Saint Ursula Catholic Church 8801 Harford Road Parkville, MD 21234 OUR PARISH MISSION At Saint Ursula Parish we are called to celebrate the Eucharistic life, centered on the Good News of Jesus Christ, whom we know, love and serve by word and deed. ST. URSULA PARISH Office: 410-665-2111 Fax: 410-665-0758 Email: ST. URSULA SCHOOL Office: 410-665-3533 Email: FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARCH 22, 2015 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Stephen E. Hook- Pastor Rev. Stephen D. Cotter- Associate Pastor Msgr. A. Thomas Baumgartner Sister Joan Kelly Deacon Michael Baxter Mr. John D’Adamo Pastor Emeritus Baptismal Preparation Adult Faith Formation St. Ursula School Principal Mrs. Laura Weatherington Director of Religious Education 410-665-4106 Mr. Chapman Gonzalez Director of Music 410-821-9489 Mr. Marc Parisi Confirmation Coordinator 410-665-2111 x161 Mrs. Carolyn Weglein Children’s Choir Director 410-377-5323 Mrs. Cassandra Palmer Youth Minister 410-665-2111 x 124 Mrs. Sally M. Jennings Contemporary Music 443-904-4689 Mr. Dick Keys Coordinator of St. Vincent de Paul Ministries 410-665-0918 New Parishioners – Welcome to St. Ursula! Registration forms may be obtained from the ushers, at the Parish Office, or on our website: and click on Parish Forms. Moving?? – Please let us know by calling the Parish Office. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00pm (Vigil) Sunday 7:30am (quiet) 9:00am (choir) 11:00am (Contemporary) Monday—Saturday 8:30am First Friday 5:30pm CONFESSIONS Saturday—3:30pm - 4:30pm First Friday: 4:30pm - 5:00pm NEIGHBORING PARISHES St. Isaac Jogues, Carney 4:00pm (Sat), 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:15am, 5:30pm Monday-Friday - 9:00am St. Joseph, Fullerton 4:30pm (Sat), 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm Mon.—Wed., Fri. - 7:30am Thur. & Sat. – 8:15am Immaculate Heart of Mary 4:30pm and 6:00pm (Sat), 8:00am, 10:15m, 12:00pm Monday-Saturday - 8:00am REGIONAL PENANCE SERVICE Monday, March 23, 2015 7:00pm St. Ursula Church PASTORAL COUNCIL PRESIDENT Sally Matheu 410-215-0609 VICE PRESIDENT Monica Pane 410-218-7554 RECORDING SECRETARY Sheilagh Franiak 410-529-1808 MEMBERS/Committee Liaisons Jim Amos, At Large 410-882-9058 Mark Appleby, Service 410-668-7092 Katie Campbell, Finance 410-344-0110 Hospitality Bruno Commodari, Liturgy 410-491-2865 Shelly Commodari, At Large 410-668-5280 Tom Fitzgerald, St. Ursula School 410-665-6653 Timothy Hudak, At Large 410-817-6902 Sarah Marinaro, Youth Ministry Bernie Miller, Faith Formation 410-529-3775 Kim Sheridan, At Large 410-882-9454 Christopher Thompson, At Large 410-878-7917 Ann Margaret Zelenka, At Large 443-762-3183 Elections are held each May for three (3) at-large members. Nomination forms are available in the church or at the parish office. SACRAMENTS, PARISH & SCHOOL LIFE Devotions St. Ursula celebrates many of the devotional practices of the Catholic Church. The devotions scheduled more consistently are listed below: Eucharistic Adoration First Friday - 9:00am to 5:00pm (September-June) First Sunday - 7:00pm to 8:00pm Rosary Weekdays after 8:30am Mass Miraculous Medal Novena Wednesday after 8:30am Mass Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the 1st Sunday of the month after the 11:00am Mass and on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 12 noon. One Baptism can also be scheduled at some weekend Masses. Parents are asked to call the parish office 4-6 weeks in advance to schedule both the preparation class and the baptism date. Anointing of the Sick Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the 4th Saturday of the month immediately following the 5:00pm Mass or at any time by contacting the Parish Office. Marriage Couples wishing to celebrate Marriage at St. Ursula should contact the Parish Office at least 9-12 months prior to the wedding date. For additional information concerning marriage preparation, please go to and click on Family Life. St. Ursula School and Tuition Policy St. Ursula School (SUS) is an Archdiocesan