new earth - Diocese of Fargo

March 2015 | Vol. 36 | No. 3
The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Fargo
our sisters
A glimpse at the consecrated religious in the
diocese and their work to spread the Gospel
From Bishop Folda
Mary & Joseph: Models of discipleship
Catechumens, candidates
answer Jesus’ invitation
Natural Family Planning A ‘yes’
to God’s
to love
2015and life
March 2015
Vol. 36 | No. 3
Celebrating our sisters.
A glimpse at the consecrated religious in
the diocese, their work to spread the Gospel
In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life be celebrated throughout the world. Therefore, a Year of Consecrated Life began on Nov. 30, 2014 and will
conclude on Feb. 2, 2016. The Diocese of Fargo is blessed to have five religious communities to pray and witness to the faithful here.
Mary and Joseph: Models of discipleship
Bishop John Folda asks us to look toward the examples of
Mary and Joseph in giving themselves to God’s will rather
than his or her own.
Pope Francis’ March Prayer Intentions
Confession guide for adults
Ask A Priest: Struggling to stay true to the
Church amidst scandal
Father Matthew Kraemer tackles questions surrounding scandal in the Church and how faithful Catholics should respond
Catechumens, candidates answer Jesus’ invitation.
Nearly 100 faithful to enter into full communion
with Catholic Church
17 Tattered Page: A review of Catholic books
and literature
10 ‘We will not, cannot, back down on the issues and be Catholic.’ Luncheon speaker shares ‘non-negotiables’
for Catholics in the voting booth
11 Popular apologist, Tim Staples, shares conversion
story at annual Catholic radio banquet
16 Wahpeton student exchanges zucchettos with the pope
Father Luke Meyer reviews Michael Richard’s book “Tobit’s Dog.” This book, published by Ignatius Press, provides
an “American re-telling” of the struggles experienced by
faithful Israelite Tobit and his wife, Anna found in the book
of Tobit.
18 God’s hand in the life of a soul. Co-author Salonen
introduces story of woman’s journey from Planned
Parenthood to Catholic Church
20 Stories of Faith
Father Bert Miller shares a story illustrating the goal of one couple that each married couple should have: to help guide each other and our loved ones to heaven.
This image is an original drawing completed by Sister Therese O.
Carm. in color pencil. It’s her depiction of Jesus’ mercy and light
onto what is hidden in shadows. Sister Therese is a Carmelite nun
formally of The Carmelite Nuns of Mary in Wahpeton who now
lives at St. Gerard’s Community Nursing home in Hankinson.
Much of her art is done in pencil or charcoal and is displayed on
the walls in the Carmelite Monastery.
(ISSN# 10676406)
Our mission is to serve Catholic parishes in
Eastern N.D. as the official monthly
publication of the Diocese of Fargo.
Most Rev. John T. Folda
Bishop of Fargo
Aliceyn Magelky
Staff Writer
Kristina Lahr
Stephanie Drietz - Drietz Designs
Parish contributions make it possible for each
registered Catholic household in the diocese to
receive 11 issues per year. For those living outside
the Diocese wanting a subscription, an annual
$9/year rate is requested.
21 Catholic Action
Christopher Dodson shares the views of the North Dakota Catholic Conference on the farm ownership debate in North Dakota.
In “The man who had no will,” Steve Schon’s shares the story of a man who had not fully thought through what might happen to his loved ones after his passing.
23 Making Sense of Bioethics
Guest columnist, Father Tad Pacholczyk, reflects on the ethical implications of using surgery and other medical intervention to reduce weight.
25 Seminarian Life
Seminarian Kevin Lorsung shares how praying the rosary and Mary’s intercession has led him closer
to Jesus.
Sponsored by the Diocese
Glimpse of the Past
Events Calendar
Milestone Announcements
30 Natural Family Planning (NFP): A “yes” to God’s plan to love and life.
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to contact the New Earth staff:
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Deadline to submit articles, story ideas,
advertisements and announcements for the
April issue is Mar. 25, 2015.
All submissions are subject to editing
and placement.
New Earth is published by the
Catholic Diocese of Fargo, a nonprofit
North Dakota corporation,
5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Ste. A
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(701) 356-7900.
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Member of the Catholic Press Association
Mary and Joseph: Models of Discipleship
he month of March is
the heart of the season
of Lent, but it also offers
us two beautiful liturgical
celebrations: the Solemnity
of Joseph, Husband of Mary
(March 19), and the Solemnity
of the Annunciation (March 25).
On both of these occasions, the
Church considers the faithful
response of two humble persons to the will of God: Mary
and Joseph.
On Mar. 25, we will celebrate
the Annunciation, the moment
when God, through the angel
the wedding feast of Cana. She stood by her Son at the foot of
the cross, and as Pope Francis tells us, she “also experienced
the martyrdom of the Cross….She lived her Son’s passion to the
depths of her soul.” Can there be any doubt of Mary’s strength? JOSEPH: COMPASSIONATE PROTECTOR
Joseph is the quiet man of the New Testament who was privileged
to hold and protect the incarnate Son of God. Joseph too had
a plan for his life. He was betrothed to Mary, and obviously
was surprised to find that she was with child before they were
married. Here we see the compassion of Joseph, who wished to
preserve Mary from harm. He could have fallen into bitterness
and exposed her to shame, and then continued on with his
life as he pleased. But, his love for Mary moved him to protect
her, even before he knew the full truth of her situation. And
when he finally heard the voice of God reassuring him, Joseph
believed. He was a man of faith who put his trust in God, even
“Both Mary and Joseph were attentive to the voice of God, and they
give us an example to follow in prayer. Each of them reflected on the
path that God placed before them and his intervention in their lives.”
– Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo
Gabriel, revealed to Mary that she was to be the mother of his
Son. And, in that pivotal moment, Mary uttered her “yes” and
gave her consent to God’s amazing plan: “Let it be done to me
according to your word.” Undoubtedly, Mary was surprised
by the message of the angel. She could never have imagined
what Gabriel would tell her about her role in salvation history.
Mary was probably a teenage girl, the daughter of a humble
family. She was betrothed to a carpenter and expected to be
married and have a family, as most young girls did. But when
she heard the news of God’s plan, she set her own plans aside
and allowed herself to be a vessel, a dwelling place for the Most
High. The Incarnation of our Lord, which we celebrate on the
Solemnity of the Annunciation, is at the heart of our faith. And,
we come to this mystery only through the assent of Mary to God’s
invitation. She is accurately described as the first disciple of
the Son of God.
We are all familiar with the many beautiful works of art that
represent Mary, and unfortunately some of them present her as
a sort of china doll: fragile and delicate. But, we should never
forget that Mary was a woman of courage and strength. She
willingly accepted God’s plan to carry his Son. She travelled
the long, rough journey to Bethlehem just days before she gave
birth to Jesus. She fled with Joseph and Jesus to Egypt when the
child was in danger. She spoke to Jesus in a moment of need at
though his own plans would have to change. He was a man
of courage, who accepted a mysterious call from God to be a
husband to Mary and a father to Jesus, with all the unknown
perils that would come with such a calling. Joseph was a loving
and protective father, who took his family to safety in Egypt and
who went in search of Jesus when he was lost in the temple of
Jerusalem. Joseph remains silent in the Sacred Scriptures, but
his silence speaks volumes about his character and his holiness.
He allowed himself to be an instrument in the hands of God, a
chosen disciple who would place himself at God’s disposition.
Both Mary and Joseph were attentive to the voice of God, and
they give us an example to follow in prayer. Each of them reflected
on the path that God placed before them and his intervention
in their lives. Pope Francis tells us, “St. Joseph, together with
Mary, share a single common center of attention: Jesus. They
accompany and nurture the growth of the Son of God made
man…reflecting on everything that happened. In the Gospels,
St. Luke twice emphasizes the attitude of Mary, which is also
that of St. Joseph: she ‘kept all these things, pondering them in
her heart.’ (2:19,51).” How easy it is in our noisy world to tune
out the quiet but persistent voice of God in our own hearts,
and how much we can learn from Mary and Joseph. No two
persons looked upon the face of Jesus more than they did, and
they show us the importance of our own contemplation of the
Savior. They teach us to listen, to be attentive and to respond
Bishop Folda’s Calendar
March 14 | 5 p.m.
Mass at St. Brigid’s Catholic Church, Cavalier
March 15 | 10:30 a.m.
when God speaks. Most of us can’t claim to be visited by angels, but none
should doubt that God draws near to us and makes himself known to us.
In our times of exaggerated self-promotion, Mary and Joseph offer us a
model of self-effacement and humble regard for others. During this holy
season of Lent, when we hear the Gospel imperative to die to self, Joseph
and Mary show us the way. Each of them had to die to self so that the Son of
God might be born and grow to manhood as our Savior. They made personal
sacrifices so the saving plan of God might come to fulfillment, even when
they could not know all that would be required of them.
It might seem unusual to turn our attention to Mary and Joseph just as
we begin the season of Lent. But, as we celebrate the great liturgical feasts
of March, it seems to me that these two saints offer us excellent models of
discipleship. They teach us generosity, docility, self-denial, prayerfulness,
courage, diligence and the importance of sacrificial love. In their humble,
ordinary way, they give us an extraordinary example of what it means to be
a follower of Jesus. As we make our way through this holy season, Mary and
Joseph can be our guides to Jesus. Let us learn from them, and with them
follow our Savior more closely.
Mass at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Crystal
March 21 | 10 a.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist for Holy Cross
parish at Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
March 22 | 1 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
Sts. Anne & Joachim’s Catholic Church, Fargo
March 28 | 10 a.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
St. Rose of Lima’s Catholic Church, Hillsboro
March 29 | 10 a.m.
Palm Sunday Mass, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
March 31 | 11 a.m.
Chrism Mass,
Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
April 2 | 7 p.m.
Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis
Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper,
Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
April 3 | 10 a.m.
Universal intention: Scientists.
That those involved in scientific
research may serve the well-being
of the whole human person.
Reflection: Can you think of any
ways in which science, disregarding
the higher truths, ends up
harming people?
Scripture: Psalm 19 The heavens declare the glory of God.
Evangelization intention: Contribution of Women.
That the unique contribution of women to the life of the
Church may be recognized always.
Reflection: How would I describe the “distinctive skill
sets” that women have which society needs?
Scripture: Luke 10: 38-42 Martha and Mary care for
Jesus in different ways.
Stations of the Cross at abortion facility,
512 First Ave. N., Fargo
3 p.m.
Celebration of our Lord’s Passion,
Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
April 4 | 8:30 p.m.
Easter Vigil, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
April 5 | 10 a.m.
