Bridge Builder FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH STAFF V O L U M E 4 0 , I S S U E 1 5 A P R I L 7 , 2 0 1 5 334 • 567 • 5191 PASTOR James Troglen ASSOCIATE PASTOR, FAMILIES AND EDUCATION Bart Teel PRESCHOOL MINISTER Cathy Sanford WORSHIP LEADER INTERIM Gigi Hankins georgette.hankins@ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30 am Contemporary Worship 9:45 am Small Groups 11:00 am Traditional Worship ------------------View us on Bright House Cable Cannel 97 Make plans to join us this Sunday at 5:00 pm, in the iMPACt as we continue to focus on Legacy Building with James Dobson’s The Strong-Willed Child. Please contact the church office if you have any questions. Family Ministries Dear Church Family, I wanted to take a few lines to say Thank You so much for your continued support of me and my family as your Ministry Assistant these past four years. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you, chat with you over the phone and serve alongside of you. You have cared for me in ways that I never could have imagined. You have prayed for me and our family, you have ministered to us and you have loved us. This Friday will be my last day to sit at the front desk of the church office. I have been given the opportunity to serve in a different capacity– as an early childhood educator for a preschool in Montgomery. With this comes excitement, but also a few nerves as this will mean transition for not only me, but for James, Evan and Emie as well. I ask that you pray for our family as we transition to this new role. We look forward to the ways that God is going to continue to use us in service through membership here at First Baptist Wetumpka. “May the Lord reward you for your kindness.” Ruth 1:8 Sincerely, Heather Talley The Ministry Assistant position is now available. If you are interested, please contact the church office for an application and to submit your resume. This is a full time, 40 hour per week position. Dr. Troglen’s Wednesday Night Bible Study Verse by Verse Through Romans This Week: Romans 10 We will resume with our Legacy Building this week as we study The Strong Willed Child. This Sunday evening, we’ll continue our Building a Family Legacy Video Series at the iMPACt at 5:00 PM. I hope you’ll make plans to be a part! Our children in grades K-6 will enjoy Kids’ LIVE! at 5:00 PM upstairs on our Children’s Ministry Wing, and our teens will have Student Arts rehearsals from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at the iMPACt. As always, there’s a spot for everyone on Sunday evenings at FBCW! If you are interested in being a part of our Mission Montana and you have not yet had an opportunity to get an overview of our plans, join us Sunday night at 6:30 PM in the iMPACt lobby for our last info meeting. Our team will be finalizing plans and preparing our hearts for the task before us in these last weeks of spring, and we’ll be partnering with the Baker family in Whitefish May 23-30. Don’t forget to stop by the Mission Montana bulletin board in the main hall for a prayer card and a chance to partner with our team! We are looking forward to our students leading our church family in worship on Sunday evening, April 26, 5:00 PM at the iMPACt. Make plans to bring the whole family for a fun-filled evening of celebration and worship! Our plans for a fantastic VBS are in full swing! Please stop by the VBS bulletin board to enlist as a volunteer, and let’s all commit to pray for a great work of God in the hearts of children and their families. Our “Journey Off the Map” VBS will be June 8 – 12, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM daily. Music Notes Hallelujah! Jesus is ALIVE! What an exciting worship service we experienced on Easter as we celebrated our risen King! As I reflect on the various worship elements over these past several weeks I must give a huge thank you to our choir, praise team, and musicians. These dedicated people give of their time and share their talents with our church every week in an effort to help you experience God through the worship music. It takes many hours of preparation and practice behind the scenes to make the music "happen" each Sunday. I just want to say thank you to these very special people for being willing to accept that task, for blessing our church with their gifts, and for serving as an inspiration for me! Have you thanked anyone lately for helping you experience worship? Preschool Ministry Child Development Center P2/K2 Field Trip to Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Friday, April 10 @ 8:00 am K3/K4 Field Trips to Family Guidance Music— Wednesday, April 15 @ 8 Lanark— Tuesday, April 21 @ 8:00 am Calendar of Events