Yard Bulletin - Freshman Dean`s Office

Freshman Dean’s Office
Yard Bulletin
Volume 2018
Issue XXIX
April 24, 2015
You may view the Yard Bulletin on the FDO Website (fdo.fas.harvard.edu).
Check out the ARTS FIRST Festival, Thursday, April 30 - Sunday, May 3. Experience
this annual campus-wide celebration of music,
dance, theater, film, visual arts, and more!
Campus venues and the Science Center Plaza
will host 150+ free events for students, families, and the public. For more information,
visit ofa.fas.harvard.edu/arts. Highlights include:
Harvard LITfest. Five days of extraordinary readings and panels! Learn craft with workshops on
spoken-word, fiction, metaphor, and poetry.
Reimagine the book and its future. All events are
free. Visit litfest.fas.harvard.edu for details.
Monday, April 27 - Friday, May 1.
2015 Arts Medal Ceremony: Damian Woetzel,
dancer and arts leader, MPA ’07, is recipient
the 2015 Harvard Arts Medal. He will be hosted
in a discussion with actor John Lithgow ’67, followed by the medal presentation by President
Faust. Free tickets (limit 2) are available at
the Harvard Box Office. Thursday, April 30, 4PM, Farkas Hall.
Jazz on the Plaza. Groove to music by Harvard Jazz Band, conducted by Don Braden ‘85,
and special guests Vijay Iyer, piano, and
Ralph Peterson, Jr., drums. Friday, May 1, 5:30
- 7:00PM, The Plaza.
Saturday on the Plaza. Harvard-Radcliffe
Orchestra and soloist Sasha Scolnik-Brower
’17 play Dvořák 11AM; Swan Lake: For the
Birds! features Harvard Ballet Company, River Charles Ensemble, Hasty Pudding Theatricals, and “soloists” Deans Rakesh
Khurana and Tom Dingman, Profs. Diana Eck
and Steven Pinker, 12PM; Harvard University
Band at 12:30PM; followed by the Performance
Fair and Global Arts on the Plaza, 1 - 5PM.
Saturday, May 2, The Plaza.
Spring Forward: Stories and Music for a New
Season features a storytelling hour by The Sloth
and Appalachian Spring by the Eurydice Chamber Ensemble.
Sunday, May 3, 1 PM. Later that evening, watch a screening of
“Whiplash,” by Damien Chazelle ’08, with free popcorn and
soda. 9PM,The Plaza.
Join Professors Lawrence Buell, Lawrence Kramer, and Elisa New
for a discussion of Walt Whitman’s Drum-Taps in honor of the
150th anniversary of this stunning collection of Whitman’s Civil
War poetry. The event features a musical performance and
marks the first publication, by New York Review
Books, of Drum-Taps in its original form since 1865.
Thursday, April 30, 6PM, Paine Hall, Music Building, 1 Oxford Street. Free and open to the public.
Upcoming Events
The Women Sheriffs of Wall Street: A
Discussion with Senator Elizabeth Warren, Sheila Bair, and Mary Schapiro.
Monday, May 4, 10AM - 12PM, Memorial Church. Free and open to the public,
but you must get tickets (available now)
at womensheriffs.eventbrite.com. Sponsoring Harvard.org: the Project on Public Narrative at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics.
Middletown on the Loeb Mainstage. When Mary Swanson
moves to Middletown, it seems as humdrum as a small American town can be. But as she befriends townsfolk like Librarian
the librarian, Cop the cop, and the peculiar John Dodge, she
begins to question if anything is truly ordinary. Hilarious yet
beautiful, Middletown is a quirky and touching exploration of
birth, death and everything in between. April 24 - 26 and April
30 - May 2, 8PM, Loeb Mainstage. Tickets (FREE for Harvard
students on April 24 and 30) are available at the door, by phone
at 617.547.8300, or online at bitly.com/middletownhrdc.
Bachelorette, April 24 - May 3, Farkas Hall.
Three high school friends gather in a hotel penthouse the night before their best friend’s wedding. Leslye Headland’s wicked black comedy is
a vicious look at modern friendships, jealousy,
and how sometimes the people whom you hate
most in the world are your best friends. Tickets
are $8 with a HUID and available at the door.
Opening night is FREE and tickets are available now at the
Harvard Box Office or online at ofa.fas.harvard.edu.
A Blast from the Past: A Talk with Professor Sergio Campos,
COL '00 & YLS '03, about his time at Harvard as an undergrad,
his journey to Yale Law, and now as a visiting professor at
HLS. Look through archives of organizations of which he was
president. This is an opportunity to reflect alongside Professor
Campos while receiving advice. Free, Friday, April 24, 7 - 9PM,
Straus Common Room.
