Welcome New Members ~ March 21-22 Kyle Kelley (B) Debbie Heimbach (B) Please pray for our Students and Adults on Youth Choir Tour this week as they share God’s love in NYC Andrew (S) & Beth (S) McLain Connerat ABF Constance White (S) Schafer ABF New Members since September 1, 2014 Baptism: 43 Letter: 45 Statement: 38 Total : 126 MONDAY, MARCH 30 9:30 AM Women’s Prayer Band 7:00 PM Girls College Community Group TUESDAY, MARCH 31 6:30 AM Men’s Breakfast 7:45 AM Mens’ Prayer Band - Rm 512 9:00 AM Celebration Singers 7:00 PM Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM The Landing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 9:00 AM Women’s Prayer Band 6:15 PM Children’s Activities 9:45 AM 6:15 PM Ntermission/Youth 6:15 PM Impact University/Discipleship 6:15 PM GriefShare/DivorceCare 6:30 PM Pastor’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Sanctuary Choir/Orchestra 7:45 PM Guys College Community Group THURSDAY, APRIL 2 8:00 AM Adults 55+ trip departs 9:00 AM GriefShare 7:00 PM Singles Book Study FRIDAY, APRIL 3 GOOD FRIDAY - OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY, APRIL 4 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship SYMPATHY TO: APRIL 5 11:00 AM Tyler and Mary Sholes Priscilla VanDyke Workineh and Garome Torben Jenny Gremillion Daniel and Shelly Martin Brandon and Barbara Beyl Dana Thomas Todd and Angelica Brookshire Jeremy and Valerie Witt AIM ~ All Inclusive Ministry 9:45 AM Melinda Robinson Heather Seal Melissa Babin Dennis Bruhl GRADES 7-12 11:00 AM Heather, Michael and Sara Beth Seal Terri Higdon Contact Darlene Drivon to volunteer to help with Worship Care or Kevin Harless to help with AIM. Saturday 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship Sunday Thomas and Ashley Rockett in the birth of their daughter, Evelyn Louise “Evy”, on March 19, 2015. The grandparents in our church family are David and Linda Rockett. WORSHIP CARE Mitchell and Amber Mulkey Betsy Hankins Daniel and Kimberly Roberts Gordon and Cara Herrin Pete and Hannah Schneider Charles and Sarah Mitchell Matthew and Chablis Tate Katie Berget Christine Stanley and Bible Fellowship CONGRATULATIONS TO: The family of Penny Bowser in her recent death. Join us next Sunday for Easter Services OPPORTUNITIES SATURDAY, MARCH 28 8:30 AM Men’s Retreat 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship SUNDAY, MARCH 29 8:30 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 9:00 AM Library Open 9:45 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 4:00 PM Children’s Choir 5:05 PM Children’s Activities 5:05 PM Impact University/Discipleship 5:13 PM Youth 5:13 We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships. Vacation Bible School Bible Fellowship & Worship at 8:30, 9:45 and 11:00 AM is coming... June 1-5 8:30AM - Noon All music, projected or printed, is used by permission through Christian Copyright Licensing International, Member #525364 16333 Highway 1085 Covington, LA 70433 Phone: 985-892-2149 Fax: 985-892-3090 www.FbcCov.org March 28-29, 2015 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COVINGTON MISSION OPPORTUNITIES PRAYER MINISTRY FOSTER CARE MINISTRY LUNCH ~ SUNDAY, APRIL 12 COMMUNITY EVANGELISM NEIGHBORHOOD KNOCK A new PRAYER BAND will begin on April 1 led by Jay Johnston. This prayer band is being held to train and equip new prayer band leaders and people who desire to learn how to pray. We will have 30 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of prayer. The Prayer band will begin at 6:15 PM, Wednesday, April 1 and will meet in Room 503. SINGLES MINISTRY FOREIGN MISSION TRIPS: BOGOTA ~ June 20 - July 4 PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC ~ September 5-12 INDIA ~ October 2015 UGANDA ~ January 2016 DO UNTO OTHERS ADVENTURE 2015: The Dunavant Family is inviting you and your family to join them on July 18-20, 2015 in Baja, Mexico for the AMOR 3 Day House Build. Call 985-727-0770 or email DWGTeam@dunavantwealth.com for information on how to register with Amor. Can you hold a clipboard and pray silently? Then you are ready to join us on our next Neighborhood Knock as a Team Member! We are looking for people to help record visit information and pray silently for our Team Leaders as they conduct surveys in our local community and share the