Easter Sunday, Resurrection of the Lord Mass,
Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
April 10 | 7 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
St. Philip Neri’s Catholic Church, Napoleon
April 11 | 10 a.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
St. Helena’s Catholic Church, Ellendale
6 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
Basilica of St. James, Jamestown
April 12 | 2 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist,
St. John the Evangelist’s Catholic Church,
New Rockford
April 12 - 14
Spring Education Days, Carrington
MARCH 2015
Confession guide for adults
Have I been involved with superstitious practices or have I been involved with the occult?
Do I seek to surrender myself to God´s word as taught by the Church?
Have I ever received communion in the state of mortal sin?
Have I ever deliberately told a lie in Confession or have I withheld a mortal sin from the priest in Confession?
Are there other “gods” in my life? Money, security, power, people, etc.?
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your
God in vain.
Have I used God´s name in vain: lightly or carelessly?
Have I been angry with God?
Have I wished evil upon any other person?
Have I insulted a sacred person or abused a sacred object?
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord´s Day.
Have I deliberately missed Mass on Sundays or Holy Days of Obligation?
Have I tried to observe Sunday as a family day and a day of rest?
Do I do needless work on Sunday?
4. Honor your father and your mother.
A clergyman hears confession from Pope Francis during a penitential liturgy in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican Mar. 28, 2014. Pope Francis surprised his liturgical adviser by going to confession during the
service. (CNS photo/L’Osservatore Romano via Reuters)
n his Lenten message for 2015, Pope Francis tells us Lent is a
time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community
and every believer. No matter how long you’ve been away
from the sacrament of reconciliation; don’t miss the opportunity to
experience God’s mercy, healing and renewal through confession.
The following is a confession guide for adults to assist you
through the process. This guide was compiled by the “National
Catholic Register.”
Examination of conscience for adults
1. I am the Lord your God. You shall not have
strange gods before me.
• Do I give God time every day in prayer?
• Do I seek to love Him with my whole heart?
Do I honor and obey my parents?
Have I neglected my duties to my spouse and children?
Have I given my family good religious examples?
Do I try to bring peace into my home life?
Do I care for my aged and infirm relatives?
5. You shall not kill.
Have I had an abortion or encouraged or helped anyone to have an abortion?
Have I physically harmed anyone?
Have I abused alcohol or drugs?
Did I give scandal to anyone, thereby leading him or her into sin?
Have I been angry or resentful?
Have I harbored hatred in my heart?
Have I mutilated myself through any form of sterilization?
Have I encouraged or condoned sterilization?
Have I engaged, in any way, in sins against human life such as artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization?
Have I participated in or approved of euthanasia?
6. You shall not commit adultery.
Have I been faithful to my marriage vows in thought and action?
Have I engaged in any sexual activity outside of marriage?
Have I used any method of contraception or artificial birth control in my marriage?
Has each sexual act in my marriage been open to the transmission of new life?
Have I been guilty of masturbation?
Do I seek to control my thoughts and imaginations?
Have I respected all members of the opposite sex, or have I thought of other people as mere objects?
Have I been guilty of any homosexual activity?
Do I seek to be chaste in my thoughts, words, actions?
Am I careful to dress modestly?
7. You shall not steal.
Have I stolen what is not mine?
Have I returned or made restitution for what I have stolen?
Do I waste time at work, school and home?
Do I gamble excessively, thereby denying my family of their needs?
Do I pay my debts promptly?
Do I seek to share what I have with the poor?
Have I cheated anyone out of what is justly theirs, for example creditors, insurance companies, big corporations?
8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
Have I lied? Have I gossiped?
Do I speak badly of others behind their back?
Am I sincere in my dealings with others?
Am I critical, negative or uncharitable in my thoughts
of others?
Do I keep secret what should be kept confidential?
Have I injured the reputation of others by slander?
9. You shall not desire your neighbor´s wife.
Have I consented to impure thoughts?
Have I caused them by impure reading, movies,
television, conversation or curiosity?
Do I pray at once to banish impure thoughts and
Have I behaved in an inappropriate way with members of the opposite sex: flirting, being superficial, etc.?
1. You always have the option to go to confession
anonymously, that is, behind a screen or face to face.
2. After the priest greets you in the name of Christ, make the sign of the cross. He may choose to recite a reading from Scripture, after which you say: “Bless me Father for I have sinned. It has been (state how long) since my last confession. These are my sins.”
3. Tell your sins simply and honestly to the priest. You might even want to discuss the circumstances and the root causes of your sins and ask the priest for advice or direction.
4. Listen to the advice the priest gives you and accept the penance from him. Then make an Act of
Contrition for your sins.
5. The priest will then dismiss you with the words of praise: “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.” You respond: “For His mercy endures forever.” The priest will then conclude with: “The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace.” And, you respond by saying: “Thanks be to God.” 6. Spend some time with Our Lord thanking and praising Him for the gift of His mercy. Try to peform your penance as soon as possible.
O most merciful God! Prostrate at your feet, I implore your
forgiveness. I sincerely desire to leave all my evil ways and to
confess my sins with all sincerity to you and to your priest.
I am a sinner, have mercy on me, O Lord. Give me a lively
faith and a firm hope in the Passion of my Redeemer. Give
me, for your mercy´s sake, a sorrow for having offended so
good a God. Mary, my mother, refuge of sinners, pray for me
that I may make a good confession. Amen.
Oh my God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In
choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned
against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly
intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and
to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ
suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy.
Christ the King Retreat Center
Buffalo, Minnesota
10. You shall not desire your neighbor´s goods.
Am I jealous of what other people have?
Do I envy the families or possessions of others?
Am I greedy or selfish?
Are material possessions the purpose of my life?
The readers of New Earth are cordially invited to a beautiful inexpesnive lakeside retreat of
wonderful relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. The theme for the retreat is “The Joy of the Gospel.” For a free
brochure please call 763-682-1394, email, or visit us at
Struggling to stay true to the Church amidst scandal
Why are there scandals in the Church, and how should a faithful Catholic respond?
here have
been some
very sad
moments in the
Ask a Priest
Church’s history
in which members
Father Matthew
f t h e C h u rc h ,
even priests and
bishops, have
deeply wounded
others. The most
recent “dark chapter” in the Church’s history is the clergy sexual
abuse crisis. The fact that Catholic priests, who were ordained
to act in the person of Jesus Christ, would do such horrendous
things is deeply scandalous. It is hard to understand such actions,
but we do have a name for them: sin. All scandal in the Church
is a result of the sin of her members. The following words from
Pope Paul VI make this clear: “The Church is therefore holy, though having sinners in her midst, because she herself has no other life but the life of grace. If they live her life, her members are sanctified; if they move
away from her life, they fall into sins and disorders that
prevent the radiation of her sanctity” (CCC 827).
Those who cause grave scandal in the Church do so because
they turn away from prayer, the sacraments and the authentic
teaching of the Church. Some reporters in the secular media and
even in some in Catholic publications have said the solution is
to change Church teaching, especially in the areas of priestly
celibacy and the morality of sexual acts outside of marriage.
But, they lack the insight that comes from true faith. The teachings, sacraments and prayers of the Church are
not the problem; rather they are the solution. In the aftermath
changes in social behavior, such as an increase in premarital sexual behavior and divorce… Features and characteristics of the Catholic Church, such as an exclusively male priesthood and
the commitment to celibate chastity, were invariant during the increase, peak, and decrease in abuse incidents, and thus are not
causes of the ‘crisis’” (Page 3, The Causes and Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in the United States, 1950-2010).
So, how should a faithful Catholic respond to scandal in the
Church? All scandal in the Church is a result of sin, and the way
out of sin is conversion.
This path of purification, penance and renewal involves us
personally. We need to admit to our own sins and ask for God’s
forgiveness in sacramental confession. We also want to avoid
cooperating in the sins of others “by not disclosing or not hindering
them when we have an obligation to do so” (CCC 1868). It may be
very difficult to report someone, even someone respected and
influential in the Church, when we have cause to believe they
have done something very wrong. But, we are obliged to do so. The Catholic Church really is “a safe and secure home” for
everyone because she herself always follows the path of purification,
penance and renewal. The Church has come to understand how
deeply some of her own clergy have wounded others. She has
done more than any other institution to understand and root out
the sin of child sexual abuse. She has wept with the victims and
asked their forgiveness. And now, she is taking very concrete
steps to make sure such things never happen again.
Holy Mother Church has suffered much throughout history
from the scandalous behavior of her sinful members. But, as
any good mother would, she never gives up on her wayward
children. She continues to call them to conversion. Why would
we give up on such a good mother?
“All scandal in the Church is a result of sin,
and the way out of sin is conversion.”
- Father Matthew Kraemer
that followed the clergy sexual abuse crisis, the United States
Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) commissioned the John
Jay College Research Team to study the causes and context of the
crisis. Using thorough modern research methods, this report’s
findings are, not surprisingly to a faithful Catholic, in accord
with the abovementioned theological conclusions. 8
“The rise in abuse cases in the 1960s and 1970s was influenced by social factors in American society generally. This increase in abusive behavior is consistent with the rise in other types
of “deviant” behavior, such as drug use and crime, as well as NEW EARTH MARCH 2015
Father Matthew Kraemer serves as parochial vicar at St. Joseph’s
Catholic Church in Devils Lake. He can be reached at matthew.kraemer@
Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith
and would like to submit a question for consideration in a future
column, please send to with “Ask a Priest”
in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S,
Ste. A, Fargo, ND 58104, Attn: Ask a Priest.
Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo, greets an RCIA
candidate during the Rite of Election held the First
Sunday in Lent at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo.
(Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)
Catechumens, candidates answer Jesus’ invitation
Nearly 100 faithful to enter into full communion with Catholic Church
By Aliceyn Magelky
ore than 200 catechumens, candidates, sponsors
and guests attended the Rite of Election and Call for
Continuing Conversion at the Cathedral of St. Mary on
Feb. 22. This pivotal liturgy of the Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults or RCIA marks catechetical completion for the catechumens
and candidates. And, it signifies the beginning of a period of
Purification and Enlightenment for those individuals before
receiving the sacraments of initiation at the Easter Vigil Mass.
For months, catechumens, individuals who have never been
baptized, and candidates, individuals baptized in another
Christian church, have been participating in RCIA classes,
prayer and personal reflection in preparation for entering into
full communion with the Catholic Church. The RCIA process is
meant to help form them into the fullness of the Christian life
and to become disciples of Jesus.
At the Rite of Election, each catechumen and candidate stood
with his or her sponsor to be recognized by Bishop John Folda,
Diocese of Fargo. During the liturgy, the sponsor testified before
the bishop that the individual he or she represents is ready to
be initiated into the Church. On behalf of the diocese and the
Church, Bishop Folda accepted the sponsors’ witness. He then
asked each catechumen and candidate if he or she was ready
to accept God’s election and call to continuing conversion.
