Fairfield Center School Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation

Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Project Specifications
Fairfield Center School, 57 Park Street, Fairfield VT 05455
Franklin Central Supervisory Union, 28 Catherine Street, St. Albans VT 05478
TruexCullins Architecture and Interior Design
209 Battery Street, Burlington VT 05401
Bid Documents
Date: March 1, 2015
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
00 01 02 Project Information
1. Owner: Fairfield Center School, 57 Park Street, Fairfield, VT 05455, (Franklin Central Supervisory
Union FCSU, 28 Catherine Street, St, Albans, VT 05478)
a. Superintendent of Schools: Dr. Kevin Dirth
b. School Principal: Jennifer Wood (Project Contact)
c. Custodian: John Baxter
d. School telephone: 802 827 6639
e. Owner’ Office: FCSU, 28 Catherine Street, St, Albans, VT 05478 Tel: 802-524-2600
2. Project Number: A2014045
3. Project Description:
a. Renovation of existing Kitchen, Bathrooms and main corridor, including Architectural,
Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical, Structural and Kitchen Equipment scope.
4. Architects: TruexCullins Architecture and Interior Design, 209 Battery Street, Burlington, VT
a. Office Phone 803 658 2775
b. Project Contact: Peter Burns
c. Direct telephone : 802 488 8217
d. pburns@truexcullins.com
5. Procurement Schedule
a. RFP documents available:
Wednesday April 1, 2015
b. Pre- Bid Site Tour:
Friday April 10, 2015, 9:00 AM
c. Last Request for substitution:
7 days prior to Bid Due date
d. Last Request for information:
7 days prior to Bid Due date
e. Bid Due date:
Wednesday April 22, 2015 Before 3:00 PM Local
f. Bid Opening:
Wednesday April 22, 2015 At 3:00 PM Local time
g. Notice to Proceed:
Issued two weeks after Contractor selection
h. Construction Start:
Monday June 22, 2015
i. Construction completion:
Monday August 17, 2015
j. Owner reserves the right to change this schedule or terminate the procurement process
at any time.
6. Procurement Documents
a. Available at: BluePrints Etc, 20 Farrell St. South Burlington, VT 05403. Telephone: 802
865 4503, orders@blueprintsetc.com
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Specification Table of Contents
00 01 02 Project Information
00 01 10 Table of Contents
00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders
00 31 00 Available Project Information
00 41 00 Bid Form
00 50 00 Contracting Forms and Supplements
00 52 00 Agreement Form
00 72 00 General Conditions
01 10 00 Summary
01 20 00 Price and Payment Procedures
01 23 00 Alternates
01 30 00 Administrative Requirements
01 35 53 Security Procedures
01 40 00 Quality Requirements
01 50 00 Temporary Facilities and Controls
01 57 21 Indoor Air Quality Controls
01 60 00 Product Requirements
01 61 16 VOC Content Restrictions
01 70 00 Execution and Closeout Requirements
01 78 00 Closeout Submittals
01 91 13 General Commissioning Requirements
02 41 00 Demolition
03 30 00 Concrete
04 29 00 Unit Masonry
05 12 00 Structural Steel
05 40 00 Cold Formed Metal Framing
05 50 00 Metal Fabrications
06 10 00 Rough Carpentry
06 82 00 Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic
07 21 19 Foamed-in- Place Insulation
07 54 00 Membrane Roofing
07 90 05 Joint Sealants
08 11 13 Steel Door and Frames
08 31 00 Access panels
08 71 00 Door Hardware
08 83 00 Mirrors
09 21 16 Gypsum Board Assemblies
09 30 00 Tiling
09 65 00 Resilient Flooring / Floor preparation
09 51 00 Acoustical Ceilings
09 90 00 Painting
10 21 13 Toilet Compartments
10 28 00 Toilet Accessories
10 44 00 Fire extinguishers
11 40 00 Food Service equipment
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
22 10 01 Summary of Work
22 10 06 Alternates
22 10 07 Definitions and Standards
22 10 10 Basic Requirements
22 10 40 Demolition
22 10 55 Basic Materials and Methods
22 10 84 Fire Stopping for Plumbing Systems
22 11 00 Valves
22 11 35 Meters and Gages
22 11 40 Supports and Anchors
22 11 50 Seismic Restraints
22 11 90 Identification
22 12 50 Insulation
22 14 30 Water Distribution System
22 14 35 Drainage and Vent System
22 14 40 Plumbing Fixtures
22 14 88 Gas Piping
23 10 01 Summary of Work
23 10 06 Alternates
23 10 10 Basic Requirements
23 10 40 Demolition
23 10 55 Basic Materials and Methods
23 11 25 Expansion Compensation
23 12 50 Insulation
23 15 10 Hydronic Piping
23 16 20 Gas Fired Heaters
23 18 30 Terminal Units
23 18 49 Kitchen Hoods and Fire Suppression
23 18 50 Fans
23 18 70 Gravity Ventilators
23 18 90 Metal Ductwork and Accessories
23 19 72 Electronic Controls
23 19 73 Pneumatic Controls
23 19 85 Sequence of Operation
23 19 90 Testing, Adjusting and Balancing
Electrical - See Drawings
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Section 00 21 13 - Instructions to Bidders
Bid submission
Bids signed and under seal, executed, and dated will be received at the office of the owner before
3:00 PM Local standard time on the 22nd day of April 2015.