gospel. You literally don't have to say a word – no training is required. We will meet at The ROC at 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 11th and should be done around noon. Lunch will be provided. Come take advantage of this great opportunity to be the "hands and feet" of Christ in obedience to the Great Commission! LOUISIANA GOVERNOR’S PRAYER BREAKFAST~ Crowne Plaza, Baton Rouge ~April 15 If you would like to attend the Louisiana Governor’s Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, April 15 please email our Associate Pastor Jay Johnston at jjohnston@fbccov.org to reserve your spot. The breakfast begins at 6:30 AM, program begins at 7:30, and concludes by 9:00 AM. This is a wonderful opportunity to support and pray for our political leaders as many of our state representatives and senators will be in attendance along with the executive branch of our government leaders. VOLUNTEER INFORMATION MEETING FAMILY PROMISE is a locally faith based ministry of sixteen local churches seeking to help homeless families from St. Tammany Parish find shelter, stability and permanent housing. The ministry will focus on meeting those needs with families from our community and you can volunteer in several meaningful ways. Please attend one of the volunteer information meetings to find out how you can serve and lead. The meetings will be held on Sunday, April 19, at 4:00PM in the Hospitality Room and Wednesday, April 22, at 5:30PM in the Hospitality Room. ADULTS 55+ MINISTRY YOUNG AT HEART ~ TUESDAY, APRIL 21 ~ 10:30 AM ~ COST: $10 ~ FELLOWSHIP HALL Adults 55+, join us for our fun fellowship luncheon and “Wherever You Go There He Is”, a presentation by Abby Shields on ways to find God at work and how you can join Him. Abby will also share briefly with us about Danielle Inn, a home of hope for unwed pregnant women. Reservation deadline is noon, Friday, April 17 OLD SOUTH CHARM TOUR ~ JULY 19-24 ~ COST: VARIES Experience Southern hospitality and scenery at its finest on this trip to Jekyll Island, St. Simon’s Island, Savannah, GA, and Beaufort, SC. Get details at fbccov.org/ministries/ adults-55/ and register at the next Young at Heart meeting. WOMEN’S MINISTRY SHARING YOUR LOVE STORY Are you sheepish on sharing the gospel? Don’t have the right words when a friend really needs Jesus? Join us for a workshop on Saturday morning, April 25, 2015 from 9 – Noon in Kids Worship Theatre for a woman’s guide on when, where and how to share the gospel. Leaders include Martha Bailey, Teresa Bourgeois, Marlaine Peachey and Bunny Whiteside. Continental breakfast will be served and the cost is free, but you must reserve a seat to attend. Sign up in the Women’s Ministry kiosk in the foyer or online. Hope to see you there! TV MINISTRY WGNO 26, an ABC affiliate, airs FBC sermons at 10:00 AM each Sunday. You can find the program at: DirecTV Channel 26 Dish Network Channel 26 Charter Cable Channel 7 or 707HD Cox Cable Channel 11 or 1011HD METAIRIE CHURCH PLACE begins a new semester Sunday, April 12, at 5:05 PM in The ROC. PLACE is an intentional process for mobilizing members into meaningful ministry! Each opportunity is 4 sessions plus a coaching session. Come participate and encounter: P - Personality Discovery L - Learning Spiritual Gifts A - Abilities Awareness C - Connecting Passion with Ministry E - Experiences in Life Register for PLACE at the kiosk in the Steeple Foyer, by contacting Charles Vandercook at Charles@vandercook.net or online at www. fbccov.org Do you have family, friends or co-workers living on the Southshore? If so, take time this week to invite them to our Southshore Campus. Metairie Church is a campus of FBC Covington and is located in the Pontchartrain Shopping Center on Severn Avenue just off of West Esplanade and a few blocks from Lakeside Shopping Center. For more information visit metairiechurch.com CR is a ministry to help individuals and family members deal with hurts, habits and hang-ups. As a participant in Celebrate Recovery you will be involved in a discipleship ministry that teaches biblical truth and life application so you can live out your life as a follower of Jesus and manage the daily pressures of life. Celebrate Recovery meets in the Worship Center for worship and teaching followed by small-group