In his homily, Bishop Folda reminded us that each has our
own story for conversion, for answering God’s call. “But, there
is one common thread that unites them all, and that is the person
of Jesus,” he said. “In all our stories of conversion and saying
yes to the call of God, we find Jesus who first invites us… And,
by his grace, each one of us has said ‘yes.’ Yes, Lord, come and
abide with me. Come and make your dwelling with me. Let
me dwell in your presence and receive the riches you have to
offer. Through your word and your sacraments, let me share in
your life.”
Each catechumen and candidate accepted this invitation and
entered his or her name in the Book of Elect. From that point
forward, catechumens are part of the elect. These individuals
will receive the sacraments of initiation: baptism, confirmation
and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass. Candidates will receive
the Eucharist for the first time at the Easter Vigil Mass as well.
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‘We will not, cannot, back down on the issues and be Catholic’
Luncheon speaker shares ‘non-negotiables’ for Catholics in the voting booth
By Aliceyn Magelky
Catholic Answers host and national speaker, Tim Staples, illustrates
a point during his presentation at the annual Respect Life Luncheon
held Feb. 19 at Sts. Anne and Joachim parish, Fargo. Later that
evening, Staples shared with a crowd of nearly 900 his conversion
story at the annual Real Presence Radio Fundraising banquet.
(Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)
im Staples, Director of Apologetics and Evangelization for
Catholic Answers, took the stage on Feb. 19 at Sts. Anne
and Joachim’s Catholic Church, Fargo during the annual
Respect Life Luncheon. More than 125 guests dined while
Staples delivered his presentation on the “five non-negotiables”
for choosing candidates to support in political elections. Those
topics include: abortion, euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research,
human cloning and same-sex unions.
“There are too many Christians and Catholics voting for
candidates that are pro-death,” Staples said. “When it comes to
these issues, there can be no compromise. We will not, cannot,
back down on the issues and be Catholic.”
Throughout his presentation, Staples referenced a tool published
by Catholic Answers Press called “Voter’s Guide for Serious
Catholics.” According to the guide’s description, the booklet
identifies the five issues involving non-negotiable moral values
in current politics and helps readers narrow down the list of
acceptable candidates, whether they are running for national,
state or local offices based on their position on those issues.
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More than 10 million copies of the guide have been distributed.
“Many people say Catholics are single issue voters, and that
we need to be involved in all areas,” Staples commented. “Yes,
we do, but what we are saying is there is a hierarchy. We can
look at the rights, but each and every one of them is false if we
don’t defend the right to life. When they [the government] take
away your right to life, they take all other rights away.”
These “five non-negotiables” were selected for discussion
and the booklet because they involve principles that have no
exceptions and currently are being debated in U.S. politics.
Staples was raised Southern Baptist, falling away during
his childhood, but returning to his faith during his teen years.
Soon after, he joined the Marines where his faith was challenged
by a fellow Marine. Staples then set out to prove Catholicism
wrong, but ended up studying his way right into the Catholic
Church. He converted in 1988 and spent the next six years in
formation for the priesthood, earning a degree in philosophy
from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Overbrook, Penn. and
studying theology on a graduate level in Emmitsburg, Md. for
two years. Upon realizing his calling was not to the priesthood,
he left seminary in 1994 and has been working in Catholic
apologetics and evangelization ever since.
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Popular apologist, Tim Staples, shares conversion
story at annual Catholic radio banquet
By Roxane B. Salonen
atholic Answers apologist Tim Staples roused a crowd of
nearly 900 local supporters of Real Presence Radio Feb.
19 at Fargo’s Ramada Inn by sharing his conversion from
zealous anti-Catholic to defender of the faith.
The annual fundraising event helps garner support for the
station. This year, the station celebrates a decade of serving
all of North Dakota and parts of Minnesota and Canada,
with 10 stations having sprung up in that time and more
expansion planned.
Staples began with recounting his deep love of God developed
in childhood through attending a Baptist church with his parents and three brothers. At 10, he accepted Jesus as his Lord
and savior.
But by 18, he’d quit school, left home and was “living like the
devil.” Booze and depression took over his life, but he yearned
for those earlier days when God was his best friend.
Then one evening, while watching television, Tammy Faye
Bakker appeared and started talking about Jesus in a way that
awakened Staples. Soon he was “on his knees right there in the
living room,” rededicating himself to Christ.
He moved home and began following Bakkers’ footsteps,
becoming part of the Assemblies of God church.
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“Jimmy Swaggart
made me Catholic.”
– Tim Staples, Catholic Answers
claims against the Church. “For a Catholic to challenge me with
Scripture, it revolutionized me,” he said.
Staples returned to his church but now, “with Catholicism
on the brain,” began feeling conflicted at every turn. To sort
things out, he enrolled in the Jimmy Swaggart Bible College in
Baton Rouge, La., where he met an instructor who was a former
Catholic priest.
After an intense conversation between the two of them, the
former priest told Staples, “You’re not going to be Catholic. You
are Catholic.” Staples said he’d “never felt so alone, because
I knew I was no longer Protestant, but I did not want to be
Catholic, either.”
He was also bothered by the fact that faith had become an
argument. “When the faith becomes an argument you need
to shut up and go on your knees,” Staples said. So he did the
unthinkable – he cried out to Mary for help, and she answered.
Staples not only became Catholic, but helped bring his entire
family into the faith.
Staples ended by calling Real Presence Radio’s expansion
“astonishing.” “Don’t ever forget how one person can make a
difference,” he said, referring back to the brave challenges of
his Catholic Marine buddy.
Lori Hager, Admissions Director
“When I walked into the Assemblies of God…the place was
electric,” Staples said, noting that during his years there he fell
in love again with the Lord.
Taking note of his natural leadership abilities, the elders pointed
Staples toward ministry, but he’d need more education. So, he enrolled in the U.S. Marines.
While there, he met a Catholic, who began responding to
Staples’ challenges with Scriptural evidence, refuting Staples’
“Evil draws its power from
indecision and concern for
what other people think.”
– Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI
our sisters
Carmelite nuns share a laugh while completing sewing
projects and making rosaries at their cloistered convent
in Wahpeton. (Kristina Lahr/New Earth)
A glimpse at the consecrated religious in the
diocese and their work to spread the Gospel
uring this Year of Consecrated Life, Pope Francis wishes
to celebrate the religious who continue to spread the
gospel throughout our diocese and the world.
In Pope Francis’ letter about the Year of Consecrated Life he
said “to look to the past with gratitude, to live the present with
passion, and to embrace the future with hope” and “that the
old saying will always be true. Where there are religious, there
is joy.”
Here we highlight the religious communities in our diocese.
It was on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land that the prophet
Elijah challenged the false prophets of Baal. By prayer and
sacrifice he won the people of Israel back to the worship of the
one true God. At the end of the 12th century, a group of hermits
gathered at this Holy Mount to seek the Lord, inheriting the
tradition that had gone before them.
The Carmelite Nuns of Mary in Wahpeton began in 1954 and
continue to live by the spirit of Elijah.
They strive to live in full union with Christ, making it their
By Kristina Lahr
first priority to know, love and serve him in their daily life
by observing papal enclosure and centering their lives on the
celebration of the liturgy. They pray especially for the needs of
priests, the Church and the whole world.
“A lot of people write or call or email their prayer requests,”
said Mother Madonna.
“That’s where our life of faith comes in, too,” added Sister
Joseph Marie. “We don’t always see the fruit of our prayers, but
we know it’s in God’s hands and he’s making them bear fruit.”
The Carmelite cloistered nuns are women who commit
themselves to live in intimate union with Jesus Christ. While
their simple lifestyle may seem limiting at first glance, it frees
the Carmelites from many daily concerns, so they may be more
united to Christ.
“Even though we’re cloistered, there’s a great freedom in our
life,” said Sister Mary Margaret. “One time this CCD teacher
came with a group of students. On the way home, the students
asked the teacher, ‘how could anyone choose to enter that life?’
And the teacher responded, ‘well, she looked happy, didn’t she?’
It’s beyond comprehension. It’s a special vocation, but the grace
is there.”
While some of the Carmelites knew from a young age
they wanted to become nuns, Sister Joseph Marie had a
different experience.
“Unlike my sanctimonious and holy sisters, I did not want
to become a nun,” she laughed. “I didn’t want that vocation,
because I thought my vocation was marriage. In eighth grade
one of my teachers gave us holy cards to our Holy Mother,
and she said that we should pray them every day to know our
vocation. And, I didn’t pray it because I knew my vocation.
“Later I had some remorse and changed the wording a little
bit to pray for the right husband. And Our Lady got me the
right spouse, the Lord Jesus! You can’t pull anything over her.”
The turning point for her was when she was at a high school
senior retreat and saw the power of the Holy Eucharist at the
Benediction prayer.
Sister Kateri Marie, SOLT (left) and Sister Mary Elizabeth, SOLT (right)
made their perpetual vows May 29, 2014 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Sister
Kateri serves as one of two sisters in Belcourt and Sister Mary serves as
one of three sisters in Dunseith. (Submitted photo)
“As the priest was blessing us with the host, in an instant I
knew I had a vocation. Then, I could see everything in retrospect,
how the Lord was wooing me and how I was fighting it.”
When Sister Kateri Marie made her final vows to enter the
Society of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT), she submitted three
names she wanted considered to be given to her. The community
ultimately chose her name. She didn’t know what it would be
until she made her final vows in May 2014.
She was happy to receive the name Kateri since her mission
work brought her to the Turtle Mountain reservation at St.
Anne’s Mission in Belcourt.
Sister Kateri Marie grew up in a Catholic home, went to
Catholic school and attended Franciscan Steubenville to study
teaching. It was there that she grew in her desire for mission
work and learned that she had a religious vocation.
“I had a different view of religious life growing up. I was a
little unsure about sisters,” said Sister Kateri. “I didn’t want
to give up so much. I didn’t think I’d be happy. I knew in my
head that I wanted to do what God wants, but it wasn’t until I
sought religious life that he completely changed my heart, and
I desired to be completely His.”
Like many young women, she thought she would like to be
married, which made following God’s call to be a sister difficult.
“Christ is my spouse, so I am married,” she said. “The desires
I had are fulfilled, just not as I expected.”
The Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity was founded
in 1958 in New Mexico by Father James Flanagan, a diocesan
priest from Boston. It began with the vision of having an ecclesial
team at every mission, consisting of SOLT priests, sisters and
laity working together to make disciples of Jesus through Mary.
