SANTA CRUZ COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS INDEX SHEET Creation Date: 3/1/11 Source Code: GENSV Agenda Date: 3/8/11 I NVENUM: 64920 Resolution(s): Ordinance(s): Contract(s): 03885 Continue Date(s): (1) 5/24/11 Index: --Letter of the Director of General Services dated February27, 2011 --ADM29 Request for Approval of Agreement Contract No. 03885 --Independent Contractor Agreement with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. --Proposal submittal Item: 66.2 APPROVED contract with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $55,800 for pre-design phase project management services for the Veteran's Memorial Building Project and directed staff to return on or before May 24,2011 with an update including the Vanir team's final project report and associated recommendations, as recommended by the Director of General Services 00:) 9 County of Santa Cruz GENERAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 701 OCEAN STREET, SUITE 330, SANTA CRUZ, CA 95060-4073 (831)454-2210 FAX: (831)454-2710 Too: (831)454-2123 "APPROYED NANCY GORDON, DIRECTOR A~ru FILED BOARD ~¡:î"l)ERVISORS DATE:3 ~J (( Agenda: March 8, 2011 February 27,2011 cocu\' F S _ -TA CRUZ Board of Supervisors County of Santa Cruz 701 Ocean Street SUS. A. ~ URIELLO E F CLERK -Â0 ) Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project: Approval of Contract for Construction Management Services (Pre-design Phase) Dear Members of the Board: At your Board's January 25, 2011 meeting, staff presented a report on the Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building Repair project. This project calls for engineered repair work to address the building's structural deficiencies that do not meet minimum life safety performance standards during a seismic event. At that meeting, your Board gave additional direction to staff to initiate hiring of a consultant to engage in the repair process. Attached is a contract proposal from Vanir Construction Management, Inc. for the pre-design phase services of the repair project's construction management The Vanir project team involves an experienced project manager who has successfully completed a County time sensitive, logistically challenging construction project in the past, as well as a structural engineering team thoroughly familiar with seismic retrofit of government, miltary and historical buildings. The work scope includes the identification of a detailed cost estimate and will provide the necessary information for determining the project's repair timeline. The Vanir team estimates that their report wil be complete in sixty days from the time they are provided the County's notice to proceed; the team is available to commence their work efforts immediately. Under a separate report at today's meeting, funds for these construction management services have been recommended by the County Administrative Ofce by transfer from various completed projects from prior years into the Plant Acquisition Budget specifically for the Veteran's Memorial Building repair. County Counsel remains engaged in discussion with counsel representing the Veterans Memorial CounciL. Following the most recent case management conference, the judge set another case management conference for March 29, 2011. County Counsel wil bring an update on the litigation matter to your Board today in closed session. ,~ 0060 Page two/Agenda: March 8, 2011 Approval of Contract for Construction Management Services It is therefore RECOMMENDED that your Board: 1. Approve the contract with Vanir Construction Management, Inc. for pre-design phase project management services for the Veterans Memorial Building project in the not to exceed amount of $55,800; and 2. Direct staff to return on or before May 24, 2011 with an update including the Vanir team's final project report and associated recommendations. Very truly yours, RECOMMENDED: Nancy Gordon General Services Director ~, ~ -J SU A:RIELLO County Administrative Officer Attachments: ADM29, Contract and Proposal Submittal from Vanir Construction Management, Inc. cc: CAO; County Counsel; Parks; Risk Management; Human Services Department; Santa Cruz Veterans Board of Trustees; Veterans Memorial Council; Vanir Construction Management Services, Inc. .~ 0061 COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FROM: Board of Supervisors TO. County Administrative Office Auditor Controller BY: General Services (.--,' .~-:./ .ç~'J" . / . /-';'// . (.. (Signature) (Department) 2/28/11 (Date) Signature certifies that app-ròpriations/revenues are available Revenue Agreement 0 Expenditure Agreement ~ AGREEMENT TYPE (Check One) The Board of Supervisors is hereby requested to approve the attached agreement and authorize the execution of same. 1. Said agreement is between the County of Santa Cruz - General Services Department (Department/Agency) and Vanir Construction Management, Inc. 2033 Gateway Place, 5th Floor, San Jose, CA 95110 (Name/Address) 2. The agreement will provide Construction management services for the pre-design phase for the Santa Cruz Veteran's Memorial Building . to project completion 3. Period of the agreement is from March 8, 2011 4. Anticipated Cost Is $ 55,800.00 o Fixed 0 Monthly Rate 0 Annual Rate ~ Not to Exæed Remarks: 5. Detail: 0 On Continuing Agreements List for FY _-_ Pa ce O Section II No Board letter required, will be listed under Item 8 OR ~ 1 st Time Agreement Contract, No: D Section ILL Board letter required D Section IV Revenue Agreement 6. Appropriations/Revenues are available and are budgeted in 191150 (Ind) 6610 (SL cted) NOTE: IF APPROPRIATIONS ARE INSUFFICIENT, ATIACHED COMPLEED AUD-74 OR AUD-60 have been Contract No:~--/~ CI03~o:5 !J Ge available and ~ encumbered. oP ti 1\ will be By..L. Date: ~~~ . Auditor trll ~ty Appropriations are not flDW Proposal and accounting detail reviewed and approved. It is recommended that the Board of Supervisors approve the agreement and authorize General Services Director (Dept/Agency Head) to execute on behalf of the County of Santa Cruz Date: "(Department/Agency) "" coun~ '2/~1t( i Distribution: Board of Supervisors - V\ite Auditor Controller - Canary Auditor-Controller - Pink Department - Gold ADM - 29 (8/01) Title I, Section 300 Proc Man AUDITOR-CONOUER USE ONLY co $ Document No. TC110 " Auditor Description Une JE Amount HfL Keyed By / $ Amount Date Index Sub object User Code 0062 contractNo~ INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase This Contract is entered into this 8th day of March 2011, by and between the COUNTY OF SANA CRUZ, hereinafter called COUN, and V ANIR CONSTRUCTION MAAGEMENT, INC., hereinafter called CONTRACTOR. The paries agree as follows: 1. DUTIES. CONTRACTOR agrees to exercise special skill to accomplish the following results: · Review Streeter Group design and comment; · Coordinate the concrete and rebar materials strength testing to determe materials properties. . Coordinate the geotechncal testing and investigations necessar to proceed