to the latest JoyNotes

Joy Notes
Fruit Cove Baptist Church Women’s Ministry
He Speaks!
“He speaks everywhere at all times by what He has created” Psalm 19
I can’t remember a time that I have not been awed by creation, but at the age
of eighteen I became His “new creation”—now I stood in awe of the one who is Creator. Everything that I had revered in nature would now shift to the One who is glorified throughout His creation.
Paul said it so well in Romans 1:20, “The heavens tell of the glory of God.
The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to
speak; night after night they make Him known. They speak without a sound or a
word; their voice is silent in the skies; yet their message has gone out to all the
earth, and their words to all the world.”
In a conversation with a friend a few months ago, I was reminded of the absolute majesty of how God reveals Himself and His plan for us, not only through His
Word, but through what He has created—even a tiny crimson worm.
There is a small worm that lives in Israel called the crimson or scarlet worm.
This little creature tells a story that serves as a vivid example of how God speaks
through His creation, especially to those who are believers.
You see, the crimson worm climbs onto a tree branch where she will die after
giving birth to her fertilized eggs. The shell that forms over her body not only protects her babies, but they feed on her living body until they are able to live on their
own—and then the mother worm dies. As she dies, she stains the tree and her
young with a scarlet stain that remains for the rest of their lives. After three days,
the mother’s body turns pure white and falls to the ground.
“...though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah
Jesus willingly gave up His life on a tree. He washed and stained His children with His crimson blood so that our sins can be washed as white as snow. He
died, giving us life—and in His dying, He birthed the family of God that we might become the children of God; marked and sealed by His blood and the Holy Spirit. His
sacrifice, though crimson-stained, is seen by our Father as having the brilliant white
glow of His righteousness.
...In these last days God has spoken to us by His Son...Heb. 1:2
He is our “Risen Christ”. He is alive and still speaks!
In Him,
Linda Warne
Missions 2015
Participating in a mission trip requires advance preparation. However, your highest
priority in preparing for a trip is prayer. You may have seen photographs or have heard
about the Lord’s work in these various places but nothing can fully prepare you for the intensity of what you will experience. Spiritual preparation is imperative. Before applying,
pray about your trip and how God can use you...and work through you as a part of this
mission team.
Upon arrival at your destination, you will encounter great physical and/or spiritual poverty. You will experience different smells, customs, and languages. You will likely be
stretched outside of your comfort zone. Your time with God before you depart is prepare your mind, body and spirit.
Potential participants are encouraged to: Be firmly rooted in God’s Word: seek out
and claim His promises for the lost and hurting.
Spend regular time in prayer.
Enlist an intimate group of friends and family to intercede for you while you are away.
Remain flexible, patient and be prepared for anything.
Once you arrive at your destination you will be entering a culture that is very different
from your own. It is important to relax, have fun, be flexible and trust in God. Ask Him
to open your heart and mind to what He will show you. Typically, things don’t go as
planned. During your trip it is possible that events and schedules may get rearranged.
If so, we will trust in the Father to lead us.
2015 Scheduled Trips
Cuba—Adults: March 12-March 20, Team Leader: Gary Wilder, 904-708-6603
Miami—College: May 4-May 10, Team Leader: Chadwick Lockley, 904-859-5362
Haiti—HS/College: June 26-July 4, Team Leader: Ken Burnett, 904-307-9921
Iceland—Adults: Sept. 15-Sept. 23, Team Leader: Roger Minard, 904-342-0777
Guatemala—Adults/College: April 25-May 2, Team Leader: Dot Burney, 904-625-0078
Guatemala—Adults/College: Oct. 31-Nov. 7, Team Leader: John Kohlmann, 904-738-1245
Toronto—Dates Pending
Family Missions—Dates Pending
Please contact the team leader with any questions you may have about these trips.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Ghost: 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with
you always, even unto the end of the world.“~ Matthew 28: 19-20
Report prepared by Ken Burnett, chairman of Mission Committee, submitted by Suzanne David
Angie Smith
is coming!