The SOLT priests came to North Dakota in 1995 followed by the
sisters in 2001.
As one of the two sisters in Belcourt and three in Dunseith,
Sister Kateri wears a grey habit, veil and scapular, a symbol of the
Trinity. Her garments also remind her and those she encounters
of the poverty and simplicity of her lifestyle.
“What I wear identifies me as a sister,” she said. “The reason
we wear grey is because grey brings out the beauty in other
colors, and we’re called to bring out the beauty in other people.”
“He calls all of us to different vocations,” she continued. “It’s
so amazing how he knows what’s best for you. Every religious’
story is different. He wants to love and be intimate with each
person individually. We are all set apart.”
Mary Lange (left) visits her daughter Sister Elaine Lange (right) for her 25th Jubilee celebration. The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation (SMP) serve with the charisms of hospitality and simplicity.
(Submitted photo)
The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation carry on the apostolic
mission of healing the whole person: body, mind and spirit, just
as Christ did. They believe that healing is anything that gives a
broken person wholeness. When people are broken, it not only
has to do with their body but with their spirit, too.
“We’re an apostolic religious community,” said Sister Suzanne
Stahl, Provincial of the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation in
Valley City. “Our focus is God, of course, and community life
and service to God’s people through education of all types,
health care and evangelization ministries.”
The SMP sisters serve with the charisms of hospitality and
“The Holy Spirit gives the charism to the foundresses, and it
gets developed over time, always with the intent of what does the
world need most,” said Sister Suzanne. “The founding charism
never changes unless the Holy Spirit comes to make a change,
which would probably form a new community or branch of the
Sisters of Mary of the Presentation have focused on healing
the whole person since their beginning in 1828 in Broons, France.
Today the SMP sisters provide numerous retreats throughout the
year at their convent, Maryvale, in Valley City to bring healing
“A primary gift of the spirit with our charism is hospitality,”
said Sister Suzanne. “Maryvale was originally built to give hospitality to those in our boarding school in Valley City. When that
wasn’t needed anymore, we turned it into a place for people of
“We do a lot of programs for the diocese such as deacon
formation, retreats for new or potential deacons, SEARCH
retreats for youth, and Sister Dorothy Bunce provides retreats
for spiritual directions, Ignatian retreats and women’s and
men’s retreats.”
The community was founded by two sisters, Louise and
Laurence LeMarchand who taught children without religious
instruction, and they visited the sick, disabled and elderly. They
also sponsored retreats for youth and adults.
In the early 1900s they were forced to flee due to persecution
in the church. They went to Belgium, Canada, Guernsey (island
northwest of France) and the United States. When the sisters
arrived in the United States, they served as domestics for the
priests until they learned the language well enough to serve in
hospitals and schools.
Their motherhouse continues to be in northern France and
is where the majority of their sisters are located. Today, 22 SMP
sisters live in the United States, 15 residing at the Provincial
House in Valley City. In North Dakota, they have hospitals in
Bottineau, Harvey and Rolla and nursing homes in Jamestown,
Valley City, Enderlin and Fargo.
“First and foremost, we are women of prayer,” said Sister
Donna Welder, Franciscan Sister of Dillingen in Hankinson.
“One of the big charisms here is hospitality: the great Franciscan
The Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen celebrated 100 years serving
God’s people in the United States in 2013. Their community
began in Dillingen, Germany in 1241. As their work has changed
throughout the years, their mission remains the same.
Beginning December 2009, their home became a retreat center.
Retreats for Life in the Spirit, Cursillo, Natural Family Planning,
Rachel’s Vineyard and youth camps frequently fill rooms once
used as classrooms. Each day the Franciscan sisters come
together for prayer, meals, classes, community involvement and
to visit the elderly, especially those who reside at St. Gerard’s
Community Nursing Home in Hankinson.
“People are thirsting for God’s love, so we want to create
the space,” said Sister Anne Marie, Provincial Superior. “It’s
Sister Susan Marie Loeffen and Sister Anne Marie Friederichs reminisce with a friend by looking over the books made to celebrate Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen’s 100 years of being in the U.S. (Dillingen Franciscans USA)
Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (PBVM) in Fargo surround a statue of their foundress,Venerable Nano Nagle. Back: Sister Jan
Ihli, Sister Gertrude Connolly, Sister Marie Glennon, Sister Lorraine Schmaltz,
Sister Paula Ringuette, Sister Pauline Eagan, Sister Mary Deane, Sister Anne
Frawley. Middle: Sister Katherine Fennell, Sister Petronilla Metzger, Sister
Marcelline Soovok, Sister Rosaria Acton, Sister Annette Figueiredo. Front: Sister
Fatima Rodrigo. (Kristina Lahr/New Earth)
very ecumenical. There are more non-Catholics that use the
building than Catholics, and that’s part of our charism as well,
being open to everyone.”
Sister Donna says that for the church to be celebrating the
Year of Consecrated Life means wonders for the church.
“It’s phenomenal that the church has singled out this special
year for consecrated life to allow the world to know we’ve been
called by God to answer a need in the church. Our Holy Father
is recognizing that consecrated religious are as important today
as they were when Jesus was first on earth.”
With the Year of Marriage and Family in the diocese the same
year as the Year of Consecrated Life, the Franciscan sisters see
the year as a unity of all vocations.
“You need the family to have the consecrated life,” said
Sister Donna. “Without our families, there wouldn’t be religious
to begin with. The family life is very important so the [years]
coincide very well.”
Foundress of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Nano Nagle, was born into a wealthy, Catholic
family in Ireland in 1718. At a time when it was illegal to teach
the Catholic faith in Ireland, Nagle established schools to support
the oppressed.
Although Nagle’s immediate mission was confined to her
native city, her understanding of mission was universal: “My
views are not for one object alone. If I could be of any service
in saving souls in any part of the globe, I would willingly do
all in my power.”
Nagle made her vows to become a sister in 1775, founding the
order of Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Now 1,200 sisters continue to live out her mission worldwide,
including the community in Fargo which began in 1882.
“We have always worked with those who need help, and
the poor have always been a part of that,” said Sister Petronilla
Metzger, who has been a sister for 74 years. “We have also
always been an order of educators from little first communion
kids to adults.”
While Nagle originally focused on education, the community
provides a variety of services for those in need.
“Our motto is ‘doing what needs to be done,’” said Sister
Paula Ringuette. “You can see that in all the various things
we’ve done, whether it’s different kinds of education or nursing
or hospitality. We look to see where the need is.”
Those in full-time ministry, work their jobs primarily in
teaching and nursing in the days. And, they visit the elderly,
write letters to those in need, and pray Morning Prayer, Evening
Prayer and celebrate Mass daily with their community.
“Our prayer life remains one of the most important things,”
said Sister Marcelline Soovok. “People are often requesting
our prayers. I was a farmer’s daughter, and we always prayed
when we got everything else done. So, I thought it was amazing
when I came here and saw there was time set aside specifically
for prayer.”
“We’re what you call an apostolic community,” said Sister
Mary Deane. “We’re among the people. As we’re getting older,
we may not be out there as much, but we carry that service to
our hospitality here. It’s another way of being of service.”
In this Year of Consecrated Life, the community is particularly
interested in how they can provide hospitality to those in need.
“In a sense we’ve always talked about religious vocations
being set apart, but we’re set apart in order to be with the laity,”
said Sister Paula Ringuette. “[The laity] don’t have the vows of
poverty, chastity and obedience, but believe me, they have vows
in their marriages. So for me, to be consecrated… yes, we’re
set apart to do a particular thing, but like Jesus, we’re here for
the people.”
Wahpeton student exchanges
zucchettos with the pope
By Tom Ackerman
University of Mary student, Andrew Meyer of Wahpeton (wearing a
red, white and blue checkered shirt), exchanges zucchettos with Pope Francis as the Holy Father enters Paul VI Auditorium in Rome. Meyer is one of 24 students from U of Mary studying at the university’s
Rome campus. (Fotographia Felici)
f he’s not the envy of the entire world, millions of people
would at the very least love to have the same experience
that Andrew Meyer had with Pope Francis.
The University of Mary student from Wahpeton traveled to
the school’s Rome campus in early January with his classmates
to study for a four-month semester — knowing his life would
be forever changed. But, he didn’t know just how life-changing
it would be.
On Wednesday, Jan. 21, 2015, just three weeks into his stay,
he and two dozen of his classmates were at a papal audience
in the Paul VI Auditorium. Typically held in St. Peter’s Square,
this would be one of the few audiences for Pope Francis in the
auditorium. But, Meyer knew this would potentially put him
just a handshake away from the Holy Father.
Pope Francis, flanked by security guards and people’s outstretched arms hoping for a touch, a smile or even a selfie, walked
down the aisle on the opposite side towards Meyer. Then, at
just the right moment Pope Francis switched sides. Nervous
and excited all at the same time, Meyer realized this was the
perfect time and perhaps the only chance he’d ever get to put
his plan into action.
“My goal for the semester was to trade zucchettos, or skullcaps, with Pope Francis,” said Meyer via email, a sophomore
triple majoring in theology, philosophy and Catholic studies.
“When he went by greeting people, I held mine out to him, and
after giving me a little smirk, he grabbed it and took his off,
compared the size to his, tried it on and showed it proudly to
his smiling security guard, then traded with me. With a little
help from Mary and the saints, I succeeded.”
Excitement, pandemonium and pictures immediately ensued.
“I was having a huge adrenaline rush and everyone standing
nearby took selfies with me,” explained Meyer. “It was really
surreal. I was shaking and really relieved it had worked. I was
trying to still live in the moment of seeing and touching Pope
Francis at the audience, but it was hard to contain my excitement
of having the zucchetto in my hands.”
Zucchetto exchanges vary with each pope. Meyer believes
Pope Francis does it only on rare occasions. “When he does
take a zucchetto, he often will wear it for a few seconds before
returning it. I know complete switches are not too common.”
Dr. Don Briel, the Blessed John Henry Newman Chair of
Liberal Arts at the University of Mary agrees. “The history of
trading zucchettos is a modern phenomenon that became popular
with Pope John Paul II when he began engaging and interacting
more with crowds. Since it is still a very uncommon occurrence,
anyone fortunate enough to trade or receive a zucchetto from
the Holy Father should feel very fortunate and blessed.”
Meyer added, “I think the inside is calfskin, because it smelled
like leather. I haven’t gotten up the guts to try it on, and I don’t
know if I will. I did try on the one I bought for him and it didn’t
feel like much, but he doesn’t have quite as much hair as me.”
Meyer planned the exchange once he got accepted to study
at University of Mary’s Rome campus back in December 2013.