Collaborative School overseen by a deliberative School Board. SUS offers a solid Catholic education for Pre-K4 through 8th grade. The school’s motto is lived out everyday: Strength through God, United in Spirit, Success through Education. The Tuition Rates for SUS are established by the School Board and can be found on the school website. There are two rates: Parishioner Rate and Non– Parishioner Rate. Parishioner Rates are available for registered Catholic families who are either: (1) contributing members of St. Ursula Parish via use of envelopes or FaithDirect EFT ( or (2) contributing members of Catholic parishes that do not have parish schools and can supply a parish contribution letter. PARISH/SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND ORGANIZATIONS ADULT FAITH FORMATION: Deacon Mike Baxter ...............410-668-5211 ALTAR SERVERS: Fr. Stephen Cotter ..................................410-665-2111 ALTAR SOCIETY: Joan Larichiuta .........................................410-391-3170 ARCHBISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL: Fr. Steve Hook ............410-665-2111 BAPTISMAL PROGRAM: Sr. Joan Kelly ...............................410-665-2111 BASKETBALL: Gordon Maki ..................................................410-248-0052 BLOOD DONOR PROGRAM: Darwin Ray ............................443-414-9429 BOY SCOUTS: Mike Cole ......................................................443-922-9242 CONFIRMATION COORDINATOR: Marc Parisi ................... 410-665-2111 CUB SCOUTS: Anibal Gonzalez, Jr.. .....................................443-829-4205 EVANGELIZATION: Deacon Mike Baxter ..............................410-668-5211 EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: Fr. Stephen Cotter ..................410-665-2111 FAITH FORMATION: Bernie Miller .........................................410-529-3775 FATHER'S CLUB: Dave Mercandante ...................................410-254-9963 FINANCE: Dan Bindel ............................................................410-665-2111 GIRL SCOUTS: Linda Scarborough .......................................410-661-0433 GRIEF MINISTRY: Mary Nooney ..........................................410-663-7845 HOME SCHOOL (PHSA): Monica Pane ................................410-218-7554 HOSPITALITY: Colleen Hamilton ...........................................410-882-8570 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Michael Colbourne....................443-876-2828 LECTORS: Fr. Stephen Cotter ...............................................410-665-2111 LITURGY COMMITTEE: Kim Sheridan ..................................410-882-9454 MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS: .................................................410-665-2111 MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: Carolyn & Larry Conway ...........410-668-0157 MARRIAGE PREP.: Bernie Miller ...........................................410-529-3557 MEN'S FELLOWSHIP GROUP: Rob Commodari .................410-344-0181 MOTHER’S CLUB: Kelli McCarty ...........................................410-569-3165 MUSIC MINISTRY: Parish Choir, Funeral Choir ....... Chapman Gonzalez 410-821-9489 Children’s Choir ......................... Carolyn Weglein 410-377-5323 Contemporary Choir, Youth Band ..... Sally M. Jennings 443-904-4689 OUR DAILY BREAD: Sandy Colaianni ..................................410-665-1012 PASTORAL COUNCIL: Sally Matheu ....................................410-215-0609 RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: Liz Walz/Susan Williams .....410-663-1096 R.C.I.A.: Deacon Mike Baxter .................................................410-668-5211 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Dick Keys .....................410-665-0918 SCHOOL: John D’Adamo, Principal .......................................410-665-3533 SCHOOL BOARD PRESIDENT: Jerry Herr ...........................410-529-9565 SOCCER: Mike Decarlo ..........................................................202-631-4444 SODALITY: Joan Larichiuta ....................................................410-391-3170 