MASS TIMES Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday Holy Day 7:30 A.M. 9 A.M. 5:30 P.M. 8 A.M., 10 A.M., 12 Noon (vigil 7 P.M.) 7:30 A.M., 7 P.M. Reconciliation half-hour before weekend Masses SACRAMENTS BAPTISM, FIRST EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION, CONFIRMATION & MARRIAGE for all sacramental preparation and for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) preparation for adults and children entering into the Catholic Faith please call Dee Papania ext. 111. ANOINTING OF THE SICK for those in need of strength during an illness, available during the year at Mass and on request. RECONCILIATION halff hour before Saturday evening and Sunday Masses, or on request. ADULT ADUL T ED EDUC UCAT ATIO ION N Deee Pa De Papa pani niaa extt. 111 ex See bulletin or call the office for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Dee Papania ext. 111 Pre-K through 8th Grade on Sundays 2 available sessions 9am or 11am from September to May. ST. ALPHONSUS PRESCHOOL Mindi Lawton ext. 114 Monday to Friday half day and full-day for 2-4 year olds. YOUTH MINISTRY Valerie Herrington ext. 130 6-12th graders, check website, call the office & see bulletin. ALTAR FLOWERS Memorials are accepted. Call the office to coordinate display and delivery. PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED Please call the office, or email HOMEBO HOME BOUN UND D EU EUCH CHAR ARIS ISTI TIC C MI MINI NIST STRY RY Pl Plea ease se con onta tact ct the office when a member of the parish is in hospital, or if they are unable to attend church and wish to receive the Eucharist. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Due via email 9 days prior to print date. Thank you! WELCOME to our new Parishioners. We are glad that you have chosen St. Al. Please register in one of the following ways wa ys:: 1. Pic ickk up a for orm m at any of th thee en entr tran ance cess or 2. Ca Callll the office or 3. Fill in the tear off slip below. New Parishioner Registration/ Address Change Form (Please drop this in the collection basket. The Parish Office will contact you for further information) Name: __________________________________ Address: __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone: __________________________________ New Parishioner Address Change St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church 10800 Old Court Rd, Woodstock, MD 21163 Phone: 410-461-5267 Fax: 410-750-7286 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Online at: www. Staff Joseph P. Lacey, S.J., Pastor Valerie Herrington, Youth Minister Sam Johnston, Director of Music Mindi Lawton, Pre-School Director Mary Jo Mathena, Business Manager Dee Papania, Pastoral Associate & DRE Beth Sembly, Assistant Music Director In Residence Dinesh Braganza, S.J. Richard P. McHugh, S.J. ext. 133 ext. 130 ext. 113 ext. 114 ext. 112 ext. 111 443-386-8971 ext. 138 ext. 139 Committees and Ministries & Organizations Adoption Ministry Julie Neaman Cathleen Maloney Alttar Server Traiiniing Al Dave Coolley 4100-20 41 2033-10 1014 14 Servers, Lectors & EM Schedules Dee Papania ext. 111 Caring Souls (helping caregivers) Lizzy Pallan 410-302-8413 Education Dee Papania ext. 111 Evangelization Regina Smutz 443-668-5053 Finance Jim Hull 410-418-8588 Grass Cutters Parish Office 410-461-5267 x 12 Health Ministry Joy Aker 410-730-7481 Home Ho mebo boun undd Mi Mini nist stry ry Fred Fr ed & Car arol olee Ec Ecke kert rt 4100-41 41 4188-98 9834 34 Selborne House Tom Brinker 410-531-2268 Hospitality & Welcome Carole Eckert 410-418-9834 Knights of Columbus Bob McAllister 410-952-7929 Brian Lawton 410-303-9206 Knitting Ministry Karen Bartosz 410-465-8521 Martha’s Meals Cathy Schoonover 410-750-2575 Maintenance Luke Browning Jay Landsman, Sr. 410-922-9120 News Ne wsle letttter er Barb Ba rbar araa Bo Bona na 4100-44 41 4422-59 5935 35 Painting Prayers Jen Landsman Respect Life Ernie Tucker 410-442-8076 Social Justice: Food Pantry, Casseroles Mary Brinker 410-531-2455 Holiday Baskets Liz