TERRITORIAL TROUT TRIBUNE And Piscatorial Post October, 2014 www.grand-valley-anglers.org NOTE MEETING PLACE—DOS HOMBRES ON THE REDLANDS, 421 BRACH DRIVE MEETING , OCT. 16, 2014 REDLANDS DOS HOMBRES 5:30 P.M. Join us on Thursday, October 16th at Dos Hombres on the Redlands for the beginning of the indoor gatherings for the fall and winter season. QUOTE OF THE MONTH We will meet in the meeting room beginning at 5:30 and order from the menu. “Fishing is to be enjoyed, but it will not be enjoyed any the more by hurrying past what Nature has to give us on the way.” After dinner we will be entertained by a movie from the Off the Grid DVD. ~ Colonel Robert Venables, Bring a friend, and let’s toast to the past summer’s great fishing and to a long and beautiful fall season on the river. See you Thursday at Dos! The Experienced Angler (1662) Page 2 www.grand-valley-anglers.org FROM THE PRESIDENT October is here, so we are moving our meetings back indoors for the year. We have changed the location to Dos Hombres Restaurant in The Redlands. We are looking forward to the new venue. We will meet in their meeting room and see how things work out. We will be able to order off their menu, so I hope you like Mexican. Please join us this month as we break in the new venue and watch a movie from the Off the Grid DVD. We have had a couple of work parties cleaning up Carson Lake and West Creek. Thanks to everyone for your participation. These types of projects help to fulfill TU’s mission of conserving and protecting our home waters and the trout that call them home. Hopefully, we will be able to complete the project we got rolling on Silver Lake. We are still waiting for US Forest Service approval of a plan to create a “bridge” across the inlet. Our Youth Program is going strong. We had a successful Fall Break program District 51 at West Middle School. Thank you everyone who volunteered to help with these middle school kids. We are getting ready to order fish for the new year of Trout in the Classroom. We are still looking for a place to release the fish that survived. If you have an idea of a closed system pond or lake, let Kirk Rider know. Project Healing Waters has a full schedule of volunteer opportunities. See the Project Healing Waters Facebook page or contact Dawn Gwinn for more information. I hope that many of you will join us at the Colorado TU Fall Rendezvous, October 18 at the Double Tree. You can go to http://www.coloradotu.org/2014/09/ctu -new-leaders-training-registration-is-nowopen/ to get more information. If you are interested in hosting someone attending the Rendezvous on a fishing trip, let me know. I have a couple of requests already. We have several board positions available this year. If you are interested in having more of an impact on the direction of Grand Valley Anglers, please let Lew Evans, Harriet Matthews, or Tom Bell know. These are a three year commitment, and we are always looking for new ideas and new volunteers. Remember that the GVA Board is a working board, so be prepared to put in some time. I am looking forward to this winter indoors. I know the programs will be great. Hopefully, the fishing this winter will be just as good. See you on the water. Tilda Evans lewtildaevans@gmail.com 970-683-8879 www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 3 SPECIAL PROJECTS—BY BILL GRAHAM West Creek cleanup crew from left to right: Greg Hazelhurst, Mary Graham, Pat Oglesby, Carol Oglesby & Bill Graham. Photo by Pat Oglesby We had a great day for our fall West Creek clean-up. We managed to collect a few bags of assorted highway garbage--beer bottles, beer cans, plastic soda bottles, fast-food wrappers and containers. But the trash burden along the road seems to be somewhat lighter over the last few clean-ups. Keeping the litter down encourages better behavior. Our thanks to the Gateway CDOT folks for collecting and disposing of the gathered trash bags. We are making good progress with our approvals for doing spawning area improvements at Silver Lake. The Forest Service is looking at a couple of alternatives to our proposal, but is supportive of the overall concept. Looks like we will be able to proceed with willow planting at Silver Lake this fall, so maybe we will try to rally the troops for one last restoration outing before the snow flies. Get out there and fish! wcgraham@bresnan.net. www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 4 CTU FALL RENDEZVOUS—OCT. 18-19, 2014 DOUBLETREE HOTEL, GRAND JCT. If you have not attended a Colorado Trout Unlimited Board Meeting, this weekend is