Pick your design events & celebrations digitally printed invitations, memorial leaflets & announcement cards Outline PRINT SERVICE LIMITED comprehensive print & design why not celebrate in style . . . styles This style booklet shows a comprehensive range of background designs. Images, fonts and colours can be swapped and changed from any of the designs shown in this booklet to suit your special occasion. So, for example, design 56 is currently shown as a leaving party invitation but, you can use the same design for a children’s birthday using the fonts from design 7! If a design is chosen which includes a personal photograph, please ensure that this is provided electronically wherever possible. invitations for all occasions new baby birthday anniversary order of service housewarming wedding engagement save the date retirement business christening/baptism/naming ceremony leaving formats invitations & announcement cards can be any of the following sizes, portrait or landscape: A6 (148 x 105mm) one side only 1/3 A4 (210 x 99mm) one side only A5 (210 x 148mm) one side only A5 creased to A6 A4 creased to A5 They are digitally printed in full colour on 250gsm silk artboard and are available with or without white envelopes. place cards can be supplied plain, or printed on 250g silk artboard to match your chosen invitation. printed with the chosen design only and are not personalised. 75mm x 86mm creased to 75mm x 43mm 1/3 A4 Wedding Invitation Catherine & James request the pleasure of the company of to celebrate their marriage at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May 2012 at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Wedding A6 or A5 Wedding Invitation Invitation Catherine & James Catherine & James request the pleasure of the company of at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May 2012 at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook R.S.V.P. to celebrate their marriage Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 request the pleasure of the company of to celebrate their marriage at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May 2012 at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook Congratulations Write name of guest here R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. images shown Telephone. 01282 867526 are not to scale place card A4 creased to A5 Wedding Catherine & James request the pleasure of the company of to celebrate their marriage at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Invitation Wedding Buffet Menu Salmon and Tuna Poached Salmon Roasted Crab Claws Sliced Char-Grilled Chicken Potato Salad Mixed Leaf Salad Baked Potatoes Rice Salad Honey Roast Ham Cheese and Spinach Quiche Prawns Assorted Mayonnaise Crudities Chicken and Herb Terrine Vegetable Cous Cous Chicken Liver Parfait Green Bean and Nut Salad Lemon Cheese Cake Chocolate and Banana Crème Brulee Cheese and Biscuits Catherine & James A new beginning christening, baptism & birth announcement Congratulations! chr ist eni ng inv ita tio n 1 pleas e join images shown are not to scale Jo s h at St 2 us fo r ua M a the C tthew hriste ning of Ligg ins Barth olome w's C on Su hurch nday , Coln 8th A fterw e pril, a ards t 11.30 at Th e Ma am yflow er Ho tel, T R.S.V rawde .P. Kim n or Rob ert on : 0128 2 8675 26 and a 3 Christening Invitation Christening Invitation James and Sarah Lord would like to invite James and Sarah Lord would like to invite to the Christening of their daughter Mary Jane Lord at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Colne on Sunday 12th January at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden r.s.v.p. telephone 01282 867526 to the Christening of their daughter Mary Jane Lord at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Colne on Sunday 12th January at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden r.s.v.p. telephone 01282 867526 You are invited to join us for the Baptism of 4 Matthew James Kay at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Colne on Sunday 12th January at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden Baptism Invitation R.S.V.P. Kim or Robert on: 01282 867526 Best wishes your picture here 6 images shown are not to scale 5 Jack and Emma are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Gemma Anne Holden She was born on Sunday 28th September, at 1.30pm Weighing 8lb 2oz A beautiful little sister for Kyle Christening Invitation your picture here 7 am & Advite Katoeuld like to in w ating r lebr e in ce ught ir da hem t e h in t of g to jo in en hrist the c ley Burn rch, st Chu u s ' g r u e hA t Pet y 12t at S unda m on S at 11a t rds a , rwa harf afte and the W n o I nn y e h le T Burn son obin R e a Ella M wn. ill To ad, H d Ro 26 .P. Re 8675 2 8 