McEnaney 410-442-5712 Pregnancy Center Anna Whiteman 443-535-0505 St Alphonsus Society JoAnn Russo 410-549-8403 Stewardship Pat Mansfield 410-521-4383 Stich-’n-Share,, Mondays y 10am Valerie Herringt g on ext. 30 or email Pastoral Council Meeting at 7pm on the 1st Monday after 1st Sunday, all parishioners are welcome Brad Holloman, President 410-340-5773 Dave Cooley, Vice President 410-203-1014 Carol Lepeau, Corresponding Sec. 410-302-3758 Dan DiPaula, Recording Sec. 410-465-4740 Jay Landsman, Jr. Ass. Rec. Sec 410-465-4740 Chuc Ch uckk Bo Bore rekk 3011-59 30 5966-74 7434 34 Fran Druffner 410-750-8489 Lori Frederick 410-988-5471 Juli Hale 410-531-6871 Tim Hill 410-465-1581 r UUU Scott Walker 410-461-0976 UUUs U March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday, Year B Poor Boxes March Holy Thursday Supper at St. Gregory’s March 21 & 22, 2015 Envelopes Loose Total $ 4,081.75 $ 1,868.79 $ 5,950.54 Poor Boxes Votive Candles $ 252.70 $ 77.00 Upcoming Second Collections April 3 Holy Land Shrines (Good Friday) May 16 & 17 July 18 & 19 CCC and Catholic University of America Missionary Cooperative Please submit your Easter Flower envelopes and requests by Sunday March 29. Thank you. Mass Intentions are being scheduled for April 2015. Please reserve your intentions for specific dates that you want as soon as possible. Thank you. SATURDAY, MARCH 28 9am Martha Manco 5:30pm Oly Marie Cruz SUNDAY, MARCH 29 PALM SUNDAY 8am Christopher Paul Forino + 10am Joseph & Jennie Jeppi + Noon Joseph Pfeifer + MONDAY, MARCH 30 7:30am Ed & Joan Arnold TUESDAY, MARCH 31 7:30am Frank Woods + WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 7:30am Chuck & Donna Augustino THURSDAY, APRIL 2 NO 7:30am Mass 7pm Olivia Gleason + HOLY THURSDAY FRIDAY, APRIL 3 GOOD FRIDAY NO 7:30am Mass 7pm Good Friday Service, no mass intention SATURDAY, APRIL 4 NO 9am Mass 7pm Sr. Martha Starrett EASTER VIGIL SUNDAY, APRIL 5 8am Huber Smutz + 10am Robert Neubauer + Noon Joey Brantley EASTER SUNDAY Thank You! Thanks to all who are helping launder the altar linens. Please return laundered linen to the sacristy as soon as you can, to make sure we have enough for all the Masses as we only have a limited supply. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Joanne Atkinson, Phyllis Baumgartner, Carolyn Boniface, Kathleen Bowen, Sophia Boyd, Joey Brantley, Robert Burall, Tom Clifford, Nick DiGiacomo, Marie DiPaula, Dolores Doerer, Don Doll, Susan Drohan, Kathleen Duckhorn, Dennis Dworkowski, Dr. Regina Edara (Fr. Inna’s sister), Eileen Field, Nathaniel Fillmore, Celestine Finn, Mike Foley, Kristine Fornek, Rita Frick, Teresa Giese, Brian Harl, Max Hennings, Becky Holloman, Branson Holsey, Mimi Jones, Sue Jones, Gloria Karolenko, Vicki Kelly, Mike & Robin Kenney, Brittney Knight, Alex Kovin, Caesar Kyger, Debbie Lech, Sally Livingston, David Mansfield, Tess Martin, Joyce Mason, Bob Matthews, Skip McEnaney, Margaret McGovern, Tom McGovern, Betty Meekins, Jennifer Merson, Lou Molino, Andrew Morrissey, Karen Neary Smithson, Joe Neville, Jim Nowakowski, Jake Offutt, Barbara Payne, Chuck Payne, Betsy Peach, Roland Peach, Maryanne Picoult, Helen Plocha, Elissa Ramsay, Lauren Ramsay, Sara Rossberg, Julie Rout, Neil Sanstrom, Mary Salchunas, Art Shoukas, Alice Sier, Flora Silverio, Tony Solomita, Sr, Martha Starrett, Stephen Sturgis, Vernon Thompson III, Siobhan Triska, Helen Tucker, Duane Warren, Merrill Weisel, Mary West, Faith Wobbeking Please make sure to let us know if we can add or remove a name from the list. Please contact Valerie the office 410-461-5267 or Thank you. Valerie PALM SUNDAY (and Saturday) BAKE SALE In the Church Hall After all the Masses. Baked goods for sale come and pick up something delectable for your family. HOLY WEEK & EASTER Saturday Sunday March 28 March 29 Palm Sunday Bake Sale Palm Sunday Bake Sale Tuesday March 31 6:30pm Paschal Meal Thursday April 2 no 7:30am Mass 7pm Holy Thursday Mass Friday April 3 no 7:30am Mass 7pm Good Friday Service Collection: Holy Land