with the seismic/ structul upgrade; . Coordinate the results of testing with Streeter Group to validate their prelimnar assumptions and proposed design solutions; . Review the County's existing drawings and correlate them to the as-built conditions of the building and site; . Exame and sumarze any building issues that may impact the seismic repai and timeline, i.e. finshes, electrical, HV AC, plumbing, HASMAT, exiting, fire systems; · Determe thè physical condition and life expectancy of the boiler heating system; . Meet with regulatory agencies that have jursdiction to solicit any of their concern, i.e., building deparment, police, and fire district; . Determne any other impacts that the repai work may have on the communty and prepare mitigation plan, i.e., stagig area, shorig, scaffolding, sidewalkstreet closure; · Prepare a final project report and work plan; · Prepare a cost estimate for the project work plan; · Prepare a cash flow projection matrix; · Prepare a project schedule for the project work plan; at the Santa Cru Veterans Memorial Buildig for the County of Santa Cru General Services Deparment. 2. COMPENSATION. In consideration for CONTRACTOR accomplishing said result, COUNY agrees to pay CONTRACTOR as follows: Payment not to exceed $55,800 processed for payment in full after project completion, receipt of invoice, and approval of project manager. 3. TERM. The term of this Contract shall be: Sixty (60) days from the "notice to proceed" issued by the COUN. 4. EARY TERMINATION. Either pary hereto may termnate this Contract at any time by giving thiy (30) days wrtten notice to the other par. ~ED9/10 i 0063 5. INDEMNIFICATION FOR DAMAGES, TAXS AN CONTRIUTIONS. CONTRACTOR shall exonerate, indemnify, defend, and hold haress COUNTY (which for the purpose of Section 5 and 6 of this document shall include, without limtation, its offcers and employees) from and against: A. Any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, defense costs, other legal costs, or liabilty of any kid or nature which COUNTY may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon it at any time for injur to or death of persons, or daage to property as a result of, arising out of, or in any manner connected with the CONTRACTOR'S performance under the term of this Contract, excepting any liability arsing out of the sole negligence of the COUNY. Such indemnfication includes any damage to the person(s), or property(ies) of CONTCTOR and thid persons. B. Any and all Federal, State and Local taxes, charges, fees, or contributions required to be paid with respect to CONTCTOR and CONTRACTOR'S offcers, employees and agents engaged in the performance of this Contract (including, without limitation, unemployment insurance, social security and payroll tax withholding). 6. INSURCE. CONTRACTOR, at its sole cost and expense, for the full term of this Contract (and any extensions thereof), shall obtain and maintain, at minium, compliance with all of the following insurance coverage(s) and requirements. Such insurnce coverage shall be primar coverage as respects COUNY and any insurance or self-insurnce maintained by COUNY shall be considered in excess of CONTRACTOR'S insurance coverage and shall not contribute to it. Therefore, CONTRACTOR hereby acknowledges and agrees that any and all insurances carred by it shall be deemed liability coverage for any and all actions it perform in connection with this Contract. If CONTRACTOR utilizes one or more subcontractors in the performce of this Contract, CONTCTOR shall obtain and maintain Independent Contractor's Insurance as to each subcontractor or otherwise provide evidence of insurance coverage from each subcontractor equivalent to ~eqUired of CONTRACTOR in this contract, unless CONTCTOR and COUN both intial here ~. A. Types of Insurance and Minimum Limits (1) Worker's Compensation in the minimum statutorily required coverage amounts~ no employees and certifies to Ths insurce coverage shall be required unless. the CONTCTOR has this fact by initialing here (2) Automobile Liability Insurance for each of CONTRACTOR'S vehicles used in the performance of this Contract, including owned, non-owned (e.g. owned by CONTRACTOR'S employees), leased or hired vehicles, in the minium amount of $1,000,000 combined single limt per occurence for bodily injur and property dage. This insurance coverage is required unless the any par of CONTCTOR does not drve a vehicle in conjunction with the performance of this Contract and CONTRACTOR and COUNTY both certify to this fact by initialing here _ / _' (3) Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance coverage in the aggregate amount of$2,500,OOO, including coverage for: (a) bodily injury, (b) personal injury, (c) broad liabilty, and (e) cross-liability. form property damage, (d) contractual (4) Professional Liability Insurance in the minimum amount of $1 ,000,0000 ;¡ed smgle limit, if, and only if, ths Subpargrph is intialed by CONTCTOR and COUNY REVISED 9/10 2 .Jf 0064 B. Other Insurance Provisions (1) If any insurance coverage required in this Contract is provided on a "Claims Made" rather than "Occurence" form CONTCTOR agrees to maintain the required coverage for a period of three (3) years after the expiration of this Contract (hereinafter "post Contract coverage") and any extensions thereof. CONTRACTOR may maintain the required post Contract coverage by renewal or purchase of prior acts or tail coverage. This provision is contingent upon post Contract coverage being both available and reasonably affordable in relation to the coverage provided durig the term of this Contract. For puroses of interpreting ths requirement, a cost not exceeding 100% of the last anual policy premium durng the term of this Contract in order to purchase prior acts or tail coverage for post Contract coverage shall be deemed to be reasonable. (2) All required Automobile and Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability Insurance shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: "The COilty of Santa Cru, its officers and employees are added as an additional insured as respects the operations and activities of, and on behalf of, the named insured's pedormce under its/hs/her/their contract with the County of Santa Cruz." (3) If any insurance policy of CONTRACTOR required by this document includes language conditioning the insurer's legal obligation to defend or indemnfy COUN on the pedormce of any act(s) by the named insured, then said insurance policy, by endorsement, shall also nae the County of Santa Cruz as a named insured. Notwithstanding the foregoing, both the CONTCTOR and its inurers agree that by namng the County of Santa Cru as a named insured, the COUNY may at its sole direction, but is not obligated to, pedorm any act required by the naed inured under said insurce policies. . (4) CONTRACTOR shall do all thigs required to be pedormed by it puruant to its inurce policies including but not limited to paying withi five (5) work days, all deductibles and self- insured retentions (SIR) required to be paid under any insurance policy that may provide defense or indemnty coverage to COUNY or any additional insured. (5) All required insurce policies shall be endorsed to contain the following clause: "This insurance shall not be canceled until after thiy (30) days prior wrtten notice has been given to: Santa Cruz County Departent of General Servces Attn: Nancy Gordon, Director 701 Ocean Street, Room 330 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (6) CONTRACTOR agrees to provide its insurance broker(s) with a full copy of these inurce provisions and provide COUN on or before the effective date of this Contract with Certificates of Insurance for all required coverages. All Certificates of Insurance shall be delivered or sent to: Santa Cruz County Departent of General Servces Attn: Nancy Gordon, Director 701 Ocean Street, Room 330 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 3 0065 7. