Friday, April 25, 2014 Wawota News-in-a-Minute is a weekly news brief sponsored by the local Lions Club in co-operation with the Town of Wawota, R.M. of Walpole #92 & R.M. of Wawken #93. News-in-a-Minute will not go into local mail boxes but will be made available at various local businesses every Friday. There will be no charge for community upcoming events, announcements or appreciations. At present commercial advertisements and/or articles for sale will cost (per issue) 3"x4" or smaller - $2; ¼ page - $5; ½ page or whole page to be printed by you for insert - price negotiable. Advertisements can be run weekly, once a month, or desired frequency. Contacts for submitting events, articles for sale, ads, etc. will be: Garry 306-739-2437 or Shirley 306-739-2295 or can be e-mailed to Cut-off time for submissions will be Wednesday at noon. WELCOME TO ALL QUADERS TO THE LIONS’ 9TH ANNUAL DERBY Breakfast 8:00 – 11:00 a.m. (sponsored by Wawota Forum Board) Supper 4:30 – 7:00 p.m. (sponsored by Daycare Centre) GOOD-BYE & GOOD LUCK News-in-a-Minute has just learned that Samantha Millard, R.M. of Walpole Administrator, has resigned her position and will be moving to Hanley and working as Administrator for the R.M. of Rosedale. Samantha has been employed by the R.M. of Walpole for 1 year and 4 months. The move will take her closer to her family. News-in-a-Minute wishes Samantha all the best in her new position and thanks her for her contribution to our community. Farewell Sam and Charlotte – and it was our pleasure to have known you. EARTH WEEK Did you know that this past week has been designated “Earth Week”? And Tuesday, April 22nd was “Earth Day”. Also our earth – to further celebrate these events, we are sure - has the Lyrid Meteor Shower visible from April 1625 (weather permitting). Most of the Northern Hemisphere with clear skies can see the Lyrid meteor shower and the best viewing will be between midnight and dawn, local time to wherever you are. Earth Day is an annual event that showcases worldwide events held in honor of our planet and to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day was first celebrated – surprisingly – all the way back in 1970, but is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in close to 200 countries around the planet. Here are some ways we all can do our small part to support Earth Day/Week initiatives: Bike or walk and leave your car at home. Turn off the water tap when you brush your teeth (& save 5 gallons of water per person per day). Recycle cans (one can of pop saves enough energy to run your TV for 3 hours if recycled & converted.) Use a refillable water bottle (in USA 1.5 million barrels of oil are used every year to make disposable plastic bottles.) Recycle glass – don’t toss in the trashcan. (It takes over a million years to decompose glass.) Remove garbage from the ground. One doesn’t have to look very far to see litter. There is likely some on your property right now. Spend a few extra minutes doing something you perhaps would normally overlook – go out of your way and pick up some trash. Educate yourself and your children – remind them it is their planet too! Earth Day is a time to make a commitment to opening a book or a web page and learning a little about the planet we inhabit and oftentimes take for granted. And lastly remember the 3 “R”s --- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle WAWOTA MEDICAL CLINIC HOURS Fri. Apr. 25 Dr. Plewes Tues. Apr. 29 Dr. Plewes Fri. May 2 No Doctor 10:00 am - 1:00 pm 11:00 am - 5:00 pm WAWOTA SUNDAY CHURCH TIMES Free Methodist – 11:00 am Worship Service Catholic Church – 5:00 p.m. Sat. WorshipService Messages are checked daily. If you need an appointment, please leave a message at 306-739-2200. Are you troubled by someone's drinking? Al-Anon Family Groups can help. Meetings are every Wednesday night 8:30 p.m. Wawota United Church Office (between church & church hall) 4TH WALK FOR A CURE FOR HD. Marjorie's Daughters and Friends invite anyone to come for a Walk on Friday, April 25th at 4:00 p.m. You may meet us at Joanne's ( 111 Thatcher Ave.) at 4:00 p.m. Bring your donation or if you are unable to walk and wish to pledge a donation, please call Joanne or Barbara. We can direct you to donate on line if that works for you as well, or better. United Church – 11 a.m. Joint Worship Service with Maryfield in Wawota “Messy Church” (see information below) YOU ARE INVITED to an interactive worship experience of ‘MESSY CHURCH’ on Sunday, April 27th – 11 a.m. at the Wawota United Church with Ryan Monkman (Children & Youth Coordinator) Creative expression is a way God’s people can visualize their walk of faith. Come for a time of sharing and fellowship. Wawota & Maryfield will worship together. Pot Luck Lunch to follow at 12:00 noon (Wawota responsible for main lunch Maryfield for salads & desserts) 1:00 pm Congregational Meeting to discuss Church Hall 1:30 pm Separate Wawota & Maryfield Local Board meetings. 