Thursday, 22 January 2015 HA Releases Publications on Risk Management The latest quarterly issue of “HA Risk Alert” is published today (22 January) by the Hospital Authority (HA) as a risk management and communication initiative to further strengthen the incident reporting and sharing of lessons learnt for safety improvements in public hospitals. The current issue of “HA Risk Alert” reported three cases of retained consumables and instruments, two cases of medication incident and an incident of misplaced nasogastric feeding tube. The reported events also included five cases of patient suicide. Among the reported serious untoward events, there were 21 medication incidents and a case of patient misidentification. Subsequent to incident review and analysis of root causes of these incidents, important lessons of patient safety are identified, while recommendations are made and shared in this publication to avoid similar events in future. Furthermore, HA also released the Annual Report on Sentinel and Serious Untoward Events covering the 12 months from 1 October 2013 to 30 September 2014, which was discussed and endorsed by the HA Board today. In this year’s report, there were a total of 49 sentinel events reported during the period, as compared with 26 cases in last year report. Serious untoward events are unexpected occurrence which had not caused death or permanent harm to patients but would have the potential to do so if not intervened timely. During the year, 94 serious untoward events have been reported, with 85 and nine events related to medication error and patient misidentification respectively. The Annual Report on Sentinel and Serious Untoward Events can be accessed by health care workers and the public at, while the “HA Risk Alert” has been distributed to the healthcare professionals in public hospitals for continuous quality improvement purpose and can be accessed by the public at The next issue will be published on 24 April 2015. * 傳 媒查 詢: 當值 新聞主 任傳 呼機 號碼 : 7328 3 855 * * 傳真 :2504 0018 Media Enquiries: News Duty Officer Pager: 7328 3855 Fax: 2504 0018 * * 九 龍 亞 皆 老 街 1 4 7 B 醫 院 管 理 局 大 樓 Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon
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