THIRD FRIDAY CLUB: Joan Svoboda ...................................410-665-0429 USHERS: Larry Conway ........................................................410-668-0157 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: Laura Weatherington .............410-665-4106 YOUTH MINISTER: Cassandra Palmer .................................410-665-2111 Dear Friends, Our Lenten journey is rapidly coming to a close. Next week we will celebrate Palm Sunday and the following week is Easter Sunday. The Gospel this weekend reminds us that new life springs forth from dead, as we can see in nature during this time of year in the planting of seeds. The seeds sown in the ground appear dead, but once planted, they spring forth new life and an abundant harvest. Each one of us is challenged to die to our former ways so that we can rise to new life in Christ. If and when we are effective in this transformation, then our lives bring forth an abundant harvest for the Lord. For the next two weekends we have a revised Mass schedule. Palm Sunday – March 28th-29th: Saturday: 5:00pm (Confessions from 3:30pm4:30pm) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, and 12:30pm Easter Sunday – April 4th-5th: Saturday Easter Vigil: 8:00pm (No Confessions) Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:45am, and 12:30pm We are still in need of ministers for the 12:30pm Masses. We need Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers and ushers. Please consider volunteering to assist your parish community during these Holy days of celebration and welcome. Remember to park at Evans Funeral Home if our church lot is filled. Also please plan to join us for our annual Ecumenical Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3rd starting at 12:00pm. We will be joined by parishioners from Hiss United Methodist Church and St. John’s Lutheran Church as we walk the way of the cross through the Parkville area. We will begin at St. Ursula, journey to St. John’s and conclude at Hiss. This is a great way we are able to give a common witness to our Christian faith so I hope you will be able to join us. As always, thank you for keeping St. Ursula Parish and School in your prayers. God Bless, Father Steve “We want to see Jesus—to see God.” Philip, with Andrew, goes to Jesus. Jesus is guided by how his being lifted up on the saving cross will glorify the Father. His willing struggle for obedience to the Father plants the new covenant in our hearts. His cross becomes the source of eternal salvation. Seeing Jesus we approach the Father. By the power of the Holy Spirit we are drawn though Jesus to the Father—to see God. Text, Philip J. Sandstrom, STD © 2000, OCP. All rights reserved. 3/23 Regional Penance Service 7:00pm 3/27 The Light is on for You (Confession) 3pm-8pm Church 3/27 Stations 7pm, Soup & Salad dinner 7:30pm Spiritual Center 3/28 Pre-Cana 12noon Spiritual Center 3/29 (Palm Sunday) Masses 7:30am, 9:00am 10:45am (Contemporary Choir), 12:30pm (Adult Choir). 3/29 9am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 3/29 10 am Family Catechists Spiritual Center weekend of march 14 & 15 2015 Attendance 1,219 Offertory $11,354 Maintenance $ 592 EFT $ 2014 1,225 $11,204 $ 302 $ HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, April 2: 8:30am Morning prayer 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Adoration until 10pm) Good Friday, April 3: 8:30am Morning Prayer Confession 9:00-10:00am 12 noon Outdoor Ecumenical Stations of the Cross 3:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Holy Saturday, April 4 8:30am Morning Prayer 12noon Blessing of Food 8:00pm Easter Vigil (with Incense) Easter Sunday, April 5 Masses: 7:30am, 9:00am (with Incense), 10:45am (Contemporary Choir), 12:30pm music ministry March 28 & 29 (Palm Sunday) 5:00pm Jerry Kersch; 9:00am Peggy Hornick; 10:45am Contemporary Choir; 12:30pm Bob Gilson. easter food to support Saint Vincent de Paul! Food for the Poor for April can be left at the Food Pantry next to the garages the weekend of March 28 & 29th. We will