08.01 3/26/02 1:13 PM Page 1 Volume Six Issue Eight August 2001 Activities Report The clean up at South Lake was a tremendous success. There were over 20 people there to help and Jane Wasinger, who joined the club at the July meeting won the new 5 wt. fly rod donated by Dave Henney of Daves Rods. It was a fortunate win for her because she just decided to take up the sport and needed a rod. The next clean up day will be Aug 4th at Cruiser Lake located at I-135 and K-96 interchange. You get to the lake from west-bound 21st street. Turn right on the first street you can after crossing under the bridge at I-135. I think it is New York. Follow that road North, back under I-135 and on east to the entrance of the lake on your left. I want to let you all know about the Club Picnic that is scheduled for September 22nd this year. At least half of you have never had the opportunity to participate. This is our major activity of the year. We have rented the Beech Dinning Hall at Camp Hiawatha to hold it in. You can expect to see many demonstrations of helpful fly fishing items. There will be many different products to look at. You can join in the casting games for men, women and kids. We will have a class on Dutch Oven cooking. At 5:30 we will have dinner, a program about fly fishing and then we will have a bucket auction for a LOT of real good prizes: rods, reels, waders boots, bags, vests, jackets, tying vises, and much more. This is our Major fund raiser of the year. It helps keep the club operating. Plan on joining us for this great annual event. We will put a list of actual products and their donors in the September newsletter. We are planning a club fishing trip to Mountain Home Arkansas and Lake Taneycomo. In this trip you will be able to go to the annual Federation of Fly Fishers, Southern Council Conclave. We will fish the White River and the Norfork on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday we will move to Branson at the Fall Creek Resort on Lake Taneycomo where we will fish Sunday night and Monday morning. If you want to join us for this fun trip call Neal Hall at 838-4056 to sign up. – Neal Hall Some more information on the July 14th clean-up of South lake – Neal Lawrence of Fly Zone Handmade Flies donated a box of flies to be given to the winner of Dave’s rod. So, Jane, if you’re reading this, we let you get away without your new flies. See me at the next meeting and I’ll have them for you. The following is a list of those folks who showed up and helped out: Dean Balocca, Dave Campbell, Mike Campbell, Bryan Leslie, Wally Lindermitt (sorry if I misspelled your name!), Fred Mars, Al Marten, Daniel Parker, Donya and Spencer Percival, George Rader (thanks to you, sir for getting in the lake with the net and doing the extra wet work), Matt Rader, Del Ray (OK, you got wet, too, Del), Kendal Rush, Kevin Ryman, and Jane and Jerry Wasinger and their grandsons Cody and Gage Taylor. Hopefully with Cruiser Lake only being opened to the public just this year, the trash won’t be as plentiful as it was at South Lake. Hope to see you there. Come early and beat this heat! – Spencer Percival Coming Up in August Next meeting we will have fishing demonstrations at the Chisholm Creek Lake by the Wildlife and Parks building. We will also continue casting lessons for those who want it. If they are not interested in either of these activities they are welcome to bring their vises and do some fly tying. We also will be cleaning up Cruiser lake which is at K96 and I-135. This will be the Saturday after the meeting on August 4th. – Stuart Weniger • Next Meeting: (August 2 - 6:30 p.m.) Fly Casting, Fishing, & Tying • New tools and toys – see Page 2. • Send us your favorite fishing story, favorite fly pattern or helpful tip e-mail spercival@bizjournals.com or call Spencer Percival: 755-3845 08.01 3/26/02 1:13 PM Page 2 2 Gillies Gear Wader Packs A vest is great for holding all your fly-fishing paraphernalia, and it’s a vital component if you’re going for that traditional look; but it’s not always the most comfortable garment. With all the pockets stuffed with fly boxes, gear and doodads, the darned thing can weigh a ton, so it’s not a good choice when you’ve got some hiking to do. And on sweltering days, a heavily laden vest feels like a sweaty blanket thrown over your shoulders. Gillies Gear Wader Packs present lightweight alternative to bulky vests. The Wader Pack, which consists of two separate multi-pocket, attachable/detachable packs that are worn on the wader suspenders. Each pack features four zippered or hook and loop closure pockets for secure storage of a variety of fishing paraphernalia. The zippers are designed to face inward toward the wearer for ease of operation. The individual packs feature three hook and loop straps on their backside which enable them to be attached to vertical straps, such as suspenders, or horizontal straps, such as belts. This gives the packs added versatility as shallow water wading packs. The Gillies Wader Pack is constructed of durable ripstop nylon fabric, nylon zippers and features three large nylon gear rings. With four large pockets and four smaller pockets, there is ample room for fly boxes, tippet spools, clippers, forceps, flashlight, camera and floatant. The retail price is $42. For more information, contact Gillies Gear at (330) 5336490, or check out their Web site at www.gilliesgear.com. Rabbit Pelts ...are available at the leather factory on the southeast corner of Pawnee and Meridian for the very reasonable price of $3.50 ea. This includes the entire skin excluding the mask. Pelts are available in white