April 8– Good News Club, 3:00 pm Big Buddies, 4:00 pm Fellowship Meal, 5:00 pm AWANA, 6:00 pm FBX, 6:00 pm Adult Bible Study, 6:15 pm Praise Team Rehearsal, 7:15 pm April 9– Prayer Breakfast, 6:40 am April 12– Directory Pictures By Appointment, 1:00 pm-6:00 pm Deacon’s Meeting, 3:30 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal, 4:00 pm Building A Legacy, 5:00 pm LIVE! For Kids, 5:00 pm Business Meeting, 5:50 pm Student Worship, 6:00 pm April 13– Directory Pictures By Appointment, 1:00 pm-8:00 pm April 15– Good News Club, 3:00 pm Big Buddies, 4:00 pm Fellowship Meal, 5:00 pm AWANA, 6:00 pm FBX, 6:00 pm Adult Bible Study, 6:15 pm Praise Team Rehearsal, 7:15 pm Ushers for the Month of April Mike Harper, Tim Elliott, John Lawrence, Mickey Hodge, Robert Gray Mission Montana Update Thank you to all who have participated in helping raise funds for Mission Montana. To date, we have collected a total of $1,154.00 from those who have selected an envelope from the bulletin board behind the sanctuary. It’s not too late! There are still plenty of envelopes to choose from! Select the amount that you would like to contribute, remove the envelope from the board and place your donation inside. You may then place the envelope in the offering plate or leave it in the church office. If you would like to be an usher during either of our two morning worship services, please contact Sam Turner at 567-7354. We would love to have more people involved in this important welcoming ministry. Nursery and Preschool Volunteers 8:30 am: Birth – Age 2 : Carter Taunton, Emily Wells, Kay Gubin, Celeste Tilley Children’s Church - Ages 3 - 5 : Mary Nelson 11:00 am: Birth - Age 2 : Jean Slaughter Thank you for your continued support! Extended Session: Rm 7 (Ages 3-5): Michael and Veronica Kelley Library Media Center Ministry Opportunities The response to our new pictorial directory has been very good and all appointment times have been filled. The photo company said they would give us another set of appointment times if we had 20-25 people who wanted a sitting. As of today, we have 29 families who have indicated a desire to have an appointment that did not get one of the original ones. That is great that there are enough of you to qualify us for another set of appointment times. As we have said all along, we want all members and regular attendees to be in the new directory. The company has been contacted and the new appointment times will go up on the website towards the end of the week. Please check the website Thursday to see if the appointment times are up; and if they are, go ahead and make your appointment right away. As stated in the first round of appointments, you can call the church office, call Peggy Teel, Faye Jacobs, Angie Carter, or Amy Windham and we will make your appointment for you if you do not have computer access. You can stop by the church library for help, also. Don't procrastinate! Make your appointment ASAP. The link to make your appointment will be on our church website. Tithes and Offerings Offering Month to Date Year to Date Monthly Budget Needs Challenge To Build Challenge To Build To Date $29,555.33 $29,555.33 $269,173.26 $82,354.61 $4,455.00 $385,075.92 This month’s items for drop off are: Toy Jewelry and Watches Thank you for your continued support! The Benevolence Committee is asking for your assistance in collecting items for the Elmore County Food Pantry. This month’s item to collect is: Cereal From the Women’s Ministry Team Bottles and booties and bibs and more, let's shower the Elmore County Pregnancy Center with gifts galore! Please bring baby shower gifts to church April 19-26. Gifts will be collected in cribs located throughout the church. Gifts can be gently worn or gently used baby items or a new purchase. You will also have the opportunity to make a monetary donation on April 19 and 26 during the worship services. Sunday School/Bridge Group Numbers Nursing Home/Assisted Living TOTAL Ministry Team Announcements FOREVER YOUNG Thursday, April 23, 2015 Games: 9:30 am in iMPACt Lunch: 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal : 5:00-6:00 pm : Adults: $5 · Children: $3 · Family: $15 Please call the office 567-5191 by noon on Monday for reservation or cancelation. April 15, 2015 Adult Menu: Grilled Pork Chop, Cole Slaw, Corn on the Cob, Baked Beans, Roll and Dessert Children’s Menu: Grilled Pork Chop, Baked Beans, Roll and Dessert THE BRIDGE BUILDER (USPS 934-020) published weekly by First Baptist Church of Wetumpka. POSTMASTER, send address changes to: THE BRIDGE BUILDER, 205 W Bridge Street, Wetumpka, AL 36092. Periodical Postage paid at Wetumpka, AL 36092 10 474
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