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNTY. Durng and in relation to the performance of this Contract, CONTRACTOR agrees as follows: A. The CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), martal status, sexual orientation, age (over 18), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: recrutment, advertising, layoff or termation, rates of payor other forms of compensation, selection for traing (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or tranfer. The CONTCTOR agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notice setting forth the provisions of this non-discriation clause. B. If this Contract provides compensation in excess of $50,000 to CONTRACTOR and if CONTRACTOR employees fifteen (15) or more employees, the following requiements shall apply: (1) The CONTRACTOR shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the CONTRACTOR, state that all qualified applicants wil receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related), marital status, sexual orientation, age (over 18), veteran status, gender, pregnancy, or any other non-merit factor unelated to job duties. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the followig: recruitment; advertising, layoff or termnation, rates of payor other form of compensation, selection for traing (including apprenticeship), employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall make a good faith effort to consider MinoritylWomenlisabled Owned Business Enterprises in CONTRACTOR'S solicitation of goods and servces. Definitions for MinoritylWomen/isabled Business Enterprises are available from the COUN General Services Purchasing Division. (2) In the event of the CONTRACTOR'S non-compliance with the non- discriation clauses of this Contract or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders said CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for fuher contracts with the COUN. (3) The CONTRACTOR shall cause the foregoing provisions of subparagraphs 7B(1) and 7B(2) to be inserted in all subcontracts for any work covered under this Contract by a subcontractor compensated more than $50,000 and employing more than fifteen (15) employees, provided that the foregoing provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. INEPENDENT CONTRACTOR STATUS. CONTRACTOR and COUNY have reviewed and considered the principal test and secondar factors below and agree that CONTRACTOR is an independent contractor and not an employee of COUNTY. CONTRACTOR is responsible for all insurance (workers compensation, unemployment, etc.) and all payroll related taxes. CONTCTOR is not entitled to any employee benefits. COUNY agrees that CONTRACTOR shall have the right to control the maner and means of accomplishig the result contracted for herein. PRICIPAL TEST: The CONTRACTOR rather than COUNY has the right to control the maer and means of accomplishig the result contracted for. SECONDARY FACTORS: (a) The extent of control which, by agreement, COUNY may exercise over the details of the work is slight rather than substatial; (b) CONTCTOR is engaged in a distinct occupation or business; (c) In the locality, the work to be done by CONTRACTOR is usually done by a specialist without supervision, rather tha under the direction of an employer; (d) The skill requied in the paricular occupation is substantial rather than slight; (e) The CONTRACTOR rather than the COUN supplies the instrentalities, tools and work place; (f) The length of time for which REVISED 9110 4 : 'l? 0066 CONTRACTOR is engaged is of limted duration rather than indefinite; (g) The method of payment of CONTRACTOR is by the job rather than by the time; (h) The work is part of a special or permssive activity, program, or project, rather than par of the regular business of COUNY; (i) CONTRACTOR and COUNY believe they are creating an independent contractor relationship rather than an employeremployee relationship; and U) The COUNY conducts public business. It is recognzed that it is not necessary that all secondar factors support creation of an independent contractor relationship, but rather that overall there are signficant secondar factors that indicate that CONTRACTOR is art independent contrctor. By their signatues on this Contract, each of the undersigned certifies that it is his or her considered judgment that the CONTRACTOR engaged under this Contract is in fact an independent contrctor. 9. NONASSIGNMENT. CONTRACTOR shall not assign the Contract without the prior the COUNY. wrtten consent of 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. CONTCTOR shall acknowledge in all reports and literatue that the Santa Cru County Board of Supervsors has provided fuding to the CONTRACTOR. 11. RETENTION AN AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONTRACTOR shall retain records pertinent to this Contract for a period of not less than five (5) years after final payment under ths Contract or until a final audit report is accepted by COUNY, whichever occurs first. CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to be subject to the examnation and audit by the Santa Cruz County Auditor-Controller, the Auditor General of the State of Californa, or the designee of either for a period of five (5) years after final payment under this Contract. 12. PRESENTATION OF CLAIS. Presentation and processing of any or all claims arsing out of or related to this Contract shall be made in accordance with the provisions contained in Chapter 1.05 of the Santa Cru County Code, which by this reference is incorporated herein. 13. ATTACHMENTS. This Contract includes the following attachments: Vanir's Proposal Submittal dated March 8, 2011 is incorporated herein by reference. 14. LIVG WAGE. .FContcl is cover under Livi Wage prvisioos if thi section is intialed by COUN . tf If Item # 14 above is initialed by the COUNY, then this Contract is subject to the provisions of Santa Cruz County Code Chapter 2.122, which requires payment of a livig wage to covered employees. the Contract with these Living Wage provisions wil be considered a Non-compliance durng the term of material breach, and may result in termnation of the Contract and/or pursuit of other legal or admnistrative remedies. CONTRACTOR agrees to comply with Santa Cru County Code section 2.122.140, if applicable. 