or natural. The leather factory is also selling cans of glue in bulk quantity. Thanks to Milt Tucker for this information. Flatland Flyfishers Polafibre Streamer fans, you can begin your celebrations! Polafibre is a fur type material with a breathing action similar to marabou’s, but it doesn’t soak up water and therefore is easier to cast. This material is especially suited for tying smaller baitfish patterns, as it has a maximum length of 4 inches. It lends itself well to tying shiners, muddlers, Clouser Minnows, etc. The characteristics of this material make it a superb choice for Epoxy flies. Polafibre is available in 13 colors. Look for this new product in your friendly neighborhood flyshops, catalogs, or contact Success Flies at (561) 388-3128; on-line: www.successflies.com. Oasis Gilly FlyTying Bench Rick Weisberg’s Oasis benches have always been remarkable for their practical design, quality, attractive appearance, and very reasonable prices. The newest addition to his catalogue, The Gilly, is no exception. The base of the bench is made from a hard white plastic material that is commonly used for cutting boards, and is completely enclosed by the bench’s wooden frame to prevent small items from winding up on the floor. The two arms mounted above the frame have provisions, mostly for bottles on the left and tools on the right, as well as places for mounting a light and a tying vise. The back of the frame has holes for mounting brass rods which will hold spools of floss, threads, wires and tinsels. At the front, three shallow, carved-out trays hold hooks, beads or eyes ready for use. The frame and arms are made of finished light oak, making it an attractive piece of furniture (at least to the fly tyer). Neither Cows nor brown trout are native to Montana––nonetheless, both are essential parts of the western landscape. They don’t always coexist well, however: cattle that graze unfenced along streams degrade the banks turning deep cool runs into flat muddy puddles unfit for trout. Ranchers and the state fish and game department work together5to fence critical areas. 08.01 3/26/02 1:13 PM Page 3 Flatland Flyfishers 3 Helper Found! Slough Creek Happenings Last month, it was reported how Songbin Chon worked his tail off running around signing up new members during the casting lessons. We also knew he had a mystery helper working with him but we had some difficulty identifying that individual. We now know that it was Harry Schmidt helping out. Thanks again for your work, guys! Construction work on Slough Creek will begin on July 30, 2001 and continue all week. Members are invited to bring wading boots and gloves to help add rock and bags of concrete to enhance the dams. The first day of trout season is Monday, October 15, 2001. FFF will rent a shelter on Saturday the 20th. The club is considering providing lessons for casting and fly tying, food and drink, possibly cook some of the fish that are caught and teach people how to care for and clean or fillet fish. It is the Club’s purpose to promote catch and release but there is nothing wrong with catching a mess of fish to eat. FFF discourages catching fish for the freezer. Neal Hall will form a committee to define, promote, organize and execute this function. For Sale: Battenkill 5/6 Disc Reel 7-10 yrs old. Fine Condition $75.00, line not included Contact Michael Pohlenz hm: 682-0782; wk: 676-7720 – Spencer Percival From Bud Johnson’s Officer’s Meeting Minutes Glass Beads For Sale Perfect for lightly weighting nymphs in sizes #12 to #14. $1.00 per string (appx. 100 beads/string) Four colors: Amber, Root Beer, Clear with Gold inside and Clear with Copper inside. Talk to Spencer Percival at the next meeting 2001 Club Officers President Del Ray 721-0521 Vice President Stuart Weniger 775-3436 Membership Galen Brown 945-8946 Treasurer Bill Ethridge 838-1634 Editor Spencer Percival 755-3845 Conservation James Hatch 488-2458 Programs Don Hamer 729-0479 Activities Neal Hall 838-4056 Secretary Bud Johnson 838-9346 Used Penn Gold Medal 8'6" 6 wt. 2 pc. mid-flex. $100 New Orvis Trident 9 ft. 7 wt. 2 pc 7.5 flex. $300 Orvis Trident TL 9 ft. 8 wt. 2 pc. 7.0 flex. $300 New Redington boot foot lightweight breathable wader, $150 Size medium, boot size 9, felt sole, will fit up to large/10. Call Songbin Chon at 634-1919 or ask Stuart Weniger at August meeting 08.01 3/26/02 1:14 PM Page 4 4 Flatland Flyfishers WE SHIP FREE* Large selection of fly tying supplies * orders over $30.00 The Finest in Fly fishing Equipment from Trout to Tarpon Most Major Brands Order Our: Free 56 Page Catalog Call Us: Toll Free 1-800-795-8118 Visit Our Web Site: www.kkflyfisher.com On Line Catalog Monthly Specials Travel and Trips Master Certified Fly fishing Schools Yager’s puts a bend in your rod, not your budget. Authorized Cortland Pro-Shop Tele: (785) 749-1929 Fax: (785) 749-7920 Rods, Reels, Fly Tying Gear, Nets, Line, Leaders and everything else you need, including flies priced less than $1.00 (hundreds of patterns). • Cortland Pro Shop • St. Croix Fly Rods Special Orders Available Rod Building & Lure Making Supplies Bass Pro orders accepted Catalog price, no shipping charges Visit us on the web www.zeiners.com Free Shipping Over $25.00 10% Discount Coupon Code Flatland2001 737 S. Washington Wichita • 265-5551 www.yagersflies.com K & K Flyfishers’ 8643 Grant, Overland Park, KS 66212 Fax: 1-913-341-1252 E-mail: k&kflyfishers@kctera.net Mon - Fri 10am-6pm / Sat 9am-5pm Place Your Ad Here Ad Rates: Ads cost $1.50 per square inch after that. Members get 3 months free for line ads.
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