Head Office: 150-Peshawar Road, Westridge-I, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Tel: +92 51 548 1763 Fax: +92 51 546 2617 Email: info.kef2@gmail.com Website: www.kef.org.pk KEF UK: 370-Thornton Road, Bradford, Bd8 8LQ, UK. Tel: +44 127 454 9970 Fax: +44 127 454 9979 Email: info@kefuk.org Website: www.kefuk.org Quest for Education: 639 Green Lanes, Hornsey, London, N8 0RE, UK. Tel: +44 208 340 5600 Email: contact@questforeducation.org Website: www.questforeducation.org USA: KEF Inc., P.O.Box. No. 18775, Atlanta, Georgia, 31126, U.S.A. Email: kef1.usa@gmail.com Website: www.kefintl.org CANADA: 1325 Eglinton Avenue East Suite 209, Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 4L9, Canada. Tel: 416 821 2284 Fax: 905 212 9887 Email: info@kefcanada.org Website: www.kefcanada.org Newsletter July-Dec Volume (XVIII) 2012 Thinking Graduates with a Purpose KEF’s Another Step Towards Quality Education Cheema Trust Public School (CTPS) Sang Khurd, District Chakwal It is hoped that the School will be operational in April/ May 2013 with two classes (Prep and One) of two sections each. With Allah’s blessings, the fifth institution of KEF is about to be launched. Following work is completed: ! Three storied structure. ! Plastering. ! Plumbing and Electric wiring. ! External works (in progress). Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) CURRICULAR Annual Exams In December 2012, the annual examination for all classes were held at Banjosa Valley Public School (BVPS) and Pearl Valley Public School & College (PVPS&C). Critical mass of future citizens with intellect and abilities that match Pakistan’s future challenges. Extra Coaching Classes Extra Coaching Classes for weak students were organized at Soan Valley Public School w.e.f. 24th November, 2012 for eight weeks. HSSC-II Annual Result FBISE and Mirpur Board AJK 2012 We are pleased to announce that the PVPS students have achieved 99% success in Annual Result of Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE) and Mirpur Board Azad Jammu & Kashmir 2012. We acknowledge the efforts put in by students and teachers. Details are as under: Shining Star of PVPS Mr. Sameer Ahmed, a PVPS student of Class VIII got admission in Sargodian Spirit Trust-SST School Rashidabad, Sindh on 50% scholarship. We wish him the best in his future endeavours. Total Students Appeared A1 A B C 17 4 2 6 4 Grades Achieved Parent-Teacher Meeting at PVPS One student will re-appear in the Exams. APID Test for the Academic Session 2013 was conducted by a team from National Institute of Psychology from Quaid-eAzam University, Islamabad: ? At Pearl Valley Public School & College on 27th and 28th November. 63 candidates appeared in the test. ? At Banjosa Valley Public School on 29th and 30th November. 59 candidates appeared in the test. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) CO-CURRICULAR Oath Taking Ceremony Two students from each House were selected as House Prefects for the academic Session 2012-13, in an Oath Taking Ceremony conducted on 8th September, 2012 at SVPS. Founders’ Day-2012 At Pearl Valley Public School & Kuth Putliyan College (PVPS&C) “Kids BVPS students of Class IV made puppets by using different materials and presented them through a story 'Kuth Putliyan'. It was a fun oriented and wonderful experience for all the Banjosians. flourish if we get them to school every day.” Annual Founders' Day function was held on 29th September, 2012 at PVPS&C. Syed Babar Ali, Pro-Chancellor Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) was the Chief Guest. He appreciated the efforts of KEF, in particular, PVPS students for their achievements and for conducting such a nice event. He emphasized upon the students, to uphold the values, which determine the character of an individual. He also expressed hope that these students would create a future which our Founder, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah dreamt/ visualized for Pakistan. People from all walks of life attended the function and praised the stage performances of BVPS students. SVPS teachers, students and parents also attended the function. The event became more colorful due to presence of PVPS Alumni who were specifically invited to attend. >> FOR MORE PHOTOS, PLEASE VISIT http://www.flickr.com/photos/55090252@N08/sets/72157632005303557/ Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) KEF Monument Honorable Chief Guest-Syed Babar Ali and some Founder Trustees unveiled the KEF’s Monument (dedicated to the Founder Trustees of KEF) on the auspicious event of Founders’ Day-2012 at Pearl Valley Public School & College, Rawalakot. It was donated by Founder Chairman-KEF, Maj. Gen. (Retd) M. Rahim Khan and designed by Ms. Nazish Khalid, Liaison Officer, KEF-Head Office. The monument is located within the School’s premises and its location makes it visible from a far off distance. We thank Gen Rahim and Ms Nazish Khalid for their time and effort put in for the beautiful monument. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) UN Days Following UN Days were observed at all KEF institutions: ? Iqbal Day ? Teachers' Day ? Older Persons’ Day ? International Day of NonViolence ? International Day of Tolerance ? International Day for the Elimination of Slavery ? World Population Day ? Environment Day ? World Day against Child Labour ? International Youth Day ? International Day of Girl Child ? World’s National Children Day ? International Literacy Day All students actively participated and emphasized the need of imparting quality education to the underprivileged and commended the efforts of KEF in providing them all the modern educational facilities under one roof. Independence Day An enthusiastic Independence Day of Pakistan was celebrated on 14th August, 2012 at PVPS and BVPS. Students paid tribute to the martyrs through national songs, skits and dramas. In this connection, special speech week was observed at BVPS from 13th – 18th August. Students of Class III & IV expressed their views through speeches on the importance of the day. VNVR Workshop An Interactive session on Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning (VNVR) for all students was held at PVPS on 13th October 2012. Essay Competition-Results (Global School Partnership Programme) Developing Cognitive Skills Extempore Speech Competition The competition was held on 10th November 2012 between the students of Class IV-XII at PVPS. Three students from each class participated in the competition. Spelling Bee Competition To improve students’ spellings, an intra class ‘Spelling Bee Competition’ has been introduced from Classes IV-XII at PVPS. Quiz Competition BVPS conducted a Quiz competition for classes Two to Four on 19th October 2012. Winners were awarded prizes/ gift hampers. Alisha Imtiaz, a PVPS student of Class IX, secured First position in the Essay Writing Competition on ‘Ethics & Morality’ organised by Valentines High School (VHS), UK, as part of “Global School Partnership Programme”. She was awarded £ 100 cash prize, a trophy along with a GSP Certificate. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) Visits Following visited KEF’s Institutions and appreciated the overall efforts of the Foundation in producing thinking graduates from rural areas: ? Lt. Gen. (R) Nadeem Ahmed, former Chairman Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Trustee KEF-PK visited PVPS on 7 t h July 2012. He was accompanied by his wife along with Mr. Asif Habib Khan, Trustee KEFPK/USA. He awarded cash prizes of Rs.5,000/- each to first three position holders in Federal Board SSC Annual Examination 2012. Visit by Senior Management Course No. 1 from Kashmir Institute of Management, Muzaffarabad A delegation of thirty-two officers including two instructors from ? Syed Bilal Qutab, a religious scholar and faculty member of National College of Arts (NCA) and Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Lahore visited PVPS on 9th July, 2012. He shared his ideas/ experiences with pearls of Grade IX-XII and appreciated the schools' achievements. ? Mr. Asif Habib Khan, Trustee KEF PK/USA along with their three family friends visited BVPS on 14th July, 2012. ? Brig. Muhammad Jamil Khan along with his family visited BVPS on 16th July 2012. ? CEO KEF - Brig. (Retd) Amjad Javaid along with Director CTE th visited BVPS on 19 July 2012. ? Birg. Muhammad Zafar Imtiaz (Secretary SCO) visited BVPS on 24th August, 2012. ? Lt. General Tariq Nadeem Gilani visited Soan Valley Public School (SVPS) and College of Teacher Education (CTE) along with Brig. Muhammad Jamil on 10th December, 2012. They were briefed by CEO and Director-CTE. He donated Rs.100,000/- as a humble Kashmir Institute of Management visited Pearl Valley Public School & College (PVPS&C) on 14th November 2012. They attended the assembly and undertook a tour of the school including library, Arts room, Audio-visual lab, Maths resource room, IT and the Science Labs. Students of Class V presented a special skit during assembly which was appreciated. The Principal gave a brief presentation to the visitors about PVPS in light of KEF’s mission/ vision and core values. Master Ebad Naeem from Class III spoken on, “Why I Like PVPS?” The visitors applaused repeatedly during his speech and praised the confidence displayed by students that KEF is developing in them. Watch his video: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=485341984857642&set=vb.220114538019311&type=2&theater contribution towards this noble cause. ? Maj. (Retd) Siraj-ul-Mulk of Chitral and Lt. Gen. (Retd) Javed Alam visited Basali Complex on 12th December, 2012 along with Mr. Asif Habib Khan, Trustee KEFPK/USA and CEO KEF. Visit to SST School (Rashidabad) Mr. Asif Habib Khan, Trustee KEF PK/USA visited Sargodhian Spirit Trust (SST) School, Rashidabad on 11th September to meet the ex-PVPS students. He was pleased to learn about their performance from their faculty who were full of admiration for them. Presently, there are nine exPVPS students in various classes. One of them is an appointment holder. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) PVPS Student’s Visit to UK As a part of Global School Partnership Programme, Hassan Liaqat of Class VIII visited Valentines High School (UK) for a period of two weeks. The visit provided him a rare opportunity to interact with the teachers and multi-cultural students of the school. We thank to all those who organized the visit and oversaw the program especially Mrs. S V Jones-Principal VHS and Mrs. Iffat Ferdinand, GSP Coordinator, VHS. KEF management is grateful to VHS faculty, staff and students for extending a warm hospitality during his highly educative and friendly visit. Inter House Naat Competition at SVPS EXTRA-CURRICULAR Eid Celebrations Open Day 2012 An Eid Milan Party was celebrated at all KEF schools. Interesting skits, national songs, poems and games made the event colorful and entertaining. PVPS Alumni also attended the function and shared their views/experiences with students. They emphasized that responsible and focused approach will lead them to the path of success. To enhance the ingenious skills of BVPS students, an exquisite practice of creating handmade Eid Cards for their Parents, Teachers and Friends was carried out from 13th to 18th August, 2012. Open Day was held at PVPS on 20th October, 2012. A number of games/ entertaining events were organized by the students. Inter House Cricket Tournament Inter House Cricket Tournament was held at PVPS on 12th & 13th October 2012. Cedar House was declared winner. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) Trip Sports Update To enhance the psycho-motor skills among the students, the Annual Sports Day was organized at PVPS by a group of KEF Alumni and PVPS faculty on 17th July, 2012. It included interesting games which made the event entertaining and colorful. It also provided a healthy interaction between old and present students to share their ideas/ experiences. A special Cricket match played between old and present students was won by the present students. BVPS also conducted a sports week from 14th -20th July, 2012. Book Fair PVPS students of Class IX and X went to Rawalpindi/Islamabad and Murree on an educational trip. They visited Air University Islamabad, PA F R e c r u i t m e n t C e n t r e , Rawalpindi and Murree. A Book Fair organized by Oxford University Press was held at Pearl Valley Public School & College on 19th and 20th October, 2012. BVPS students of Class three and four also attended. It was a good experience for all. HEAD OFFICE Board Meetings Following were held at KEF’s Head Office, Rawalpindi: th ? Executive and Audit Committee meetings on 19 December, 2012. st th ? 31 Board of Trustees Meeting on 20 December, 2012. Lt. Gen. (R) Nadeem Ahmed, former Chairman Earthquake Relief and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) attended his first meeting as new Trustee, KEF Pakistan. MISCELLANEOUS Sports-gear & Art Tool Kit Sports-gear were gifted by Mr. Yasir for BVPS Students. BVPS also received a precious Art Tool kit for its students from one of the KEF’s supporters in UK. KEF’s management and schools’ faculty is thankful to KEF’s friends for their generous support to BVPS. Internal Audit for the period MarJune 2012 was conducted at all KEF schools. Polio Vaccination Students of Class Prep were vaccinated against Polio by a team from Government of Punjab on 11th and 25th September, 2012 at all KEF Schools. Donation received for the treatment of Raja Saad bin Awais In response to KEF’s appeal in its monthly bulletin and social networking, an amount of Rs. 119,510/- was received and handed over to the father of SVPS studentRaja Saad bin Awais (a patient of Bone-Marrow at Al-Shifa Hospital, Islamabad). Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION CTE’s Awareness Campaign To attract prospective candidates for B.Ed batch-02, an awareness campaign about KEF and College of Teacher Education (CTE) was carried out in major cities of AJ&K. CEO KEF and Director CTE visited Mirpur, Kotli, Pallandri, Khui Ratta, Hajira and Rawalakot. The overall response was quite encouraging. Some of their visits got an exclusive newspaper coverage. B.Ed Admissions Admissions/ interviews for B.Ed batch-02 were held at the following KEF Institutions: rd ? Pearl Valley Public School & College, Rawalakot on 23 and 24 th October, 15th & 28th November, 2012. ? College of Teacher Education, Basali Complex, Rawalpindi on 5th & th 26 November, 2012. Teaching Practice at KEF Schools B.Ed students underwent their four weeks’ teaching practice at KEF Schools as part of their curriculum. Final Projects’ Exhibition at CTE (by B.Ed Students) - 22nd Sep, 2012. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) Gradua (First B tion Day atch of B.Ed) Capacity Building On 12th July, 2012 Ms. Maria Nouman, an educationist from Karachi conducted a two hours workshop for the teaching faculty of KEF Schools in AJ&K on English Phonics and Classroom Management at PVPS. Moreover, she presented 13 books on English Phonics for the schools. The workshop was also attended by Director CTE and CEO KEF. Creative teachers with exceptional cognitive domain expertise. Graduation Day (B.Ed Batch 01) Graduation day was celebrated at College of Teacher Education (CTE) on 21st December, 2012. Air Marshal In-Service Workshop for KEF Teachers CTE conducted a two days inservice workshop for KEF teachers at PVPS on 2nd and 3rd July, 2012. Besides teaching faculty of PVPS & BVPS, 3 internees from twin cities i.e. Rawalpindi/Islamabad and 5 teachers of EMKAYS School, Mianwali visited the school. ( R e t d ) M a s o o d A k h t a r, Chairman-KEF was the Chief Guest and awarded degrees to the graduates of Bachelors in Education (B.Ed). The Graduation Day Ceremony was conducted by the graduating trainees. The Chairman appreciated their confidence and enthusiasm developed to carry forward the learning/ teaching ideas of 21st Century; effectively and efficiently. Dramas B.Ed students performed the following two plays on 14th September 2012 at CTE: ? English Play-'Macbeth' by Shakespear ? Urdu Play-'Nizam Saqa' by Mumtaz Mufti) Orientation Week On 24th December, 2012 the second batch of B.Ed joined College of Teacher Education (CTE). The course formally commenced w.e.f. 1st January, 2013. Volley Ball Competition at CTE (B.Ed Students) - 10th November 2012. Newsletter (July-Dec 2012) KEF FOREIGN CHAPTERS QfE’s Annual Dinner Quest for Education (QfE) hosted its annual dinner at the Pakistan High Commission London in September 2012. The High Commissioner His Excellency Mr Wajid Shamsul Hasan was the Chief Guest. Other prominent guests included QfE Patron Sir David Green KCMG, Deputy High Commissioner Mr Syed Zulfiqar Gardezi, Mr. Hassan Askari, Mr.& Mrs. Barry and Prof. Marilyn Leask. Also in attendance were both the present Chairman and the Founding Chairman of KEF. KEF UAE Chapter We are pleased to announce that after constant efforts of Mr. Abdul Qayyum (Trustee KEF UK and Coordinator KEF UAE) a team of like minded persons is ready to carry forward the KEF’s mission, efficiently and effectively.The members of KEF UAE include renowned personalities of UAE and Pakistan. Efforts are also under way to request some eminent locals to become KEF Patrons. Inaugural Ceremony of this chapter is likely to be held in May/June 2013. It is hoped that with the help/ presence of such motivated persons, KEF would successfully achieve its goals to further the cause of education in underprivileged areas. Addressing the gathering, High Commissioner Mr. Hasan highlighted the importance of education and also outlined the constraints Pakistan faces in this regard. Dr. Ahson Umar (chair, QfE) speaking on behalf of Quest for Education outlined aspirations for the future. These involve raising funds for Kashmir Education Foundation to build a school in each and every one of the 596 districts of Pakistan. The evening ended with a performance by Mr Jeff Mirza the renowned AngloPakistani comedian. The event was attended by many from the Pakistani community. NEXT ISSUE: INAUGURAL CEREMONY OF CTPS KEF’s fourth quality educational institute ‘Cheema Trust Public School (CTPS), Sang Khurd, Chakwal is about to be completed and will be opened to serve local community, soon. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT Joining of new Chief Executive Officer at KEF’s Head Office. FEEDBACK from Friends of KEF ? Thank you for the update. Loved to see the photos and hear the news. Keep on keeping me posted. Regards to all. (Joan Atkinson, Trustee KEF-UK) ? Thank you very much for the bulletins. Kind regards ? I am very grateful to be always remembered by your ? Thank you so much for sharing your May’s Bulletin, organization. What I can only share to KEF is my constant and fervent prayers that KEF will continue to prosper and give benefits to the recipients. And more blessing will come your way. Peace, unity and progress will always prevail. (Andrea Flores, Friend of KEF) ? Jazakallah Khair for the update via the bulletin. Another good way to keep us all informed Masha'Allah. (Mr. Akram Khan Cheema-OBE, Trustee KEF PK, Deputy Chairman-KEF UK) (Carol Carrington) Nazish. As usual, very concise and interesting information enough to be digested by everybody. Keep up the good work. Congratulations on opening the new Chapter of KEF in UAE.All the best and good luck. (Khalida Zeb-VSO) ? An impressive record of focused action; thanks for the update. (Prof.James T. Sykes, Senior Advisor for Aging Policy Population Health Sciences, University of Wisconsin) ? Having seen your sent bulliton, I must appreciate the activities going on.Best wishes with kind regards. (Dr. M. Younas Parwez, Friend of KEF) ? Thanks. Very informative. You people are doing some wonderful work. (Ahmed Qadir, Friend of KEF) ? Congratulations! MashaAllah, KEF is achieving such great results. I am very happy to read the success story. May Allah SWT guide and excel the students in all the endeavors. (Raffath Waheed, Donor) ? Thank you for keeping me updated with bulletins and information. It makes me so happy to read about all the wonderful work that is going on at KEF schools and the Teachers' Institute. My Salaam and Best Wishes to Maj. Gen Rahim and everyone at KEF. (Francis Kuraishi, ex-Teacher Trainer at CTE)
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