Shrines Your financial contributions help support the struggling Christian community and holy places. SATURDAY April 4 Sacrament of Reconciliation at 11am in the rectory Upcoming Parish Events Confirmation Mass 7pm on Monday May 4 First Communion at the 10am and Noon Masses on May 3 Memorial Day Parish Cemetery Mass 9am Monday, May 25 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - takes place immediately following 7pm Mass on Holy Thursday in the Parish Center. In order to insure that the Blessed Sacrament is never left unattended, please indicate your availability for prayer and adoration by filling in your time selection on the sign up sheets at every entrance to the Church. Saturday April 4 Holy Saturday no 9am or 5:30pm Mass 7pm Easter Vigil Mass Sunday April 5 EASTER SUNDAY 8am, 10am and Noon Mass Please come and celebrate the Passion & Resurrection of our Lord with your Parish Family here at St. Alphonsus. Maryland Province Jesuits SUPER RAFFLE 2015 WINNERS March 1 March 2 March 9 March 16 March 23 March 30 Erica Michel, Randallstown Michael Vecera, Marriotsville Thaddeus Osial, PA John O’Reilly, Ellicott City James McNamara, Baltimore Regina Smutz, Marriottsville $ 200 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 $ 50 Invites you to a Pilgrimage at Historic Jesuit Churches in Southern Maryland Tuesday, May 5, 2015 Gerry Fogarty, S.J. will be doing the history and our Fr. Lacey is doing the Prayers! THE ST. ALPHONSUS SOCIETY THANKS YOU FOR SUPPORTING SUPER RAFFLE 2015 1014 tickets were sold and netted $10,275.95 for the benefit of renovating our main church entrance and exterior doors. Watch the weekly bulletin for the list of winners and your mail box for a check! Leaving from 8600 LaSalle Road, Towson, Maryland With a second pick up at Sacred Heart Church 16501 Annapolis Road Bowie, MD 20715 7:30 am and returning 5:00 pm To register or to receive details, please contact: Betty Shenk at 1-800-838-7436 or by email at Limited space, so please call early. RSVP by 4/29/2015 St. Alphonsus Parish Retreat at Faulkner Retreat House ST. GREGORY’S LUNCHEON PROGRAM Volunteers needed to prepare a casserole once a month. We provide the pan and recipe. You provide the ingredients, prepare at home, and drop off to the church kitchen when you come to Mass on the weekend designated. No need to sign up! Pick up a pan and recipe at the entrances. For more information, call Mary at 410-531-2455. Behold the Face of God Fr. Lacey will attend the retreat. April 24-26, 2015 Fee: $235 or first time and Young Adult Fee (30 and under): $185. Scholarships available. Sign up at or call (301) 392 0801 47th ANNUAL PASCHAL MEAL Tuesday of Holy Week, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. This is a festive Christian Seder celebrated with a full-course turkey dinner. Cost $8 per person, not to exceed $35 per family. Reservations are required by Wednesday, March 25. NO RESERVATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER MARCH 25. Seating in tables of eight. Reservation forms available at any church entrance. HELPERS NEEDED – DINNER PROVIDED Kitchen helpers work in two shifts: 12 noon to 5pm and 5pm to 9pm. Servers (12 yrs and up) needed from 5:30pm to 8:30pm. For reservations or to help, call Madeline at 410-313-8808 or Liz at 410-442-5712. Groups that normally attend: Blessed Sacrament (Alexandria) Knights of Columbus (Southern, MD) Our Lady Queen of Peace (Arlington, VA) St. Alphonsus (Woodstock, MD) St. Francis of Assisi (Triangle) St. Ignatius (Baltimore) St. James (Boonsboro, MD) St. Leo (Fairfax) St. Rita (Alexandria) Two-part Workshop for those who have suffered loss and grief Wednesday, April 15 & 22 7-8:30pm St. Alphonsus Parish Center Register with Dee at 410-461-5267 or ADULT EDUCATION Contemplative Scripture Group Tuesday evening from 6:30pm-8pm Please join us in the Parish Center to prayerfully reflect on the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel reading in the style of Ignatian Contemplation. St. Ignatius encouraged