not be collecting food on Easter Weekend. Have a Blessed Easter! please note: We will be using Incense at the 9:00am Mass next Sunday, March 29th and also at the Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 4 8:00pm and Easter Sunday, 9:00am Mass. palm sunday is quickly approaching. It is Sunday, March 29th. As we did last year, we will have boxes in the vestibule on Palm Sunday to place your old palms in for burning at the Easter Vigil. there will be no Adoration on April 3rd (1st Friday of April). Good Friday services will be help that day. The is also NO Adoration on Sunday evening, April 5th Easter Sunday. Religious Education is open to any child in grades PK-8th grade, particularly those not attending a Catholic school. Classes are on Monday evenings at 7. Registration forms are available on the parish website,, or call 410-665-4106. If you have a child entering Pre-K through 8th grade now is the time to register. Mon. Mar. 23 Penance Service (Church) grades 3-8 Mon. Mar. 30 NO CLASS (Catechist Formation Session) Mon. Apr. 6 NO CLASS (Easter Vacation) reflect on today’s readings: 5th sunday of lent First Reading Jere miah 31:31-34; Second Reading Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel: John 12:20-33. Adults: Name several ways I have sacrificed my own desires to be of help to others? Children: How have I given something up to help my family, a classmate, or a friend? pastoral outreach If you go to the hospital and would like to be visited by a member of our Pastoral Outreach Program or if you’d like to receive the Eucharist at home while you’re recuperating, please call Fr. Stephen Cotter at 410-6652111 (ext 102). Hospitals are no longer allowed to notify the church when a parishioner is admitted unless the parishioner specifically asks that this be done. celebrating an anniversary in april? Join us for our next Anniversary mass on April 12 at 9am. THIS IS A CHANGE FROM OUR USUAL DATE. A reception will follow in the Spiritual Center. Call the parish office to register. 410-665-2111 the anointing of the sick k will be celebrated in a brief rite immediately after the 5:00pm Mass next Saturday, March 28th. This is an opportunity for those who are scheduled for surgery, or who have been recently diagnosed with a serious illness, or who are beginning treatment for a serious illness, or who are struggling with the progression of a chronic and debilitating illness, to be strengthened by the healing power of Christ. poor box collection next weekend is for the St. Vincent de Paul Society which helps with food and shelter. St. Ursula School 75th Anniversary Gala The 75th Anniversary celebration for St. Ursula School has been postponed to Saturday, September 19, 2015. Please be sure to save the date! The celebration will begin with a special Anniversary Mass in the church at 5:00 p.m., followed by a reception at the school from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Details on ticket information will be available soon. 2015 Tuition Assistance Appeal Thank you to all who have made donations to the 2015 Tuition Assistance Fund. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated! Donations are still being accepted, and can now be made online. Please visit the Tuition Assistance Fund page of the school website ( -fund/) for details. youth ministry information HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: High School Drop-In (7:00 8:30 PM) Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday night. Come for a study-break and catch up with you St U’s friends to re-charge your week! At each Drop-In, we’ll have snacks, entertainment, and a weekly topical discussion ... all students in grades 9-12 are welcome! Faith formation corner st Did you know that the 1 sign of a Dynamic Catholic is a person of prayer? Here is one example of a prayer to get us started Pope Francis' Five Finger Prayer Using the fingers on your hand, start with the thumb and pray these intentions in this order: 1.) The thumb is closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a "Sweet Obligation." 