Commissioners terminate Hodskins See page 7B Craddock Center Moves See page 1B IF YOU ARE A SUBSCRIBER, YOUR NAME WILL BE HERE Sentinel 50 Cents FANNIN VOLUME 9, ISSUE 14 THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 | WWW.FANNINSENTINEL.COM Child Abuse Prevention Month in Fannin County By Marci Watson, Sentinel Staff Writer Front Row, Left to Right: Jessica Draper, DFCS; Laura Hicks, GMH; Lisa Salmon, CASA; Commissioner Bill Simonds; Linda Mahan, Family Connection; Kathy Henson, DFCS; Shelia Stone, Open Arms; Sheriff 'DQH.LUE\/\GLD3ROODUG')&6$QJHO*UDKDP1*0&12I¿FHU*DU\(GZDUGV%DFN5RZ/HIWWR5LJKW-HVVH%XUQHWWH')&6-DLPH&KDVWDLQ*0+&DUOLH0]LN$PHUL&RUSV*0+$YHU\+LFH')&6 Sarah Turner, DFCS; Jacki Bramlett, Drug Court; Dianne Scoggins, CASA; Judge John Worcester; Andrea Gibby, ACC; Robin Hilton, NGMCN; Amanda Murphy, Fannin DFCS. See ABUSE pg. 6A Senator David Perdue returns from visiting Georgia troops overseas Visits Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Afghanistan & Iraq U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, just returned from a visit to Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq. The Congressional Delegation went to review the unfolding campaign against ISIS and to meet with some of America’s closest partners about regional security threats. “From ISIS to Iran, the United States faces a global security FULVLV,VSHFL¿FDOO\UHPDLQFRQcerned about the lack of a strategy to defeat ISIS and prevent a nuclear Iran. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I will help to ensure that we conduct vigorous oversight on the President’s proposed See PERDUE pg 6A Meet Dora April 16 at 5 p.m. at the Fannin County Library Dora the Explorer talks about 60 years in journalism By Cynthia Maude Senator Perdue meets with Commander Elliott “Kip” Wright, Staff Sergeant Ricky Edwards, and Captain Patrick Milott in Afghanistan. Fannin Sentinel P.O. Box 799 Blue Ridge, GA 30513 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday “Being a journalist is a ringside seat on the world, in your particular world,” says Dora Walters, who began her career by writing a social column for the Schenectady Gazette, went on to co-found The Village Voice Tuesday Wednesday Cherokee Sentinel 1162 Andrews Rd., Suite E Murphy, NC 28906 83/62 71/51 78/51 74/54 74/60 The Sentinel Newsgroup (828) 837-6397 75/55 78/59 in New York City, and has covered everything from murder trials, drug busts and disasters for newspapers and television. Walters, who has just published a book of stories about See DORA pg. 3A
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