OPPORTUNITIES SATURDAY, APRIL 18 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship SUNDAY, APRIL19 8:30 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 9:00 AM Library Open 9:45 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship/Bible Fellowship 11:00 AM Bible Fellowship Leader Meeting 12:15 PM Bible Fellowship Leader Meeting 4:00 PM Family Promise Meeting 4:00 PM Youth Choir 4:00 PM Children’s Choir 5:05 PM Children’s Activities 5:05 PM Impact University/Discipleship 5:13 PM Youth 5:13 5:15 PM Men’s Ensemble 7:00 PM Girls College Community Group MONDAY, APRIL 20 9:30 AM Women’s Prayer Band 5:00 PM Handbells TUESDAY, APRIL 21 6:30 AM Men’s Breakfast 7:45 AM Men’s Prayer Band - Rm 512 9:00 AM Celebration Singers 10:30 AM Young at Heart 7:00 PM Celebrate Recovery 7:00 PM The Landing WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22 9:00 AM Women’s Prayer Band 10:00 AM Women’s Bible Study 5:30 PM Family Promise Meeting 6:15 PM Children’s Activities 6:15 PM Ntermission/Youth 6:15 PM Impact University/Discipleship 6:15 PM Prayer Band 6:15 PM GriefShare/DivorceCare 6:15 PM Orchestra 6:30 PM Pastor’s Bible Study 6:30 PM Guys College Community Group 7:00 PM Sanctuary Choir 7:30 PM Praise Band THURSDAY, APRIL 23 8:00 AM Youth Golf Scramble 9:00 AM GriefShare 6:00 PM State Bible Drill 7:00 PM Singles Book Study SATURDAY, APRIL 25 9:00 AM Women’s Ministry Event 5:00 PM Bible Fellowship 6:00 PM Worship We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships. OUR NEXT PARENT/CHILD DEDICATION SERVICE IS MAY 10 Parents participating in this Service are required to attend two Dedication Classes which will be held Sunday, April 26 & May 3 Upstairs in ROC 200 at 11:00 AM. To participate, register for both Dedication Class and Dedication Service on the church website. If you have any questions, please contact Darlene Drivon in the church office or at ddrivon@fbccov.org ONLINE REGISTRATION now open for SUMMER CAMPS June 15-19 Pulaski, MS 4th-6th grades Cost: $395 Register at fbccov.org WinShape Camps for Communities July 20-24 at FBC Covington Cost is $199 ~ 1st-6th grades Register at winshapecamps.org Join Today! Go to fbccov.org Click on Right Now Media under Resources to request access Eternal Life in the Gospel of John DEACONS IN MINISTRY April 19-25, 2015 Jim Cook Jack Knight Chuck Rich 373-2299 871-3910 871-4007 Sign up online at FbcCov.org Sign up online at marthabailey.com 9:45 AM WORSHIP CARE Robin Holt Joey and Erin Cochran Byron and Amanda Foret Rick and Gretchen Badon James and Jessica Gilmore Will and Kelly Cullen Brad and Sarah Hayes Tiffany Phillips Louis and Shannon Schwall APRIL 26 Priscilla VanDyke Angel Manton Claire Roberts Brandon and Julie Small Matt and Kourtney Leto Rick and Krystal Sellers Ashley Barnes Darrell and Haley Martin Christy Reese Whitney Jenkins Jonathan and Katherine Mitchell AIM ~ All Inclusive Ministry 9:45 AM Registration Now Open for Volunteers & Children 11:00 AM 11:00 AM Jayci Parish Susan Riche’ Melinda Robinson Gayle Pounds Veronica Murzi Kassi McLain Donna Davidson Contact Darlene Drivon to volunteer to help with Worship Care or Kevin Harless to help with AIM. DES GRA 7-12 Vacation Bible School June 1-5 ~ 8:30AM-Noon All music, projected or printed, is used by permission through Christian Copyright Licensing International, Member #525364 16333 Highway 1085 Covington, LA 70433 Phone: 985-892-2149 Fax: 985-892-3090 www.FbcCov.org April 18-19, 2015 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COVINGTON CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Wednesday, April 29 6:15 PM Fellowship Hall BIBLE FELLOWSHIP LEADERSHIP MEETING~SUNDAY, APRIL 19 w 55+ Are NOT Meeting w Single Adults - Bride’s Room with Glynn Robinson at 12:15 PM w Median Adults - FH with Bill Boren at 11:00 AM & 12:15 PM w Students - ROC 100 with Chris Kroll at 12:15 PM w College/Young Families - ROC 101 with Josh Jordan at 12:15 PM w Children - Kids Worship with Kevin Harless at 12:15 PM w