5-9-2015 - First Baptist Church Naples

Dr. Hayes Wicker, Senior Pastor
A Tribute to Role Model Mothers
Summer Service Schedule
Begins Sunday, May 17
This is a very special weekend when Americans honor
mothers. The best known biblical expression of this is in
Proverbs 31, when the godly wife and mother hears the
tribute: “Her children rise up and call her blessed, her
husband also, and he praises her” (Proverbs 31:28). The
key is that “A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”
(verse 30).
Beginning Sunday, May 17, we will go to our Sunday
Summer Schedule of one service at 9:30am. All 9:30am
BLGs will be moved to 11:00am. The Saturday worship
service and BLGs remain unchanged.
Harold Reynolds, ESPN baseball analyst and one-time AllStar second baseman for the Mariners, wrote of growing up
in Oregon. He emulated the NBA player, Gus Williams, as he said: “Gus tied
his shoes in back instead of in front like normal. I thought that was so cool,
so I started tying my shoes in the back. I wanted to be like Gus. He wore
number 10; I wore number 10.” But one day as Harold was lying in bed with a
severe stomach ache, he recalled: “I noticed that it was not my sports hero, Gus
Williams, who came to my room to take care of me; it was my mother. That’s
when I began to understand the difference between heroes and role models.
I try to emulate people with strong character who are doing things of lasting
value.” Your mom may not be famous or even seemingly talented or brilliant, but
she has had a huge impact on your life.
Have you placed your faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior and
not yet professed your faith through believer’s baptism?
This is a perfect opportunity. Please call Linda at 5968600 x280 to register. You can also stop by our Beach
Baptism table in the Commons for more information.
I am particularly grateful for the godly example of my wife as she has mothered
our three children and for my oldest daughter, Kristin, as she mothers four little
ones. They both are certainly role models and serve the Lord not only with their
ministries in the church, but in the home. Though both are beautiful outwardly,
they are even more lovely inwardly, with “adorning in the inner person of the
heart” (1 Peter 3:4).
Our youngest daughter, Allyson, has long had a love for orphans. She and Scott
are in the process of adopting a child in Ohio. Their hearts have been “enlarged,”
as Paul described. I am confident that she will be a wonderful mother. Please
also be in prayer for the birth mother in these last months. They are open to
whomever God gives to them.
I am also grateful for how my mother sacrificed much for me as an asthmatic
child, willing to give up her home and possessions in the south in order to take
me to a hot, dry climate in Arizona. While the Lord performed healing in my
body, for years it continued to be difficult for my mother to adjust to the changes
in culture. However, she and my dad were used by God to save my life by their
sacrifice. All who have been blessed by me have heard a voice that is informed
by scripture and one with physical strength and clarity.
Mothers, thank you for sticking by all of us children when we sinned in behavior
or were sullen in attitude. Thank you for demonstrating the love of Jesus Christ:
“Leaving an example like Christ so that we might follow in His steps” (1 Peter
2:21). May you have a happy Mother’s Day as you also hear the “well done” of
your Lord.
*There is a guest reception in the Commons following the Saturday night and
Sunday morning 11:00am worship services. Pastor would love to meet you!
David George
In View of a Call as our Hispanic Pastor
It is with great excitement that we introduce David George to
come in view of a call as our Hispanic Pastor here at FBCN.
For the past six months, David has served as our Interim
Hispanic Pastor and has done an incredible job of growing
and moving the Hispanic Ministry forward. David’s affinity
for Hispanic work was formed when he was a missionary
with the International Mission Board in Paraguay. David and
his wife, Linda, have three children who all attend school at
FBA (Savannah-18, Rebekah-14, and Elliot-8). There will be
a church vote on David the weekend of May 23 & 24.
Beach Baptism
Sunday, May 17
(Meet at 1:00pm in the Fellowship Hallway)
There will be no Wednesday night ministries on May 27.
“Foundations 101” New Believers Class
Begins Saturday, June 6 at 7:30pm in Room DC112
This ten week class is for new believers and anyone
interested in learning the basic principles and truths of
the Christian faith. If you know someone who is a new
believer, invite him/her to attend. For details, call Linda at
596-8600 x280.
