Hannelore Goddyn - FEB

Curriculum Vitae
Hannelore Goddyn
Hannelore Goddyn
Personal Data
Day, place of birth:
Work Address:
Phone (work):
Phone (private):
E-Mail :
March 11, 1982, Leuven, Belgium
Research Centre for Marketing and Consumer Science, KU Leuven
Naamsestraat 69
3000 Leuven
+32 16 32 69 45
+32 474 57 69 10
Research Interests
My research interest lies in the integration of neurology, psychology and consumer behaviour. During my
PhD in biological psychology, I focused on the underlying neurological mechanisms involved in learning
and memory. Currently, my research focus is to determine the role of learning and memory in (selfcontrol) mechanisms related to modern day health problems such as obesity.
Teaching degree (SLO, CVO De Oranjerie, Diest)
PhD in Psychology (Laboratory of Biological Psychology, KU Leuven)
Title: Different psychobiological functions of group III mGlu receptors.
Supervisors: Prof. R. D’Hooge; Dr. Z. Callaerts-Vegh, co-supervisor Prof. D. Balschun
Master in Psychology (KU Leuven), with great honor
Specialization: Theoretical psychology, option behavioral neuroscience and mathematical
Dissertation: Functional imaging of the ventral stream in healthy adults.
Bachelor in Psychology (KU Leuven), with honor
Additional certificates
2014 Certificate Science communication
2009 Certificate Expert laboratory animal leader (FELASA C)
2008 Certificate Laboratory Animal Science (FELASA B)
2008 Certificate Presentation skills (KU Leuven)
2007 Certificate English writing in the human science (KU Leuven)
Professional and research experience
Research Centre for Marketing and Consumer Science, KU Leuven
- ConsumerLab coordinator
- Master’s thesis coordinator
- Management support for the CONCORT project, a Marie Curie ITN (FP7 funded
research network) on Consumer Competence (www.concort-project.eu)
- Seminar organization
Curriculum Vitae
Hannelore Goddyn
- Grant writing
- Supervisor of Master’s theses (4 per year)
- Teaching support for the courses Marketing (1 bachelor) and Marketing research (3
bachelor): teaching, communication with students, coordination
- Involved in research projects on self-control, involving for example eye tracking and
face reading methods.
Research Group of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences, KU Leuven
- Organization and teaching of practical session of Statistics (3 bachelor courses, 1
master course)
- Evaluation of papers and exams
Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Vlaanderen (FWO), KU Leuven
PhD Title: Different psychobiological functions of group III mGlu receptors.
Supervisor: Prof. R. D’Hooge; co-supervisors: Dr. Z. Callaerts-Vegh, Prof. D. Balschun
With this project I demonstrated the potential differential role of group III metabotropic
glutamate receptors in behaviour, and more specifically in complex learning.
Laboratory of Psychological Psychology, KU Leuven
- Organization and teaching of a course on interdisciplinarity in psychology
(“Geïntegreerd werkcollege: deel I”) and practical sessions “Psychodiagnostics”
 Iscru, E., Goddyn, H., Ahmed, T., Callaerts-Vegh, Z., D'Hooge, R., Balschun, D. (2013). Improved
spatial learning is associated with increased hippocampal but not prefrontal long-term potentiation in
mGluR4 knockout mice. Genes, Brain & Behavior, 12 (6), 615-625. (citations: 2; IF publ. year: 3.6).
This paper shows the involvement of the mGluR4 receptor in spatial memory, related to synaptic
plasticity in the hippocampus (and not in the prefrontal cortex).
 Van der Jeugd, A., Goddyn, H., Laeremans, A., Arckens, L., D’Hooge, R., & Verguts, T. (2009).
Hippocampal involvement in the acquisition of relational associations, but not in the expression of a
transitive inference task in mice. Behavioural Neuroscience, 123, 109-114. (citations: 14; IF publ. year:
In this project, the role of the hippocampus in transitive interference is demonstrated. Hippocampal
lesioned mice performed worse when they were lesioned before training to discriminate between
stimuli, than mice lesioned after training. I was involved in this project as one of the supervisors of A.
Van der Jeugd, an intern student from the University of Ghent.
 Goddyn, H., Callaerts-Vegh, Z., Stroobants, S., Dirikx, T., Vansteenwegen, D., Hermans, D., van der
Putten, H., & D’Hooge, R. (2008). Deficits in acquisition and extinction of conditioned responses in
mGluR7 knockout mice. Neurobiology of learning and memory, 90, 103-111. (citations: 21; IF publ.
year: 3.76).
In this paper, we demonstrate that mGluR7 plays a crucial role in learning and memory. More
specifically, different conditioning paradigms (aversive and appetitive instrumental conditioning and
extinction) were used.
 Goddyn, H., Leo, S., Meert, T., & D’Hooge, R. (2006). Differences in behavioural test battery
performance between mice with hippocampal and cerebellar lesions. Behavioural Brain Research,
173, 138-147. (citations: 36; IF publ. year: 2.59).
In this study, we demonstrated that this battery of behavioural tests does allow differentiation between
the effects of cerebellar and hippocampal lesions in laboratory mice. This paper was based on my
research during my final year of my Master’s.
Curriculum Vitae
Hannelore Goddyn
Behavioural characterization of mGluR4, mGluR7 and mGluR8 knockout mice (poster session). Goddyn
H, Vegh Z, Moechars D, Meert T, D'Hooge R, 2010, FENS abstract, vol. 5, FENS Forum of European
Neuroscience (Amsterdam).
Behavioral effects of chronic administration of the allosteric mGluR7 agonist AMN082 in mice (poster
session). Vegh Z, Goddyn H, Cho I, Molnar E, D'Hooge R, 2008, FENS abstract, vol. 4, FENS Forum of
European Neuroscience (Geneva, Switserland).
Chronic infusion of D,L-AP5 in a conditioned emotional response task (poster session). Goddyn H, Vegh
Z, D'Hooge R, 2008, Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science, pp. 67 - 67,
Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Science (Leuven, Belgium).
A common mGluR7-dependent mechanism underlies working memory and extinction (poster session).
Putzeys T, Beckers T, Vegh Z, Goddyn H, D'Hooge R, 2008, Annual meeting of the Belgian Association
for Psychological Science, pp. 36 - 36, Annual meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological
Sciences (BAPS) (Leuven, Belgium).
Deficits in acquisition and extinction of conditioned responses in mGluR7 knockout mice (poster session).
Goddyn H, Vegh Z, Stroobants S, Baeyens F, Balschun D, D'Hooge R, 2007, Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience (San Diego, CA, USA).
Research grants
2006- 2010
Personal scholarship National Foundations for Scientific Research (FWO, Belgium)