praying Scripture in a way that brings the stories of Scripture to life and engages the prayer in a very personal way. No previous experience with Ignatian contemplation necessary! Scripture Study Monday mornings from 10-11:30am in the Parish Center This study group is open to all. Since it is based on the readings for the next Sunday, the structure supports people who might not be able to attend the group every week, but would like to come whenever possible. Call Dee for more information. Not sure what time or what day? Check it out on our websites! BOOK CLUB Join us for a lively discussion on Sunday morning at 11am in the Parish Center. April 26 - Shoemaker's Wife at 11am in the PC May 24 - Only Time Will Tell at 11am in the PC. SEVEN DEADLY SINS, SEVEN LIVELY VIRTUES – coming this April! Join us on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 in the parish center for an engaging presentation concerning the seven deadly sins, those great spiritual blocks that inhibit our flourishing in relationship with God and with one another. Based on Dante’s writings, the seven deadly sins correspond to the seven stories of Dante’s Mt. Purgatory. Pride, envy, anger, sloth, gluttony, avarice, and lust are all presented as patterns of dysfunction within us that lead to unhappiness. However, these can be counteracted through a conscious process of opposition, which are the “seven lively virtues.” The seven lively virtues offer antidotes to each sin and help set us on the right path to healing and happiness. To register contact Dee in the parish office or at Shroud Talks present The Shroud of Turin one of the world’s greatest mysteries High School Youth Ministry SUNDAYS from 6pm—7:30pm in the Parish Center no HSYM on March 29 & April 5—Spring Break & Easter April 12, 19, April 26 with Mass May 3 no HSYM on Mother’s Day May 10 May 17—Graduation Mass & BBQ See the full size shroud replica Hear the history, the science Experience the Passion of Jesus in a new way Wednesday, April 22 7pm in the Church Hall Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Friday Night Youth Ministry 6-9th grade & peers from 6:30pm—8pm in the Parish Center April 10 & 24 May 8 & 22 The parish phone extensions have changed. Please add a 1 before all the current extensions that you know. The front of the bulletin has the correct numbers for everyone. In our Community Bon Secours Spiritual Center For a complete list of upcoming events or to register, please call (410) 442-1320 or visit Runners For Others: An Ignatian 5K and 1 mile fun walk Saturday, April 18, 2015 9am Patterson Park, Baltimore, Maryland Retrouvvaille A Lifeline for Married Couples. A retreat helping couples put the pieces back together and rebuild loving relationships. Next weekend, May 8-10. Calls and enquiries are confidential. Contact or or 443-400-7017 Catholic Review Media is in the early stages of planning a bus trip to be a part of the celebration of Mass Sept. 27 in Philadelphia. The buses would likely leave from a few designated pick-up spots very, VERY early in the morning and return late at night. No hotel accommodations would be needed (hard to get, anyway). While we are awaiting details of Registration is now officially open at time and ticketing, there won’t be any guarantee you’ll actually see Pope Francis, but you will be in the City of Brotherly Love for a major celebration with about a million fellow Catholics. Our bus pilgrims will receive round-trip transportation, bottled water, a special rosary and YOUNG ADULT ACTIVITIES (18-25y) more. Are you interested in learning more? Click here to let us know you're interested, and we will provide you with more details when the final schedule is announced. For parishes interested in booking a full bus (45St. Michael, Poplar Springs (Mt. Airy) invites you to join them 48 pilgrims), email Associate Publisher Chris Gunty at for a fun and faith filled mission experience featuring Fr. Leo Patalinghug, April 12-14 from 7-8:30pm nightly. Granite Presbyterian Church