a great opportunity at your “home waters” The event kicks off Friday evening with a social hour at the hotel, and the meetings and workshops start Saturday, 10/18 at 8 a.m. A sampling of the agenda follows. The workshops include a New Leader Training at 1:30 p.m. with discussion of state chapter roles, strategic plans/bylaws, means of communication , member engagement, fundraising. At 2:30 there is training on using the National TU Leader-Only Tools, the “SALSA” Database (member communication tool) & Chapter Modules. From 3:30 to 4:00 discussions include conservation and community involvement with a presentation by Tilda and Lew Evans on merging fishing and conservation projects. A special gathering ends the evening with a BBQ at Mac Cunningham’s house. The event continues on Sunday morning at 8 :00 a.m. and concludes around noon. There will be presentations on the state youth programs, public policy efforts, and the role of National TU in Colorado. At 10:00 a.m. there will be a panel discussion on the National Women’s Initiative. Lastly, at 11:00 a.m. attendees have the opportunity to connect with the Regional Vice President’s during their panel discussion. We’ll learn how the Regional VPs are a resource for local chapters. The quarterly rendezvous are a great way to learn more about TU at the local, state and national levels. The discussions are often lively and we come away from the event with a new understanding of TU, respect for our leaders, a refreshed attitude and an enthusiasm to get more involved and do it with fun and gusto. With GVA elections for 2015 around the next bend, considering getting more involved with the chapter. This truly will give you a boost in the arm. It’s not often that the quarterly meeting is held in Grand Junction. We look forward to seeing you this weekend! www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 5 Mark your Calendars: Project Healing Waters Grand Junction invites you to come and join us on December 8, 2014 for a Silent Auction at the Elks Lodge, at 6:00 pm. Family members are welcome as always. This year our request is that you bring a potluck dish. We will provide the plates, napkins, glasses and silverware. Water is provided. Drinks may be purchased at the bar. Now, should we get low attendance, there may be some smoking deals. We will have custom made fly rods, professionally tied flies, quilts and other items made by the veterans. Oh, and did I mention there will be a door prize once we reach 52 people? Any items you may wish to donate for a white elephant or other event may be brought to the Elks Lodge between 5:30 – 7:00 pm on Wednesday nights. I will be there for Rod Building Guild on those nights, except holidays. Please call for other arrangements — for people who are unable to access the Elks, I would like to photo- graph the items and post them to Project Healing Waters Grand Junction Facebook Home Page. Project Healing Waters Grand Junction took to the Green River at Flaming Gorge Resort in Dutch John, Utah this past week. It was a successful outing with great contributions from Flaming Gorge Resort and Trout Unlimited in Utah. While it was cold and the fishing was tough, there were still fish that were biting large and small. I’d have to say thank you to everyone who helped put this together and make it a reality for our new and old troops combined. We had one guest from Colorado Springs that was her first time on the river. Kim had a super time along with others learning the ways of the river and laughing along the way. The Mother-In-Law rapids were kind to us this year and no one fell in. Continued on Page 6 Page 6 www.grand-valley-anglers.org PROJECT HEALING WATERS CONT. By Dawn Gwin The best part of September has been the beginning of a new class. They are very eager to learn. The best part is they have had sunny days down at Creek of Palisade and comfortable weather to fish in. This fall has been kind to us despite the tough fishing conditions. Remember in years past where it has been a torrential down pour. I seriously believe that was just to scare me away. Hmm, didn’t work. Now there are more ladies coming on the scene and a few younger gents and that definitely makes me smile. No matter, we are making an impact on the veterans lives and my hope is that it will last a lifetime. Our goal is to provide an environment and a place where people are safe and “feel accepted” and heal regardless of what challenges them. This week, the lies got mailed off to the 2nd Annual Fly Tying Contest. For those who have missed it we’ve started both a