VOLUME 4 April ISSUE 2015-4 First Baptist Church 21 First Street SE Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 (850)243-3163 fbcfwb.org THE BEACON, (USPS 191-560) is published monthly, by the First Baptist Church, SE., Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548. Periodicals postage paid at Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548. POSTMASTER send address changes to First Baptist Church, P. O. Box 2199, FT. WALTON BEACH, FL 32549. Phone (850)243-3163 APRIL Attention FACEBOOK USERS! The FBC Facebook Fan Page is up and running. When you log into your personal Facebook account, go to the First Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach page and click the “LIKE” button. Our website address is (http://www.fbcfwb.org/) Ministerial and Church Staff Dr. Howard L. Gates Dr. Wes Yates Jeff Keeman Travis Elliott Rev. Joshua Manning Travis Elliott Pastor Assoc. Pastor for Senior Adults Minister of Music Director of Recreation Ministries Director of Students Director of Pres/Children’s Ministry pastor@fbcfwb.org wyates@fbcfwb.org jkeeman@fbcfwb.org telliott@fbcfwb.org youth@fbcfwb.org telliott@fbcfwb.org Happy Anniversary Dr. Howard Gates 45 Years of Ordination and Service You Are Invited The Ladies Spring Tea May 2nd, 2:00-4:00 Love Poured Out Romans 5: 5 Guest Speaker Julie Boyd Tickets: $10.00 On Sale Wednesday, April 8th, Fellowship Hall FROM THE PASTOR’S HEART . . . This month opens with a joyous celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter Sunday, April 5. The 10: 30 a.m. service will feature glorious worship, heavenly music, and a triumphant message on the Resurrection. There will be no 6: 00 p.m. worship service or other evening ministries on Easter Sunday. I challenge you to help in a few simple but extremely important ways: prayerfully prepare for Bible Study and worship; enthusiastically invite family and friends; and warmly welcome our guests. Also assist our guests in finding parking places, the preschool area, seats in the sanctuary, and other areas in our facilities. *** Except for Easter, every Sunday morning in April will feature a message from the Book of Revelation. On Wednesday nights we are studying the letters of First and Second Peter, which were written to help us experience victory in times of suffering. Please pray each week that I may preach and teach God’s Word with accuracy, love, power, and application to life. *** Have you fallen behind in tithes and offerings through the church? If so, let me challenge you to catch up this month. God will bless you, and through you the Kingdom of Christ and First Baptist Church. Children 12 & Up Included CarolWhite-2/1/2015 Dorothy Dickey 2/20/2015 Roy Murphy 3/11/2015 Oda Krull 3/16/2015 Steve Gordon 3/19/2015 Darlene Akins 3/21/2015 Beverly Wade 3/21/2015 George Krull 3/23/2015 April 1st Lasagna Green Beans Salad/Rolls/Dessert April 8th Grilled Pork Chops Mashed Potatoes Assorted Vegetables Salad/Rolls/Dessert April 15th Fried Chicken Cabbage Greens Yams Cornbread Muffins Salad/Dessert April 22nd Fried Fish Cheese Grits Hush Puppies April 29th Meat Loaf Black Eyed Peas Fried Okra Cornbread Salad/ Dessert Our Tithes and Offerings YTD Required $424,818.99 YTD Received $355,494.04 Division 3-1 3-8 3-15 Pre School 13 8 14 9 12 Children 32 23 40 39 31 9 1 10 11 29 Youth 32 52 13 22 13 I can hardly wait to see you each week, with a prayer in my heart and a Bible in my hand. The Pastor loves you, the greatest church family in all the world. Adults 235 201 206 203 207 Howard L. Gates Colossians 3: 1 Single Adults 48 35 42 36 45 Gen Officers 14 15 16 14 15 383 335 355 334 352 *** Finally, I encourage you to give generously – above your tithes and offerings – to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions. Our goal this year is $22,000. *** Special Ed TOTAL 3-22 3-29 Dates in April: [Re]Sound Student Ministries 4/4: Final Four Party @ 5 PM in the Loft 4/18 ROTC Bonfire @ Rocking BAB Ranch 4 PM How I can I start this article off without first mentioning the Palm Sunday morning Concert, "Redeemed"? EVERY choir member, soloist and instrumentalist deserve a "WELL DONE", but mostly "THANK YOU" for the time and effort given by each participant. Those particular kudos are for work already given even though the concert may not take place until after this writing is posted. However, what has already happened is the singing by our youth praise ensemble. I am so proud of them and hope to make their singing a monthly occurrence. EASTER SUNDAY is not just any Sunday, but the "Super Bowl" for us and Christians across the globe. Therefore, be assured the music will not only be as celebrative on Easter as it was/will be on Palm Sunday, but even more so because many of you sitting in the congregation will be musical participants as well. CAN YOU DO ME A FAVOR? Right after a brief time of welcoming everyone present we will observe a moment of call and response. I will call out, "CHRIST IS RISEN" and you will be asked to respond by saying, "HE IS RISEN INDEED!" We will do it three times before leading into a