He’s currently in Rome with 24 Mary students who are from
various cities around the Upper Midwest.
Even though Meyer may be the envy of all Catholics, Christians,
college students and his classmates, Meyer doesn’t see it that
way, at least not right now.
“Since we are with each other all the time, we almost act as
a family, so I view this as something we succeeded at together
— not just me,” said Meyer, who can’t believe he’s witnessed
so much in his short period of time at the university’s popular
Rome campus. “The feeling of awe witnessing these events
or stepping foot into St. Peter’s Square for the first time are
moments that are priceless. Rome has been above and beyond
what I had hoped for.”
So, what plans does Meyer have for his new, extraordinary
and cherished souvenir from Pope Francis? “I am really not
sure myself,” said Meyer. “It’s safe to say that the zucchetto
will end up in one of three places: at the University of Mary
campus, my home parish of St. John’s, or I will just hold onto
it myself. Assuming I would hold onto it, I still have plans to
give people a chance to see it. Realizing that I have something
worn by the pope himself is mind-blowing, and it’s something
I will always hold dear.”
‘Tobit’s Dog’ brings to life struggle, hope of Book of Tobit
By Father Luke Meyer
A review of Catholic books and literature
“We know that all things work for good for those
who love God, who are called according to his
purpose”-Romans 8:28
unpretentious, yet engaging; simple, but articulate, able to paint
vivid images. Richard is a skilled writer, but his story also helps
us to see spiritual principles illustrated in detail. And at the end
of the day, these pages reminded me about the importance of the
day to day, ordinary faithfulness to pursue the good in the face
of a challenging world. Temptation to resignation and despair
in the external circumstances of one’s personal and public life
may be real, but preservance in the
desire to do the right thing allows
us to find peace in God’s will, even
when there is suffering and trial.
Father Luke Meyer serves the Diocese
of Fargo as the Director of Liturgy and
hy does it seem that bad things happen to good
people, while the wicked prosper? This perennial
question arises in the mind not only at a time we
see others encounter some suffering, but most especially when
that person appears to lead such a good and virtuous life. A
similar lament on the heart of the psalmist is found in Psalm
73, “How useless to keep my heart pure, when I was stricken all
day long.” It is also the question at the heart of “Tobit’s Dog,” a
uniquely American re-telling of the story of the book of Tobit.
The biblical book of Tobit, read at daily Mass during the ninth
week of ordinary time, recounts the trials of the faithful Israelite Tobit, his wife Anna and their son, Tobias. They struggle to
live their faith in exile in Nineveh, as well as face physical and
domestic difficulties in their personal lives.
Michael Nicholas Richard takes these general challenges
confronting Tobit and his family and crafts fresh characters
living in the Jim Crow South during the Great Depression of
the 1930s. In their own unique tribulations, Richard’s Tobit and
Anna face widespread oppression and wonder if it is worth the
uphill climb to do the right thing, especially when it seems they
are punished for doing so. As the story develops, one begins to
ask, “what will justice look like for them?”
The 1930s North Carolina of Richard’s “Tobit” is oppressive and
cruel; some of the scenes are not for the faint of heart. However,
in the midst of such injustice, I began rooting for Tobit and his
family, because he seems to maintain peace of soul and steady
resolve to pursue to do good. In spite of setbacks and forks in
the road, many of the other characters who become their friends
are also winsome.
This tale is not an incredible story of a superhero in search of an
epic confrontation, but a story of ordinary people plodding along
their way. Bearing names like Ace Redbone, Crafty Forgeron,
Doc Macklin, Del Gaines and Okra the dog, these characters
are clearly imperfect and even broken, but at moments reveal
great light and grace. We can identify with the humanity of
these characters, who persevere in the good they are able to
accomplish in their own way.
Reading “Tobit’s Dog,” I found the author’s prose to be
About the Book:
“Tobit’s Dog, A Novel” by Michael
Nicholas Richard. Published by Ignatius
Press. Hardcover is 190 pages.
Available via Ignatius Press and other
book resellers.
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God’s hand in the life of a soul
Co-author Salonen introduces story of woman’s journey from Planned Parenthood to Catholic Church
By Kristina Lahr
oxane Salonen of Fargo has been writing for blogs,
publishers and her own books for years. Many of her
projects have been volunteer, but she has always seen the
value of sharing her ideas, even if she was unpaid. Someday, she
knew some of that volunteering would lead to something bigger.
Meanwhile, Ramona Treviño, mother and writer from Sherman, Texas, a small town near Dallas, was on the lookout for a
writer. After a year of prayer and discernment, she knew God
was calling her to share her conversion story with the world;
a journey that brought her to become manager at the nation’s
largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, and eventually
back to the Catholic Church in 2011.
Salonen heard about Treviño through Abby Johnson, another
former Planned Parenthood employee who published a book
chronicling her path into the abortion business and back out
toward the Church.Salonen unknowingly sat at the same table
as Johnson during a 2011 conference in Fargo.
“[Abby’s] story really opened my eyes to the workers in the
abortion industry and how they too need our prayers and love,”
said Salonen. “My mind and heart was already thinking about
them when I was introduced to Ramona.”
After two and a half years of prayers and traveling to Texas
for interviews, Salonen knew the story she was writing about
Ramona Treviño and Roxanne Salonen meet at Ramona’s house for their Treviño’s conversion was something much bigger than herself.
first interview to write Treviño’s story of conversion from Planned
“The whole experience was very prayerful from the beginning
Parenthood to the Catholic Church. Their book, “Redeemed by Grace”
which was very beautiful and assured me it was going to be a
was released Feb. 17 and published by Ignatius Press.
good experience,” said Salonen. “Another beautiful thing is that
Catholic radio played a huge part in her conversion. As someone
who is an occasional host for Catholic radio, to find out that she
accidently came by it in her car on her way to and from work…
you can see the way God was pursuing her.”
Although abortions weren’t done at the Planned Parenthood
where Treviño worked, advocates from 40 Days for Life prayed
outside her facility. It bothered her to see that, since she didn’t
feel she was involved in abortions.
“It’s really a testament to how important it is to show up,”
said Salonen. “You don’t know who will be affected, so you just
keep putting herself out there. Every person who has a heart
for [the pro-life movement] but isn’t sure if they are making
a difference… this is one more layer for people to be affirmed
and empowered.”
Lauren Muzyka (left) of Sidewalk Advocates for Life, formerly campaign strategist for 40 Days for Life who helped connect Ramona Treviño (right) and Roxane Salonen (center) meets with them at their second meeting in Texas.
Taking on this project was a leap for both Salonen and Treviño.
Without a publisher in the works, they had no way of knowing
if their efforts would bear fruit. With God’s grace, they were
able to present the book to Ignatius Press, who wanted to see
it immediately.
“Setting aside part of your life for a project… it takes time
away from the family,” said Salonen. “There’s sacrifice involved,
but we decided to just jump in and trust God. We never thought
to jump as high as Ignatius Press though because, in our eyes,
they were the cream of the crop. As an author, I know how hard
it is to get published. We knew that God’s hand was in all this,
and God had a plan all along.
“Obviously the pro-life cause is embracing her, and that’s good,
but she feels God wants something wider for her. She doesn’t
want to be a big pro-life star. She feels like God is asking her to
bring people back into the church. So, it’s more than a pro-life
book. It’s a pro-Catholic book, yet all Christians will appreciate
it because it’s a story of redemption.”
and need to be cautious about. I still think about the things we
talked about in my daily life,” Salonen continued.
“Ramona doesn’t see it as her story,” said Salonen. “After
reflecting and praying about it, she sees it as God’s story. He
put it on her heart to write this after a lot of prayer and now
she’s stepping away and letting God use it the way he wills.”
Salonen and Treviño’s book, “Redeemed by Grace” was
released Feb. 17 and is available for purchase at Ignatius Press.
A Spanish edition also will be released in the hopes of reaching
a greater audience.
“It’s a short, fast read that’s very digestible, very personal
and very vulnerable,” said Salonen. “Ramona turns her soul
inside out to discuss some very difficult things. She was in an
abusive relationship, she had a child at 16… there’s a lot she has
to expose to get to how she ended up at Planned Parenthood.”
“And that’s the thing with sin. It’s not a one-time thing where
you make this big decision and you make the wrong choice. It’s
a series of events that leads you little by little and that’s really
revealed in Ramona’s story. It’s something we can all relate to
Cover of a new book co authored by local writer, Roxane Salonen and
Ramona Treviño,
“Redeemed by Grace”
published by Ignatius
Press. The book chronicles
Treviño’s life leading into Planned Parenthood and then back to the Church.
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By Father Bert Miller
n this year of marriage, I have been reflecting on the best
weddings I have been able to attend. The very best was that
of my grand-nephew, Nate, and his spouse, Ann.
Nate and Ann had dated through high school, college and a
couple of years after. Nate had been a college football player;
Ann was a medical professional. Nate’s parents and Ann’s
parents were prominent couples in the community.
Unfortunately, tragedies had occurred in Nate’s family. His
baby sister died at one and a half years; Nate was the only sibling
(he was three and a half) to remember her. Nate’s father had two
surgeries to remove brain tumors. After the last surgery, Nate’s
father had not been able to return to work. By then, Nate had
three younger siblings.
At the rehearsal dinner, Nate’s mother, gave the speech about
the importance of marriage and the role of husband and wife
in a happy household. She was profound, proving what a rock
of faith she had grown to be in 50 years.
The church was filled with wedding goers the next day.
Everyone sang and went to communion. It was very festive. The
two families and their guests filled the largest hotel ballroom
in the city that evening. It looked like 1,000 people. 20
During the toasts, the groom got a hold of the microphone.
It was not the usual thank you, smile broadly and sit down.
Instead, Nate read from a letter his bride, Ann, had written to
him prior to their marriage preparation weekend. In the letter,
Ann recalled Nate telling her about his little sister who died
and that his life dream was to get to heaven to play with his
little sister.
Ann went on to write that she hoped to be the strong, holy
and prayerful woman who would support and help Nate on his
journey to the kingdom of God. She hoped that Nate would be
the strong, holy and prayerful man who would take her hand
and guide her to the kingdom of God, also. There, she said, she
wanted to meet Nate’s sister and play with the two of them in
the kingdom of God. By now, Nate’s voice was quivering; tears
were visibly flowing at every table.
WOW! This example is what marriage is about. It is about
the supportive journey to be with Jesus and through Jesus to
be with all our loved ones. To play, dance, feast and live in
everlasting love and happiness.
If this is what your marriage is about, spread your success
around. If your marriage is not playing out like a journey to
the kingdom, plan to attend a couples’ retreat. Check out the
Diocese of Fargo web page for information and options. Father Bert Miller serves the Diocese of Fargo as pastor at Blessed
Sacrament Catholic Church in West Fargo.