2.) The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. Always keep them in your prayers. 3.) The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority. They need God's guidance. 4.) The fourth finger is the ring finger. Even though it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems. They need your prayers. 5.) And finally we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. When you ate done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective, and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way. On Easter we will be gifting a copy of The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly to every family. Please take, read, enjoy and accept the invitation that will come with the book to join us in April as we come together to discuss how to become a Dynamic Catholic! Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays from 3:30-4:30, St. Ursula Monday, March 23rd at 7PM. Parish Cluster Lenten Penance Service, St. Ursula. Friday, March 27th from 3PM – 8PM, St. Ursula. Friday, April 3rd 9-10am Making an Examination of Conscience is great tool in aiding us in recognizing and confessing our sins. There are several versions on the web that can assist us. An excellent resource is a free App for our smart phones called Mea Culpa. It steps you through how to examine your conscience as well as how to go to the sacrament. This Lent give yourself the gift of experiencing God’s healing and mercy! Conscience is great tool in aiding us in recognizing and confessing our sins. There are several versions on the web that can assist us. An excellent resource is a free App for our smart phones called Mea Culpa. It steps you through how to examine your conscience as well as how to go to the sacrament. This Lent give yourself the gift of experiencing God’s healing and mercy! #22 MARRIAGE MENTORING MINUTES Subverting our Culture “If anyone should cause one of these little ones to lose their faith in me, it would be better for that person to have a large millstone tied around his neck and be thrown into the sea” (Mk. 9:42). Sixty years ago our society adhered to the Ten Commandments. Intact families ate, talked, prayed and went to church together on Sundays. Mothers and grandparents were home most of the day while fathers worked to support their families. Children were raised to love God, respect authority and parents looked to the schools to provide a sound, healthy education. Crime was rare and divorce was for movie stars. By the mid 1950’s, everyone owned a TV. Mass media meant mass influence, leading to new, rebellious ideas culminating in moral relativism and secularism along with the notion that the Ten Commandments and the Catholic Church were offensive and repressive. Radical feminism “empowered” women to reject pregnancy and family for careers while the pill encouraged promiscuity and infidelity. Educators and mental health professionals advocated freedom for children from tyrannical, parental rule. They invited Planned Parenthood to teach sex education encouraging children to express themselves sexually, using condoms and the pill leading to rape, perversion and secret abortions. School prayer was banned. Drugs and weapons became a new problem. New Age Eastern paganism became popular with music festivals worshipping free love and mind altering drugs. All opinions had equal weight for truth. These changes produced infidelity, divorce, multiple remarriages, recreational sex, abortion, drugs, social and domestic violence. Share this with your spouse. Protect your family. Don’t allow TV and internet access in your child’s bedroom but in the most public part of the house and monitor constantly. Outside influences have a huge, negative effect on marriage and families. Know what your children are learning in school. Teach your child the faith through good examples. Pray as a family with your children every night. parish council is now accepting nominations for 3 At -Large positions. If you or someone you know would like to be nominated for the Parish Council, please