congregational song medley. So, after reading this article, you will have several days to rehearseHA! Finally, and on a somewhat personal note, according to what our church defines as being a Senior Adult, I became one a few days back. I have to admit it caused a moment of pause. A year ago, I suggested to my wife that I would like to go on the first senior adult trip, post eligible. How excited I was to find it would be a trip to New Orleans. I lived there while earning a Master's Degree from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The group will tour the seminary and lodge there as well. The opportunity to visit the city along with the WW2 museum is also planned and I am excited about that as well, since I am very familiar with the city and also a lover of military history. Thank you in advance Dr. Wes for planning what promises to be an outstanding trip filled with outstanding fellowship. I just hope the veteran Seniors can put up with the new Rookie. Blessings and Peace, Jeff GRADS!!! If you are (or have) a graduating senior, please begin to collect 3-5 photos from their childhood for a presentation on Grad Sunday 5/31! Join us every Sunday morning for Breakfast & Bible Study at 9AM in The LOFT. Youth Choir meets every Sunday at 5pm in the 4/22 @ NWFC All-Sports Association/FCA “Night of Integrity” with speaker Siran Stacy Leave parking lot at 6 PM, back at 8 PM. Youth Spring Retreat Update! The Youth had an awesome time on our Spring Retreat to Adventures Unlimited. We took 35 students and 10 adults into the woods for some great worship and Bible Study. The Students got to participate in two bonfires, a high ropes course, and a massive scavenger hunt, all while completing three Bible study sessions on the life of Gideon. We already can’t wait until the next Retreat! Who wants to go Join us for our Wednesday evening meal (cost $2.00) and Bible Study. Celebrate Life’s Seasons On behalf of Maria Tidmore, the Deacon Body and their wives, we wish to thank everyone that attended this special event for our Widows and Widowers. We were entertained by Roy Mills, a talented Christian singer. Pre -dinner music was provide by harpist, Carol Harrison. It was a wonderful evening of Fellowship. IN MEMORY OF CAROL WHITE “Homeless Jesus” by Tim Schmalz From left front to right the names are as follows: Vice President of Development WRM ….Mr. Brian Ekedahl President of WRM …. Mr. Mick Breault Pastor FBC FWB …Dr. Howard Gates Donor ….Mr. Richard Erickson Program Manager of ECRM Rev. Louie D. Carlton Husband of Mrs. Carol White …..Mr. Ralph White, Chief Operational Officer of WRM…Mr. Devin Simmons Prayer & Bible Study 6:10 FH Monday Morning Ministry 26 Emerald Coast Missions FairFH-6PM 27 Monday Morning Ministry 28 29 30 Assoc.. VBS Friday Night Training Shalimar Video 6pm FH Baptist-8:30-2 8:30-2 Administration Appreciation Day 24 22 21 20 19 GAME NIGHT FH 5:30 Finance Committee Meeting 14 13 Prayer & Bible Study 6:10 FH 23 17 16 Prayer & Bible Study 6:10 FH 15 TAX DAY 10 9 8 Prayer & Bible Study 6:10 FH 25 18 Primetimer’s Lunch 11:30AM-FH 11 Youth NCAA Final Four Party 4 7 Monday Morning Ministry 12 6:00AM Men’s Bible Study, M103 11:30AM Men’s Lunch, 1st Fri, Joe & Eddie’s Dr. Gates 45 Years of Ordination Anniversary No Eve Service Friday Join First Baptist Church of Fort Walton Beach on May 19th in their 6:00pm service, with missions fair to follow. Please set up booths for the fair no later than 5:45 in the fellowship hall. We welcome all of our sister churches to participate. 6 Thursday 9:30AM International English School 12:00PM Alanon, B10 5:00PM Bible Study (Pratt) Fellowship Hall 9:00PM College Bible Study, CLC 3 Faith Deployed Bible Study Monday 6PM M103-104 5 EASTER 9:30AM WOW Bible Study, M203 9:30AM Prayer/Parenting, 1st & 3rd Wed 10:00AM International Bible Study, B24 10:30AM Wednesday Friends, B16 5:30PM Family Supper 5:30PM Orchestra Rehearsal 6:00PM Youth Worship (Loft) 6:10PM Bible Study 6:00PM Mission Friends, RA’s & GA’s 7:00PM Adult Choir Rehearsal Al-Anon Tuesdays and Thursdays 12pm B25 Sunday Friends Sundays, 4:45-6pm B16 Teacher: Kathy Miller Any person on a weight loss program and wants support Prayer & Bible Study 6:10 FH Wednesday Monday Morning Ministry 12:00PM Alanon, B10 FOCUS Singles Class Sundays, 9-10:15am B25 Teacher: Doris Forbes Wednesday Thursday Tuesday Adult Bible Study Thursdays, 5-7pm Fellowship Hall Teacher: Betsy Pratt Bring a Side Dish or Appetizer T Tuesday 8:00AM Monday Morning Ministry 8:30AM Prayer in Sanctuary 1:00PM Grief Share, CLC Weekly Classes Offered Monday Monday Greg Aldridge 5-11 Trent Sorrells 12-18 Adam Babcock 19-25 Greg Black 26-May 2 Sunday 8:00AM Prayer in Sanctuary 8:45AM Media Center Opens 9:00AM Bible Study 10:30AM Worship Service 10:30AM Children’s Worship 3:00PM Thai Bible Study, 2nd & 4th Sun 5:00PM Youth Choir Practice 4:45PM Sunday Friends 6:00PM Youth Bible Study (Loft) 6:00PM Children’s Choir 6:00PM Evening Worship 2 DEACON MEETING 7th 1 Sunday Saturday MARCH DEACON NEWS Friday Regular Weekly Schedule
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