THE WESTFIELD LEADER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6? 1942 "A registrant in 1-Ii ut the time of | tiomuiite was not received until some! tlie following sub-divisions, and this rtbove. (Men engaged in the war efwould still be in a position time after his marriage, Presidential es the sequence in which regis- fort.) Stars Nip Bergens Board to Reclassify marriage if 'imminence of selection.' opinion has held in many cases of trants are to be selected for induc'4, All registrants who have wives December 7, 1BH this kind Unit his selection was not tion : (but no children) with whom they Many 3-A Men 'imminent.' Help Norris Drive "A marital status or dependency 1. All 'registrants without depend- maintain a bona fide family relationassumed after this date is given no ship in their home. (Men not en"On the other hand, u registrant ents of any kind. 1 consideration with respect to selec- who was in Class 3-A when he miu1- "2. All registrants who hove been gnged in the war effort.) (Continued from pai^ U lence' and marriage after this date tion, as this is known as the data on rled, and upon his marriage aban- or would be placed in class 3-A by "5. All registrants who have wives .s at the registrant's own riBk as to which the attack was made upon us doned his contributions to the support reason of having one or more of the (but no children) with whom they and war was practically declared, so of his prior dependents, wiis on no- following persons dependent upon maintain a bona fide family1 relaselection, in Class 1-A. This includes men who were to be that any dependencies assumed after tice that his existing classification them: Wives or children with whom tionship in their home. (Men enegistered on July 1, 1942, as on May this date would be at the risk nnri was subject to being reopened and re- they do not maintain a bona fide fam- gaged iri the war effort.) r'X 1 StnndliiK of «he J£"»« I > c t considered and could base no assump- ily relationship in their homes, par- "6. All registrants whij have}wives !6, 1941,-the President issued a proc- hazard of the registrant. .73a lamation requiring men of this age "Tho above dates are of very great tion that his selection was not immi- ents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and children, .'0* childreh onlyV,with Norris 1 1 ' *' .615 Bergens group to register. The two excep- mportance in the determination of nent on the 3-A classification.. .460 grand children, divorced wives, per- whom they maintain a b^na fide famColumbua f •l tions to the above arc: W i l d tts i classification, and aa a result of "Where the dependency status was sons under 18 years of age whose sup- ily relationship in their homes. (Men Arrows <•••».« T 1Q "1. A registrant who acquired a recently determined significance of ncquired on or after December 8, 1941, port has been assumed in good faith, not engaged in the war effort.) North Stars . . . tl ii dependency status prior to 12/8/41 these dates, there will be many re- or ncquired when selection was immi- or persons of any age, physically or "7. All registrants who have wives while tlassifled in IV-P; and classincationa of men who are now in nent or for the primary purpose of mentally handicapped, whose support and children, or children only, with The revitalized North Stars took "2.'A''registrant who ncquired a 3-A. The hoard is now in the process providing a basis for dependency de- has been assumed in good faith. (Men whom they maintain a bona fide famtheir fourth in a row last night at dependency status on or after 7/4M1 ily relationship in their homes. (Men of reviewing these cases. It ia quite ferment, pregnancy, birth or acquir- not engaged in the war effort.) Washington Field, seriously endan"3. All registrants who have been engaged in the war effort.) gering the Plainfield Bergens' title and 1prior to 12/8/41, while entitled obvious that if a registrant had not ing a child shall not be cause for class;o be classified in Class I-H. "All of the above is subject to received his questionnaire when he ification in class 3-A or class 3-B. or would be placed in class 3-B by hopes via a 6-5 victory. married, and if marriage took place "Under the new bill, the board is virtue of having the same types