2:30 pm Crossroads Board meeting. Please call 306 739 2237 of 306 739 2896. Thank you. MOVIE NIGHTS @ Wawota United Church Friday, April 25th – 7:00 pm Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 Admission: $2.00 (includes water & chips) (please do not bring your own snacks) All Children must have an adult chaperone. Flint learns that his invention survived and is now creating foodanimals - "foodimals!" … MOUNTNEY’S ANNUAL COLD PLATE LUNCHEON in Wawota Town Hall Wednesday, May 28th 11 am until 1:30 pm Adults - $10 12 & Under - $5 -- Everyone Welcome -- Did You Know … No one knows who invented the skateboard. But skateboarding first became popular in California in the late 1940s. Surfers wanted something to do when there weren’t any waves to ride so they started “sidewalk surfing” on pieces of wood with roller blade wheels attached. WHAT'S HAPPENING Where & When? Fri. Apr. 25 – 4th Walk for a Cure for H.D. 4 p.m. – meet at 111 Thatcher Ave. Sat. Apr. 26 – Lions’ 9th Annual Quad Derby Sun. Apr. 27 – “Messy Church” at Wawota United Church – 11 a.m. Sun. Apr. 27 - Wawota Acting Company’s 8th annual production – Town Hall - 7 pm Fri. May 23 – Wawota Museum Annual Spring Tea and Bake Sale 1:30 – 4 p.m. Sun. May 25 – 18th Annual MS Walk Wed. May 28 – Mountney’s Annual Cold Plate Luncheon – 11 – 1:30 – Town Hall Fri. June 13 – Fairmede Fair Sat. June 14 – Town-Wide Garage Sale Sun. June 15 – Fairmede Church Service & Family Day Fri. June 20 – Hints of Harmony – 31st Annual Concert July 25 – 27 Lions’ Provincial Midget Baseball Playoffs Aug. 1, 2, 3 – Wawota Heritage Days VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Our Community is in desperate need for volunteers to drive the HandiVan. Please consider putting your name on the volunteer list to help fellow community members who are in need of the HandiVan’s service. Volunteers can provide their service on a regular schedule or by an on call basis. A Criminal Record Check and a Driver’s License Abstract are required from all volunteers. For more information please call: - Holly Hodgson, Deer View Lodge Facility Manager Ph. (306) 739-2400 or - Dana Fowler, Volunteer Coordinator Ph. (306) 739-2400 or - Cheryl DeRoo, Town of Wawota Administrator Ph. (306) 739-2216 Mark It On Your Calendar MS WALK Saturday, May 25th Take part in something that will make a difference, get involved. BIRTHDAY CALENDARS The Wawota Business Enhancement Group will be doing their annual birthday calendar project again this year. Someone will be contacting you soon re birthday dates, advertising space, meeting dates regarding any changes from last year. If you are inadvertently missed – or are new to our area, contact any member and we will make sure you are included. BAG SALE This n’ That Treasures Hwy 48 at Wawota th Tuesday April 29 2 – 5 pm Thursday May 1st 2 - 6 pm Tuesday and Thursday May 6th and 8th 2 - 5pm Sale on clothing only Other items at regular prices Come and have a look!!!! $5.00 a bag on all clothing 14th ANNUAL TOWN-WIDE GARAGE SALE Saturday, June 14th 9 am - ……. Registration fee - $5 To register, call Garry at 306-739-2437 (leave a message) V & S MARKET 212 West Railway Avenue 306-739-2825 Open Fridays – 10 am – 5 pm Call at the house CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE WAWOTA HISTORY BOOK – A Flight Through Time – 2 volume set, published in 1995 - $40.00 (extra $ for postage if mailed). Available at Town Office, Wawota Museum and Wawota Library or phone 306-739-2544, 306-739-2464 or 306-739-2295. 3 ADULT SWEATER KITS (from Mary Maxim – can provide patterns) - $40 each; VARIOUS BALLS OF YARN - $1 each; 5 LIGHT TASK BAR LIGHT FIXTURE - $5. Call Pat Clements @ 306-739-2852. STRETCH MODEL SAFETY BATH – like new condition. For more information, call Larry Greenbank @ 306-739-2689. HAY FOR SALE – Phone Mike West @ 306-538-4412. SIESTA BARBECUE - used very little. $75 cash. Phone Gertie Condie @ 306-739-2961. SPRING – OR NOT WE CAN’T WAIT ! Mrs. P’s Ice Cream Parlor on Railway West, Wawota will be opening May 1st for another “yummy “ season! THANK YOU T-Bar-K Ranch would like to send a big thank you to all the people who attended our annual Bull Sale on the farm April 10th. A special thank you to all the buyers from the three prairie provinces, Montana and Mexico. We were pleased to have so many people here to help celebrate 125 years the farm has been farmed by the Dorrance Family. - Kevin & Kim Dorrance & family - Tom & Irene Dorrance & family Marlee Swallow- Massage Therapy Located At: W.W. Fitness- Redvers, SK Monday and Tuesday & Middle of No Where Day Spa- Maryfield, SK Thursday and Friday TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT CALL Marlee Swallow @ 1-306-646-7726 -- Gift Certificates Available -- WAWOTA SOCIAL CLUB We will be having the Social Club for the month of April – every Wednesday @ 7:00 p.m. at the Drop In. Come out for an evening of fun & fellowship. After April, we will be closing down for the summer. FAIRWAY SALES