Summer Adult Bible Study
Wednesday, June 3 - August 19 at 6:30pm
in the Worship Center
“The Realities of the Heavenly Realm” by Dr. Daniel Akin
“Practical Insight into the Church’s Earthly Mission” by
Ray Vander Laan
Children’s Ministry
Vacation Bible School
Volunteers Needed Now for Decoration Preparation
“Everest” is coming June 8-12! We need volunteers to help
with making decorations for hallways. Please call Nancy
at 596-8600 x350. We also need volunteers during the
week of VBS. There is a display in the Commons near the
stairs to sign-up to be part of this fun week. Make sure you
pick-up a postcard at the display with the training meeting
information and dates. Several volunteers are also needed
in preschool and kindergarten. Please call 596-8600 x351
for more details.
VBS Supplies and Snacks Needed
We are in need of the following supplies to use during
Vacation Bible School: Five light-weight fire pits, ski supplies
(skis, boots, snowboards, etc.), camping supplies and gear
(small tents, hiking boots, canteens, lanterns, etc.), white
or light blue sheets or large pieces of fabric (sheet size),
artificial Christmas trees, packing peanuts, and climbing gear.
All items will be returned. VBS also needs snacks (potato
chips, sandwich style cookies but nothing with peanuts, and
Cheez-It baked snack crackers). There are collection bins in
the Fellowship Hallway, the Commons, and the Education
Building. You may also call Kim at 596-8600 x360.
Parent Dedication Class
Saturday, May 30 at 4:45pm
This class is for parents who want to dedicate themselves
and their child to the Lord during a worship service. Childcare
will be provided. Please call Kim at 596-8600 x360 to RSVP.
Pastoral Staff
Dr. Hayes Wicker
Beverly Burgoyne
Greg Clydesdale
John David Edie
Betsy Evans
Steve Hayes
Dr. David Heath
Troy Maragos
Shannon Moore
John Patterson
Douglas Pigg
Tom Rider
Larry Rigley
Dr. Todd Stearns
Kevin Taylor
Kevin VanDuser
Eric Yeldell
Senior Pastor
Director of Preschool Ministry
Pastor of Middle School Ministry
Pastor of Discipleship Ministry
Director of Children’s Ministry
Pastor of Family Ministry
Pastor of Missions
Pastor of College and Twenties
Director of Women’s Ministry
Pastor of Media Ministry
Executive Pastor
Pastor of Academy Education
Pastor of Pastoral Care & Senior Adults
Pastor of Worship & Music
Pastor of Student Ministry
Pastor of SportsOutreach
Pastor of Contemporary Worship & Ministry
Find out more about each Pastoral Staff member by going to our website:
Student Ministry
High School & Middle School Camp
Sign-up Now
All current 8th-11th graders can sign-up now for $270.
Register at www.hsmfbcn.com/camp2015. All current 5th-7th
graders can sign-up now through May 10 for $235 (afterwards
it is $270). Register at www.msmfbcn.com/campmsm.
Legacy Builders Senior Adults
Broadway Palm Dinner Theater
“Church Basement Ladies”
Thursday, May 28 (10am-5pm)
Deadline to sign-up is this Monday, May 11
The cost is $47 and you may purchase your tickets at the
Media Ministry window adjacent to the Fellowship Hallway,
or call Vada at 596-8600 x268.
Host Families Needed May 30-June 3
For High School & College Teams and Coaches
Athletes in Action summer ministry work starts here in
Naples as they come together to meet one another, learn to
play together as a team, learn how to share their testimonies,
and prepare to travel and share the gospel with unreached
people. For more information, please contact Christine at
cwheel2402@aol.com or 571-1071. For more about this
ministry, please visit athletesinaction.org.
Celebrate Recovery
Thursday nights at 6:00pm in Room DC121
Celebrate Recovery is a special community of men’s and
women’s groups where you can find safety and support
for dealing with life’s hurts, habits, and hang-ups through
a 12-step discipleship and recovery program. For more
information, please call 596-8600 x266.
New Arrivals
Silas Edward Standhart was born on April 2 at 7 lbs, 9 oz, and 21”. Proud
parents are Phil & Erin, and big brother is Sawyer.
James Isaac Caron was born on May 3 at 6 lbs, 14 oz. Proud parents are Brian
& Ginny, and big brothers are Patrick & Nicholas.
Last Weekend
Decisions for Christ
Statement of Faith
Jennifer Brisc Shenna Burdette
Tatiana Faur
Micheley Felix
Paul Onicu
Annatalia Hyppolite
Oliver Valean Renardo Kennedy
Victoria Valean
Monday’s decisions from
Discovering FBCN are listed
on the back of First Word.