oC change in the regulations from time With Freddy Miller in the box, the before May 26, 1941 and his ques- now classifying in categories as per dependents as listed immediately to time."Stars scored three in the first, and three in the sseventh and last inning They had no hits or runs in between. Their concentrated attack gave then? their second triumph in three at(Continued from Page 1) tempts against the Bergens, who have lost but five all year. So Norris has he has heen transferred to Officers' a two-game edge over the Plainfield Candidate School at Fort Monmouth. Ens. Erskine B. Mayo Jr., (S. C.) ten, with not much time for the latU S. N. R., son of Mr. and Mrs. ter to regain the advantage. field; and three grandchildren. Erskine Mayo, 643 Prospect street, Tonight the Arrows will meet Co has Eev Raymond P. Doll offered a been graduated from the Navy hteh mass of requiem on Monday m lumbus, and tomorrow Norris and the Supply Corps School, Harvard GradHoly Trinity Church, of *hich she Wildcats are booked. uate School of Business Administravas a communicant. Burial was in The Stars were outhit, 10-7, but l. He was first commissioned as • • • St. Mary's Cemetery, Plainfield. not outfought. After Nick Piscppo's ensign in December, 1939, and is stadouble drove in two and Joe Simonet- tioned at the Boston Navy Yard. ti's fly accounted for another in the MRS. NICHOLAS GIUDITTA George Frost Jr., 12 Stanley oval, Mrs. Rose Giuditta, wife of Nicho first, the Stars were quiet until the who was transferred this week from seventh. Then the first four men up las Giuditta, of 112 Cacciola place Newport to the Aerographers' School Take a penny, take three pennies! Now saving on their total food bill. How can AfcP prices be so p y , take two pennies, p , p s ! N I died suddenly Friday (July 31, 1942 got bingles. Dom Urcuioli's double t Lakehurst naval training base, will low? A&P is constantly seeking new methods and effimultiply by hundreds of items! See what we mean? It's a U t her home. She-was born in Hal- sent in one runner, Simonetti's safe- be home Sunday. George spent 10fifty-three years ago and lived l ty, another. With the bases packed, dnys leave with his family before ciencies to cut costly overhead, wasteful "in-between" nice tidy sum in savings for anyone's b u d g e t . . . and a swell Westfield forty years. She was c Lcs Thompson sent a fly to short field, :oing to Lakehurst. costs! With every saving we make, you save, too! Join start towards those extra War Bonds! That's why house! communicant of Holy Trinity Church and Urcuioli executed u perfect hook Sergt. George E. Rohrbaugh, forthe thousands who are saving for Victory . . . at A&P] wives by tha thousands are- A&P Super Marketing . . . I Mrs. Giuditta leaves, in addition t( slide to the plate after the catch, with icily of First street, who served two her husband, two daughters, Mrs tlie winning counter. ears at Hickam Field, Hawaii, with I Rose Canigiula and Mrs. Remigis Piscopo had two out of three. The iho 481st Aviation Ordnance Co. I Bullia of Westfieldj four sons, Angelc Bergens' Pellozoni recorded three for Bomb), has qualified for aviation I J., of Plainfield; Harry A. of Cran- three, but the losers left ten men on student training and is now at the ford and Ralph J. and Lieut Nicho the bases. Willie Bassoff batted in Santa Ana Army Air Base, Santa At Generous Savings Every day at A&P Super Markets las A. Giuditta, DDS, of Westfield two points for the defeated players. Ana, Cal. Sergeant Rohrbaugh, parnow stationed at the U. S. Marine Tied and rained-out games booked ticipated in the first engagement at Hospital, New York City; five grand- for next week: August 10, Bcigens Hickam Field on December 7, 1941. children; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Sim- vs. Walter C. Thomas Jr., 669 PierNorth Stars; 11, Norris vs. Coonetti of Westfield, and a brother lumbus; 12, Bergens vs. Arrows; 13, ;on street, has been promoted to staff Anielo Caputo of Brooklyn. ergeant at Hunter Field, Savannah, A high mass of requiem was offered North Stars vs. Wildcats; 14, Colum- •a. He enlisted last August. Monday morning at Holy Trinity bus vs Bergens. Walter S. Bushby, 748 Central avebt Line-ups: Church by Rev. Raymond P. DoU. EAtlf I " Fnty-M M M ue, was home last week after six i Burial was in St. Mary's Cemetery, K. II. nonths at sea. 3 1 PeUozonl, st .. AB. I UVfL Fw MMMM, Sri*, tiMM •tof l y ; Plainfield. 