Appliances Serta Mattresses Open: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm Saturday 8:30 am - 12:00 noon Fairlight, Sask. (306) 646-2272 ANNOUNCEMENT We the newly married Brent and Connie Pryce tied the knot in Cuba on March 28th. We will be hosting a wedding dance on May 3rd at the town hall for all our family and friends. The event will begin at 8:00, provide entertainment, a late lunch, as well as the class of 2015 will be providing designated drivers as a fundraiser for their grad. No gifts please as all we request is your attendance in celebrating the joining of our families and happiness. KEY “M” AUCTION SERVICES A.L. #304543 Box 10 Wauchope, SK S0C 2P0 Auctioneer – Dellan Mohrbutter Ph. 306-452-3815 Fax 306-452-3733 email – Website – Sun. Apr. 27 – 10 am – 15th Annual Spring Consignment Sale, Redvers Rec. Centre, Redvers, SK Sat. May 3 – 10 am – Antique/Household/ Tool Auction, Prairie Place Centre, Arcola, SK Sat. May 24 – 10 am – Fred & Marion Laval & guests, Antique & vintage tractors & vehicles, Wauchope, SK Sat. May 31 – 10 am – Glen & Jocellyn Hainsworth Farm Auction, Redvers, SK "On March 30 , the Wawota 4-H Beef Club presented 200 steak knives to the community of Wawota to be used at the Town Hall . The storage case was made by Mike Greenbank. Dylan Lamontagne presented the knives to town alderman Dan Nicurity. I set out last week with a goal to lose 10 lbs … as of today, I only have 13 lbs to go!! photo - courtesy of J. Lamontagne . THANK YOU TRACING YOUR FAMILY TREE OPEN HOUSE Let Us Help You Find Your Family Wednesday, May 7, 2014 2:30 to 6:00 pm Maryfield Library Come join us and see how we can help you! Hosted by Sask. Genealogical Society, Pipestone Branch, Moosomin, Sask A HUGE thank you goes out to the staff, students and parents, and community members that supported our Book Fair. We were able to purchase over $750.00 of new materials with our Scholastic commission and still have more commission available to use at a later date with Scholastic!! Without these book fairs the library would not be able to purchase these valuable resources. We appreciate the support tremendously. To the person who dropped off a bag of books at the school as a donation to the library - thank you so much!! THANKS to all! Darci Mills, Educational Associate/Library Tech Wawota Parkland School To Tyrel Lamontagne & Jennifer Greenbank on the birth of their daughter, HEIDI GREY LAMONTAGNE on April 19th, 7 lbs 6 oz, 21” long. Proud grandparents are Kelly & Wendy Greenbank; Darrel & Shirley Lamontagne. Great Grandmas are Ruth Holmstrom & Eunice Rogers. To Evan & Natalie Bloomfield (Carlyle) on the birth of their son, NOAH EMERSON GREG on April 11th, weighing 10 lbs 15.8 oz (almost 11). Proud grandparents are Lois Greenbank, Peter & Karen Bloomfield (Saskatoon). Great Grandma is Clara Wilson. FROM TOWN COUNCIL … That the Town purchase a Pulse Jet De-Icer Line Thawer Unit with standard 100’ reel and extra 200’ reel. That a 7’x10’ overhead door be ordered for the old water treatment plant for renovations to house the new generator. That Whitewood’s Valve Exerciser be rented at a cost of $500/week. That Resolution 138-13 be amended re Highway 48 sign corridor location and that the new Sask. Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure Roadside Management Manual be accepted and signed. That Easter Monday be approved as a council holiday. That the Town continue with the annual request for donations to Town facilities/projects – and that pledge sheets be placed in all Wawota mail boxes and inserted in NiaM. That approval be given for the administrator to attend the 2014 U.M.A.A.S. Convention in Saskatoon June 3 – 6. That approval be given for the administrator to attend the Labor Standards Workshop and WCB Worksafe Presentation in Weyburn on April 23rd. That the Town approve the invoice from SUMA for the 2014 membership fee of $1,944.66. That accounts totaling $44,815.33 for the month of March 2014 be approved for payment. WAWOTA LEGION POSTER & ESSAY CONTEST WAWOTA SCHOOL 1. Junior Colored Poster: 1. Hanna Johnson 2. Julia Houff 3. Anna Van Winkoop 2. Junior Black & White Poster: 1. Genevieve Pryce 2. Madison Wilson 3. Madison Hindmarsh 3. Primary Black & White Poster: – Emmett McCarthy 4. Primary Colored Poster: 1. Kati Van Winkoop 2. Clara Houff 3. Sasha West 5. Intermediate Black & White Poster: 1. Lauren Wilson 2 Amy Stolz 3. Larissa Rutten 6. Intermediate Colored Poster: 1. Skylar DeRoo 2. Emma Buhr 3. Olivia Lawrence 7. Intermediate Essay: Marissa Charles. 