Financial Stewardship
2014-2015 Operating Revenues
July 1, 2014 - May 3, 2015
Actual Variance
$6,971,785 $136,785
Kingdom Missions Offering
YTD through May 3
Worship Attendance
May 2 & 3
Saturday Night
Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Tuesday Morning/
Wednesday Evening
If you need assistance, please call
the church deacon hotline
at 800-732-9573.
Welcome to First Baptist Church Naples
We are so glad you joined us for worship! Greeters at the doors can help with
any immediate needs you may have. Volunteers at the Information Desk in the
Commons can assist you in finding the perfect Bible & Life Group. For more
information about our church and ministries, please call Lou at 596-8600 x258.
First Baptist Academy
FBA High School Music Department
The FBA High School Music Department recently
participated in the Music USA Festival at Universal
Studios. Our students competed against other high
schools nationwide and were awarded the following:
Vocal Ensemble-Excellent, Worship Team-Excellent
and First Place, Strings and Band-Superior and First
Place. Congratulations FBA Fine Arts students and
Bible & Life Attendance
May 2 & 3
Saturday Night
Sunday 8:15 a.m. Sunday 9:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Home Groups
This Upcoming Week
Deacon of the Week
May 11 - 17
Greg Graham
Gale Graham
Welcome Guests!
Wednesday Family Meal
May 13 (4:45-6:00 p.m. in the
Fellowship/Recreation Gym)
Crabmeat Stuffed Flounder, Rice,
Pilaf, Veggie, Salad, Dessert
Tickets may be purchased at the Lighthouse
Cafe or at the door for $6 each or $25 for a
family. Alternate choices available.
FBA’s Seventh Annual
Graduation Commencement
Friday, May 15 at 7:00pm in the Worship Center
Join us in celebrating the 49 students of the Class of 2015.
Decisions from Discovering FBCN
Profession of Faith
Brian Pulver
Dual Membership
Dan Howell
Ruth Howell
Gloria Preston
Larry Preston
Statement of Faith
James Chen
Mary Chen
Hank Czerwinski
Pamela Czerwinski
Lisa DeArmas
Weekly Schedule
Saturday, May 9
6:00 p.m. Worship Service: Worship Center
7:30 p.m. Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Sunday, May 10
8:15 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Haitian Bible Study & Worship: ED206
Vietnamese Worship & Bible Study: DC221
Worship Service: Worship Center
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Spanish Worship Service: Family Life Center
Romanian Bible Study & Worship: Modular 4
Worship Service: Worship Center
Bible and Life Groups: Various Rooms on Campus
Romanian Worship Service: Modular 4
Haitian Worship Service: Modular 2
Tuesday, May 12
9:00 a.m. EnricHer Women’s Bible Study: Various Rooms on Campus
Wednesday, May 13
4:45 p.m.
6:20 p.m.
6:25 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Family Meal: Fellowship Recreation-Gym
AWANA for Kids: Education Building
Band of Brothers Men’s Bible Study: Chapel
EnricHer Women’s Bible Study: Various Rooms on Campus
High School Ministry: Student Center
Middle School Ministry: Family Life Center
Worship Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room
Other events this week include: Happy Mother’s Day, Celebrate Recovery, Prayer
Shawl Ministry, FBA High School Graduation
Transfer of Letter
Betty Berthusen
Norman Berthusen
Statement of Faith
Diane Ebert
John Ebert
Ginny Jinks
Jim Jinks
Edward Lucas
Susan Perez
Carol Post
Cornelius Post
Iliana Prado
Jesus Prado
Ways to Connect Online with FBCN
You can be part of FBCN’s worship services no matter where
you are. Simply go to fbcn.org every Saturday at 6:00pm or
Sunday at 9:30am for our live streaming.
Follow us on Instagram:
Visit our website:
Like us on Facebook:
Follow us on Twitter:
Contact Us
First Baptist Church Naples
3000 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, FL 34109
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Church Receptionist...................................................................597-6057
Enter ext. # for direct connection�����������������������������������������������596-8600
Lighthouse Bookstore.................................................................449-4488
First Baptist Academy Naples���������������������������������������������������597-2233
24-Hour Prayer Line......................................................597-PRAY (7729)
Church Email...................................................................fbcn@fbcn.org