1 Pvt, Henry S. Fttllerton 3d, has re1 Hlavate, 2b. . . . 3 2 0 Bassoff, ss i :eive' d a special citation for speed in 1 1 0 T. Santy, c 4 MRS. ANNIE A. DANA 1 ode at the Technical Radio School at 0 Medricostls, lb .1 0 0 3 Mrs. Annie A. Dana, widow of Gabruk, If Scott Field, 111., where he is stationed 0 0 Lences, p 2 o I Henry A. Dana, formerly of West- J. with the Army Air Corps. A gradu0 M. Santy, rf 3 1 2 2 I field, died suddenly Monday (Aug. 3Itko, cf te of Westfield High School and 1 1 3 Breaet of Lwb . . »17* Dicks I ^ M - M " * ^ »25« 13, 1942) at her home in Waverly, Uunn, 31) Oberlin; University, he is the son of Totals 30 [Mass. Mrs. Dana lived at 514 North Mr. and Mrs. Fullerton, 237 Sylvania Veil SleiMere »23« Satki. Gain r T J t , - 3 1 . North Mill". I Chestnut street for a number of AB. R. H. lace. • Bnatt & Neck of Vial ^ 19> FraNkfirtirt — . - 3 1 . 0 0 II. Thompson, rf . . . . 3 • years, and was a member of St. 0 1 If 2 I Paul's Episcopal Church. Her hus- H8SH. 1 ISlyth. 2b 3 1 Plato &NmlBoof'iSlr» IS* Llvorwirtt, Thiriigor »33. 2 3 Iband died four years ago. Surviving I'.illOHpie. HS 2 1 Piscopo, 3b 3 Boof Kldooyo •»«-.•-««1 7 . Bologia, Moat Loaf »31» • are a brother and a niece. ; 1 Urcluoll, l b 2 1 3 J /Mineral services will be field to- Slmonottl, cf . , 0 Kdwards, c 2 Imorrow at 2 p. m. at Gray's Funeral U, Thompson, sf .-.. , 2 0 $ta$aod. 32 0 J. DeStefanis, sf . . . 1 •Home, 318 East Broad street. 0 P. Miller, p 2 FHbt 29* CARD OF THANKS (Continued from page 1) Totals 26 8 7 3 t wish to acknowledge the many, Freeh Mackerel 1 2 * Score by Innings : « . . . . School P T A . , Cranford Woman's ReFreel Swerfflil »45. jarila, flowers and gifts acnt to me 100 010 I—I iy my friends during my stay a t Bel-gens North Stars 300 Olio 3—8 mblican Club, Union County FederaMulitenberg Hospital. ion of Republican Women, The New Two-.base hits: Hlavate, Urciuoli. PHILIP MILLER, Struck out: by Miller 2, Lences o. 364 West Dudley Aye. Bane on balls: off Miller 2, Lences 3. Jersey. Parks and Recreation Assoiatiori, The Neyv Jersey Social HyUmpire: Slirope. CARD OF THANKS Toaato Hum -27. We wish to express our sincere ;iene Association, The National RecUcmkK to Crlends and neighbors for •it eation Association. FRESH FRIITS aad VEOETABLES <tnd>ic!4H extended to us during our Spaghetti & Represent Local Red Cross recent bereavement. C»iMi'i%3 Her candidacy has been sponsored PRA.NK. EIA.ER AND FAMILY. They're Vitamm-Rich.,. Hour* Fresher... Thrifty at AfcP iy Mrs; David Roberts of Westfield, Noodtei XZ At Camp Kilmer Meeting and Salad Oil she is endorsed by the Cranford |»haif Mr-u-Mi 9 : Club and many Mrs. William W. Lowe and Mrs Woman's Republican £ 27i WeBtfleld women. She was John Harvey Bryan represented the prominent art active worker in the Willkie camWeatfield Red Cross Tuesday at a paign and helped to organize the femSpaghetti 'ZX ^ 2 7 « camp and hospital council meeting in inine personnel for the Westfield Bwlltr ^•24* M1MMTI the Red Cross station at Camp Kil- leadquartera mer. At this meeting, attended by Paper She is the mother of three children, (Continued from page 1) BNEEN PEAS «-•••••••••• * 1 0 * NEW NTATllt • • 1 U w , Z 7 * twenty-four surrounding 11 students in the Westfield Senior IV* mve received adverse decisions on delegates of Tmit—Ytllow U. 1 No. I 6r«M Leach Saeke ftg.ol , it was pointed out that a High |helr supplemental application. This chapters, School. this size requires the combined «..,!., I. CORN method, however, has been found im- camp' Mrs, Griffin is the wife of O, D of every surrounding chapEmit e«eiT»n Flm Hcods practical because of the limited num- resources a Rutgers man and former _ TanhrCrha ter to provide the urgent need for Jriffiti; ^?17i «r of persona to whom interviews bandages, iresident of the College Men's Club hospital and nursing equipNEW CABBAIE Apple Saece N 2 uld be granted, and tha board has From Nearby form* ^ iulcy Florida and convalescent material as * Westfield. ° 27. !cided that no more personal inter-1 ment by Mrs. Kohler, assistant lib. < 7 . will