15. MISCELLANEOUS. Ths written Contract, along with any attachments, is the full and complete integration of the paries' agreement formg the basis for this Contract. The paries agree that this wrtten Contract supersedes any previous wrtten or oral agreements between the paries, and any modifications to this Contract must be made in a wrtten document signed by all parties. There are no intended, incidental or implied thid party beneficiares of this Contract and the paries expressly disclaim thid party beneficiary status with respect to any and all non-parties to this Contract. Only COUNY and /' i '1 REVISED 911 0 5 0067 CONTRACTOR may seek to enforce the terms of this Contract. Any arbitration, mediation, or litigation this Contract shall occur only in the County of Santa Cruz, notwithstanding the fact that one arsing out of the County of Santa Cruz. the contracting paries may reside outside of of IN WISS WHEREOF, the paries hereto have set their hands the day and year first above written. COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ V ANIR CONSTRUCTION Bl:C/~ MAAGEMENT, 1\ \./l~Cc SIGNED to-, Gól&.Sl~ Mansour M. Alaibadi, President t PRID Department Name: General Servces Company Name: Van Construction Management, Inc. Address: 2033 Gateway Place Telephone: 408-467-9800 Fax: 408-467-9808 Email: APPROVED ~.T?iSURCE: APPR.O./YE.~,.. -'IqR: '. ._ /1 \,. /-- ;l' / /J __""~.) 2/'~///'/ ",.._ I /D/ .' 3/1¡Í/ AAk anagement = ASst/;ounty7Couiel . / DISTRIUTION: . General Services Deparment . Auditor-Controller . Risk Management . Van Construction Management, Inc. REVISED 9/10 6 11 0068 PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL !" ,"'" ,! 'i c' '~',~) ,~,n d :J",'.: ;1/1 ,,; S f' = ::3 1"j G ,:~ :3JJ 'i "¿ l .._~ \__ -.: -I . .. " - " - - 0069 . 2033 Gateway Place, 5th Floor Son Jose, CA 951 10 P (408) 467-9800 F (408) 467-9808 Construction Management, Inc. March 8, 2011 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Santa Cruz, CA 95060 ~ . Dear Ms. Gordon: " . ~ ~ ~ .. .. .. .. .. ~ Ms. Nancy Gordon, Director Santa Cruz County General Services Department 701 Ocean St. Room 330 RE: Project Management Services Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase Clients throughout California have relied on Vanir Construction Management, Inc. to deliver their projects in California building projects. The benefits of selecting Vanir to manage your project include: on time and within budget. Our 30-year tradition of success includes more than $12 billion Commitment: Vanir's success has been based on our corporate philosophy of delivering above expectations and on our contractual obligations and levels of services to be provided. Our growth and list of repeat clients attests to the integrity of our firm's commitment to satisfying client's needs for quality services. local Experience: Vanir staff has provided program, project and construction management services to multiple projects in Santa CruzCounty. Staffs' presence and track records have given us unparalleled experience with the process and procedures of local agencies, governing boards, administrators, staff, designers and contractors. Key Personnel: All of our systems and services are important, but it is our people who ultimately deliver the projects. The personnel proposed for this project were chosen for their unique attributes. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ), ), ), · Mr. Jim Aboytes - will be the Project Manager and will assure all aspect of project activities that are delivered to Santa Cruz County expecttions. He will apply his 35-years of project management experience to your project. He is sensitive to historical buildings and has directed a seismic upgrade l and restoration project for a 1913 building on the National Registry of Historical Places. Mr. Aboytes has also had previous experience managing project for Santa Cruz County. · Mr. Oomenic Zigant - is a Professional Engineer and currently serves as Project Director for Veterans Administration Projects in Palo Alto. Mr. Zigant was the Chief Structural Engineer for U.S. Naval Facilities on the West Coast, where he established and directed a program that inventoried and investigated the seismic vulnerability of all of the Navy's buildings in seismic zones 3 and 4. He was responsible for this multi-year effort utilizing 20+ structural engineering companies throughout ~ the United States. As a result of this effort, he was invited to participate in the development of the publication ''A Handbook for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings," FEMA-178 for the Federal :i Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Mr. Zigant has completed many projects similar to yours for the U.S. Navy. He will apply his relevant engineering experiences to this repair project. :i _J ~ ~ 'i As the proposed Officer-in-Charge, I will have overall responsibility and accountability to the Santa Cruz for Vanir's performance and have the authority to commit the resources of the firm to support this project. Vanir is an experienced project/construction management team that can effectively augment Santa Cruz County's staff to manage this project. Our staff will combine their project expertise and knowledge with that of the County to deliver a successful project. 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ Bellevue I Denver I Los Vegas I Los Angeles I New Orleans I Oakland I Orange County I Son Bernardino I Son Diego I Sacramento I Son Francisco I Son Jose I Son Luis Obispo I Tempe I Tucson I Texas I Virginia i '7 \ \ \ \ 0070 II , , , ConstructIon Management, Inc. Vanir's results-oriented approach provides the County with a project management system that is a formal, , , step-by-step method for controlling the three critical components in the project: time, cost, and quality. After discussions with the General Services Director, Vanir is offering the following scope of work for the Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project - Pre-design Phase. \ , Scope of Work: , , · Review Streeter Group design and comment. · Coordinate the concrete and rebar materials strength testing to determine materials properties. · Coordinate the geotechnical testing and investigations necessary to proceed with the seismic/ structural upgrade. · Coordinate the results of testing with Streeter Group to validate their preliminary assumptions and ~ , , proposed design solutions. · Review the County's existing drawings and correlate them to the as-built conditions of the building , and site. " · Examine and summarize any building issues that may impact the seismic repair and timeline, i.e. finishes, electrical, HVAC, plumbing, HASMAT, exiting, fire