On Saturday, May 2 at 8PM, the Harvard-Radcliffe Collegium
Musicum, the Boston Children’s Chorus, and the Harvard
Dance Project present Battle Hymns, a reflection on the American Civil War. The concert features the New England premiere of
David Lang’s dynamic and immersive work,
after Stephen Foster. Composer and classical
guitarist Jeffrey Van will also accompany his
lyrical setting of Walt Whitman poetry for
chorus and guitar, A Procession Winding Around Me.
Student tickets from $8
(SEF eligible) available at the Box Office or
from Collegium members.
Summer Storage
Freshman Dean’s Office
Looking for a place to store your stuff this summer? You can check with
your upperclass House to see if they have a storage area in their basement.
Many Houses allow students to store their belongings over the summer on
a first-come, first-served basis.
Morton Prince House
6 Prescott St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-495-1574
Fax: 617-496-1624
E-mail: fdo@fas.harvard.edu
Hours: Mon. - Fri., 9AM-5PM
Please send submissions by
Tuesday at 9:00AM to:
Published Fridays.
Safety Notice
To contact an FDO representative in
the event of a serious, non-academic
emergency, please call your proctor, or
the Harvard University Police at (617)
495-1212, or, on campus, 5-1212.
Safety and other emergency messages
are displayed as soon as possible on the
News and Notices section of the
College home page at
Another option is to check out www.collegeboxes.com, the number one
student storage and shipping provider in the country. Sign up online, order boxes, and select a pickup time. Enjoy free "At Your Door" pickup when you move out,
secure storage space over the summer, and free "At Your Door" delivery when you move
back this fall. Shipping and other moving supplies are available as well.
Summer Jobs
Interested in College Consulting? Apply for HSCC! Started out of the SYNERGY Social
Innovation Incubator, Harvard Square College Consulting is a new social enterprise that
aims to help high school seniors of all socioeconomic backgrounds successfully navigate the college application process.
We are looking to hire current students as college admissions
consultants. Wages start at $25/hour, and previous work or tutoring experience is preferred. Please email harvardsquarecc@gmail.com for an application. Deadline to apply:
11:59 PM on Monday, April 27.
Don’t have summer plans yet? No problem! The Student Employment Office is hosting a Summer & Commencement Week Job Fair on Wednesday,
April 29 from 3 - 4PM in the Lyman Room of Agassiz House. We have 15
employers excited to meet you. Some will even provide summer housing.
Sign up at http://seo.harvard.edu/event/summer-job-fair.
Resources for Freshmen
Advising Corner, 12PM - 2PM, Annenberg
Dining Hall. Monday, April 27 - Electrical
and Biomedical Engineering; Tuesday,
April 28 - Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Sciences (Environmental Science
and Engineering.)
The Nuts and Bolts Research Paper Clinics: Need help finding
sources? Figuring out how to start your research paper? Have a
project in process already? Come for one-on-one help with Harvard Library reference staff and with Writing Center tutors.
Registration required: writingprogram.fas.harvard.edu (Please
enter your preferred times, and you will receive an email confirming your appointment). All research paper clinics meet in
Lamont B30. Tuesday April 28, 4 - 5:30PM / Thursday, April 30,
3 - 4:30PM / Monday, May 4, 1:30 - 3PM.
Need kitchen supplies? In addition to the collection offered by
the Freshman Dean’s Office, Dorm
Crew, located in Weld Basement, now
provides a limited selection of pots,
pans, silverware, and baking supplies
that may be checked out for up to three
days at a time. For baking needs during
the week (Monday through Friday) go
to the FDO; but if you need supplies on weekends (Saturday
and Sunday), visit Dorm Crew. Sponsored by the Freshman
Undergraduate Council representatives and the Freshman
Dean’s Office. Contact berkeleybrown@college.harvard.edu
with questions or suggestions.
PBHA is kicking off Volunteer Appreciation Month with our
annual BBQ! Whether you're a volunteer with
PBHA or a pre-frosh, we want to celebrate
your commitment and dedication to service!
This will be a festive occasion filled with fun,
food, and friends. All are welcome to join us
for this joyous occasion. Hope to see you
there! Saturday, April 25, 12 - 2PM, at
PBHA. For more information about service
opportunities at PBHA, visit our website at
The Ecker Short Story Prize for first-year students. Deadline:
Monday, May 18, by 4:00PM. Whether you have been writing
fiction in a creative writing class here at Harvard or working on
your own, we hope you will consider submitting a story to the
Ecker Short Story Prize, which honors a short story written by a
Harvard freshman. Submissions will be accepted electronically.
To enter, submit an original short story (or several stories) totaling no more than 25 pages to the Harvard College Writing Program at expos@fas.harvard.edu. The subject line of the email
must be “Ecker Short Story Contest.” The
winner will receive a generous award, with
the possibility of online publication. Questions? Contact Karen Heath at
klheath@fas.harvard.edu. Visit
news/ecker-short-story-prize-deadlinecoming for specific entry requirements.