finger play/ game and hands on activity. must register, (blocks of 7-8 sessions at a time) cost per family $10 Municipal Library Movie Hotline 780-836-3228 Regional Child Care Association Check website for their programs at www.mrcca.net/ or Call Darlene @ 780-836-4141 Family Movie Night— The 2nd Friday of every month, doors open @ 6:30 Parent Link (free Programming) For information phone:780-332-4553 Phone @780-836-2758 for information on various programs for children 0-5 years Sponsored by A.U.P.E Dixonville Tues, Fri and Sat 10:00 am - 5:00 pm ; Wed and Thru 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Monthly movies, free popcorn and a drink; times may vary. Toy Library— Open from 10-3pm Mon, Wed, Fri. & Sat $5 drop in fee or 39$ for 3 months or $120 yearly fee. For info Phone 780-618-6714 Music and Play Tiny-Tots Monday’s @ 9:30 a.m., ages 1-4 Peace River Soup Kitchen Playgroup focusing of children from 0-3 years. Resume this fall connect with us on Facebook at Dixonville Tiny Tots Playgroup. Please join us twice a month Tuesday @ 10am, for an hour and a half of fun and learning with your children!! Located at Grimshaw United Church Mon, Wed. & Fri., 12:00-1:00 p.m at The Peace River United church. For more information please contact the Cathedral Church of Saint James at (780) 624-2743 Looking for Volunteers! For More info. Call 780-332-4748 Parent and Tot Gym Time Every Monday & Thursday mornings from 10:00 to 11:30 am at the Mile Zero Regional Multiplex, Free, for families with Children ages 0-6 Woman Wise A group of young mothers between the ages of 18—28 who have young children and are interested in growing as a parent . Pregnant mothers are welcome. Meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month between 6:30—8:30 p.m. The group is free to join, but spots are limited! Please contact us by email at Womanwisepr@gmail.com Berwyn Berywn Library—Youth Program Families First Home Visitation Program Is a parent support and education program based on “Parents as Teachers”. Supporting families in their parenting role, Parent educators encourage positive and responsive parenting that supports healthy child development and enhances the family unit. Please feel free to contact one of our Parent Educators listed below or check out our website: www.familiesfirsthomevisitationprogram.com Peace River/Grimshaw/Berwyn Phone: 780-624-2451 Fax:780-624-2479 E-mail: families@telusplanet.net Smoky River Phone: 780-324-3247 (Mclennan) E-mail: families@telusplanet.net Manning Phone: 780-836-4722 E-mail: families_2@telus.net Mondays @ 1:30, ages 3-5 Craft, story etc.….For more information please contact (780) 338-3616 Book Bugs club with Parent Link Every Thursday from 2:00-3:30 at Berwyn school, please contact Tracey at 780-618-7829 Nampa Parents & Tots Facilitated by Peace Parent Link Nampa Municipal Library for children ages 0-5 Tuesday 10:00 am-11:30 am, for more info call 780-322-3954 Hawk Hills Community gets together for children to play while parents & caregivers connect with each other. Play group meet twice a month at Hawk Hills agricultural hall from 10:00 am-12:00 am. For more information call 780-836-3744.
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