8. Intermediate Poem: 1. Amy Stolz 2. Larissa Rutten 3. Mitch Porter 9. Senior Poem: 1. Karlie Jackson 2. Victor Heinrichs 3. Mitch Porter 10. Junior Poem: 1. Theoren West 2. Madison Mansfield 3. Genevieve Pryce 11. Junior Essay: 1. William Husband 2. Ethan Pryce 3. Theoren West Junior Essay: Zone - William Husband – Medal District – William Husband – Certificate and Cash Junior Colored Poster: Zone – Hanna Johnson – Certificate MARYFIELD SCHOOL 1. Junior Essay: 1. Rhett Boon 2. Bailey Delbridge 3. Cooper Chisholm 2. Primary Colored Poster: 1. Benjamin Pankratz 2. Breanna Holloway 3. Brett Naylen 3. Junior Colored Poster: 1. Julia Penner 2. Julia Holloway 3. Bailey Dellridge 4. Junior Black & White Poster: 1. Julia Penner 2. Cooper Chisholm 3. Bryce Penner 5. Intermediate Black & White Poster: 1. Piper Boon 6. Intermediate Colored Poster: 1. Ireland Sweeting 2. Valli Relztaff 3. Eric Gil 7. Intermediate Essay: 1. Emma Furnival 2. Kelly Kay 3. Laura Furnival 8. Intermediate Poem: 1. Piper Boon 2. Riley Stewart 3. Eric Gil 9. Senior Essay: 1. Kiam Sweeting 2. Mac Kay 3. Jesse Glover 10. Senior Poem: 1. Aerial Roberts 2. Tryston Lawless 3. Michael McCurry Intermediate Essay: Emma Furnival – 1st in Zone – Medal; 2nd in District – Certificate and Cash Intermediate Poem: Piper Boon – 2nd in Zone – certificate Senior Poem: Aerial Roberts – 3rd in Zone – certificate WANDERING THOUGHTS (as we see them) The Easter weekend gave us a real mixed bag of weather – snow, rain, cloud, sun & wind! Surely the old myth that whatever the weather on Good Friday, we can expect the same for the next 40 days won’t hold true. One reader asked “How many more weeks of winter can we expect if the Easter Bunny sees his shadow on Easter Sunday?” Really, we must consider ourselves very fortunate – no major flooding, earthquakes, mud slides, avalanches that many of other parts of the world experience. Gas prices have – or are – taking another hike – with predictions that they could reach $1.50/litre or higher. Speaking with a family member in Thunder Bay over Easter, they tell us they are paying $1.46 already! Also we are hearing we can expect natural gas and telephone bills to take an increase – remember when? A reader “to the north” recently complained about being mentioned on the front page of our paper – we casually gave them the option of front page or centre fold – the response is unprintable! With fishing season soon opening, we’ll no doubt have some more stories! Last week we had the need to visit the new Spectator office in Moosomin – what an awesome place – something you’d expect to see in the city. We were shown many old items brought from the old office – what a change from then ‘til now. Thanks Kevin & Kara for the support and encouragement. Attended the final show of the 2013/14 Arts Council on Tuesday – Gordie MacKeeman and his Rhythm Boys – a four piece group from P.E.I. They gave a great show of down-east music. Kudos to the folks who bring this top notch entertainment to our area. Season tickets are available for the 4-show 2014/15 season – makes great gifts for the “hard-to-buy-for”. Hockey fans are glued to the TV these days taking in the NHL playoffs. “True Canadians” have only one choice this year with Montreal representing our country. We hear that some of the American teams have more Canadian players on their roster than those from the US. For the next few weeks we know of one household who will be switching channels when Don Cherry appears – sorry! As we “go to press”, we are enjoying 17ºC temps – driving with the sun roof open! We hear that precipitation is in the forecast for the next few days – rain we will take … snow – NO!! We’ll close with an encouraging poem … Spring has sprung The grass will riz Any day now we’ll see Where the crocuses iz! - Author Unknown Q: Where does the president keep his armies? A: In his sleevies. Q: Why are pirates called pirates? A: Because they arrrrr. You asked ?? Question: What is this Social Club we are reading/hearing about? Answer: At the Mayoralty Candidate public meeting held last fall, a newcomer to our community raised the concern that after 6 p.m. on any given night, there was nothing to do in Town. Members of the Business Enhancement Group picked up on this concern and decided to try to make something happen – they organized the Social Club. An evening is held at the Drop In Centre every Wednesday at 7 p.m. where a variety of games are available – for all age groups. Following an hour or so of great fun and socializing, a very dedicated attendee supplies delicious munchies. So far, the attendance has been from 3 to 15 – ages ? to 80 plus! Anyone is welcome – the last one of the season will be on April 30th – possibly starting up in the fall again. WAWOTA PARKLAND SCHOOL DATES TO REMEMBER th May 19 – No School June 7th – Grade 2014 June 20th – 26th – Exams June 26th – last day of school It’s a Retirement Party! Help us celebrate Monique Myers & Velda Weatherald’s Retirement May 23rd – 7 pm Wawota Town Hall Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor? A: Because he wasn’t peeling well. PHIL`S RENOVATING -bathroom renovating -rec rooms -textured ceilings -doors and windows -laminate and hard-wood flooring -odd jobs!! 2 0 1 4 WAWOTA HERITAGE WEEKEND MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! SAVE THE DATES! August 1st thru 3rd, 2014 EVENTS HAPPENING FRIDAY ! SATURDAY! SUNDAY! FIREWORKS – LIVE MUSIC – PANCAKE BREAKFASTS - PARADE – FOOD COURT – TRADE SHOW – CHILDRENS CARNIVAL – CABARET - INTERDENOMINATIONAL CHURCH SERVICE – HIGH TEA – CLASS REUNIONS - AND SO MUCH MORE!! WATCH FOR UPDATES!!! DON’T MISS OUT ON ANY OF THE FUN ! EVERYONE WELCOME !! LOOKING FOR FLOAT ENTRIES FOR THE HERITAGE DAY PARADE … Call Shawna Cudmore @ 448-2050 or 577-7391 (cell). PERSONAL INCOME TAX PREPARATION AND E-FILING Contact Shana 306-739-2961 or 306-577-1875 306-739-2405 cell 306-577-7993 SGI--Accredited" "Car Available" Spray on Solutions 306 739 2898 April Gladiator Special 20% off Premier Cabinets Wawota, SK Tel.306-577-5641 e-mail ATTENTION Regular Wawota Town Council Meetings will now be held at 7:00 pm on the third Wednesday of each month. All regular Town Council meetings are open to the public. - The Town of Wawota PIZZA SUPPER at WAWOTA HOTEL on Saturday, April 26th starting at 4:30 pm. Consciousness: That annoying time between naps. WATKINS PRODUCTS Call Pat Clements 306-739-2852 111 Main Street - Wawota CARPEDIEM …(seize the day) … Apr 25 Apr 26 Apr 27 Apr 28 Apr 29 B-day Ella Fitzgerald & Al Pacino Hug an Australian Day (Tanya look out) B-day Ulysses S Grant & Samuel Morse Kiss your mate day Gideon Sundback patents the zipper 1913 Apr 30 Siagon City falls to the North Koreans 1975 May 1 Mr. PotatoHead introduced 1952 WORD QUIZ IN HONOR OF EARTH WEEK CATERING If you have a lunch, supper or group function which you would like to have catered, call Lori at 1-306-739-2764. I will do catering for groups up to 50. Frank and I both have Food Safety Certificates. Lori Kemmer HOME SWEET HOME Tea Room & Gift Shop SPRING OPEN HOUSE Friday, April 25th 5 pm – 9 pm Located in the of downtown Fairlight “Great Sales on Furniture” Wine & Cheese & Munchies 306-646-4432 CONSERVE DO-IT-YOURSELF ECO-FRIENDLY GREEN MAKEOVER PRESERVE RECLAIM RECOVER RECYCLE REDO REDUCE RENEW REPAIR REPURPOSE REUSE SALVAGE THE WAWOTA ACTING COMPANY will be putting on their 8th annual production in the Town Hall on APRIL 27th at 7:00 p.m. WAWOTA LIBRARY Sylvia Jewkes, Librarian, Wawota Library 306-739-2375 NEW HOURS IN THE NEW YEAR Tues : 10 am- 12 pm 1-5 pm Wed: 1:30- 6:00 pm Thurs: 10:00 am – 2:30 pm Check us out on Facebook & Twitter This Week’s Book Report by Myrna Olson: The Lost Years by Mary Higgins Clark Mary Higgins Clark who has spent 35 years writing murder mysteries never disappoints her readers. Sometimes she identifies the criminal and the story relates to how the police gather and use the evidence to convict them. So it is in The Lost Years when a biblical scholar is shot to death after discovering a letter that may have been written by Jesus. Early in the story we have access to the criminal’s thoughts and actions. How he outsmarts himself and how the story evolves makes for an enjoyable read. This is another best seller that is available at the Wawota Public library. There are 20 members this year and they are very enthused about performing in their local community. They are also excited about raising funds for WORLD VISION. A silver collection will be taken at the door and cheques made out to World Vision for $20 or more will be sent a receipt. The actors will perform two plays: GHOST LIGHT.....An unexpected inheritance makes a young couple’s dream of owning their own theater come true....but ghostly occurrences may thwart their plans for a successful start.... THE MAGIC PURSE & BUS STOP......Colorful characters make driver’s job a real adventure...... We thank the Wawota community for your support and encouragement the past seven years and hope to see you on APRIL 27th. THANK YOU … Kennedy United Church’s Annual TIME & TALENT AUCTION DATE: Saturday, April 26 TIME: Supper 5:30; Auction 6:30 PLACE: Kennedy Community Hall MENU: Beef-on-a-Bun, Salads, Pie The Moose Mountain Lions Club would like to thank everyone who donated to our Winter Carnival and also thanks to all those who came out on such a cold day to help make our day a success! Thanks to our major sponsors Seedhawk, Carlyle RV & Leisure, C&M Homes, Kenosee Inn, Craig and Dawn Rogers, Southeast Electric, Crescent Point, Molson, The Bar Bar. Adults: $10.00 Children $5.00 (12 & under) Auctioneers: Wade Hall & Greg Cummins Need a hand with your taxes? Community Volunteer Income Tax Program Trained volunteers can help you complete your income tax and benefit return. To find out if you are eligible or to make an appointment, call Linda Birnie @ 306-739-2491 THANK YOU … GRAMMIE’S GIFT EMPORIUM 405 Railway Avenue, Box 52, Wawota Phone 306-739-2133 (Wendy Brehaut) What's new @ the shoppe … Hope everyone had a Wonderful Easter!! We have some Colouring Contest Winners: 3 & Under: Rowan Yanko; Alexandra Corkish; Aiden Schleinger 4 – 6 yr: Levin Schleinger, Avvi Brehaut 7 & up: Kaylee Mudrewich -- Come & collect your prizes – Terrariums are ready to be made – get your names in. We will plan for April 28 & 29 (evening) May 1 & 2 (evening) May 3, 4 & 5 (afternoon). The