Preschool - Kidz Praise with Darlene Drivon at 12:15 PM PRAYER MINISTRY GRANBERRY COUNSELING PLACE CONNECTION COACH TRAINING GRIEFSHARE Join our new PRAYER BAND led by Jay Johnston. It meets at 6:15 PM on Wednesdays in Room 503. This prayer band is being held to train and equip new prayer band leaders and people who desire to learn how to pray. We will have 30 minutes of teaching and 30 minutes of prayer. Training will take place on Saturday, May 2, 2015 in ROC 200 from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM and lunch is included. Please contact Charles Vandercook at charles@vandercook.net to register. Open to any PLACE participant that has completed the initial series of classes and been thru the coaching process. An oppportunity to take the next step in helping our church and encourage new servants for God within our church. First Baptist Church, in partnership with the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries, offers professional counseling for individuals, couples, and families through the Granberry Counseling Center. For an appointment call Fred Selby LMFT, LPC-S at 225-223-1497. WEDNESDAY ~ 6:15 PM in Room 505 & THURSDAY ~ 9:00 AM in the Bride’s Room GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone. GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life. FAMILY PROMISE OF ST. TAMMANY MISSION OPPORTUNITIES FOREIGN MISSION TRIPS: BOGOTA ~ June 20 - July 4 PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC ~ September 5-12 INDIA ~ October 2015 UGANDA ~ January 2016 DO UNTO OTHERS ADVENTURE 2015: The Dunavant Family is inviting you and your family to join them on July 18-20, 2015 in Baja, Mexico for the AMOR 3-Day House Build. Call 985-727-0770 or email DWGTeam@dunavantwealth.com for information on how to register with Amor. ADULTS 55+ MINISTRY OLD SOUTH CHARM TOUR ~ JULY 19-24 ~ COST: VARIES Experience Southern hospitality and scenery at its finest on this trip to Jekyll Island, St. Simon’s Island, Savannah, GA, and Beaufort, SC. Get details at fbccov.org/ministries/ adults-55/ and register at the next Young at Heart meeting. WOMEN’S MINISTRY SHARING YOUR LOVE STORY Are you sheepish on sharing the gospel? Don’t have the right words when a friend really needs Jesus? Join us for a workshop on Saturday morning, April 25 from 9–Noon in Kids Worship Theatre for a woman’s guide on when, where and how to share the gospel. Leaders include Martha Bailey, Teresa Bourgeois, Marlaine Peachey and Bunny Whiteside. Continental breakfast will be served and the cost is free, but you must reserve a seat to attend. Sign up in the Women’s Ministry kiosk in the foyer or online. Hope to see you there! MORNING BY MORNING ~ Meets the third Sunday of the month, April 19, at 5:05 PM in Room 507. Using the curriculum, “Surviving Infertility”, this Bible Study focuses specifically on the issues you face as you walk through the journey of infertility. The group provides a safe place for women experiencing infertility to connect with others who are experiencing similar issues, to share their feelings, and to receive support and strength from God’s Word. TV MINISTRY WGNO 26, an ABC affiliate, airs FBC sermons at 10:00 AM each Sunday. You can find the program at: DirecTV Channel 26 Dish Network Channel 26 Charter Cable Channel 7 or 707HD Cox Cable Channel 11 or 1011HD Building Community, Strengthening Lives. Make a difference by joining us for an Informational Meeting on Sunday, April 19 at 4:00 PM or Wednesday, April 22 at 5:30 PM in the Hospitality Room. Contact Nancy Robbins at nancyrobbinsnest@aol.com, 985-789-5770 or Gloria Pittman at glopit@charter.net, 985630-9180 for additional information. A SPECIAL NIGHT On Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 6:45PM to 8:15 PM the Celebrate Recovery Ministry will be hosting a special night of music and testimony. The Emmanuel Gospel Choir founded in 2000 by Louisiana Native Scott Sontag and Cecelia Stearman as an outreach ministry from the Emmanuel