new beginner class with Ryan and a continuous class with Jim Patton and Tim Witsman on Thursdays. We had 6 entries in to the fly tying contest. Top three winners in Categories 1 and 2 will get to go to the International Fly Tying Symposium in Somerset, New Jersey in November. Don’t the airport runways ice over about that time? Anyway, let’s cheer on our contestants Forest Reichen, Clayton Bartels, Greg Kramer, Richard Wright, John Kazmierczak, and Dawn Gwin. They all did a superb job of tying flies for the contest. We should hear back hopefully by the end of October. So, winners are to be announced. The program is rocking and rolling along into the fall. Tight Lines, Dawn Gwin,Project Lead PHWFF GJ 970-314-4400 Photos by/courtesy of Dawn Gwin, PHW vets & volunteers www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 7 FLY OF THE MONTH—RAINBOW NYMPH Courtesy of MK Flies, Aileen Lane While it's true that matching the hatch or matching underwater insects is an important factor when we fly fish, there may be days when there may not be any apparent hatches or days when, no matter what imitation you toss, the trout just seem uninterested. Those are the days when you may need to dig into your fly box and tie on an attractor pattern. MATERIALS Hook: Thread: Ribbing: Bead: Dubbing: TMC 2487 (curved caddis hook 8/0 orange Larva Lace Midge Lace Clear Brass Rainbow Bead Prism Dubbing and/or Ice Dubbing in colors of Caddis Green, Electric Blue and UV Red Continued on Page 8 www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 8 FLY OF THE MONTH, CONT.– RAINBOW NYMPH Courtesy of MK Flies, Aileen Lane RECIPE 1. Place bead on hook making sure smaller hole faces the hook eye. 2. Thread the hook evenly toward back of hook. 3. Tie in 1 inch length of Larva Lace 4. Mix a pinch of each dubbing in a pile. This will be the dubbing for the body. It is best to do this by hand instead of a grinder as you want each specific color to show through the mix. In other words, a rough mix is perfect. 5. Dub the body with your mixture. 6. Rib the body with the Larva Lace. It’s fine to leave a few gaps between ribbing to allow some of the dubbing to peak through. Tie down the Larva Lace behind the bead. 7. Dub behind the bead head with the UV Red only. 8. Whip finish the fly behind the bead. www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 9 AUTUMN IN YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK Fishermen in the early morning fog on the Madison River Reflections on Slough Creek Autumn color overlooking the Yellowstone River Photos by Carol Oglesby www.grand-valley-anglers.org Page 10 Member of Trout Unlimited: Conserving, Protecting and Restoring North America’s Coldwater Fisheries and their watersheds; Grand Valley Anglers P.O. Box 4451 Grand Jct., CO 81502 Affiliate of the International Federation of Fly Fishers: Conserving, Restoring and Educating through fly fishing. Territorial Trout Tribune & Piscatorial Post Editor: Carol Oglesby pcoglesby@bresnan.net To submit articles, photos, news or a fly of the month, please email the editor. This is your newsletter—please help by contributing a Fly of The Month, a story, picture, or article of interest to the GVA group. Email your item to the Editor, Carol Oglesby, at pcoglesby@bresnan.net. UPCOMING EVENTS: Oct. 16—GVA Meeting, Redlands Dos Hombres Nov. 20—GVA Meeting, Redlands Dos Hombres Dec. 18—Fishmas Party Thanks to everyone who helped with this month’s news! I welcome input for the newsletter! Contact Tilda Evans for info: lewtildaevans@gmail.com 970-683-8879 VISIT THE GRAND VALLEY ANGLERS FACEBOOK PAGE Add your input. Like us and send updates about your recent fishing activities, pictures, etc. ABOUT G.V.A. Grand Valley Anglers meets the third Thursday of each Month at 5:30 p.m. October through April at the Holiday Inn, 2751 Crossroads Blvd., Grand Jct., CO 81506. May through September picnic meetings are held at Sherwood Park, 3rd St. & E. Sherwood Dr. in the shelter on the south side of the Park, parking adjacent to the shelter. The public is invited. Board Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. at Bray & Co. Real Estate, 244 North 7th St., Grand Jct. Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Officers: Tilda Evans, President Steve McCall Vice-President Harriet Matthews Sec./Treas. Lew Evans, Past-President Board Members: Tom Bell, Dave Bogott, Sarah Catlin, Dawn Gwin, Bill Graham, Charlie Hensel, Jon Gartz, Harriet Matthews, Jim Patton, Kirk Rider Newsletter Editor: Carol Oglesby
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