be given. If an adverse outlined director in the station hospital. imion has been made, the applicant] fieldthe war continues and the needs Ihould write the board setting forth As J^'23. thousands of soldiers are provided Vhy he feels the application should of for by the Bed Cross station and hos2 ^25. Wive further consideration. These CkfckM1 chapter facilities will be taxed ««23« Ippeals will be handled by the gaso- pital, the utmost. At this meeting emerIne anel, and if necessary will be to A*P DAIRY CENTER (Continued from Pau« 1) needs were met, the Westfield firwarded to the state director for gency In your A * P Dilrr Ctnlar you gat rich, whalooma chapter pledging all its facilities to teacher* new to the system for the The boards feels that -with the growing coming term including five in the aouruliment ta Amarica'i limit OairrlMHt, at Kilmer. pis procedure the public can be bet- . Mrs. Lowedemands tl heads a committee of Senior High School, five in the Junt served, and members will be bet- Westfiekt women ior High, and four ia the elementary now busy collecting SWISS CREESE able to take care of the irast and recreational equipment schools. mount of detail placed before it at furniture Um n for Sondwkhw or a quick Hock The board authorized payment of 1 t for the day room at the hospital. The hch meeting. CI«aMtr £ 3 ' ^ h Old Guard is taking charge of the cost of living bonuse* to employees BABY BONBAS . . I Monday night the board received office at 3 Elm street, where contri- receiving 13,000 or less a year for MCL-O-BIT—Smooth and pntw—Anwrlran ••lull 9 ""• 21t h resignation of Samuel Vance, butions may be left. Members of the the coming year on December 1, tH*V • a> CM * l » •ief clerk, with reget. He continues fire department' will assist the com- March 1 arid June 18. The bonus LOAF CNEESE . . 99a 1^1 Haata <n. 1 ^ I n * JMIMH • • • BAM Pf/P Ravi '••»•• 12CM. lipa. Ti i volunteer, and the board appre- mittee in reconditioning the furni- waa voted i« a referendum at the MCL-O-I1T—A top quollty Bncm ehMM last school election. 23. Cleerieatt ktes his co-operation. ture. • » 23.Fah7Soaf 3^«14» SWISS LOAF CNEESE The resignation' of Alex Nielsen, as high school janitor, was accepted, 2O«SwaoSoao 3 ^ 1 S * W«H OBHI — Uw » tor w«y n w l Score Three Runs in Last Inning to Overcome Plainfielders With Servicemen SUPER MARKETS SEE A&P's BIG "VICTORY VALUES" SAVE MONEY GALORE ON YOUR FOOD BILL! NEW 1942 PACK THOUSANDS GET SUPERB MEATS LEGS OF LAMB J K BROILERS & FRYERS A&P PEAS « £ * ~16« FANCY PEASr^rj2t, 27. SWEET PEAS r,^ 2 - 25. GREEN GIANT PEAS-13. PEAS •^•^™««« r 11BEANS *********' 21'25STRING BEAMSW2r23. ASPARAGUS--- - 28. ASPARAGUS <*»" CUTASPARAGUS:rr15. TOMATOES — 'V 9* SPINACH 35. SHOIUDERSOFLAMB %? Mrs. O.D. Griffin Assembly Aspirant ?S&»33. 17* 1,600 B,C, Books Distributed Here PSCHES fc J2SK"r3 17 e YELLOW ONIONS -»7» >-3* TABLE GELENY EBB PLANT * - ^ - 9« PERSIAN LIMES Belcher Resigns From School Board fvm Jefec *37>* 27« •- A soRi James J. MeGinley Jr., was born Tuesday fn Rahway Memorial Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. MeGinley of 6f7 Summit avenue. FIa*oPnCr»t J 312. 2t.SwwtttMrtS£4«<-1l* iSi Pacific Paper °<4* B.7*. Cm FMH<ku«m % f t SpM MM CllMaT '^.10. Cheniee Uk IT* Tlek ****** & 1 | i MAIN PRICING UNIFORM TO A l l RIGAKOLISS of yoor SMBCUJ circummtttces, yo» will W u neither mom not la* dim «nyon« fist for tht MUM faoend tnim >ad tppoiotmeaa. This if * pirt of the high eodt of ethici to which we, •• membctt of NATIONAL SmCTID MOftTICIANS, labscribe. la tddition, yon willfindampUu facilities, the highen professional skill and prompt, understanding service—d»y or night. QUALITY PLIS ECONOMY- Too f«t txtn In. Mm lum rutar bretBwk Aak ta, a ,»•* H •*» (Mt »aak -Maw *a C SHARP CNEESE . . . *29«* «33** *35» A tofr mJM dnstrt dwait •OLB'N RICN CNEESE . Moftum soatt MX—tot SanrfwIdiM 6 AuallwX HBENSTER CNEESE NONSEWHIS . at VmhM W«I»J»B rVMTINOVfl WASTI PATS N M MILK 3^23 a ••••Hal.' rnaja>l«« a»o«t m i l m Call, at acwjariala L. L. MANNING A SON MS « t l T WWMWt • * , Z«vaat titaajay ! • tta Itata. . W. J- 121 Central AveM Weitfield BMwwaa Broad mU North hwm. ( H « ' "o.t IN CRANFORD — 103 MILW STREET J
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