systems. , · Determine the physical condition and life expectancy of the boiler heating system. · Meet with regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction to solicit any of their concerns, i.e., building .. department, police, and fire district. ~ · Determine any other impact that the repair work may have on the community and prepare mitigation plan, i.e., staging area, shoring, scaffolding, sidewalk/street closure. · Prepare a final project report and work plan. · Prepare a cost estimate for the project work plan. ~ , .. · Prepare a cash flow projection matrix. , · Prepare a project schedule for the project work plan. , Schedule: 60-days from "notice to proceed." Cost Proposal: $55,800; includes reimbursable expenses. Thank you for providing us the opportunity to present this proposaL. Our proposed staff will be available to work on your project immediately. We are looking forward to being of service to Santa Cruz County. Please feel free to coordinate directly with Jim Aboytes at (916)575-8888. If you would like to reach me, please call me at (510) 663-1800. fJ¡t obert FlOry Officer-in-Char e Attachments: Vanir Corporate 10 Number Team Resumes Vanir Project Examples Insurance Certificates Agreement 1 \1. Ji 8 .. \ \ , , :\ 0071 Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase . TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ ~ , ~ \ ~ ~ ~ Vanir Corporate 10 Number ..........................;..................................1 Team Resumes..................................................................... .............2 Vanir Project Examples ......................... ..... .......... .......... ....... ....... ..... 6 Insurance Certificates Agreement ~ ~ ,, ~ ~ ~ , "" ~ ~ , 1 ~ ~ VANIR 1)1 i 0072 L Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase L L ~ VANIR CORPORATE 10 NUMBER ~ \ \ \ \ #C1013782 , , , (California Corporation # aka California Tax 10) , , , , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ Il ~' ~ ~ ~ . Il .' 1'1 YANIR Incorporated 12/29/1980 - , , 0073 Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase , , , JAMES ABOYTES Project Manager . Summary of Qualifications . , , , , , . . , Mr. Aboytes has over 30 years of education, experience, and involvement in all aspects of: capital project needs assessments, financial feasibility analysis, facility space programming, master planning, project management, cost modeling, budget control, bidding strategies, construction documents, and construction management. Mr. Aboytes has served Yolo County as a County Planner and County Building Inspector and Capital Projects EDUCATION Bachelor of Science Architecture With Honors University of Davis Professional Experience Mr. Aboytes served 7 years, as the principal consultant to the California State Board of Corrections (now Corrections Standards Authority) in the administration and cost/design review of $2.2 billion in bond funds for County adult and juvenile detention facility construction projects. As the principal consultant to the Board of Corrections, Jim has developed an automated construction cost control system and data base, which helped Construction Management the Board to apply cost guidelines at strategic points in the detention facility University of Wisconsin-Ext Successful Construction development process that it funded. This system was developed to aid Management Techniques and Procedures construction project to meet budgetary constraints. Jim also was involved California Polytechnic University - Pomona Associates of Art Architecture w/Highest Honors . Consumes River College , , EXTENDED EDUCATION , , , , , , , , , , California's 58 Counties in adjusting their scope of the detention facility Golden Gate University with: establishing the Board of Correction's mission and Construction Claims grant funded projects, policy and procedures to American Institutes of Architects Indoor Pollution Construction Specifications Institute Construction Specifications Institute for International Research Effective Construction Contracting , Avoiding Construction Claims ~ North/West Center for Professional Education , Administrator. goals for reviewing better serve the Counties; reviewed the County detention facility designs for conformance with the Board's design philosophy; authoring regulations pertaining to construction and design; responding to detention facility and correctional issues; conducting meetings and training sessions on behalf of the Board. As Capital Projects Administrator for Yolo County, Mr. Aboytes participated in and directed the preparation of preliminary, final designs and working drawings for alterations, additions, and new construction for a wide variety of public works projects. Mr. Aboytes was responsible for over a hundred project in Woodland, West Sacramento and Davis. He solicited and managed the services of private architects, engineers, geotechnical engineers, testing firms, inspectors, and other construction managers. He for construction and bidding of public works project and negotiated contracts with the general contractors. Mr. Aboytes directed and managed all construction project for the County. directed the preparation of all documents needed Preventing Construction Claims " Mean's Education , , Mean's Unit Cost Estimating " Dr. Chester L. Karrass Seminar Mr. Aboytes was also involved in developing the County's "Capital Project Procedures" including development of the methodology and guidelines Practical Negotiation for the: feasibility/fiscal analysis study, facility program, master plan, site ~ , . ~ ~ !l ~ !l Mean's Square Foot Cost Estimating PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Corrections American Jail l Association Association ~ National Center for State Court Construction Specification Institute selection, design, and construction of public works projects including: the preparation contracts for architect, engineers, testing firms, inspectors, and construction managers; development of the general conditions for contract; development of Davis/Bacon compliance procedures; development of California wage compliance procedures; claims avoidance procedures; change order procedures; budgeting and scheduling requirements. VANIR 17 . , , 0074 Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project , Pre-design Phase ~ PUBLICATIONS , "Space Programming Guide: Adult and juvenile , , , , Detention Centers" "Capital Project Procedures" Reporting Manual: "Federal Prevailing Wage Rates Manual" (DavisBacon Act) "General Conditions for , \ Construction" "Facility Energy Conseivation Guidelines" "The California " , Experience: 10 years of \ jail Construction" , PRESENTATIONS Mr. jim Aboytes has made numerous ~ , presentations to Boards, Councils, Commissions, Citizen Groups, and ~ Regulatory Agencies on a , number of facility project , development matters , , SEMINAR INSTRUCTOR Mr. Aboytes has prepared and instructed seminars for the State of California, ~ including: , While at