contact Monica Pane at or 410-218-7554. cd of the month: Our Lady of Sorrows Kimberly Hahn $3.50 in the pamphlet rack grief support group forming When we experience the death of someone, we often feel isolated, confused, sad, and angry. We sometimes feel out-of-sorts, disconnected from friends, family, and colleagues. Know you are not alone. St. Ursula is forming a morning grief support group, beginning Friday, April 10, at 9:15 A.M. Meetings will be held for 6 weeks in the rectory basement. For more information or to register call Mary at 410-663-7845. mass cards are available on weekends in the Sacristy after Masses. st. ursula sodality: There will be NO meeting in March. Our next meeting will be on April 8th. More information will follow later. Until then, may you all have a blessed and beautiful Easter. Joan Larichiuta st. vincent de paul report (february) Income: poor box {2months] $2402. gifts 40. memorials $150. reserve $48. Oak Crest lions club 189. Souper bowl collection $641 Total $3470. Expenses: office printer ink $30. Charitable donations $1850; Rent14 Families $ 952. Utilities 10 Families $638. Total $3470. Mother Nature was cruel to all of us! We gave out only 79 bags for 201 people from the pantry. The poor box contributions dropped to an all time low! We prepare for Easter with a nice boost from gov't. food, of chicken! This year we will offer 10lb chicken or ham or Mars certificate with the bag of groceries! st. ursula third friday club: (Over 55) 10:00 2:30pm in the Spiritual Center all Seniors are welcome – 1st & 3rd Fridays. Joan Svoboda 410-665-0429. Apr. 3—No Meeting—Good Friday No Meeting if School opens late or Closed due to weather. lucky 1500 players club (Lucky 1500 Raffle. The Lucky 1500 Raffle is an ongoing raffle, numbers are drawn weekly. There are 2 sessions per year, 20 weeks/session. For tickets or questions, please contact Katie Campbell (410-344-0110), or the school office (410-665-3533). week 13. 1) #0830 - B. Medtart 2) #0007 - C. Riddleberger; 3) #1307 - J. Kim 4) #0503 - F. Provenzano; 5) #1485 - D. Gildeleon 6) #1774 - D. Awtonomo; 7) #1556 - K. Heckman 8) #0546 - M. Cook. boy scout troop 26 upcoming events March 28 Collection of food for Scouting for Food (have bags out by 9am) March 28 Bull and Oyster Roast April 11 Flea Market April 25 Quarter Auction We are also selling camp cards for $5.00 – a great deal! Please contact for more information candle on Blessed Mother altar for the sick and candle on St. Joseph altar for the deceased requested by Knights of Columbus Bishop Sebastian Council. please pray for our deceased Bill Sigismondi; Denise Rodriguez; Helen Ryan; Joann Peach and for those who MOURN. March 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March 28 8:30 am Ed Sherbinko (living) 8:30 am Anna Kovalic 8:30 am Josephine A. Farmer 8:30 am Rose Colbourne (living) 8:30 am William Kohlway 8:30 am Michael Lane 5:00 pm Deacon Frank Rongione March 29 7:30 am Parishioners 9:00 am Attilio Santiantonio 11:00 am Giacomo Occorso other masses requested Eleanor R. Nunley Joseph Bauer Ilma Rosskoff Rev. John J. Purvey Annabell Carey Brian D. Johnston (2) Norman & Pat Martin & Family (living) March 28 & 29 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord - Cycle B Confessions— Fr. Steve Hook SATURDAY 5:00PM Fr. Steve Hook/Deacon Mike Baxter SUNDAY 7:30AM Fr. Stephen Cotter 9:00 AM Fr. Steve Hook 10:45AM Fr. Stephen Cotter 12:30PM Fr. Steve Hook - ST. URSULA CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Weddings Anniversaries Special Occasions ROOFING-SIDING-SPOUTINGTRIM WORK-REPLACEMENT WINDOWS SINCE 1959 Heating & Air Conditioning 410-256-2737 Always there with Comfort Care JOE 410-254-0816 Oil Heat Service AL 410-254-6860 410-790-1757 HOLLENSHADE’S AUTO SERVICE 1501 E. JOPPA ROAD Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 PHONE: 410-828-5750 You Bend 'Em, We Mend 'Em Free Estimates! 