cost will be $75. Call me for any questions. We are getting new merchandise daily – we have - burlap wedding banners & frames; - stainless steel mugs; - more garden stakes; - rainbow loom elastics; - nail decals … and more … Energy Muse is on its way. Stacy Lamontagne (our sales rep) will be here to give us a description and meaning of the stones. We will host an afternoon/evening of meet the Crystals. We are very excited to be featuring this product. Don’t forget Mother’s Day is May 11th – only 16 days left. We will have plenty of gifts and floral arrangements. Ongoing Showers: Korrie Charles, bride-elect of Michael Ciuca. Gift to be taken to Regina end of May. Regular Store Hours are Tuesday to Friday 10 am -- 5:00 pm Saturday 10 am – 3 pm Closed for Lunch Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines. Judging by the smiles, the child inspired dinner theatre and gala on Apr. 5 was a huge success. Thank you to Yolks Oil and Gas Ltd., Kenosee Mini Mart and Moose Mountain Meats for sponsoring the food. Thanks to the Mountney Ladies for preparing the food. Thanks to the Arlington Hotel and Elly Van Winkoop for sponsoring the mocktail bar. Thanks to Gunshotz Photography for sponsoring the photo booth and to Christine Wilson for sponsoring the programs. Thanks to HSL for sound and lighting. Thanks to the chorus, cast and stage crew for the entertainment and to Scott Mills for videotaping. Thank you to the all the donors for the raffle and auction and to all the volunteers. Ticket sales. $4150.00 Raffle, auction, mocktail bar and photos. $2964.00 Total income. $7114.00 Decorations, tableware, backdrops, hall rent, costumes. $ 965.56 Food. $ 588.25 Net Proceeds from dinner theatre and gala. $5560.19 Donation to cover food costs (Yolks Oil and Gas). $ 588.25 Total proceeds to pediatric brain tumour research. $6148.44 Thank you from the dinner theatre and gala organizers. Wawota’s 2014 Heritage Weekend -----------“ A Taste of Wawota: Food Court “ ------------Saturday, August 3rd, 2014 Presented by: “Raising the Rafters” (RTR – United Church Fundraising Committee) @ TOWN HALL PARKING LOT 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. We are inviting groups, businesses &/or individuals who may wish to have a Food Booth during Saturday’s Celebrations! Each booth serves a food item unique to all other booths – no duplicates. ---------IF you participated last year -- or – IF you are a new group that would like to participate this year Please Contact Debbie to register your group & food item @ 739-2345 (evenings) or 739-2332 (daytime) as soon as possible OLYMPIC BOUND ? We are receiving reports that the “Cueless 5” are now practicing their pool techniques weekly! Our “on-the-spot” reporter says there are some amazing shots made – impossible to repeat. One of the group however sees the need for more than six pockets on the table – and should be bigger, too! They say that laughter is a great medicine – some days we almost overdose!! NOW SELLING JAMBERRY NAILS. To book a party or request a catalog contact Michelle Klein 306-739-2981 or visit my site at Melaleuca Products Available at Front Porch Interiors All natural cleaning supplies and Vitamin and supplements. These products have no cancer causing agents in them they are safe for you and your loved ones and the environment. Come and see what we have in stock or let me know what you want and we can order it for you. SPRING CLEANING … When the weather turns warmer, the snow starts to disappear, spring cleaning comes to mind… or does it? In the next few weeks, one week at a time, NiaM will attempt to give you ideas on how to take on this “daunting task” a little bit at a time – so hopefully it does not seem so overwhelming!! We are now on Day 13: Bedroom Day 13: Clean mirrors, windows, blinds, and curtains. Day 14: Organize closet and drawers, and declutter. Day 15: Deep-clean mattress, and wash pillows, linens, and comforter. Day 16: Vacuum, mop, or sweep floor; clean under furniture. Day 17: Clean furniture, walls, and fixtures. WAWOTA DANCE CLUB Mother’s Day Monday, May 5th 8:00 – 11:00 p.m. Theme Wawota Town Hall Music by: Southern Country Admission - $10 Pot Luck Lunch Door Prizes 50/50 Draw NOTICE The Town of Wawota is updating our “New Resident Handbook” which was originally prepared by the Wawota & District Strategic Planning Committee and is included with the Welcome Wagon Packages. If anyone who is self-employed or has a home business and would like to be listed in the handbook, please notify us at the Town Office at 306-739-2216. Everyone Welcome He who laughs last thinks slowest. MOVIES AT MARYFIELD AUDITORIUM Showtime 8:00 p.m. Doors Open 7:30 pm. Regular Admission: Adults - $6. Students - $5. Children - $3 Note: Movies will be shown on Saturdays instead of Sundays, unless otherwise specified. Occasionally Sunday matinees will be shown. Fri. Apr. 25 RIO 2 Sun. Apr. 27 3:00 PM (Rated G) Check out our movies on- line at Request your favorite