012 R.S.V 8 Ethan Jude Wade Paul & Debbie would like to invite you to join them in celebrating the christening of their son Ethan Jude Wade at St Bartholomew's Church, Colne on Sunday 8th April at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden R.S.V.P. 01282 867526 Christening Invitation 9 James and Sarah Lord would like to invite Christening Invitation to the Christening of their son James Robert Lord 10 at St. Bartholomew’s Church, Colne on Sunday 12th January at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden r.s.v.p. telephone 01282 867526 ou r n Tanya & Blake Sean ival! Jake Leon Wad e Bethany Mae Lewis 11 & Hele are p n roud to an the s noun afe arriv ce of t h al eir so n would like to invite you to join them in celebrating the christening of their daughter at St Bartholomew's Church, Colne on Sunday 8th April, at 11.30am and afterwards at The Sun Inn, Trawden ew ar r born at T he Please your pictu r e he come Roya l Bla ckb on S aturd urn Hosp ital ay 18 th M arch at 11.3 Weig 0 a m hing 7lb 3 oz and v isit u ss oon x re R.S.V.P. 01282 867526 New arrival images shown are not to scale Paul & Debbie are proud to announce the safe arrival of their son Jack Leon Westwood your picture here born at The Royal Blackburn Hospital on Saturday 18th March at 11.30am Weighing 7lb 3oz Please come and visit us soon x Jack Leon Westwood 12 The perfect couple save the date, engagement, wedding invitation & anniversary Save the date! 13 Tracey & Richard are excited to announce their Wedding Date Save the date! S ave the date We are excited to announce our Wedding Date Saturday 22nd May, at 1.00pm at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 14 Amanda & Nicholas are to be married at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May, at 1.00pm Save edate your picture here th R.S.V.P. Red Road Hill Town. 01282 867526 15 Save the date! images shown are not to scale We are excited to announce our Wedding Date 16 Jayne & Martin are to be married at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May, at 1.00pm R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Let’s get engaged! enga g emen t part y 17 Rich images shown are not to scale a rd & lp ce would li Linds e k lebra te the e to invite y ir Eng you a g e ment at Bi g Bash H to he otel, R.S.V .P Red . Road , Hill Town . Te lepho ne. 0 1282 86 7526 engagement party on Fri ee R day 7th M oad, ay Ra from veville 7 . 30 p m Jubil 18 20 Chrissy & John would like to invite you to help celebrate their Engagement on Saturday 14th October from 7.30pm. at Big Bash Hotel, Jubilee Road, Raveville R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 engagement party Susie & Anthony would like to invite you to help celebrate their Engagement engagement party 19 Catherine & James would like to invite you to help celebrate their engagement at Big Bash Hotel, Jubilee Road, Raveville on Saturday 14th October from 7.30pm. on Friday 24th November at Big Bash Hotel Jubilee Road, Raveville from 7.30pm R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 Let’s get married! Wedding Invitation Amanda and Nicholas request the pleasure of the company of 21 22 to celebrate their Marriage at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 22nd May, at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook EVENING INVITATION R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town Tel 01282 867526 Alice & Matthew would like to invite you to help celebrate their marriage at The Alma Inn, Laneshaw Bridge from 7.30pm on Saturday 23rd June 23 Rosie would l &J ames ike to invite celebr Even ing R R.S.V.P. 123 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Red Road , Hil y ate the ou to help ir Ma rriage at eceptio an n on Sa turday 26th at Jubil Big Bash July ee R o Hote l ad, R ave from 7 ville .30pm l Tow n. Tel ephon R.S.V .P. e. 012 82 86 7526 Wedding Invitation images shown are not to scale Catherine & James would like to invite you to help celebrate their marriage on Saturday 12th August at Big Bash Hotel Jubilee Road, Raveville from 7.30pm R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 24 Let’s get married! 26 images shown are not to scale tie the knot Catherine & James the ave ...h Wedding 25 Invitation pleasure in invitin gy to help celebr a te ou the Amanda and Nicholas request the pleasure of the company of ir m arr iag e on Saturday 27th July Big Bash Hotel, Jubilee Road, Raveville from 7.30pm to celebrate their Marriage at St. Mary’s Church, Barrowford on Saturday 4th August at 1.00pm followed by a Reception at The Old Stone Trough, Kelbrook R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 g 28 27 Invi tati on Cath erine & Ja reques t th mes to cele e pleasure brate their m of your com pany arriag e at St . Mary ’s Ch urch, B Wedding Wed din Invite R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town Tel 01282 867526 Catherine & James would like to invite you to help celebrate their marriage on Saturday 8th June at Big Bash Hotel Jubilee Road, Raveville. from 7.30pm. arrow ford rday 22nd on follow May The O e a ld Sto d by a Re t 1.00pm ce ne Tro ugh, ption at Kelb rook Satu R R Telep ed Road .S.V.P. , hone . 