Ladies’ Retreat
Epworth by the Sea
St. Simons Island, GA
If you have not made your reservation for our
Ladies’ fall retreat don’t wait…
Fill out the reservation form available in this issue,
and save your place today!
Angie, the wife of Todd Smith, lead singer of the
award-winning group, Selah, and mother to a house full
of daughters is a bestselling author of I will Carry You,
What Women Fear, Mended, Chasing God, and two Children’s books, Audrey Bunny and
For Such a Time as This. She also is the author of the new Bible study being released
April 1, Seamless. Angie’s study looks at the people, places and promises of the Bible and
focuses on the seamless thread throughout the Bible that weaves them all together.
We are in for a treat! Don’t miss the opportunity for renewal, refreshment and a
weekend of fun with other ladies!
Vacation Bible School
June 15-19
Want a real adventure this summer? Take the journey!
Join us as we take kids to uncharted territory where they will
begin to understand that obedience to God can lead them
beyond the expected. We will toss the map, stick close to our
guide, and prepare to listen for God’s direction in this journey
that is unknown to us, but known by Him.
Ladies, there are so many ways you can help make VBS
a successful adventure in reaching children and families for
We Need
on this Journey!
We need teachers, helpers, volunteers...Please contact
Ginna, Preschool Director,,
or Melissa, Children’s Director,,
or by calling the church office: 287-0996, to find out how you
can be a part of this important opportunity!
Ladies Retreat 2015
SEPTEMBER 25, 26 & 27
Epworth by the Sea, St. Simons Island, GA
Retreat Registration Cost: $40 (Non-Refundable but is Transferable)
Room Cost/Payment Options: (includes 2 nights and 6 meals)
SPACE IS LIMITED! Reserve your rooms as soon as possible!
(1) person
4 Pmts
(2) people
4 Pmts
(3) people
4 Pmts
(4) people
4 Pmts
Retreat Registration Form and Cost of $40 is due at time of registration.
Please bring this form with your payment to the church office M-TH 8:30am-5:00pm or F 8:30am-1:00pm
In case of emergency:
Name__________________________________________________ Phone
Riding the Van? Yes_______ No_______
Which Van? Noon_______ 2pm _______ 4:30pm _______
Roommates (1)___________________________ (2)___________________________
Building Preference
Retreat Cost $40
Room Payment $
Cash___________ Amount_____________
Cash__________ Amount_____________
Check #________ Amount_____________
Check #________ Amount_____________
Make checks payable to: Fruit Cove Baptist Church.
April 12, 2015 – May 10, 2015
Baby Bottle Boomerang
First Coast Women’s Services
Fill Bottles with Money
We have the opportunity again this year to make a
positive impact for LIFE!
Please stop by the Women’s Ministry Table and pick up a baby bottle !
Fill it with coins, bills or a check!
This money is given to First Coast Women’s Services to
help further the cause of saving lives.
All funds assist with helping women faced
with unplanned pregnancy and hopefully choosing Life!
Please make checks payable to First Coast Women’s Services.
All baby bottles are to be returned to the church by Mother’s Day, May 10th
Events to Mark on Your Calendar...
Ladies, the next
Connecting Class
begins Wednesday
evening, April 22nd.
Widow’s Might Spring Luncheon
May 3, 2015
ROC Fellowship Hall
12:15pm (after the 11:00 service)
will be catered!
So please join us for a time of
Fellowship and Food with Friends!
Please RSVP by April 26th or
We want to encourage
you to attend this 7 week
class. It is designed for
everyone, even if you have been a member of
FCBC for many years, or have never joined. It
is a wonderful opportunity to know more
about the hows and whys of our church, to
get to know Pastor Tim, who leads the class,
and maybe find your own place of service in
our church.
Even though I have been a member for
about 15 years, I took the class last year and
am so glad I did. I learned a lot about our
statement of faith and purpose, and even discovered some things about myself. You will
be glad you took the class!
Plan now to attend. There is no cost
for the class, join us at 6:15 pm on
Wednesday evening, April 22 in the ROC-FH.