opportunities every Tuesday night from 7:00–9:00 PM. THE LANDING–An intentional and purposeful discipleship ministry for students in 6th–12th grade that meets every Tuesday night from 7:00–9:00 PM in Kid’s Worship. This ministry provides students an opportunity to develop life skills, and make decision that are biblically sound and Christ honoring. Parents, Grandparents and Guardians of students in the 6th–12th grade you have an opportunity to come and learn more about The Landing by attending an orientation designed just for you. If you are interested in learning more about Celebrate Recovery or The Landing, contact Pastor Jay Johnston at jjohnston@fbccov.org. PLEASE PLACE YOUR EMPTY LORD’S SUPPER CUPS IN THE TRASH RECEPTACLES LOCATED AT EACH EXIT PASTORAL TEAM Waylon Bailey, Th.D., Pastor Jay Johnston, D. Min., Associate Pastor Clif Smith, Education Bill Boren, D. Min., Family Life Jason Brooks, Music/Worship Jeff Markey, Worship Associate David Rockett, Adults 55+/Congregational Care Glynn Robinson, Missions/Evangelism Darlene Drivon, Preschool Kevin Harless, Children Cindy Rush, Children Worship Associate Chris Kroll, Students Josh Jordan, College /Young Families wbailey@fbccov.org jjohnston@fbccov.org csmith@fbccov.org bboren@fbccov.org jbrooks@fbccov.org jmarkey@fbccov.org drockett@fbccov.org grobinson@fbccov.org ddrivon@fbccov.org kharless@fbccov.org crush@fbccov.org ckroll@fbccov.org jjordan@fbccov.org There are over 4000 Louisiana children in foster care. Victims of abuse and neglect, these children are the most vulnerable population in our state. Crossroads NOLA, a faith-based nonprofit dedicated to mobilizing the church to address this need, is hosting a Foster Care Ministry Lunch on Sunday, April 12 for anyone interested in ministering to children in foster care and the families who serve them. The lunch meeting will be from 12:30-1:30 PM in ROC 200. Please register online at FBC Covington website. If you need additional information please contact our Associate Pastor Jay Johnston at jjohnston@fbccov.org Thursday Evening BOOK STUDY ~ ROC Upstairs, 7:00PM. We are studying “Gods At War” by Kyle Idleman. In this book the author discusses aspects of our lives that we begin to elevate in status above our relationship with God. Contact Keeley (494-2424) for details. Lunch after Worship, March 29 - Four Seasons Chinese Buffet ~ Hollycrest Plaza, 600 N Hwy 190, Covington. Join us to share food and fellowship. TUTORING DEACONS IN MINISTRY MATH TUTORING for high school or college algebra and trigonometry is offered on Wednesday nights at 6:15 in Room 304 by appointment only. Other disciplines also available by request. Contact Sonny Warren at 985-542-6884 to schedule a session. March 29 - April 4, 2015 Rock Kendrick Mike Martin Mike Blossman 893-6181 892-4030 892-7863 CHILDRENS MINISTRY Online Registration now open for Summer Camps June 15-19 Pulaski, MS ~ 4th-6th Register at fbccov.org Cost is $395 WinShape Camps for Communities July 20-24 at FBC Covington Cost is $199 ~ 1st-6th Register at winshapecamps.org GOLF TOURNAMENT The FBC GOLF SCRAMBLE YOUTH FUNDRAISER is Thursday, April 23 at Covington Country Club. Cost is $50 a person/$200 a team, and sponsorships are available for $200-$500. Sign up your team by contacting Natalie at nconiglio@fbccov.org or call the church office. CENTERSTAGE STUDENT MINISTRY FUGE CAMP ~ JULY 6-12 ~ RIDGECREST, NC. Final balance must be paid by April 29. BEACH BUM WEEKEND 2015 - June 11-13, $59. Space limited! AIRSOFT EVENT ~ Saturday, April 11 from 11-3 at The ROC. All guys grades 7-12 are invited to attend. Bring your own supplies. Call or text Cole Shorter for more details at 985-773-3289. For more information about these events and activities or to register go to fbccenterstage.com COLLEGE/YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MINISTRY COMMUNITY GROUPS The Women’s community group meets at Amanda Weaver’s home on Monday nights at 7:00. The Men’s community group meets at The ROC at 7:45 on Wednesday nights. These groups are for college and young professionals (18-20 somethings) seeking to find community through friendship, fellowship, and the Word. For directions, or more information contact Josh Jordan: jjordan@fbccov.org
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