Office of the Owner Address: Franklin Central Supervisory Union – FCSU, 28 Catherine Street,
St. Albans, VT 05478 Telephone: 802-524-2600
Offers submitted after the above time shall be returned to the bidder unopened.
Offers will be opened publicly immediately after the time for receipt of bids.
Bid Documents and Contract Documents
Bid documents: contract documents supplemented with invitation to bid, instructions to bidders,
information available to bidders, bid form supplements to bid forms and appendices identified.
Contract documents: defined in AIA A201 including issued addenda.
Bid, offer, or bidding: act of submitting an offer under seal.
Bid amount: monetary sum identified by the bidder in the bid form.
Contract Documents Identification
The contract documents are identified as project number A2014045, as prepared by TruexCullins
Architecture who is located at 209 Battery Street, Burlington, VT 05401, and with contents as
identified in the table of contents.
Direct questions to Peter Burns, email: pburns@truexcullins.com. All questions must be in writing.
Addenda may be issued during the bidding period. All addenda become part of the contract
documents. Include resultant costs in the bid amount.
Verbal answers are not binding on any party.
Clarifications requested by the bidders must be submitted in writing 7 days prior to bid due date.
The reply will be in the form of an addendum, a copy of which will be available from blueprints etc.
It is the responsibility of the bidders to establish and maintain proper business contact with
blueprints etc. For the transmission of information.
Product/Assembly/System Substitutions
Where the bid documents stipulate a particular product, substitutions will be considered up to 7
days before receipt of bids.
When a request to substitute a product is made, architect may approve the substitution and will
issue an addendum to known bidders.
In submission of substitutions to products specified, bidders shall include in their bid all changes
required in the work and changes to contract time and contract sum to accommodate such
substitutions. A later claim by the bidder for an addition to the contract time or contract sum
because of changes in work necessitated by use of substitutions shall not be considered.
The submission shall provide sufficient information to determine acceptability of such products.
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Provide complete information on required revisions to other work to accommodate each proposed
Provide products as specified unless substitutions are submitted in this manner and accepted.
See section 01 60 00 - product requirements for additional requirements.
Bid Submission
Submission Procedure
Bidders shall be solely responsible for the delivery of their bids in the manner and time prescribed.
Submit one copy of the executed offer on the bid forms provided, signed and sealed with the
required security in a closed opaque envelope, clearly identified with bidder's name, project name
and owner's name on the outside.
Improperly completed information, irregularities in security deposit, may be cause not to open the
bid form envelope and declare the bid invalid or informal.
Qualifications Package
Contractor shall submit together with their bids a qualifications package. This package shall include
the following:
1. Evidence of Bonding: Provide documentation from a surety operating in Vermont indicating
willingness to provide 100% payment and performance bond for the value of the project. Claim
history for payment and performance bonds.
2. List of completed school projects. List may also include commercial type construction
similar or relevant to school projects.
3. List of references with telephone numbers, including owners of above requested projects.
4. Resumes of key personnel for Project Manager and job- site Superintendent.
5. List of court cases, arbitrations, actions, and mediations arising from construction contracts in
which the firm has been involved over the past 10 years.
6. Proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance, including Automotive Liability Insurance.
7. Proof of Worker’s Compensation Insurance.
8. List of any serious health or safety regulation violations in the last 5 years.
Bid Ineligibility
Bids that are unsigned, improperly signed or sealed, conditional, illegible, obscure, contain
arithmetical errors, erasures, alterations, or irregularities of any kind, may at the discretion of the
owner, be declared unacceptable.
Bids from contractors with unacceptable qualifications will not be accepted.
Bid Enclosures/Requirements
Security Deposit
Bids shall be accompanied by a security deposit as follows:
1. Bid bond of a sum no less than 5 percent of the bid amount on AIA A310 bid bond form.
Endorse the bid bond in the name of the owner as obligee, signed and sealed by the principal
(contractor) and surety.
TruexCullins Architecture
The security deposit will be returned after delivery to the owner of the required performance and
payment bond(s) by the accepted bidder.
Include the cost of bid security in the bid amount.
After a bid has been accepted, all securities will be returned to the respective bidders and other
requested enclosures.
If no contract is awarded, all security deposits will be returned.
Performance Assurance
Accepted bidder: provide a performance and payment bond as described in document AIA A101 2007 Standard form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor
Include the cost of performance assurance bonds in the bid amount .
Bid Form Requirements
Include in the bid form, the overhead and profit fees on own work and work by subcontractors,
applicable for changes in the work, whether additions to or deductions from the work on which the
bid amount is based.
Bid Form Signature
Fairfield center school is sales tax exempt. The tax exempt number will be made available to the
successful bidder.
Fees For Changes In The Work
Complete all requested information in the bid form and appendices.
Sales And Use Taxes
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
The bid form shall be signed by the bidder, as follows:
1. Sole proprietorship: signature of sole proprietor in the presence of a witness who will also
sign. Insert the words "sole proprietor" under the signature. Affix seal.
2. Partnership: signature of all partners in the presence of a witness who will also sign. Insert
the word "partner" under each signature. Affix seal to each signature.
3. Corporation: signature of a duly authorized signing officer(s) in their normal signatures.
Insert the officer's capacity in which the signing officer acts, under each signature. Affix the
corporate seal. If the bid is signed by officials other than the president and secretary of the
company, or the president/secretary/treasurer of the company, a copy of the by-law
resolution of their board of directors authorizing them to do so, must also be submitted with
the bid form in the bid envelope.
Selection And Award Of Alternatives
Indicate variation of bid price for alternatives listed on the bid form. Unless otherwise indicated,
indicate alternatives as a difference in bid price by adding to or deducting from the base bid price.
Bids will be evaluated on the total of the base bid price and all of the alternatives. After
determination of the successful bidder, consideration will be given to which alternatives will be
included in the work.
Offer Acceptance/Rejection
Duration Of Offer
Bids shall remain open to acceptance and shall be irrevocable for a period of 45 days after the bid
closing date.
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Acceptance Of Offer
The owner reserves the right to reject all offers. In accordance with Vermont State law, the owner
shall select the lowest bidder unless the two lowest offers are with 1% of each other, in which case,
the owner can select either of the bidders.
Bids from contractors with unacceptable qualifications will not be accepted.
Should all offers be rejected, the owner reserves the right to revise the contract documents and
rebid the project to any or all of the original bidders or to new bidders.
Section 00 31 00 - Available Project Information
Existing conditions
Certain information relating to existing structures is available to bidders but will not be part of the
Contract Documents, as follows:
1. Partial electronic .pdf set of blueprint reproductions from the 1965 and 1988 building wing
construction, including plumbing and mechanical drawings, roof overbuild and septic systems.
a. This set of drawings is not complete and probably does not reflect as- built conditions.
b. Image quality varies.
c. Contractors shall use information in these drawings at their own risk
d. Electronic .pdf files are available from Architect upon request.
Hazardous Material Survey - Original copy is available at Owner's office.
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Section 00 41 00 - Bid Form
The Project And The Parties
Renovation of existing Kitchen, Bathrooms and main corridor, including Architectural, Plumbing,
Mechanical, Electrical, Structural and Kitchen Equipment scope.
Date: ______________ (Bidder To Enter Date)
Submitted By: (Bidder To Enter Name And Address)
Bidder's Full Name _________________________
1. Address _________________________
2. City, State, Zip_________________________
Having examined the Place of The Work and all matters referred to in the Instructions to Bidders
and the Contract Documents prepared by TruexCullins for the above mentioned project, we, the
undersigned, hereby offer to enter into a Contract to perform the Base bid Work for the Sum of:
1. _________________________________________________________dollars
2. ($______________________), in lawful money of the United States of America.