the University of California - Davis, Mr. Aboytes was responsible for inspecting the 820 campus buildings to determine that planned and scheduled maintenance was being completed, identify structural deficiencies, assess overall interior and exterior building conditions, assess handicapped accessibility needs, determine if building was being used appropriately, and prepare a detailed report and cost estimate of recommendations needed to comply with the standards of the day. This report would then be ùsed for facility planning and budgetary purposes. Mr. Aboytes established a checklist and facility auditing report form to review and evaluate existing buildings. Jim uses this form on all projects involving consideration of replacement/remodeling. Relevant Projects Mr. Aboytes has maintained a steady presence in Del Norte County for over 23, Humboldt for 10 years, Sierra for 10 years, Sacramento for 13 years, Santa Cruz for 8 years, Yolo for 13 years, State of California for 7 years, and has assisted local public agencies in development of major capital outlay projects and studies. Typically each project involved a needs assessment, space program and master plan; grantfunding, architect selection process, design management, inspector selection, construction managements, close-out, warranty administration and fqrniture procurement. Mr. Aboytes has an out-standing reputation with local leaders in delivering project that exceed the expectations of the owner . and user agency. The projects are delivered on time and within budget. Mr. Aboytes has also been very successful in obtaining grant or loan funding from State and Federal sources. He also has been very successful contractors, vendors, merchants, artists, and labor on the employing local various public works projects. "One-minute Architect" , , "How to Read Blueprints" The following is a partial "How to Open New New Building Projects i nstitutions" ~ list of representative project that Mr. Aboytes has completed in California. · Sacramento New Juvenile Hall Facility, 520 Beds · Sierra County Sheriffs Substation - \ · Del Norte County Airport Terminal Project · Santa Cruz County Jail Security Upgrade Project ~ · Del Norte Jail Remodel & Additions Project 1 & 2 · Yolo County Courthouse Historic · Del Norte County Social Seivices · Yolo ICU Addition Project Building · Del Norte Health Care District · Yolo County Adult Day Heath Care · Del Norte First 5 - Family Resource Center · Colusa Regional Medical Center Project · Colusa County Behavioral Health · Yolo County Administrative Center · Yolo County Essential Services Building · Yolo County Main Jail · Yolo County Sentenced Facility · Elkhorn Regional Park and Boat Launch ~ \ ~ \ \, 'IorJ . ~ § ~ CO 01 cr oN Io '" ~ i ~ -- !"IR Facility · Colusa County Jail Upgrade Project · Bar-O Ranch Facility Additions and Upgrades Project · Sierra County Jail Remodel and Additions Project - Sierraville Loyalton Restoration Project Center Facility · Cache Creek Regional Park and Campgrounds · Davis Health & Justice Building · Woodland Gibson House Museum Project 0075 Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase DOMENIC ZIGANT, PE, CCM Summary of Qualifications Mr. Zigant is a senior-level manager and registered professional engineer with over 38 years of experience and a proven track record of design, construction and repair of buildings, structures, roads, and utilities. He has the exceptional ability to move projects forward; identify and develop relationships with individuals and organizations that contribute to the process; and manage project scope, cost, schedule and quality. Mr. EDUCATION Master of Science Structural Engineering Stanford University Domenic has extensive experience involved in investigating and directing Bachelor of Science Civil Engineering the repairs for seismic retrofit projects for City, County, State and Federal Stanford University Agencies. His projects ranged for small to those requiring 20-plus Development Program engineering firms. Currently, he serves as the project director for a staff augmentation for the Department of Veterans Affairs. Domenic has also served as the City Engineer for the City of Novato, California and Naval Facilities Engineering performed duties required by City Code and State Law. United States Navy The Executive Management Command (NAVFAC), Washington, DC United States Navy The Executive Management . Development Scholarship Program, Monterey, CA Subdivision Map Act University of California, Davis REGISTRATION/ CERTIFICATION Relevant Project Experience VA Palo Alto Health Care System (Palo Alto, CA) United States Department of Veteran Affairs $80.0 M, 3 inpatient facilities, various design and construction projects Project Manager, responsible for Vanir's design and construction teams overseeing the design and construction of multiple projects at all three inpatient facilities in Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Livermore. California Professional Engineer, Seismic Mitigation Program (los Angeles, CA) Civil #C26460 Los Angeles Unified School District $350.0 M, 8,000,000 SF, Seismic Retrofit Program California General Building Contractor #507699 ' Development of a Plan of Action to determine the seismic safety of all the Certified Construction Manager, school buildings - more than 700 buildings and 700,000 students - in the CCM District built before 1976. Program Manager, responsible for developing PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS' American Correctional Association the Plan of Action to determine seismic safety of all 700-school buildings built before 1976. Western Division NAVFAC (San Bruno, CA) Structural Engineers Association Naval Facilities Engineering Command of Northern California $500.0 M, Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) PUBLICATIONS Participated in the development of the publication for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMAl, "A Handbook for Seismic Evaluation of Existing Buildings, " FEMA-178. o ;; ~ Zigant has an outstanding record on complex, politicized projects. He has a decisive"collaborative management style, with orientation towards consensus building among interested parties. Base Conversion Manager, responsible for administering, managing and facilitating all aspects of the conversion process (environmental clean-up and propert disposal) for two Navy facilities: Hunters Point Shipyard in San Francisco, a Superfund site, and Rough and Ready Island located in Stockton, California. He managed the environmental remediation and environmental planning (NEPNCERCLA) of the Hunters Point Site. He also administered and managed a $4.5 million yearly caretaker site office budget at Hunters Point with a staff of 45 people. ~ VANIR .1 '7 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0076 Santa Cruz County General Services Department . ProJect Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase Western Division NAYFAC (Western u.s. and Europe) Naval Facilities Engineering Command $1.5 B, over 150 facilities, seismic retrofit of the Oak Knoll Hospital Director/Head Engineer of the Structural Engineering Branch, responsible for directing the Branch's design program throughout the Western United States; providing high-level, direct oversight and design direction to ensure the structural integrity of all the projects designed by the Command; serving as point of contact for evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of naval facilities in the Western U.S. and Europe. Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno, CA) Naval Facilities Engineering Command . . . . $100.0 M, 100,000 SF, new Hanger and Crew Training Facilities Program Manager for the expansion program (new hangar, crew training facilities, living quarters, and hydrant fueling facility for KC-1 0 airplanes) at Travis Air Force Base. Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno, CA) Naval Facilities Engineering Command . $50.0 M, 5 Navy Bases; 50 Buildings, seismic retrofit evaluation . . , Project Director, responsible for directing and coordinating the seismic safety evaluation of all Navy shore facilities in the Bay Area following the Loma Prieta Earthquake. Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno, CA) Naval Facilities Engineering Command $6.0 M, 250,000 SF, Navy Hangar collapse investigation , , Principal Investigator, responsible for investigating the Navy hangar that cpllapsed during construction, at the North Island Naval Air Station in San Diego, CA. The final report was well accepted and became part of the permanent record. , " , Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno, CA) Naval Facilities Engineering Command , $200.0 M, 400,000 SF, Hospital and Administration Building Principal Investigator, responsible for investigating and reporting on the structural integrity of the \ , Naval Complex, United States Headquarters of the Sixth Fleet, in Naples, Italy, following significant volcanic activity in 1994. Subsequent to the report, the base was relocated to a more suitable site. , Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno,CA) lr Naval Facilities Engineering Command lr $6.0 M, 600 buildings, seismic vulnerability evaluation Navy's Specialized Expertise Point of Contact for Seismic Engineering, responsible for directing the II U.S. Naval Facilities tö meet the regulatory mandates of the Seismic Hazards Mitigation Act. Directed and investigated the seismic vulnerability effort to evaluate the seismic vulnerability of Western lr " iZ " U Z " " " " o N '" "; ) \ \ ~ of all of the Navy's buildings in seismic zones 3 and 4. Western Division NAVFAC (San Bruno, CA) Naval Facilities Engineering Command l5 N $30.0 M, Naval Fuel Depot, new Fuel Pier u. Western Division NAYFAC (San Bruno, CA) ~ o o ~ ¡vr-R Project Director, responsible for execution of planning, design, and construction. Naval Facilities Engineering Command $400.0 M, over 20 Naval Facilities, marine and waterfront structures Program/Project Director, responsible for execution of planning, design, and construction of more than 20 waterfront structures on the West Coast and Alaska. 'I , , 0077 Santa Cruz County General Services Department Project Management Services and Proposal: Veterans Memorial Building Repair Project Pre-design Phase J J VANIR PROJECT EXAMPLES , , , , , , Vanir is a leading program, project and construction management firm, providing services to a wide variety of public sector clients across the United States and internationally. Since our founding in 1980, we have provided these services for over $16 billion in total construction. Consistently ranked as one of the top CM firms in the nation by Engineering News-Record, we take projects all the way from initial conception and design through construction and occupancy. At every phase of planning, design, construction and start-up, our specialized teams work with clients to address their unique needs. Combining seasoned personnel, specialized expertise, and state-of-the-art management information systems, we have established a track record for delivering successful projects on time and within budget. Vanir serves its clients in seven unique market segments: Public Buildings, K-12 Education, Higher Education, Healthcare, Justice Facilities, Water/ Waste Water, and Transporttion. Our expertise lies in our ability to serve the unique needs of each market segment and ensure each need is met in the most optimal way. We do this by not only understanding what purpose each building needs to serve, but also how it must function in the real life setti ng. . Representative Projects The projects on the following pages provide a representative sample of our 30 years of successful project and construction management services. We have chosen these project for their significance to your project. . ~ ~ ~ I I I L I o ~ ~ o i VANIR i '7 ~ ~ .~ 0078 =-~.~ ..._- ------------------ ...._--- ......_-._---- ~ "a STATE BUILDINGS SEISMIC PROGRA ~ ~ ~ ~ Various Locations in State of California Project Overview Vanir, as team leader of the joint venture with Turner :¡ Construction Company, worked with the Division of the State Architect (DSA) in response to the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake. The Earthquake Safety and Public Buildings ~ criteria and establish prìorities for state-òwned buildings ~ Rehabilitation Bond Act required that DSA determine ~ ~ ~ ~ that were seismically deficient and needed strengthening. Funding was designated for retrofitting, reconstruction, repair, replacement or relocation of the highest priority, unsafe state-owned buildings. ~ Assessment of 17,000 Buildings ': the 17,000 state-owned buildings. Once the review process began, Vanir worked with DSA and structural engineers to determinethe best retrofit plans, identify retrofit costs utilizing a cost model approach, provide ~~~;;~ -- - -_. - '" - : -=_~ " .1 "'.~ ;l'.l!'ifl~''j;'ii~ ê -¿",,.,, ;1 -;: . '( .... ',. of\. The first step was to establish a methodology for reviewing ~ -¡ -¡ information on replacement costs to study the cost/benefit -- comparison between replacement and retrofit plans, and assist in the preparation of a final report. When the review ~ was complete, a list of the most vulnerable, occupied buildings was submitted for approval and funding. l PROJECT INFORMATION Client: California Department of General L Seismic Retrofit of the Most Vulnerable Structures 1 Fift-one of the most vulnerable buildings, including 1 hospitals, office buildings and correctional facilities were funded. The program required concurrent seismic retrofitting of buildings throughout the state. The selected L , buildings remained occupied and in operation during their retrofit. Vanir established the program management plan to ensure that the dual-responsibility of DSA and other - Services Structural Engineers: Multiple Contractor: Swinerton Builders Square Footage: 4,135,000 sq. ft. agencies was successful and that all project proceeded as intended. Construction Cost: Keeping Projects on Track..,Always Individual Projects - $1-$25 million "From the time that this historic building, located a block from the State Capitol, was identifd as a seismic retrofit candidate, Tumer/Vanir CM was instrumental in keeping the project on track and on schedule. " Completion: 2004 $250 million - Ivan Chew, Projed Manager, Professional Services Branch Real Estate Services Division .. 