Editor ’s note: Stories of Faith is a recurring feature in New
Earth. If you have a faith story to tell, contact Father Bert Miller
Keep farm ownership local
Investor ownership ‘threatens families, communities’
he North Dakota legislature is considering making radical and swine operators.
changes to the state’s corporate farming law to allow But, the bill is not just
outside investors to own dairy and swine operations. The about a small segment
North Dakota Catholic Conference opposes the bill. This position is of the agricultural
not new. North Dakota’s Catholic bishops, like bishops around community. It is a
the country, have for decades appealed for laws that preserve radical upending
and maintain farm ownership and control in the hands of of the foundation Christoper
local family farmers. In fact, 76 years ago Catholic bishops of of our state’s most
the United States, led by Bishop Aloisius Muench — the only w i d e s p re a d a n d
bishop from North Dakota to be named a Cardinal — warned permeating activity.
that investor ownership of farms would by its nature threaten Disrespecting the
families, communities and our obligations as stewards of creation. “familiar” relationship that should exist between the human
farmer and farming will affect us all. If we truly believe that
North Dakota is such a great place to live, why would we take
that risk?
Some segments of agriculture are facing difficult times, and
we need to respond. Indeed, it is a moral imperative that we
respond. North Dakotans, however, have always faced difficult
challenges. Nevertheless, we have always found creative solutions
without sacrificing our way of life and without succumbing to
– Christopher Dodson, NDCC
the temptation to reduce agriculture to a mere economic activity.
should we succumb to the temptation to want something
Some could argue that agriculture has changed since 1939,
other states have it. The Ten Commandments has
and they would be right. But, who we are as human persons
say about that. In North Dakota, we have done,
and what farming is to us as humans has not changed. That
is why this is a religious issue. It is a religious issue, because
it is a moral issue. It is a moral issue, because it is a human Jesus had asked, “What does it profit a man if he gain the
issue. It is a human issue because, as Pope Francis stated world and lose his soul?” We must ask, “What does it profit our
just a few weeks ago, farming is “characteristically and state if we gain some investors in agriculture but lose the soul
of agriculture?”
fundamentally human.”
Indeed, Pope Francis’ recent address on the vocation of Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic
agriculture is enlightening in that it illustrates precisely why Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North
investor-ownership of farms is so risky. Pope Francis explains Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic
that the relationship a farmer has with the land is “familiar.” Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic
The Italian word he used was “familiare,” which means not social doctrine. The conference website is
“familiar” as in “well-known,” but “of family.” This distinction
is important to understand. Outside investors cannot be like
family. Only human persons can relate “like family.” Only human
persons are capable of entering into a covenant with creation.
the Month Dedicated to Saint Joseph.
The pope went on to remind us that because farming is such
Lenten books for all ages.
a uniquely human vocation, how we engage in agriculture and
how we treat farmers affects who we are as humanity. Indeed,
the position of the bishops is not based on church doctrine alone.
It also stems from what they and other bishops have witnessed
in states that have repealed or weakened corporate farming laws.
“Thank You for your Business”
It used to be that the primary concern of bishops in rural areas
was the health of the family farm. In states that have embraced
Mon.-Fri. 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
corporate farming, the primary concern has shifted to the health
To Know God...
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and safety of farm workers, most of whom are immigrants.
To Love God...
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To Serve God...
The ND bill introduced, SB 2351, is intended to help the dairy
“…because farming is such a uniquely
human vocation, how we engage
in agriculture and how we treat farmers affects who we are as humanity.”
The man who had no will
asked him
straight out,
“Jim, do you
have a will?” He replied withStewardship
out blinking, “No,
Steve Schons
and I don’t need
one either.”
I swallowed.
Here was a married
man in his late 50s
who was either grossly misinformed about the need for a will,
or who simply didn’t care. Instead of backing off, I decided to
press on. Perhaps I could persuade him to reconsider. If so, I
could do both him and his family a favor.
“You know,” I began, “I think you may be wrong about not
needing a will.” He blinked.
“That’s right,” I said. “If you die without a valid will or other
appropriate documents, state laws will determine the disposition
of your estate. And, the state’s will for you may be a far cry from
what you might want.”
“Since they must ‘go by the book,’ they will not be able
to consider your desires. Nor will they provide anything for
the charities you have supported so faithfully over the years.
Probate costs will likely be greater, and a stranger may be named
to represent you. Your lack of direction concerning your desires
will likely cause confusion and frustration among your relatives.
In short, you could leave behind a mess.”
I told him about estate taxes and how they could diminish
what passes through to his children after his wife’s death. “By
making certain provisions in your will,” I explained, “these
taxes could be reduced or avoided altogether.”
I sensed he was having second thoughts about his no-will
mindset. I pressed on. “By the way, have you considered
what would happen if you and your wife should both die in a
common disaster?” I asked.
He looked down. He had never allowed for that possibility.
He just assumed he would die first and that his wife would
then do some estate planning with the help of the kids and
an attorney.
I could see the wheels turning as he imagined the various
scenarios of a common death. Where would the estate go?
How would the children and grandchildren benefit? What
about the court-appointed administrator and the expenses of
selling property and gathering records? What about all the
misunderstandings and family problems that could develop?
And, what about those charitable organizations he supported?
What about his Catholic Church?
Finally, Jim spoke. “How do I go about making a will?” If you find yourself without a will, or with a will that is outof-date, contact a local estate planning attorney and make an
appointment today. If you want assistance in finding a good
attorney or some helpful literature about making a will, contact
me. You can reach me by phone at (701) 356-7926 or email at
Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the
Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at
or (701) 356-7926.
A Guide to Planning
Your Will and Trust
YES, please send me a complimentary copy of Provide and Protect: A Guide to Planning Your Will and Trust.
Mail this form to:
Diocese of Fargo / Attn: Steve Schons
5201 Bishops Blvd South, Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104
Diocese of Fargo
Serving Catholics in Eastern North DAkota
The “Provide and Protect” booklet shown here is offered through the Catholic Development Foundation. It can assist you with your will and estate planning.
Medical assistance with the battle of the bulge
ariatric surgery, which often involves banding of the
stomach, is a widely used procedure for treating severe
obesity. Another approach that relies on an implantable
“stomach pacemaker” also appears poised to assist those
struggling with significant weight gain.
Many people have already benefitted from these kinds of
surgical interventions, enabling them to shed a great deal of
weight, improve their health and get a new lease on life.
At the same time, however, it’s important for us to examine
such interventions from an ethical point of view. It’s not simply
a matter of weight loss, achieved by any means whatsoever,
but a rational decision made after carefully weighing the risks,
benefits and alternatives.
Bjorn Hofmann, a medical ethicist who writes about the
ethical issues surrounding obesity-correction techniques notes,
“Bariatric surgery is particularly interesting because it uses
surgical methods to modify healthy organs, is not curative, but
offers symptom relief for a condition that is considered to result
from lack of self-control and is subject to significant prejudice.”
The healthy organ that is modified is the stomach, which may
be either banded or surgically modified with staples to create
a small stomach pouch. This causes food to be retained in the
small pouch for a longer period of time, creating a feeling of
fullness, with the effect of reducing how much a person ingests
at a single meal.
Like any surgical technique, bariatric surgery has risks
associated with it: Mortality from the surgery itself is less than
one percent, but post-surgical leakage into the abdomen or
malfunction of the outlet from the stomach pouch can require
further surgeries. Nearly 20 percent of patients experience
chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. Wound infections, clot
formation, vitamin deficiencies, cardiorespiratory failure and
other complications like gallstones and osteoporosis can also
occasionally arise.
A new device, sometimes described as a “pacemaker
for the stomach,” was recently approved by regulators at
the Food and Drug Administration. This rechargeable and
implantable device blocks electrical nerve signals between
the stomach and the brain and helps to diminish the feeling
of being hungry. The cost for the small machine, along with
its surgical implantation, is expected to run between $30,000
and $40,000, making it competitive with various forms of
bariatric surgery.
Because the stomach pacemaker does not modify the stomach
or the intestines as organs, but instead reduces appetite by
blocking electrical signals in the abdominal vagus nerve,
some of the surgery-related complications associated with
modifying or stapling the stomach are eliminated. Other surgical complications related to the insertion of the device into the
abdomen have sometimes been observed, however, as well as
adverse events associated with its use, like pain, nausea and
Bariatric surgery, it should be noted, is not universally successful in
terms of the underlying goal of losing
weight and some patients ultimately reMaking Sense
gain the weight they
of Bioethics
lose either through
enlargement of the Father Tad Pacholczyk
stomach pouch or
a return to compulsive eating patterns
or both. Results have
been similarly mixed for patients receiving the stomach pacemaker: some lose and keep off significant amounts of weight;
others show only negligible improvements when they are unable
to adhere to the needed life-long changes in eating habits.
Among the ethical questions that need to be considered with
regard to surgically-based approaches are: Should an expensive,
invasive and potentially risky surgery be routinely used for an
anomaly that might be addressed by modifications in diet and
eating habits? What criteria should be met before such surgery
is seriously considered?
It is also of ethical importance that physicians and
surgeons not be unduly influenced by device manufacturers
to utilize their various stomach banding apparatuses or their
pacemaker devices.
In 1991, the National Institutes of Health developed a consensus
statement on “Gastrointestinal Surgery for Severe Obesity” that
offers guidance for clinical decision making. The statement notes
that, beyond having a serious weight problem, patients seeking
therapy for the first time for their obesity should “generally be
encouraged to try non-surgical treatment approaches including
dietary counseling, exercise, behavior modification and support.”
These broad guidelines are intended to spark discussion on
the part of patients and their medical team: How much support
has an individual really received prior to looking into weight
reduction surgery or stomach pacemaker insertion? Some patients may have tried diligently for years to lose weight, while
others may have made only cursory, poorly-supported efforts.
The need for support is also likely to continue following bariatric
surgery or after the implantation of a stomach pacemaker.
In sum, there are notable differences between such surgical
interventions and traditional weight loss techniques involving
exercise and diet. With the surgical techniques, due diligence
will be required both prior to and following such interventions,
particularly in light of the ongoing discussions about the cost-effectiveness, safety, risks and outcomes of interventional surgery
for the overweight patient.
Father Tad Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience
from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of
the diocese of Fall River, Mass., and serves as the Director of Education
at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See for more information.
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Caring for You!