~Vicki Denney~
The Holman Bible
Dictionary says:
"Forgiveness is a
term used to indicate pardon for a
fault or offense; to
excuse from
payment for a debt
Over the past
couple months the
military wives
Bible study has
been learning
about forgiveness. It's not an overnight process
and it's not easy, but it is necessary; not only to
have a right relationship with others but most
importantly with God. In Matthew 6:14-15,
Jesus tells us," If you forgive those who sin
against you, your heavenly Father will forgive
you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your
Father will not forgive your sins." That's a hard
pill to swallow! But God knows if we can't
forgive others it will be even harder for us to
understand His forgiveness and grace towards
us. If we are filled with bitterness, rage, anger,
harsh words, slander and all types of malicious
behavior (Ephesians 4:31) our hearts have no
room to accept His love for us; His good and
perfect love.
We are to forgive. We are to be "imitators
of God, for we are His children; we are to live a
life filled with love for others, following the
example of Christ, who loved us and gave
Himself as a sacrifice to take away our sins."
(Ephesians 5:1-2). We are to love others deeply
because love covers a multitude of sins
(1 Peter 4:8) and love keeps no record of wrongs
(1 Corinthians 13:5). That is what God has done
for us! He has loved us so deeply that He has
paid our debt completely! How? By sending His
son, Jesus, as a sacrifice for our sins! When we
ask our heavenly Father for forgiveness we are
forgiven! If God has gone at such great lengths
to forgive us, shouldn't we forgive others? As I
said before it's not an easy process but with the
love of our heavenly Father it can be done.
In His love and mine,
~Debbie Stoutamyer~
Getting to Know...Kelly Muniz
It is my pleasure to introduce a
special lady to you, Kelly Muniz, the wife of
our Sports Life Pastor, mom of 4, Zachary,
Izaac, Abigail, and Annabelle, and a
wonderful addition to our church family.
Kelly is 3rd generation born and
raised in Miami. Kelly grew up in Wayside
Baptist Church in Miami, where she later met
Neil. Because of her mom’s employment with
Delta Airlines, their family, which consist of
mom, dad and one sister, were able to travel
a lot, mostly in the continental US.
Kelly and Neil met while in the College Dept. of their
church, dated 1 1/2 years and became engaged and married a few
months later. Kelly taught school for 4 years until Zachary was
born and then chose to be at home as her family increased.
Kelly’s story reflects the value of mentoring in her life.
When she and Neil were dating, Neil was serving as an intern in
their church, knowing he was called to ministry. He worked with
youth, but continued to search for the particular direction God
had for his life. An 80 year old couple introduced Upward Sports
to their church, and began working with Neil and Kelly. They
encouraged Neil and Kelly to attend an Upward Conference in
Atlanta. During this conference, “a light turned on” for Neil as he
found a new passion and direction for his ministry. The Muniz’
walked along side this older couple who stayed for a couple of
years to mentor and support Kelly and Neil in Upward work. The
Muniz children have grown up on the Upward soccer field, and
have learned many life lessons in serving, working and having
Kelly also has an aunt who is in the ministry with her
husband, a pastor, and has been an encourager and mentor as
Kelly has walked the road of ministry with her husband. Through
these mentors in her life, Kelly has learned the importance of
keeping priorities in order. God, Family, work/church. Because
we sometimes look at our relationship with God and church/work
as one and the same, it is easy to sacrifice that valuable precious
time with our children with activities and meetings. This
knowledge led the Muniz family to choose home schooling for
their children. Kelly says home schooling is easier than you
think, and more difficult at the same time. Staying focused is the
biggest challenge. Teaching is the easy part, ignoring the load of
laundry is difficult, but important in staying focused—keeping the
main thing—the main thing!
Kelly loves to bake, a love which began with baking and
decorating her kids’ birthday cakes. She considers it a personal
therapy and is actually thinking about starting a small business.
She loves to read, enjoys crafts, and loves to be out, playing with
her kids, loves to watch them enjoy life and growing up.