movie or send your comments to Genius does what it must, talent does what it can, and you had best do what you’re told. CORNFORTH SHOE REPAIR 109 Thatcher Avenue, Wawota 306-739-2627 Same day or next day service Phone to make an appointment Ask for written quote. NEED NEW EAVESTROUGHS? Give Jason a call for a free estimate Specializing in 5" or 6" steel and 5" aluminum eavestroughs and downspouts. Choose from white or brown or custom order a color of your choice. HAINZ'S EAVESTROUGHING Cell: (306) 435-9825 Home: (306) 739-2883 This is a wish list of toys we compiled with input from the kids in our Center for toys they would like to have to play with at the Center. As a non-profit organization, we run month-to-month financially, and because of this, we do not always have the extra funds to buy the children in our Center new, quality toys. We are asking you to keep us in mind if you have any toys that are in good shape that you’d like to donate to us. The kids would appreciate it so very much! Wawota & Community Early Learning Center Toy Wish List: Dress Up Clothes – Sizes 4-6x, including BOYS stuff Dress Up Shoes – including play high-heeled shoes Plastic Masks – ex: Batman, Ninja Turtles, Spiderman, etc. A good sprinkler that has a wide spray to run through this summer Hot Wheels Cars Hard/Plastic Body Dolls Doll Clothes, Bottles, etc. Sandbox Toys – pails, shovels, Tonka trucks, etc. Ride-On Toys Books (Items can be dropped off at the Center at #93 Hall Street, Mon-Fri between 7:30am and 5:30pm. Or give us a call at 739-2528 and we can arrange to pick them up! Thanks so much!) CALL TODAY FOR YOUR TRAVEL NEEDS! -Vacations -Weddings -Business -Group Travel -Hotel Bookings -Car Rentals -Domestic & International Flights Contact: Julie Gaudet Travel Consultant Sundog Travel Phone: (306) 435-3566 - Moosomin Email: I have 14+ years experience in the travel industry! I can make your dream vacation come true! Sharper scissors … When scissors get dull, it’s easy to sharpen them. Just cut through a sheet of sandpaper several times. CLUB 19 IS OPENING FOR THE SEASON APRIL 27th WITH DINNER AND A CONCERT! The show features fiddler JJ Guy with Lucas Welsh and Cathy Sproule. For dinner your choice of our famous roast beef or baby back ribs. To book your tickets or for more information call or email Amanda: 306-577-4422 ext 3 Powder Power … Powder can help lift grease or food stains from your dress or blouse. Tap the area gently with a powder puff, let stand for a few hours, then brush out gently. Follow by washing the item or sending it to the dry cleaners. FOR RENT 2 bedroom unfurnished basement suite. Suite includes in-floor heat, washer and dryer, stove, fridge, dishwasher, and microwave, plus a parking space in an insulated garage. Renter must be a non-smoker, no pets allowed. Utilities included. References required. Call Dean at 306-739-2356(h) or 306-739-2566 (w). AVAILABLE FOR RENT 2 Rooms in Maryfield For more information, Call 306-646-2066 REAL ESTATE CARLYLE OFFICE – 207 Main Street Leanne Sorenson - Cell: 306-577-1213 Ray Boutin - Cell:306-575-8575 Carmen Jaenen – Cell: 306-452-8198 MOOSOMIN OFFICE – 713 Main Street Rick Beckett - Cell: 306-434-7900 Randi Thorn - Cell: 306-435-9518 TOLL FREE: 1-800-799-8010 Check Out our website for more area listings! or RESIDENTIAL: NEW - 235 RAILWAY AVE WEST, WAWOTA - 1988 BUNGALOW WITH 2013 ADDITION - 2 BEDROOMS, 1 BATHROOM - 775 SQ.FT. - CRAWL SPACE - SINGLE ATTACHED GARAGE - 66x120 LOT BACKING TO A FIELD ASKING PRICE $92,000. NEW – 227 West Railway Ave. Wawota NEW – 602 Hill Ave. Wawota 627 Choo Foo Cres. Wawota – 6 Bedrooms, 3 Baths, 1744 Sq.Ft with Full Basement, 900 Sq.Ft. Heated Garage, Geothermal Heat plus many Upgrades & Custom Features, Appliances Included! MLS #484573 106 Alexander St. Wawota – 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Basement 780 Sq.Ft. Many Renovations/Updates. MLS#483128. 208 Main St. Wawota – 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Potential More Bedrooms, 1251 Sq.Ft. MLS#482895. 107 Alexander St. Wawota – 2 Bed, 2 Bath, Basement. Approx 936 Sq.Ft. MLS# 455925 208 Wilfred St. Wawota – New Build 2013, 3 Bed, 2 Bath, Basement, Double Garage, Approx 1544 Sq.Ft. MLS# 479717 ACREAGES: NEW – Ekema Acreage, 108 acres. House & Large Barns. MLS#483569 N OF #601 (Kelso) – 6.5 acres, House & Outbuildings MLS# 475082 COMMERCIAL: 1.97 Acres & 40x64 Bldg. Hwy #48, Wawota. MLS# 470980 Car Wash – 113 Main Street, Wawota MLS# 450917 307- 3rd St & Hwy #48 – 8000+ Sq.Ft., 4 acres MLS# 483211 Residential/Commercial Lots – 1 with Quonset MLS# 483214 & 483219 20 acres plus 50’x80’ Commercial Building. Commercial/Acreage Possibilities, 603 Grid, 2 Km S. Wawota. MLS# 478158/478153 CONTACT US FOR YOUR BUYING & SELLING NEEDS WAWOTA C-STORE/GAS BAR Quad Derby Supper HWY 48 WAWOTA, SK. PH:306-739-2230 OPEN MON TO SAT 6AM TO 9PM SUN 7AM TO 9PM *Put on by the Wawota & Community Early Learning Center* FULL SERVE GAS AND DIESEL 24/7 FUEL PUMPS *Put