6th Annual Earlysville 5K Turkey Trot Thursday, November 27th, 2014 www.charlottesvillemultisports.com

6th Annual Earlysville 5K Turkey Trot
Thursday, November 27th, 2014
6th Annual Earlysville 5k Turkey Trot and FREE Half Mile Kids Fun Run. This is a race for the
community and surrounding areas of Earlysville, VA to come together with family and friends
to celebrate Thanksgiving morning by being healthy and active and to help our community by
donating canned goods of almond butter, peanut butter, tuna fish or cash to the Blue Ridge Area Food
Bank (www.brafb.org). Anyone can help by bringing one of the above items to packet pickup.
7:30AM Number Pick Up (Race Day 5k Registration & Kid’s Fun Run entries allowed until 8:15am)
8:30AM FREE Half Mile Kids Fun Run (Ages 4-12)
9:00AM 5K Race (Ages 6 & older)
Address of Race Start: The Earlysville Forest corner at 600 Earlysville Forest, Earlysville, VA 22936
FREE 1/2 mile Kid’s Run and 5k entries will be accepted at packet pickup the day before the race from 1-6 PM,
or race morning from 7:30-8:15AM. (Online registration closes 11/26/14 at 9:00am.)
Packet Pickup Info: Wednesday, Nov. 26; 1-6pm at Blue Ridge Mountain Sports *New Location at Stonefield Shops
Thursday, Nov. 27; 7:30-8:30am at the Race Venue
Please fill out the below information for either the 5k or FREE 1/2 Mile Kid’s Run:
5k race______
FREE Kid’s race______
Name________________________________________________________________ Age on race day______ Gender______
City____________________________ State_____ZIP________ E-mail_________________________________________________
(Kid’s runners skip the 5k section below and only sign the waiver)
Indicate which 5k age group, category, fee, and t-shirt by checking one of the appropriate lines below:
Youth (ages 6-14) $33_____
Amount enclosed:
Adult (ages 15 or over) $38_____ (Check either Youth or Adult)
Entry fee $__________+ Donation ________
__ = Total ___________
Please check the appropriate 5k category. I will be a: 1. Runner_______ 2. Runner/Walker w/Stroller______ 3. Walker______
T-shirt size: Women’s SM____ Med____ L____ XL _____
SM____ Med____ L____ XL _____
Make checks payable to Charlottesville Multisports.
Questions: Kate Lucas, race director (804) 400-3063 or katelucas@live.com
Assigned BIB # :
Please review and sign waiver here:
Waiver: I know that running a race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter unless I am medically able and properly
trained. I agree to abide by all decisions of the race officials relative to my ability to complete the run safely. I assume all risks
associated with running or walking in this event including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the
weather, including high heat and humidity, tricky footing in general, all such risks being known and appreciated by me. Having read
this waiver and knowing these facts and in consideration of your accepting my entry, I, for myself and anyone entitled to act on my
behalf, waive and release Charlottesville Multisports, the county of Albemarle, Earlysville Market, and all sponsors, their representatives
and successors from all claims or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in this event. In consideration of the safety of
all participants, I understand that absolutely no baby joggers, baby strollers, headphones, animals on or off leash, or inappropriate
materials are allowed on the course. In addition, I understand that if the race is canceled by circumstances beyond the control of the
organizers, my entry fee will not be refunded.
Please sign here
(Parent signature is needed if the participant is under the age of 18)
*Each participant must sign an individual registration form. A parent or guardian must sign for runners under 18.
4) $27_____ Adult (ages 15 or over) $32_____. (Circle Youth or Adult)