Rosary brings seminarian closer to Jesus through Mary
have to honestly admit this last summer, before entering every man, woman
seminary, as I prepared to teach the children of the Fargo and child could
Diocese in the Young Disciples apostolate, I still had not be included in his
memorized all the mysteries of the rosary. Of course I had prayed redeeming act from
the rosary with my family at least weekly, and I enjoyed it. But, original sin to the
I remember times that I even messed up Hail Mary. As I grew second coming.
older, I realized the power of this prayer, which Mary gave to As I prayed the
Kevin Lorsung
us through St. Dominic.
rosary last year at
“As I prayed through the joyful, the sorrowful, the NDSU, I began to reluminous, and the glorious mysteries, I started to alize more and more
that God did indeed
come closer to Mary and Jesus by going through have a plan for me, and I would have a cross to bear with it. I
their lives in the mysteries. And as I prayed, I knew lovingly embraced this cross and came to Mary for strength as
they were both with me praying along with all the I consecrated myself to her last spring using the book “33 Days
to Morning Glory” by Father Michael E. Gaitley.
saints and angels.”
Last summer as I prepared for seminary, I prayed a lot of
– Kevin Lorsung, Fargo Diocese seminarian
rosaries with the kids, and I felt honored to teach them how
It was truly in college at the NDSU Newman Center that I to say our Lord’s Prayer and Mary’s prayer, too. I continue to
fell in love with the rosary and started praying it daily. At that pray a rosary every day, and I feel an immense joy coming to
time, I was majorly confused with what God wanted me to do pray with Mary and Jesus every day.
with my vocation, and I knew that Mary would help show me As you and I go through Lent, I urge you to pick up that
the way. She is the Mother of God after all and was given to rosary again, well-worn or brand new, and pray with your
help us. She is here for us, so I went through her to God.
family, friends and your parishes. May Mary wrap her mantle
As I prayed through the joyful, the sorrowful, the luminous, about you this Lent as you come closer to her Son, Our Lord
and the glorious mysteries, I started to come closer to Mary Jesus Christ.
and Jesus by going through their lives in the mysteries. And as
Kevin Lorsung is a College II student studying at St. Gregory the
I prayed, I knew they were both with me praying along with
Great Seminary in Seward, Neb. He is originally from Isanti, Minn.
all the saints and angels.
In his spare time, Lorsung enjoys reading, fishing, hunting, sports
I truly fell in love with the sorrowful mysteries because of how and being with his friends. He decided to go into seminary because he
we can witness them by looking at the Stations of the Cross and felt God was calling him to discern if he is meant for the priesthood
the crucifix, too. I felt as Jesus did when he was in agony in the and not married life.
garden as I searched for my vocation. I could relate to him as
he was scourged at the pillar, because I too felt pain, especially Editor ’s Note: Seminarian Life is a monthly column written
when I injured my knee multiple times. When he received the by current Diocese of Fargo seminarians. It gives New Earth
crown of thorns, he did so with dignity because unbeknownst to readers a glimpse of what these discerning young men are
the guards, he was King. When he carried the cross he fell down experiencing. Let us know if there is something you would like to know
three times. But, each time he got up for you and me. Finally, at about the life of a seminarian. Perhaps, it will inspire an article from
the last station he was crucified, his arms stretched forth so that one of them. And, please continue to pray for them.
Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse
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We also specialize in custom trips for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.
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Carmela Manago - Executive Director
The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of
youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents
of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities.
If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian or an employee of a Catholic
school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity
within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident
or suspected incident to Monsignor Joseph P. Goering at
(701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or For additional
information about victim assistance, visit
Sponsored by the Diocese
Talking to young people about the
beauty of sexuality
Parents with children of all ages are
invited to learn more about the positive,
universal language of St. John Paul II’s
“Theology of the Body.” Workshop speaker Jen Messing will offer simple tools to
foster understanding of who we are, what
our bodies mean, and how our desire for
love points to God’s plan for us. Messing
has been leading “theology of the body”
based retreats around the United States
since 2002. She holds a Master of Theological Studies from Ave
Maria Institute for Pastoral Studies and is pursuing a certificate
through the Theology of the Body Institute. The workshop will
be offered at the following locations:
April 12, 7 p.m.
Madonna Room, Queen of Peace
Hwy 5, St. Anne’s Road, Belcourt
April 13, 7 p.m.
Little Flower Catholic Church, Social Hall
218 3rd Street SE, Rugby
April 14, 7 p.m.
St. Michael’s Catholic Church
520 6th Street N, Grand Forks
This event is free and open to the public. For more information
contact Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910. Sponsored by the
Fargo Diocese Respect Life Office.
Bishop Folda to lead Good Friday
Stations of the Cross
Bishop John Folda will offer Stations of the Cross at the Fargo abortuary, 512 1st Ave. N, at 10 a.m. on Good Friday, Apr.
3. Please join us as we commemorate our Lord’s Passion and
death and pray for those who promote and have been wounded
by abortion. For more information, contact Rachelle Sauvageau
at (701) 356-7910. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat set for
April 17-19
A word from Pope John Paul II to those suffering because of
abortion: “Do not give in to discouragement and do not lose
hope… The Father of mercies is ready to give you his forgiveness
and peace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.”
If you or someone you know has suffered from the physical,
emotional and spiritual effects of a past abortion, there is hope
for healing. Rachel’s Vineyard offers a safe, non-judgmental
and confidential weekend retreat for anyone: women, men,
grandparents and siblings who struggle with the feelings of
loss that can accompany an abortion.
The weekend begins on a Friday night and concludes on
Sunday afternoon. A Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is scheduled for
April 17-19 in Hankinson. For more information, or to register,
please contact Ruth at (701) 219-3941 or All calls
are confidential. Diocesan Junior High Rally set
to charge your soul
Saturday, Apr. 11 marks the date for the Junior High Rally
in Fargo at Holy Spirit school. This event, planned, promoted
and presented by CYAC (Catholic Youth Advisor Council) will
charge your soul with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Registration
begins at 9:00am with CYAC and Lee Roessler will provide fun,
games and entertainment.
Keynote speaker will be Father Peter Anderl who is pastor
at Sts. Peter and Paul’s parish in Mantador and St. Anthony’s
in Mooreton. He will be covering topics such as today’s music,
technology, athletics, relationships and modesty/chastity. Those
topics will be discussed further in the workshop sessions.
Along with Father Anderl, interactive workshops and entertainment by Lee Roessler and his band, there will be reconciliation,
Eucharistic adoration and procession and Mass.
Cost is $35 per student and $15 per chaperone. One chaperone
per eight students is requested. Registration is due to your local
parish no later than Wednesday, March 25. If you have questions,
contact Kathy at (701) 356-7902 or
National Catholic Youth Conference
dates set, sign-up deadline coming soon
The National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC) is being
held in Indianapolis, Ind. from Nov. 18 to Nov. 22, 2015.
NCYC offers high school students and their adult chaperones
multiple opportunities to interact and learn more about our
Catholic faith. From general sessions to workshops to occasions
to be of service to participate in the sacraments to the chance to
dance or play basketball, NCYC attempts to engage the head,
heart and hands of all participants.
The Diocese of Fargo, Youth and Young Adult Department,
is hosting a motor coach bus trip to this multi-faceted event.
The trip cost is $700 and includes bus transportation, hotel
arrangements, entrance fee to NCYC and meals. For more information, please contact Kathy at (701) 356-7902. A deposit of $100/attendee is due to the Youth office no later
than April 29.
Get Connected
Find more stories and information about the diocese at:
A Glimpse of the Past - March
This news item, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, was found
in a past issue of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, Catholic Action
News, the predecessor to New Earth.
50 Years Ago....1965
“Empty Saddles..............In the Villa Corral”
By Father William J. Durkin
Sister Dorothy of Villa Nazareth Children’s Home was
annoyed, because in the middle of the night in the middle of the
winter the telephone was ringing; and after a full day’s work
of ministering to the needs of all the children, and the Sisters
and the workers of Villa Nazareth, she was not inclined to chat
with anyone. But she answered the phone, blinked, hung up,
dressed, and hurried to Sister Agnes’ room.
“Sister Agnes,” she said to Sister Agnes who was rubbing her
eyes in the middle of the night in the middle of the winter, “you’ll
have to get up, because the horses have got away.” “Get up?
Horses? Got away?” mused Sister Agnes. “Yes. The children’s
horses got out of the barn and went walking down Interstate
94, but two nice boys found them and brought them back to
town. Mr. Jorgenson has them at the Phillips 66 gas station, and
we must go to bring them home. Wake up two of the boys. And
hurry. And you’d better bring a lasso,” said Sister Dorothy, and
dashed away to warm up the station wagon. Sister Agnes woke
up Tyrone and Timmy, and she got a lasso, and she hurried.
At the Phillips 66 gas station, Perry, a fine black Welsh breed
riding horse, was tied behind a U-Haul trailer reading its license
plate and pretending not to notice two nuns and two small
boys who were frowning at him. Princess, a small Shetland
pony, was tied behind another U-Haul trailer, doing a tap dance
and giggling.
“Well,” said Sister Dorothy, “we can’t take them back on the
highway, because there is too much fast traffic. We will have to
go down the Country Club road, through the underpass, and
back on one of the Southwood avenues. Tyrone, you ride Perry.
Timmy, you ride Princess. Sister Agnes and I will follow in the
car and be sure you stay in the headlights.”
On the Country Club road, Tyrone, up on Perry, led the
procession. But Princess, because it was her first night out, trotted
from side to side of the road, pausing to snuffle at things that
looked interesting. The sisters, following at five miles an hour,
made an effort to keep the horsemen in the headlights. On the
Country Club road, a boy and a girl in a parked car were studying
the stars. “Oh dear,” said Sister Dorothy, “Princess is looking
in the window of that car.” “Isn’t that just like the curiosity of
a woman?” said Sister Agnes. Princess trotted on. The Sisters
drove on looking straight ahead. The astronomers sat in their
car looking straight ahead.
In the underpass, Perry’s hooves clicked regularly as he
marched like a fine black horse with a good rider should. Princess
did the Twist as Timmy spurred her vigorously with his overshoe heels. The nuns sighed. In Southwood village, people
arriving home late, paused at their front doors with key in hand
and wondered why Villa Nazareth was having a parade at this
hour of the night.
Ken Yasinski
Patrick Coffin
Fr. Michael
Dr. Scott Hahn
Dr. Ralph
Fr. James
Michael Dopp
Streaming to Fargo, April 24-25
Shanley Catholic School, 5600 25th St. S
(701) 356-7900
At 2:00 a.m., in the Villa barn, Perry and Princess ate some
hay as Tyrone locked the barn door. At 2:10 a.m., in the Villa,
Timmy and Tyrone ate cookies and milk as the Sisters locked
the door. At 2:30 a.m., Sister Dorothy said goodnight to Sister
Agnes and Sister Agnes said goodnight to Sister Dorothy, and
everyone went to sleep.