Presents Basket & Bag Bingo on Saturday, April 11, 2015 American Legion Sykesville, 7327 Slacks Road, Sykesville, MD To purchase contact - All sales are final. Everyone needs a ticket. Current and former Catholic Terps, friends, and family are invited to the 50th Anniversary Celebration of The Catholic Student Center at the University of Maryland on Saturday April 25th. This fun and family-friendly event begins with Mass at 5pm, followed by a pig roast, BBQ dinner, raffle items and much more! Tickets are required. Visit for more information. Do you know someone with dementia or Alzheimer’s? Seminar at St. John the Evangelist in Hydes Maryland. Free with lunch. Presented by Dr. Verna Brenner Carson. Sunday April 12 at 12:45pm To RSVP or for more information please contact: Sr. Carol, COLUMBIA PREGNANCY CENTER GALA WITH ARCHBISHOP WILLIAM LORI ENRICH YOUR RETIREMENT . . . ENRICH THE LIVES OF OTHERS Please mark your calendars for a very special event taking place on Saturday, April 25th. Columbia Pregnancy Center will be holding a “Celebration of Life” gala with guest speaker Archbishop William Lori. The gala will take place at the St. Louis Parish Social Hall and will include dinner, music and a special tribute to Pat and Bane Kelley for their many years of work in the Pro-life arena . Tickets will go on sale mid March. For questions please contact Kim Hartman at Columbia Pregnancy Center at 410-730-3223. Are you retired or finished raising your family? Do you want to give back, enrich your spiritual life, and build community with other mature adults? Consider joining the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in Baltimore. Our volunteers serve two days per week (Sept. through June) in local organizations that work directly with the poor, and meet monthly for prayer and shared reflection in the Ignatian tradition. You are invited to join us for an information session on April 15th from 3-4pm and May 6th from 12-1pm at Loyola Blakefield in the Knott Conference Room. Sessions will also be held on May 12th & May 20th from 7-8pm at Loyola Blakefield in the Burk Hall Conference Room. Advance registration requested. If you can’t make any of those dates, email us to arrange another time. To register for a session, email Steve Eberle, Regional Director, at or call him at 410-752-4686. For more details, visit our website, Embracing Our Mission Shaping Our Future REVENUES AND EXPENSES TWELVE MONTHS ENDED JANUARY 31, 2015 $818,560 $800,000 $600,000 $850 Expenses $80,000 $680 Revenues $60,000 $510 $40,000 $340 $20,000 $170 $- $- $595,000 $465,992 $400,000 $200,000 $0 Goal Pledged Thousands $100,000 Paid Sep Revenues Offertory Col l ections Res tri cted Gi fts * Unres tri cted beques ts a nd gi fts Embra ci ng Our Mi s s i on (pa ri s h 20%) Benefi ts , Net (Augus t Fes tiva l , etc.) Ca thol i c School s Col l ection, Net Pre-School , Net (a fter Sa l a ri es , etc.) Expenses Pa ri s h Staff Sa l a ri es , Ta xes , Benefi ts Fa ci l i ties Cos ts Archdi oces e Ta x Al l Other Opera ting Items , Net Ca pi tal Spendi ng & Extra ordi na ry Repa i rs Set As i de for Church Renova tion Gain or (Loss) Fiscal Year 2015 Oct Nov Dec Jan Twelve Months $ 35,308 $ 35,850 $ 37,574 $ 63,944 $ 42,849 438 585 2,659 13,138 2,005 170 150 115 236 425 8,409 (1,559) (394) 13,139 7,770 1,350 20 4,179 12,570 20 20 30,923 (3,794) (2,562) (8,801) 25,126 $ 65,300 $ 36,576 $ 71,904 $ 76,307 $ 71,775 $ 498,776 54,892 17,601 34,675 46,706 113 20,714 $ 673,477 $ 18,478 14,017 7,593 4,522 8,437 $ 53,047 $ 18,141 8,243 5,634 5,681 760 $ 38,459 $ 18,174 10,077 5,633 6,456 $ 40,340 $ 23,640 9,358 5,633 6,681 7,706 $ 53,018 $ 18,587 19,818 5,634 5,613 7,780 $ 57,432 $ 228,966 153,918 76,812 56,691 297,568 12,000 $ 825,955 $ 12,253 $ (1,883) $ 31,564 $ 23,289 $ 14,343 $ (152,478) * Gifts designated for a specific purpose by the donor We are now offering Online Giving. If you manage your bills online, we’re sure you’ll like giving to your church online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. Online