on by the Wawota & Community Early Learning Center* Where: Wawota Rink Kitchen Where: When:Wawota April 26thRink from Kitchen 3pm – 7pm When: April 26th from 3pm – 7pm Menu: *Pulled Pork Menu: *Pulled Porkon ona aBun Bun *Macaroni Salad *Macaroni SaladororColeslaw Coleslaw *Pop *Pop So after your long day or riding, So after your long day or riding, let us feed you supper! And even for those who aren’t riding in the derby. COFFEE, SNACKS LOTTO 649 & MAX SCRATCH TICKETS ANGLERS & HUNTING LICENCES Redvers Arts Council presents Everything Fitz FRESH BREAD VIRDEN BAKERY PRE-ORDERS ONLY ORDER BY THURSDAY 9PM ARRIVES for pickup TUESDAY AFTER 10AM MOVIE RENTAL PROPANE TANK EXCHANGE the Fitzgerald Family Band of Fiddlers and Step Dancers) Redvers Arts Centre 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 5 MARYFIELD DINING th Adult Tickets: $20 advance $25 at the door Student Tickets: $10 advance $15 at the door For ticket information, contact 452-3370, 452-3855 or Murray’s Store, downtown Redvers 201 MAIN STREET MARYFIELD SK (306) 646-2066 Our month long buffet this April every Friday starting from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm is now open and also we will be having a special buffet this coming Mother's Day. We hope we see you on this special day. To know more about the cafe please ‘like’ us on Facebook maryfield dining That inexpensive box of baking soda is a real value! Use it to: - Tenderize Meat – rub it on, then let the meat sit in the fridge for 3 hours. - Remove Fishy Smells – from store-bought fish. Add 2 tbsp to a quart of water and soak fish in the solution for an hour. - Lower the Acidity – of tomato-based recipes. Just add a pinch to the pot. - Cut through Grease – Add a small amount to the detergent you use in your sink or dishwasher. QUIZZLE: What is a Quizzle you ask? It is a cross between a quiz and a puzzle. Answers will be on the sports page of the paper – have fun with them! S L O W Life Never Time Q: Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool? A: They kept dropping their trunks. Be nice to your kids. They’ll choose your nursing home. 1. 2. WAWOTA HOTEL 306-739-2551 BUSINESS HOURS Monday – Thursday – 2 p.m. to Closing Friday & Saturday – 11 a.m. to Closing Sunday – Closed SPECIALS Monday Steak Sandwich, Baked Potato, Coleslaw & Garlic Toast - $10.00 Tuesday Certified Angus 8 oz Ribeye, Baked Potato & Salad - $16.00 Wednesday 10 Garlic Shrimp only - $8.00 10 Breaded Shrimp - $10.00 Thursday Friday Bacon Mozza Mushroom Burger w/ Fries - $8.50 Steak & Shrimp Certified Angus 8 oz Ribeye, 10 Shrimp, Baked Potato & Salad - $24.50 Certified Angus 6 oz Centre Cut,10 Shrimp, Baked Potato & Salad - $19.00 ** We also have “Wings” ** WAWOTA GARAGE LTD. Hwy #48 East Tel.# 306-739-2377 Chainsaws: H435-16 inch bar 40 cc Special on The Holland Grill – Apex Grill; Epic Grill; Maverick Grill; Wrangler Grill, Companion Grill Simplicity Snow Throwers: SS822E – 22” cut; small – easy to handle SS8wwEX – 22” cut, small – easy to handle 11224E – 24” cut, large, heavy duty Esso Oil: Hydraulic 56; Hydraulic Extra; Gear Oil & Trans Fluids & Grease XD-3 5W30 10W30 15W40 Synthetic Oil: OW30 OW40 Esso Extra: 5W20 10W30 Oil Changes available for Cars, Trucks, Tractors Parts & Service for: Husqvarna Lawn & Garden Equipment & Service, Bush Hog, Leon, Schulte, Westward Parts, Mac Don, Honey Bee, Degelman, Napa Autobody Parts. We service Trucks, Cars, Farm Machinery, Small Engines We Sell and Install Car, Truck and Agricultural TIRES SPIFFY RUG SHAMPOO MACHINE – For Rent Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Products. Give us a call; We will do our best to help you. Did You Know. The first traffic lights were installed in 1868. It was powered by gas and only lasted a year before it exploded. The first electric traffic light appeared in Ohio, USA in 1914. SPORTS SOCCER will be starting May 1 st weather permitting Registration forms are available so get your registration forms in to Shawna Cudmore @ 306-577-7391 asap. Umpires clinics Baseball- April 27 9:00 am Location Carlyle Elementary School Wawota Minor ball will pay you to umpire our minor ball games and pay for the clinic. If you are interested please contact Cheri Mansfield 306-739-2287 or email WAWOTA WILDLIFE FEDERATION Will hold a Skeet Shoot & BBQ on Saturday June 14th ($20 for Skeet & Prizes) at the Richard’s property on Highway #48 west of Wawota. We will also be presenting our big game & fish awards at this time. Skeet Shoot 1 -3 PM BBQ & Awards (with beer gardens) following shoot Follow the Wawota Flyers NHL: Playoff Hockey Draft at … Playoffs Pool Name: wawotaflyers Password: guest Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance? A: Because he had no–body to go with. TRUCK WASH At WGG CONSTRUCTION Industrial Park Highway 48 West – Wawota 739-2888 or 577-7460 (Tokens available at Wawota C-Store) QUIZZLE ANSWERS: 1. Slow down 2. Never in a Lifetime
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