G REATER Y ELLOWSTONE C OORDI NATING C OMMI TTEE GYCC Public Orientation – April 29, 2015 Morning Holiday Inn, 1701 Sheridan Ave, Cody Wyoming Time Topics Presenter 8:00 AM Welcome Address Introductions / Housekeeping Joe Alexander, GYCC Chair, Shoshone Forest Supervisor Virginia Kelly, GYCC Coordinator 8:15 AM GYCC Overview Virginia Kelly, GYCC Coordinator Subcommittee Overviews 1. Climate Change Adaptation 2. Terrestrial Invasives 3. Aquatic Invasives 4. Fisheries 5. Wildlife 6. Whitebark Pine 7. Fire Management 8. Air Quality 9. Hydrology 10. Sustainable Operations Presented by Subcommittee Chairs 1. Virginia Kelly, GYCC Coordinator 2. Heidi Heyrend, Caribou-Targhee NF 3. Clint Sestrich, Custer Gallatin NF 4. Clint Sestrich, Custer Gallatin NF 5. Tammy Fletcher, Forest Service Region 1 6. Karl Buermeyer, Bridger-Teton NF 7. Michael Goicoechea, Beaverhead-Deerlodge NF 8. Jill McMurray, Forest Service Regions 1 and 4 9. Louis Wasniewski, Caribou-Targhee NF 10. Margaret Wilson, Grand Teton NP 8:45 AM 15 minute break called when needed 11:45 AM Break for Lunch (on your own) GYCC Public Conversation - April 29, 2015 Afternoon Holiday Inn, 1701 Sheridan Ave, Cody Wyoming Time Topic Presenter 1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions Joe Alexander, GYCC Chair 1:20 PM Overview of the GYCC and March 2014 Jackson and October 2014 Bozeman Public Conversations Virginia Kelly, GYCC Coordinator 1:40 PM Housekeeping/Procedures Facilitator Steve Smutko, Ruckelshaus Institute, University of Wyoming 1:50 PM Facilitated Dialogue in small groups with agency leaders All participants 4:15 PM Session Recap Facilitator Steve Smutko 4:45 PM Concluding Address Joe Alexander, GYCC Chair 5:00 PM Adjourn
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