17 . l l l l l l . - ,~~,-~,-~--_.'-----'~--"-".~~.-_._._'--~~--"''''-._~ ~-...-,,-.-,- a CATHEDRAL OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT RENOVATION . Sacramento, California l l Significance The original Cathedral was completed in 1889 and is an . and partitions, and heavy timber roof trusses. The goal was l un-reinforced masonry building with wood framed floor to restore the building to its original grandeur to . . serve the community for the next 100 years. l All wall and ceiling surfaces were decoratively repainted , or restored to reflect the original Trompe-L'Oeil painting. All liturgical elements such as the altar, tabernacle and , , , , , , , , , . , . . . 0079 Hiring the Best baptismal font were made of hand carved marble, and the ambo and cathedral were made of a combination of mahogany and gilded iron. Vanir managed all aspects of the project through initial planning, design, construction and post occupancy. The solutions for this project included dome structure, sensitive careful stabilization of the coordination with the decorative painting artisans, innovations in lead-base paint remediation and asbestos abatement, as well as damage-free installation of interior and exterior engineered scaffolding systems. Vanir was the hub of all activity. Vanir coordinated a paint study to determine the original color scheme of the interior and pursued historical records, including newspaper articles from the City archives and PROJECT INFORMTION Client: Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament photographs to aid in the recreation of the historic features of building that had been lost over time due to other Architect: renovations. Harry C. Hallenbeck Construction Cost: . $20 million , Completion: . November 2005 . ~ 17 . :. . . . 0080 'l 'l"~"--~'._'---'-"---------'-~'-'-----'--"-""'--''''-~'-_._..,_....-. 'l CITY OF LOS ANGELES BOND ACCELERATION 1 l l l PROGRAM Los Angeles, California Project Overview Southern California is a region of heavy seismic activity andi as suchi earthquake performance must be considered l l l l in any engineering design. The Lorna Prieta earthquake of October 17, 1989, caused significant damage to the infrastructure and public structures in the San Francisco Bay area. In an effort to minimize potential infrastructure impacts in the case of a Southern California earthquake, l the political l leadership of the City of Los Angeles recognized that an infrastructure improvement program was needed. . . . Los Angeles voters approved the sale of $665 million in general obligation bonds for capital improvements. The bond-funded projects were included in four bond programs: ~ ~ · $376 million Seismic Bond-184 projects including 66 buildings and 118 bridges. · $60 million Fire/Life Safety Bond-6 projects. · $176 million Police Bond-11 project. · $53.4 million Library Bond-28 projects. , , , , Due to the importance, magnitude and aggressiveness , , ~ PROJECT INFORMATION Client: City of Los Angeles, Bureau of of the bond program, the City elected to use outside Engineering program management services. The Department of Public Size: Works, Bureau of Engineering, was placed in charge of the Over 200 individual projects design and construction of the bridge and building retrofit ~ program and selected Vanir as their program and project , manager. . . The first task to be completed was a Program Analysis Report on the Bond Acceleration Program. Vanir's finding was presented to the City of Los Angeles Board of Public Works. . . The second task was to develop implementation . procedures and processes for managingi monitoring . and reporting on the progress of the Bond Acceleration Program. Also included in the second task was developing a training manual to be used to train city personnel on the. conceptsi application and use of project scheduling; and . ~ budgeting and document control. ~ ~ ~ 17 Construction Cost: $665 million Completion: 2003 "' "l ~ "l ~"-- . ,- '~'-~-'.'~~'~~~-'-'-~'-~-'~._-.~. .~,,.,-~-~-~,,,,--_._~~--,,, "-- -"...,,' ~. ',',.' .. ,.. __._ __~__, __'''__'__'''''".~_,.n~_'~~.~__~__A~' _ '._~, ~ ~ ~ COURTS BUILDING RENOVATION "l Sacramento, California DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES, LIBRARY AND ~ Project Significance ~ Complex renovation of historic state court building, 'l including upgrading building systems. Extensive design 1 1 phase work on budgets and constructability of historically significant structure. Work includes temporary relocation of the existing court operations and library. 1 1 This project consists of upgrades to the interior and exterior " Sacramento. The primary project goals are to gain back 1 ~ 1 1 1 1 l l '4 1 0081 of the historic Library and Court Building in downtown the historic character of the landmark State Library and Court Building and to upgrade the building's infrastructure systems to support future needs. A complete fire and life safety upgrade to add fire suppression and improve the means of egress will be included. Hazardous materials will be abated. Interior upgrades include the establishment of vertical stacking electrical and telecom spaces, reconfiguration of compact library shelving, restoration of the historic elevators, enhancement of security, and improved accessibility. Existing deficiencies in mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems will be corrected. Architectural renovation items include repair and restoration of historic ceilings, light fixtures, and works of art. PROJECT INFORMATION Exterior restoration addresses the roof and shell deficiencies. Two mechanical penthouses will be demolished and rebuilt on the roof to re-open the historic light wells. The six-story building contains approximately Client: 188,000 sf. To facilitate the construction process, the Square Footage: existing tenants, the California Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Third Appellate District and the State Library will be relocated for the duration of the construction project. The contents of the building include office equipment for approximately 125 staff, FF&E for a large public library, 188,000 sq. ft. Completion: ì works of art and antiques, 22 law libraries and over thirt 2012 (Anticipated) ~ miles of additional compact Library shelving. The building is lavishly decorated with ornate architectural fenestration 1 'I ) L ') ~ ì Department of General Services Construction Cost: $43 million and artistically significant murals. 1 )7'
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