The sum of all the add alternates is:
1. _________________________________________________________dollars
2. ($______________________), in lawful money of the United States of America.
The basis of the bid award is the sum of the base bid plus the sum of all the add alternates. This
amount is:
1. _________________________________________________________dollars
2. ($______________________), in lawful money of the United States of America.
We have included the required security deposit as required by the Instruction to Bidders.
All applicable federal taxes are included and State of Vermont taxes are included in the Bid Sum.
We have included the cost of the required Performance and Payment Bond.
This offer shall be open to acceptance and is irrevocable for 45 days from the bid closing date.
If this bid is accepted by Owner within the time period stated above, we will:
1. Execute a Letter of Intent to Proceed within seven days of receipt of acceptance of this bid.
2. Furnish the required bonds within seven days of receipt of acceptance of this bid.
3. Commence work on
If this bid is accepted within the time stated, and we fail to commence the Work or we fail to
provide the required Bond(s), the security deposit shall be forfeited as damages to Owner by
reason of our failure.
In the event our bid is not accepted within the time stated above, the required security deposit
shall be returned to the undersigned, in accordance with the provisions of the Instructions to
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Bidders; unless a mutually satisfactory arrangement is made for its retention and validity for an
extended period of time.
Contract Time
If this Bid is accepted, we will:
Complete the Work by 17th day of August 2015.
Changes To The Work
When Architect establishes that the method of valuation for Changes in the Work will be net cost
plus a percentage fee in accordance with General Conditions, our percentage fee will be:
1. ______ percent overhead and profit on the net cost of our own Work;
2. ______ percent on the cost of work done by any Subcontractor.
On work deleted from the Contract, our credit to Owner shall be Architect-approved net cost plus
_________ of the overhead and profit percentage noted above.
If an alternate is selected by the Owner, the Bidder proposes to do the work required by the
Contract Documents by increasing the Base Bid by the following amount:
1. Add Alternate #1 (AA1): Bathroom Renovation: including Architectural, Plumbing, Mechanical,
Electrical, and Structural scope.
A. _________________________________________________________Dollars
b. ($______________________), in lawful money of the United States of America.
2. Add Alternate #2 (AA2): Boiler room improvements
a. _________________________________________________________dollars
b. ($______________________), in lawful money of the United States of America.
The following Addenda have been received. The modifications to the Bid Documents noted below
have been considered and all costs are included in the Bid Sum.
1. Addendum # _______ Dated ________________.
Bid form signature(s)
The Corporate Seal of
(Bidder - print the full name of your firm)
was hereunto affixed in the presence of:
(Authorized signing officer, Title)
TruexCullins Architecture
Fairfield Center School
Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation
Bid Documents
March 1, 2015
Section 00 50 00 - Contracting Forms And Supplements
Agreement And Conditions Of The Contract
See Section 00 52 00 for the Agreement form to be executed.
See Section 00 72 00 for the General Conditions.
See Section 00 72 00 for the General Conditions as modified by Owner to include Supplementary
The Agreement is based on AIA A101 as modified by the Owner.
The General Conditions are based on AIA A201 as modified by the Owner.
Use the following forms for the specified purposes unless otherwise indicated elsewhere in the
Contract Documents.
Bond Forms:
1. Performance and Payment Bond Form: AIA A312.
Post-Award Certificates and Other Forms:
1. Schedule of Values Form: AIA G703.
2. Application for Payment Form: AIA G702 and G703.
Clarification and Modification Forms:
1. Supplemental Instruction Form: AIA G710.
2. Construction Change Directive Form: AIA G714.
3. Change Order Form: AIA G701.
Closeout Forms:
1. Certificate of Substantial Completion Form: AIA G704.
Reference Standards
AIA A101 - Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of
payment is a Stipulated Sum; 2007.
AIA A201 - General Conditions of the Contract for Construction; 2007.
AIA A312 - Performance Bond and Payment Bond; 2010.
AIA G701 - Change Order; 2001.
AIA G702 - Application and Certificate for Payment; 1992.
AIA G703 - Continuation Sheet; 1992.
AIA G704 - Certificate of Substantial Completion; 2000.
AIA G710 - Architect's Supplemental Instructions; 1992.
AIA G714 - Construction Change Directive; 2007.