410-870-1019 $2 OFF HAIRCUT FREE ESTIMATES 410-466-4319 Dominick's Pizza We are here for you and your children Serving Children 2-11 State Licensed Experienced, well established staff Planned Pre-School Program School-age Summer camp We accept partially potty trained 2’s 410.661.1792 Ask About Our Specials 8307 Harford Rd. 8406 Harford Rd., Parkville, MD 21234 St. Joseph Cemetery ARKVILLE UTOMOTIVE part of St. Joseph Parish in Fullerton 410-256-1630 New Area Now Available For Info Call or Email $100 Discount on 2 grave lot with this ad Personalized • Full Color • Unlimited Designs It's Wise to... SPACE AVAILABLE $ Perry Hall 5 off Dozen Crabs Christian School Medium to XL K3-12th Grade Repairing & Painting Insurance Estimates Accepted 4703 (Rear) Harford Rd. Balto., Md. 21214 ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW WE NEED THEM For information: 410-547-5426 SERRA CLUB - ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE – An organization of Catholic laypersons affirming vocations to the priesthood and religious life 3301 S. Rogers Ave, EllicoƩ City, MD 21043 • 410.461.5066 Don’t Advertise Weakly ADVERTISE WEEKLY This Space 410-256-4886 3919 Schroeder Ave. • 21128 • Not available on holidays "We do crab feasts!" 7800 Harford Road • Baltimore 410-668-0020 F pes of Jo All Ty r a quote to file fo Send your @ g printin 00 36 410-578- GIOVANNA'S I TA L I A N K I T C H E N Min. $20 Puchase • Carry Out Only 410-578-3600 Inspiring Minds Nurturing Hearts Crafting Character HIGH QPURAILNITTIYNG DIGaIsTtATLurn Arounbds Available. "10% off for Parishioners" Please Call Us At Call: 410-578-3600 Parkville Crabs Main Office 443-865-0419 Warner Auto Body, Inc. One per customer, expires 5/05/2015 ADVERTISE for more information Phone: 410-254-8594 Any one non-discounted item Fax: 410-668-6460 10% Discount on total ticket 9215 Old Harford Rd. 410-578-3600 10% OFF 410-668-6600 410-668-7451 If interested in this space please call us at St. Ursula Special 8522 Old Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21234 Commemorate ... Celebrate ... Remember your special days, events, people ... Call to discuss 1-800-934-1620 HIT HOME(S)! One-Stop Catholic Shopping! A Service • Repair • Towing PRAYER CARDS James Charles Owner Catholic Chapel, Bookstore & Giftshop P 8420 Belair Road Cemetery In Operation Since 1862 We will beat any written estimate by 10% OUR OUR LADY’S CENTER Same Day Service! WASHER/DRYER KITCHEN APPLIANCES Contact: Jenny Cunningham or Julianna Brown 3228 E. Joppa Road M.H.I.C. #4648 Robert D. Isaacs D.D.S. • Scott Nawy D.D.S., M.A. Christine Ferrell D.D.S., M.S. 8306 Harford Rd. 410-668-DENT Parkville (3368) “Your Neighborhood Realtor” 443-527-0991 ORTHODONTICS EILEEN BUMBA TOP PRODUCER Carney Resident & Parishioner H&C Appliance Repair 410-665-1660 HARVIEW ROOFING COMPANY Columbus Gardens Catering Available 7401 Harford Rd. Baltimore 410-254-8128 CUSTOM DESIGNS Call 410-578-3600 for pricing or email: For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 OLYMPIA RESTAURANT - ST. URSULA CATHOLIC CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - TJ HI-TECH AUTO BODY A Catholic Family Serving a Christian Community Auto Collision Repair Foreign and Domestic Bel Air/Forest Hill 410-893-7575 Parkville 410-665-9444 Don & Diane Ruth 8606 Old Harford Rd. 410-661-4377 410-665-5353 DR. TIMOTHY F. MADGAR OPTOMETRIST 7954 Harford Road Jack & Monica Pane 7944 Belair Road • Baltimore, MD 410-665-6750 FAMILY VISION CARE By age 65, 1 in 3 Americans have some form of vision impairing eye disease. OLYMPIA Leonard J. Ruck, Inc. FUNERAL HOME R E S TAU RA N T 5305 Harford Road • Baltimore, MD 21214 410-426-1324 7643 Harford Rd. (Parkville Shopping Cntr.) Owned and Operated by the Ruck Family Auto • Home Business • Life Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week! Welsch Insurance Group LLC Fast, Reliable, Local Service Thomas Welsch, Parishioner 3044 Hudson St. • Baltimore TERRY STEVENSON, CRNP LASIK • DIABETES • GLAUCOMA • CATARACT • MORE BARBARA A. AYD Associate Broker GRILL FAMILY DENTISTRY Complete Dentistry For the Whole Family Robert M. Grill, D.D.S. & Associates 8831 Satyr Hill Rd. 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