Giving lets you set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift to our offertory and special collections, so you’ll be able to give the way you want—even if you’ve forgotten your envelope. Please visit to get started with this convenient giving option. DATES TO CALENDAR As you mark the important dates on the calendar for the year, be sure to include these events at St. Alphonsus… March 28 & 29 March 31 April 5 April 12-18 April 18 April 24-26 May 4 May 20 May 23 May 25 June 20 Palm Sunday Bake Sale Paschal Meal (Tuesday 6:30pm) Easter Sunday Easter Ignatian retreat Ignatian 5km Faulkner Parish Retreat Confirmation Service with Archbishop Flynn 7th Annual Fr. Kongari Night 7pm Church Hall St. Gregory’s fellowship Mass with Dinner Memorial Day Mass in the Cemetery 9am KoC Woodstock Music Festival Praying for those in the Armed Forces Praying for all those serving our country in the armed forces. Mary Elizabeth Baer Kristi Bennett Alex Chahanovich Brendan Condron Kenneth Culbertson Bob Doerer Andrew M. Donoghue Andrew Holdridge John Hurd Will Jennings Fritz Kern James King Kevin Lawton Michael Mahar Jim Malloy Christopher Marlo Adam Mikulis Kevin O’Sullivan Greg Paulin Joseph Pieper Matt Rossitto Joseph Smutz Jeffrey Soboleski Tyler Mason Thomas Michael G. Vecera Father Tyson Wood Please call the office or email Valerie at to add people to this prayer list. Thank you. - ST. ALPHONSUS RODRIGUEZ CHURCH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week! Fast, Reliable, Local Service Building a Better Tomorrow 410-964-4414 Luke Browning NEU VALLEY NURSERY “The Only One You’ll Ever Need” SAME DAY SERVICE GUARANTEED!* *Certain Conditions Apply $25 OFF MHIC #10952 GARDEN CENTER Mulch • Top Soil Delivered or Installed Landscape Management Design & Installation 410-796-4195 410-472-5117 (Not valid with any other offer or service fee) MA McAllister C Insurance and Company LLC 410-578-3600 Ask us where we’ve been! 410-465-7475 Travel Group ERIE® Dr. Jeff Muneses Muneses Chiropractic Take Charge of Your Health! Don't Suffer ... Call Today! 410-418-4007 Rt. 40 West Ellicott City Day Trips • Excursions • Casino Trips Cruises • Domestic and International Tours Call or Email PERLA 410-442-5806 We Offer Specialized Tours for Corporate Clients, Class Reunions, Family Reunions, Social Groups, Special Occasions, Fundraisers, and much more Sterling-Ashton-Schwab-Witzke Funeral Home of Catonsville, Inc. Auto Home Business Life 1630 Edmondson Ave. • Catonsville, Maryland 21228 410-744-8600 & 410-747-5324 Bob McAllister Parishioner 2470 Longstone Lane, Ste J Marriottsville, MD “in the Silo Building” 410-750-3486 HIT HOME(S)! If interested in this space please call us at 3675 Park Avenue Ellicott City, MD 21043 Pete, Doug, Jim OUR Classic Wanderers WSSC #70985 $35 OFF 410-501-5284 Auto • Home • Life • Business J. E. Schenk Insurance Any Plumbing Service Faucet or Toilet Replacement TODAY! Lucky Penny’s Dog OUR LADY’S CENTER Training Services Catholic Chapel, Bookstore & Giftshop Patricia Neary, Dog Trainer CPDT email: (Cell) 443-928-4327 BUILDING BOYS INTO MEN. MEN WHO MATTER. One-Stop Catholic Shopping! St. Alphonsus, Rodriguez Special 10% OFF Any one non-discounted item One per customer, expires 5/05/2015 Since 1876, we've been dedicated to preparing young men for college and beyond. 3301 S. Rogers Ave, EllicoƩ City, MD 21043 4403 Frederick Avenue • Baltimore, MD 21229 • 410-644-3300 • • 410.461.5066 SLACK FUNERAL HOME, P.A. SPACE AVAILABLE INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED Harry H. Witzke's Family Funeral Home, Inc. Prearrangements • Funeral • Cremations 410-465-2848 3871 OLD COLUMBIA PIKE ELLICOTT CITY, MARYLAND 21043 TELEPHONE: 410-465-4400 Doris T. Slack John D. Slack PATRICK MALLOY Attorney at Law 410-465-1560 Estates Wills Trusts 4112 Old Columbia Pike 3685 PARK AVE., ELLICOTT CITY Ellicott City, Md 21043 For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015
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