Which brings us to the moral of the story: If you can’t be
a cowboy, why not be a nun? Hopalong Chastity! (April 1965
Catholic Action News)
Events Across The Diocese
Mark your calendar for events around the diocese
“Beautiful News” speaker,
Father Pete Schavitz.
St. Catherine parish mission,
Valley City. Sunday Mar. 15
through Thursday Mar. 19
at 6:30 p.m. Contact Jenny
Faure at (701) 840-2099 or
Third Option relationshipbuilding program.
Church of Corpus Christi,
Bismarck. Tuesdays, Mar. 17,
24 and 31 at 7 p.m. Topics
include: building a climate
of respect; responsibility and
the blame game; expectations;
listening beyond the words;
childhood issues and emotional baggage; forgiveness
and repair. Contact Joyce at
(701) 204-7209 or jmcdowall@
Women’s Retreat.
Maryvale, Valley City. Friday,
Mar. 20 to Sunday, Mar. 22 at
7 p.m. Contact Sister Dorothy
Bunce at (701) 845-2864.
Community Irish
St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo.
Sunday, Mar. 22 at 4 p.m.
The Community Irish
Celebration will feature live
performance of Irish music,
dancing and activities. Contact
Mary Evinger at
(701) 799-0663.
Stations of the Cross at
abortion facility.
512 1st Ave N, Fargo. Friday,
Apr. 3 at 10 a.m. Contact
Rachelle Sauvageau at
(701) 356-7910.
Junior High Youth Rally.
Holy Spirit church, Fargo.
Saturday, Apr. 11. Youth
retreat for students in grades
6-8. Contact Kathy Loney at
(701) 356-7902.
Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Holy Cross Church, West
Fargo. Sunday, Apr. 12 at 3
p.m. Pray the Chaplet and
learn about the picture that
St. Faustina had painted
of her vision of the Divine
Mercy and why reciting this
Chaplet is important. Contact parish office at
(701) 282-7217.
Chastity education
speaker Jen Messing.
St. Anne’s Indian Mission,
Belcourt. Sunday, Apr. 12 at
7 p.m.; Little Flower Church,
Rugby. Monday, Apr. 13 at 7
p.m.; St. Michael’s Church,
Grand Forks. Tuesday, Apr.
14 at 7 p.m. Contact Rachelle
Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910.
Catholic Charities
Angel Auction.
Monday, Apr. 13 at 6 p.m.
Fargo’s Holiday Inn. Fundraising event to support
services provided by Catholic
Charities ND. Contact
(701) 235-4457 or
Ignatian Retreat.
Maryvalle, Valley City.
Friday, Apr. 17 to Sunday,
Apr. 19. Contact Sister Dorothy
Bunce at (701) 845-2864.
Rachel’s Vineyard.
Friday, Apr. 17 to Sunday,
April 19. Rachel’s Vineyard
offers a safe, nonjudgmental and confidential
weekend retreat for anyone
who struggles with the feelings
of loss that can accompany
abortion. Contact Ruth at
(701) 219-3941 or
Spring Buffet.
St. Mary’s Church, Grand
Forks. Sunday, Apr. 19 from
11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Contact
Mary Thompson at
(701) 772-6947.
New Evangelization Summit.
Shanley High School, Fargo.
Apr. 23-24. An international
conference streamed live
from Ottawa, ON will bring
together speakers who are
leaders in the New Evangelization. See for details.
To submit events for New Earth
and the diocesan website, send
information to: New Earth,
5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite
A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or
The deadline for the April New
Earth is March. 25. The earliest
that issue will reach homes is
Apr. 13.
Share Life’s Milestones
As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners
throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries
of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to:
New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A,
Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or
Wysocki celebrates 94 years
Leona Ceclia Zon Wysocki,
parishioner at Holy Family Catholic
Church in Grand Forks, formerly
of Sacred Heart Catholic Church,
Minto, celebrated her 94th birthday
Nov. 22, 2014. Her family was with
her to celebrate, including her
children Carol (Jim) Walski, Betty
(Jack) McDonald, Clarion/Rusty
(Jan) Wysocki, Therese Wysocki,
Linda Wysocki and grandchildren.
Obituary | Deacon Ed Eberle, veteran
Ed, son of Puis and Gunda (Muffenbier) Eberle was born
Nov. 23, 1924 in Karlshrude.
He served in the U.S. Army during World War II in the
Philippines. He was an honorable Knights of Columbus
member. He was an active deacon in Rugby for 17 years.
He enjoyed playing cards, having coffee with friends and
working in his garden. Ed was also a barber for 30 years.
Ed was united in marriage to Bessie Morrill on September
15, 1947 in Esmond. They were blessed with six children,
James (Jakie Thelen) Fern (Arnold Hahn), Claude, Rose,
Patsy and Harold (Linda Larsen). And, they were blessed
with fifteen grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren.
He has two brothers and one sister; Peter, Richard
and Evelyn.
He was preceded in death by one son, eight brothers, his
parents and one stepbrother.
Funeral service was at Langevin El Paraiso Funeral Home
in Yakima, Wash.
for 39 Consecutive Years
Help protect your family with the A++ | Superior Financial Strength of the Knights of Columbus
Ryan Brunner
Jeff Reisenauer
Grand Forks
(701) 757-0523
(701) 356-8889
Ryan Geigle
(701) 251-9019
Pat Dolan
General Agent, Fargo
(701) 298-9922
Wayne Cherney
Devils Lake
(701) 662-4420
Joel Herman
(701) 219-5847
Natural Family Planning (NFP)
A “yes” to God’s plan to love and life.
Editor ’s Note: If you
regularly read the publication
“Family Foundations” produced by the Couple to Couple
League, a Catholic nonprofit
organization dedicated to promoting and teaching natural
family planning, you are
familiar with the magazine’s
“Witness Talk: Teaching
Couples” section. In that
section, teaching couples
share their witness talk.
For this month’s feature on
the Year of Marriage of Family, a Natural Family Planning (NFP) teaching couple
from Grand Forks, Destin and
Stacey Coles, share how NFP
has impacted their faith and
marriage. The Coles were high
school sweethearts and married
June 19, 1998. They and their five children are members of St. Thomas
Aquinas Newman Center in Grand Forks. Destin is an optometrist,
and Stacey cares for and home schools their children.
To learn more about God’s Plan for Love and Life visit:
I was born and raised in a Catholic home, but I was deeply
influenced by the world’s version of sexuality. As I began to
explore the Church’s wisdom, I still justified living my will
because it was difficult for me to say no to my own desires.
There was a fear of abstinence and a feeling of not wanting to
be restricted by the Church. I didn’t yet understand that true
freedom and happiness comes through being obedient to God’s
plan for marriage. It was also difficult at the time to fully embrace NFP because we lacked friendship and mentorship with
other couples who practice NFP.
I was raised Catholic, but I lacked full understanding of what the
Church taught in regards to marital love. I questioned whether
the Church’s teaching on contraception would stay the same or
if the Church would become “enlightened” like the rest of the
world. I also fell into the trap of thinking I could pick and choose
which teachings I believed and wanted to embrace. In addition,
I was advised by my doctor to be on the pill to regulate my cycle
so it was convenient to use it
as a form of contraception
early in our marriage. At
the time, it seemed easier
to trust artificial means of
contraception rather than
NFP. I thought contraception
promised more freedom and
allowed me to be in control
of my life. Ultimately, we
weren’t ready to put God
at the center of our lives.
Natural Family Planning teaching
couple Destin and Stacey Coles
pose for a family picture with
their children (left to right) Drew,
Jacob, Abigail, Evan and Alexis.
I was introduced to NFP
through encouragement from my
mom and our sponsoring couple during
marriage preparation.
I first heard about NFP from our sponsoring couple. I was interested in NFP because it did not require me to put synthetic
hormones into my body. We learned a NFP method on the
biological level and knew how to chart our fertility signs. Unfortunately, the class did not teach us on a moral level and did
not convince us that contraception was harmful to our marriage.
The conversion of our hearts came later when we heard Christopher West proclaim God’s plan for marriage and intimacy.
The biggest surprise for me in practicing NFP was experiencing
a deeper love and respect for God and my wife. NFP has helped
me to turn to God in prayer more consistently and trust Him
more completely in all areas of my life. Stacey:
I was surprised that one of the things I feared most about NFP,
which was the periodic abstinence, became one of the biggest
sources of joy in my life as Destin and I experienced a more
fulfilling intimate relationship and respect for one another. We
also gained an appreciation for all the ways we show love to
one another outside of the marital embrace.
Practicing NFP has helped me to understand that conjugal love
is much more than a biological event that brings forth pleasure.
Rather, it is an integral part of marriage that communicates
a permanent commitment to each other through a complete
giving of myself to Stacey. Living God’s plan for conjugal love
profoundly influences all the other ways I sacrifice, love, forgive,
and invest in the well-being of my bride.
Our communication has been enriched as NFP encourages us
to discern and discuss important matters relating to the gift of
fertility, sexuality and responsible parenthood. By embracing
NFP, I have experienced sexual intimacy as a holy moment
where God’s presence is felt. He has also given me the blessing to see children as a gift that provides the opportunity to
practice sacrificial love, generosity and abandonment to His
holy will. The richness and joy they bring to our life has given
us a desire to have more children beyond what we imagined
in the beginning.
Note: The Fargo Diocese NFP Program provides education on Natural Family Planning to more than 250 couples a year. For a complete
listing of diocesan NFP instructors go to: For a listing of physicians who are supportive of couples
wanting to practice NFP go to:
The Fargo Diocese’s Year of Marriage and Family kicked-off Dec. 28, 2014. Each month New Earth will feature an article related
to a particular theme of the month during the year-long celebration. The following lists each month’s theme.
Our Children and Youth
Spousal Love
Natural Family Planning
The Blessed Virgin Mary
St. Joseph, Spouse and Father
Familial Love
“May I?” “Thank you” “I’m Sorry”
Parents: The First Teachers of Faith
Respect Life
Communion of Saints
Domestic Church
If you have a story idea related to these topics, please contact us at or (701) 356-7900 to let us know about it.
Give a Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air
The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents,
shut-ins, or non-practicing Catholics on WDAY, Channel 6, Fargo –
WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday.
“I support the TV Mass because it was an important part of my mother’s
life. My husband and I would sometimes watch it with her. I’m thankful
that the TV Mass was there for her.” – Helen Bye, Fargo
I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s):
Catholic Diocese of Fargo
5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste. A
Fargo, ND 58104