Baptist Church of Rueil-Malmaison, France, will be here in concert. Many of their members have become believers and been baptized in the Emmanuel Church. The choir sings several concerts each year in the Paris area, helping charity organizations raise money for their projects. They recently sang on the grounds of Roland Garros (where the French Open takes place) in partnership with the French Tennis Federation, raising funds that help build water towers, and schools in Mali, Africa. They are currently in the United States touring with 46 singers. During this evening of music and testimony a Celebrate Recovery testimony will be shared by Teresa. The Celebrate Recovery small groups will meet at 8:15 PM. If you are a first time guest you are invited to learn more about Celebrate Recovery by attending CR 101. If you choose not to attend CR 101, please join us for a reception for the choir in the fellowship hall. If you are interested in learning more about Celebrate Recovery or The Landing, contact Pastor Jay Johnston at jjohnston@fbccov.org METAIRIE CHURCH Do you have family, friends or co-workers living on the Southshore? If so, take time this week to invite them to our Southshore Campus. Metairie Church is a campus of FBC Covington and is located in the Pontchartrain Shopping Center on Severn Avenue just off of West Esplanade and a few blocks from Lakeside Shopping Center. For more information visit metairiechurch.com PASTORAL TEAM Waylon Bailey, Th.D., Pastor Jay Johnston, D. Min., Associate Pastor Clif Smith, Education Bill Boren, D. Min., Family Life Jason Brooks, Music/Worship David Rockett, Adults 55+/Congregational Care Glynn Robinson, Missions/Evangelism Darlene Drivon, Preschool Kevin Harless, Children Cindy Rush, Children Worship Associate Chris Kroll, Students Josh Jordan, College /Young Families wbailey@fbccov.org jjohnston@fbccov.org csmith@fbccov.org bboren@fbccov.org jbrooks@fbccov.org drockett@fbccov.org grobinson@fbccov.org ddrivon@fbccov.org kharless@fbccov.org crush@fbccov.org ckroll@fbccov.org jjordan@fbccov.org SINGLES MINISTRY SERVICE PROJECT ~ Saturday, April 18 at 8 AM at Jolene’s house. Light tools and strong backs needed to remove construction debris. Contact Lori at 705-4750 for more information. Thursday Evening BOOK STUDY ~ ROC Upstairs, 7:00PM We are studying “Gods At War” by Kyle Idleman. In this book the author discusses aspects of our lives that we begin to elevate in status above our relationship with God. Contact Keeley at 494-2424 for more details. TUTORING MATH TUTORING for high school or college algebra and trigonometry is offered on Wednesday nights at 6:15 in Room 304 by appointment only. Other disciplines also available by request. Contact Sonny Warren at 985-542-6884 to schedule a session. GOLF TOURNAMENT The FBC GOLF SCRAMBLE YOUTH FUNDRAISER is Thursday, April 23 at Covington Country Club. Cost is $50 a person/$200 a team, and sponsorships are available for $200-$500. Shotgun start begins at 8:00 AM. Sign up your team by contacting Natalie at nconiglio@fbccov.org or call her in the church office. CENTERSTAGE STUDENT MINISTRY PARENTS OF SENIORS ~ Please make sure to return the items for Senior Recognition Sunday by Wednesday, April 22 FUGE SUMMER CAMP PARENT MEETING on APRIL 26TH 4PM (Notary will be present) Final balance must be paid by April 29 BEACH BUM WEEKEND 2015 - June 11-13, $59. Space limited! For more information about these events and activities or to register go to fbccenterstage.com COLLEGE/YOUNG PROFESSIONALS MINISTRY COMMUNITY GROUPS The Women’s community group meets at Amanda Weaver’s home. It has been changed to Sunday nights at 7:00. The Men’s community group meets at The ROC at 6:30 on Wednesday nights. These groups are for college and young professionals (18-20 somethings) seeking to find community through friendship, fellowship, and the Word. For directions, or more information contact Josh Jordan: jjordan@fbccov.org
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