012 Hill Town. 82 86 7526 R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Congratulations! We d d Ann ing i versa ry 30 request images shown are not to scale 29 R.S Richard & Ann .V.P. Joan na the ple and S tuar asure o f the co t mpany of Golde to celebrate th nW eir at. Th edding An n e Old Stone iversary Trou Kelb gh, rook on Satur day 22 nd at 7.30 May, pm Red R oad, H ill Tow n Te l 0128 2 8675 26 would like to invite you to their party 31 Rosie & James 25th would like to invite you to help celebrate their Wedding Anniversary Golden Wedding Anniversary on Saturday 21st July at Big Bash Hotel Jubilee Road, Raveville from 7.30pm on 18th August at Big Bash Hotel Jubilee Road, Raveville. from 7.30pm. R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 10 th Wedding Anniversary 32 Sonya & Peter your picture here your picture here on Saturday 6th June at The Richmond, Jubilee Road, Bolton from 7.30pm R.S.V.P. Red Road, Hill Town. Telephone. 01282 867526 Go wild! 1st, 18th, 21st, 60th birthday ... any age! Happy Birthday to you... You are invited to... 33 you h to h ave bee elp c n elebr invited ate Mary Bright’s... 60 th Birthday Kels ey 18th ’s when Saturday 10th December, from 8pm where Dunkenhalgh Hotel, Accrington Birt hd Part ay y 34 at Th o e Ric hmon n Saturd a d, Ju bilee y 18th Ju ne Road , Bol ton from 7.30 pm Buffe t&D isco R.S.V 146 E .P. very Stree Telep Red Roa t, d hone . 012 , Hill Tow 82 8 n 6752 6 You have been invited to Nicola's 30th Birthday images shown are not to scale on Saturday 3rd November at The Oaks Hotel, Burnley from 8pm onwards 35 RSVP. 8 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 You are invited to celebrate Carly's birthday at a 70's Night at rooder, Rendezvous Hotel, Skipton on Saturday 24th March from 8pm onwards your picture here RSVP. Red Road, Hill Town Tel. 01282 867526 36 Best wishes 38 you have been invited to help celebrate Louise’s 21st Birthday Party images shown are not to scale 37 vited are in You to ey’s Linhddsay Party Birt at Church Cricket Club, off Blackburn Road, West End, Oswaldtwistle on Saturday 14th October from 7.30pm. e , gton WheeldrCricket CChluubrch, Accrin Enfi ll Lane, a Dill H Buffet & Disco mb Whrdeany 20th Sespte er ward Satu m on 7.30p isco t&D Buffe R.S.V.P. 146 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 P eet, RSV Str n very l Tow 18 E oad, Hil 6 2 R Red 282 8675 1 Tel 0 39 Birt hda y Pa rty 40 You have been invited to Laura's 18th Birthday on June Saturday 26th at Club Nelson Cricket m 0p 7.3 m fro Congratulations! You h ave b e to ce en invite lebra d te Caroline ’s 4 0 t Bi h rth d ay 42 images shown are not to scale on Sa at the turday 27 th De Conse cem rva from tive Club, ber 8.00p Colne m 41 You have been invited to Dave’s 50th R.S.V.P . 34 E very Stre Tel. 0 et, Red R 1282 o 8675 ad, Hill To 26 wn 43 on Saturday 17th February from 8pm onwards at Nelson Cricket Club Look who’s 18!!! Alice Graham your picture here where Accrington Cricket Club Thorneyholme Road, Accrington when Saturday 24th February from 8.00pm ‘til late look who's George Smith 50 Saturday 5th May from 8pm at the Conservative Club, Colne your picture here R.S.V.P. Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 44 With sympathy celebrate a life & order of service we understand that this is a difficult time for all concerned and would therefore like to avoid any further stress. to make it as easy as possible for you, it would help if you could have a clear indication of what you require, including dates, times and places, any poems, hymns, readings, photographs etc at the time of order. thank you 45 Hymn Poem Morning has broken like the first morning; Blackbird has spoken like the first bird. Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning! Praise for them springing fresh from the Word! Farewell My Friends Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven, Like the first dewfall on the first grass. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, Sprung in completeness where His feet pass. Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning, Born of the one light Eden saw play! Praise with elation; praise ev'ry morning, God's recreation of the new day! The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. Farewell my friends It was beautiful as long as it lasted The journey of my life. I have no regrets whatsoever Save the pain I'll leave behind. Those dear hearts who love and care And the strings pulling at the heart and soul The strong arms that held me up When my own strength let me down. At every turning of my life I came across good friends Friends who stood by me Even when the time raced me by. Farewell, farewell my friends I smile and bid you goodbye. No, shed no tears for I need them not All I need is your smile. If you feel sad, do think of me For that is what I'll like When you live in the hearts of those you love Remember then You never die. by Rabindranath Tagore images shown are not to scale 46 Hymn Tribute to George The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me down to lie In pastures green; He leadeth me The quiet waters by. by Bernard Payne My soul He doth restore again; And me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, Even for His own Name’s sake. Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale, Celeb will I fear no ill; ratinYet For g Thou art with me; and Thy rod And staff my comfort still. the L ife of My table Thou hast furnishèd Geor ge In presence of my foes; Hold My head Thou dost with oil anoint, eAndn my cup overflows. Goodness and mercy all my life Shall surely follow me; And in God’s house forevermore My dwelling place shall be. Janu ary Septe 18th, 193 6 - Reading mbe r 19th , 2 00 8 by Margaret Campbell The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. 47 Short Reading Poem Reading by Rev. John Manfield Do not stand by my grave and weep I am not dead, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am a diamond glint in the snow. I am the sunset on the ripened grain, I am the gentle Autumn rain. When you wake in the autumn hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starshine at night. Do not stand by my grave and cry I am not there, I did not die. Hymn Morning has broken like the first morning; Blackbird has spoken like the first bird. Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning! Praise for them springing fresh from the Word! Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven, Like the first dewfall on the first grass. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, Sprung in completeness where His feet pass. Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning, Born of the one light Eden saw play! Praise with elation; praise ev'ry morning, God's recreation of the new day! The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. Tribute to Richard Read by Pauline Howarth images shown are not to scale 48 Hymn Short Reading Morning has broken like the first morning; Blackbird has spoken like the first bird. Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning! Praise for them springing fresh from the Word! Reading by Rev. John Manfield The Lord’s Prayer Sweet the rain's new fall sunlit from heaven, Like the first dewfall on the first grass. Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden, Sprung in completeness where His feet pass. Mine is the sunlight! Mine is the morning, Born of the one light Eden saw play! Praise with elation; praise ev'ry morning, God's recreation of the new day! Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, rah and the glory G are yours am C larke now and for ever. M Amen.ay 8th, 1 In M Tribute to Graham Read by Pauline Howarth emory 930 ber 1 3th, 2 008 Octo Of Hym n Morn ing h as bro Black ken l bird ike th has s Prais e firs poke e for t mo r n like t h ning; e sin Prais the fi ging! e for rst bi Prais them rd. e sprin for th g e i n g fre morn Swee sh fro i t the m the ng! rain's Like Word n the fi ! rst de ew fall su Prais nlit fro wfall e for on m he the s Spru aven weetn the first g ng in , ra e ss of ss. comp the w leten et ga ess w Mine rd here is the His fe en, sunli et pa Born ght! ss. of the Mine one l Prais is the ight E e wit morn h ela den s ing, God's tion; aw p recre prais l a y ! ation e ev'r y mo of the rning new , day! In Loving Memory of Richard Bailey May 8th, 1930 October 13th, 2006 49 The Lord ’s Date & Hour of Service Wednesday October 25th, 2008, 11.00am Service From Holy Saviours Church Final Resting Place Walton Lane Cemetery Pray Our F er ather in he hallo aven wed , be yo your u r kingd name om c , your ome, will b e do on ea ne, rth as in h e Give aven us to . day o Forg ur da ive u ily br s our as w ead. sins e forg ive th again os e w st us ho si . Lead n us no t into But d temp elive tation r us f For t rom he ki evil. n g dom and th , the e glo powe ry are no w r, and fo yours r eve Ame r. n. images shown are not to scale 50 In L ov Mem ing ory of Poem All is C Well Do not stand by my grave and weep I am not dead, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am a diamond glint in the snow. I am the sunset on the ripened grain, I am the gentle Autumn rain. When you wake in the autumn hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight. I am the soft starshine at night. Do not stand by my grave and cry I am not there, I did not die. Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. I am I, and you are you. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, Speak to me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference in your tone, Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was, Let it be spoken without effect, Without the trace of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; There is unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, Somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well. The Lord’s Prayer Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours now and for ever. Amen. harle s by Henry Scott-Holland May 8t Octo h, 1930 ber 13th , 20 10 Light fo ot A mixed bunch retirement, fancy dress, opening, moving home, business invitation etc. 52 51 fanc y dr For Joan n e Dav You a re inv i ess ted to a ies Enfiel d Cric Whe ket C lub, D re il Churc l Hall Lan e, h, Acrc ingto n Saturd Whe ya 20 n th S 7.30p eptembe r m on ward Bu s ff e t& D 18 Eve ry Str eet, R ed Ro 53 sed to e plea r We ar you to ou invite iness e-bus k f a s t b re a i n a r sem isco RS ad, H VP ill Tow n b, AT Football Clu ers urn v b o k R c , Bla burn Black ood Park Ew ON October 1th day 1 Thurs .45am TIME kfast at 7 rea b d n na tratio Regis ou. y with ation invit ll there. is h t a ring see you se b to Plea Hope Barbara is retiring! You are invited to help her celebrate on Saturday 25th August at The Fence Gate Inn from 8.00pm RSVP 45 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 54 Scissors Professional Photography Hair & Beauty Salon 25th anniversary invitation you have been invited to celebrate Scissors serving the community for 25 years on 17th August at 5 elm avenue morecambe lancs come and celebrate with champagne & chocolates images shown are not to scale 55 images shown are not to scale 56 Cong ra tulat ions! The fa mily & friend s Rober t Jo of hnson in in hon vite you t o atte ou r o f from S his gradu nd a at alford at The Unive ion Black rsity Dog, Un celeb ration on Sa 45 Eve ry Stre et, Re d You are invited to Laura’s io turday n Road, O sw 22nd August aldtwistle , at 7.3 0pm Road , Leaving Party Hill To w R n Tel 01282 .S.V.P. 86752 6 57 wine bar 1st July 2 e y a d r t u g Sat invi Openin sive rand opening olifc. u pub eg exclre invited tobaettfoerendwthe open to the You a Wine Bar Mojo entry Free 11pm before ntry - £3 e 11pm after for £3 opops 2 Alc ktail, 1 ne coc Buy o econd for £ s get a 11pm il 't s esday Wedn r food ent ba Excell every day pm g until 6 playin , rs 3 ba of music s nt era ate differe Separ re r hi oom fo ion R Funct Where Enfield Cricket Club, Dill Hall Lane, Church, Accrington When Saturday 20th September 7.30pm onwards Buffet & Disco RSVP 18 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town 58 Janet & Dave are Moving Home Please come to our housewarming on 22nd September 2007 from 3pm 'til late Their new address is 12 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town Telephone. 01282 867526 Get the party started! bslue e h t intanocial Solution 60 Fin 59 You are invited to a Cheese & Wine Party where Dunkenhalgh Hotel Clayton-le-Moors Accrington when Thursday 9th December, 7.00pm ing! locat e R re We a er cemb s st D e On 1 w addres e our n : e b l wil oad e ert R ir 6 Alb Lancash e ln o C H G 3 BB8 ber num hone same: telep Our main the e will r 7526 2 86 0128 ! make a ss book P lease your addre n note i Please bring your favourite vintage to share 61 grea t valu e mu sic g Ope day ning inv ite ear piano s elect and keyb ric guita guitars, oards, rs a drum , bass gu coustic i kits, saxo clarin tars, p e bass hones, o ts, flutes, oons boes , pic , recor co d trom ers, trum los, b p plus ones, cel ets, lo lots more s, violins ! RSVP Ann Jones 3 Every Street, Red Road, Hill Town if yo u look can't fin ing fo d r, ple what yo we a u ase re m ask! 're ore t han happ y to help 10 e v telep ery stree www hone 01 t, hill tow 2 .eup n horia 82 8675 2 mus ic.co 6 m You have been invited to the opening of images shown are not to scale Garden of Eden Florists on Saturday 23rd June from 3pm onwards Receive 15% discount if you order on the day Birthdays • Weddings • Anniversaries • Funerals • Valentines 62 Make your special occasion inviting Outline PRINT SERVICE LIMITED Outline Print Service Limited Water Street Colne Lancashire BB8 9JP t 0800 3166587 f 01282 862371 e sales@outline.co.uk www.outline.co.uk http://thehub.outline.co.uk
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