Kelly said their first Sunday at Fruit Cove, was like
coming home immediately. The family felt an immediate welcome
and though Fruit Cove is a large church, it has that small “home”
feel. While the Muniz family experienced the usual struggle of
breaking ties with home and the familiar, even the children have
transitioned quickly. They have seen God’s plan confirmed in
their move here—in making new friends quickly and they have
even found a new surrogate “grandmother” in Lisa Sheffield
(Neil’s support assistant). Kelly is really enjoying being a part of
our Mom to Mom group and being a part of being mentored by
older moms and encouraging younger moms in her own group.
The Muniz family came just in time for our Upward
Basketball season and every one of them was involved from the
word, “Go”. From Kelly’s cupcakes and muffins for the coaches
to the kids gathering balls and helping Dad. Many in our
community have come through our campus and heard the Word
of God through Upward participation. Neil now is focused on
nurturing that contact made with so many un-churched children
and families—which is the ultimate goal of Upward Sports—
bringing individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Take time to look for this beautiful young lady on our
campus—you’ll love getting to know her!
~Vicki Denney~
Women’s Ministry
Fruit Cove Baptist Church
501 SR 13
Jacksonville, FL 32259
Current Resident or:
Lessons Learned ...
As I write this I have just survived and thrived on a week with my two year old and 5 year old grands from Boston.
What a wonderful week it was! I must tell you though I have a whole new appreciation for Abraham and Sarah becoming
parents in their older years. Wow! Not only was the birth a miracle of God...but the energy it required to keep up with baby
Isaac—a miracle in itself!
We don’t get to see our grandchildren very often, with two living in Kentucky and two in Boston—our time with
them is too little and too infrequent. We were blessed with double pleasure this month though, because our 19 year old
grandson from Kentucky, brought his girlfriend for a visit in early March (college spring break) and 3 days after their
departure, the Boston clan arrived!. We loved it all, from watching the teens zip-line over the Alligator Farm in St. Aug., to
teaching 5 year old Zach to ride a bike. Jerry did the bike teaching—I did the watching and cheering! It was a real joy to
see the delight on Zach’s eyes as he realized, “I can do this”!
It was comical to see the change in our routine…(and our menu—think mac & cheese, chicken fingers and pizza)
here we are in the midst of March Madness, when normally both Jerry and I would be watching basketball...a little more
basketball...and basketball. Of course, adding to that is our love not just for basketball, but KENTUCKY basketball! And
right now an undefeated season! What fun! But when the tv was on, it rotated from Doc Mc Stuffin to Sophia the First or
Paw Patrol— sports and news came only after their bedtime,
and by that time—we were ready for bed too! So on Saturday
when our daughter got up and said, “I think today would be a
Easy Crock-Pot Ham
great day to go to the zoo, both Jerry and I looked at each
other and without saying a word, knew the other was
2 Cups brown sugar
thinking…”Kentucky plays this afternoon”...but we didn’t say
a word, we did what we were supposed to do—Took a deep
8 Pounds ham
breath and quickly set the DVR for taping the CATS game and
said, “Sure, that’s a great idea”! Now you have to realize our
daughter is the ONLY family member I can think of who has
not been bitten by the obsession of Kentucky Basketball—we
feel sure at some point she will be inflicted, just not yet. Maybe it is lack of time, priorities, who knows…? We did enjoy
Spread about 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar on
our beautiful Jacksonville Zoo and time with our family. It
was funny though that Angie’s husband, who could not be
the bottom of the slow cooker crock. Place
with us because of work, realized the game schedule and
the ham flat side down into the slow cooker
texted her with this question, “who won? The kids or The
you might have to trim it a little to make it
game?” Boy, am I glad we passed that test!
Lesson learned? Time with those we love is too
fleeting, the delight of giggles and glee at feeding the giraffes
and seeing God’s creation through the eyes of a child will
always hold more value than a nerve-racking basketball
game! (plus—smart phones are wonderful for sneaking a
check on the score!)
Vicki Denney
fit. Use your hands to rub the remaining
brown sugar onto the ham. Cover, and cook
on Low for 8 hours.
Maxine Bowman