welcome There are many reasons why people choose a church. One searches for an answer to the question, “What is the Truth?” while another seeks community with a sense of connection and meaningful relationships. Still, another longs to find a place that will ignite a passion for living more purposefully. Whatever your motivation, we are thankful that you have taken the first step on your journey with us. We pray that your next steps will lead you to discover this life transforming reality: whatever you are searching for can only truly be discovered by becoming a follower of Jesus, whose character, love, and wisdom are at the heart of the life you were created to pursue. Welcome to Fellowship. We are thankful you are here. GLOBAL & LOCAL global.fellowshipknox.org trips.fellowshipknox.org local.fellowshipknox.org partners.fellowshipknox.org Our Mission is to reach the lost, poor, vulnerable and oppressed with the Gospel. We desire to equip, empower, encourage and entrust our congregation and global & local partners to relationally serve others through the practical love of Jesus Christ. Summer Serve: Sign Up Online Summer Serve consists of several opportunities for you to engage in serving this summer. Vacation Bible School (VBS) for at-risk kids is June 8-11 and August 3-6 in the evenings from 6-8pm. Visit summerserve.fellowshipknox. org or contact Debbie Hill at 470-2820x133 or dhill@ fellowshipknox.org. LEARN MORE ABOUT US There are 4 primary ways to learn more about Fellowship and how you can be a part. Zimbabwe Mission Trip Camp Needs Shelley Croudace, camp director for Lasting Impressions, has asked the Zimbabwe team to bring items not readily available in their country when they come on May 28. Items needed: flashlights, magnifying glasses, and binoculars. If you’d be willing to donate some of these, please contact Mary Kane Rhodes at mkrfreenchrist@comcast.net. Sign up for weekly e-news at enews.fellowshipknox.org Visit fellowshipknox.org Follow us at twitter.com/fellowshipknox Like us at facebook.com/fellowshipknox Short-Term Housing for SE Asia Missionaries The Breedens, a family of 5, need housing and a car for their US visit June 13-August 9. Contact jwhiteside@ fellowshipknox.org CONNECTING Young Life Madrid Summer Camp, July 12-18 We are looking for host families to open their home to a teenager (ages 14-18) from July 1-29. We are asking that you allow a Spanish teenager to be a part of your daily life. Contact Eric and Sheila Jensen at (865) 318-5860. Rick Dunn - Lead Pastor please update my information Date Name Address City StateZip Your birthdate Home phone Cell phone Email Male Female Please check the appropriate box below: I am committing my life to Christ. I am renewing my commitment to Christ. I want to be baptized. ( visit baptism.fellowshipknox.org ) I am interested in learning more about membership. I would like to volunteer for: ( visit serve.fellowshipknox.org ) I would like a pastor to contact me regarding: Please tear off, fold, and place in one of the offering bags or in an offering box. If you prefer, you can drop off at one of the Welcome Centers in the lobby. Emerald Youth Foundation Summer Opportunities Emerald Youth Foundation is an urban youth leadership ministry in Knoxville. Volunteer opportunities range from academic tutoring to discipleship (leading a small group) to coaching with sports (help especially needed in our Swim program – paid Swim Instructor/Lifeguard positions available). All opportunities exist with elementary, middle or high school young people. Training is provided. Contact Rachel at rdavis@emeraldyouth.org. COLLEGELIFE collegelife.fellowshipknox.org CollegeLIFE Students: finish strong! Our Summer Program will begin June 8. Stay tuned for details. campuses DISCOVER FELLOWSHIP Sunday, May 17 from 5-8pm At Fellowship, members are not simply names on a roll; rather, disciples on a journey. Biblically, membership is defined as a community of disciples living life together as followers of Jesus Christ. We seek to honor that by not ‘claiming’ members through transfer or attendance, but through a voluntary process of involvement, reflection, and dialogue about your life and spiritual journey in Christ. Fellowship Church Knoxville to glorify God by pursuing the Christlife and engaging the World with the Gospel of Jesus Christ Discover Fellowship is your next step to get to know our church better or to start the process toward becoming a member. Childcare is available with registration. Register at discover.fellowshipknox.org MARRIAGE INNOVATORS strongrelationships.fellowshipknox.org Foundations for Pre-Married and Married Couples May 21: Registration is OPEN These relationship enrichment workshops aim couples towards research-based and biblically grounded practices for developing and sustaining a strong, lifelong marriage. Space is limited. Registration is required. Visit strongrelationships.fellowshipknox.org to register. May 21 & 28, June 4. 6:30-8:30pm in Room 601. Contact mprice@ fellowshipknox.org. CARE AND COUNSEL care.fellowshipknox.org DivorceCare Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. We meet on Thursday nights in the main conference room from 6:30pm-8:30pm. Registration is not required. You may join at any time throughout the 13 sessions. Contact mprice@ fellowshipknox.org with questions. Healing for Wives: HealingforWivesFEFC@gmail.com Before You Divorce: care@fellowshipknox.org Divorce Care for Kids: care@fellowshipknox.org GriefShare: care@fellowshipknox.org Adoption Care: adoptioncare@fellowshipknox.org Living in Victory: care@fellowshipknox.org COURAGE: care@fellowshipknox.org Has Homosexuality Hit Home? allen@acts12.com Project Gabriel: care@fellowshipknox.org Pre-Marital: strongrelationships.fellowshipknox.org Marriage: strongrelationships.fellowshipknox.org Learning to Love Fearlessly Luke 10: 38-24, John 11: 20-28, II Corinthians 5:16 May 10, 2015 Happy Mother’s Day For my first steps, and my first falls, my silliest fears, and my greatest joys, when your faith became mine, and when my doubt was strong, when I thought I didn’t need you, and when I learned that I did, every step of the way, you taught me, grace, peace, truth, forgiveness, sacrifice, patience, purpose, love, and I can only hope, to follow in your steps. Happy Mother’s Day. Service Times CHANGE for SUMMER, May 24 Mark your calendar and remind others that on Sunday, May 24 we will move to two services of 9:00am & 10:30am for the Summer. Elementary Age Children, Students and Community Groups will not meet May 24. Children’s Ministry will be available for 6-weeks through preschool. RightNow Media: Free Subscription We want to give you access to a huge library of biblical content that will help you develop and strengthen your faith whenever you need it most. Think Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, but with content to equip families, resource groups and develop leaders. Learn how to subscribe for free on the inside panel. Fellowship North Knoxville, 10am, Sundays north.fellowshipknox.org Fellowship Pellissippi, 10am, Sundays pellissippi.fellowshipknox.org 8000 Middlebrook Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee 37909 865-470-9800 fellowshipknox.org Service Times 8:30am // 10:00am // 11:30am facebook.com/fellowshipknox - twitter.com/fellowshipknox bulletin.fellowshipknox.org WORSHIP, Prayer & Teaching The goal of our worship services is simple: Exalt Jesus Christ and help you make a personal connection with Him. We also believe that worship is not limited to Sunday. Worship is a lifestyle of humble obedience and pure surrender. Worship is, by definition, a life lived in connection with the person of Christ. We gather to join our hearts, minds, and voices to give glory, honor, and praise to the person of Jesus Christ through music, prayer and strong Biblical teaching. Crossroad Band EP Release: May 12 Crossroad Band’s new EP Alive in the Grave: Songs for Rome will be available Tuesday, May 12 exclusively on iTunes, Spotify, and other online music stores. This studio album was written and recorded by the Crossroad Band out of the book of Romans, giving melody and sound to the great depths of God’s love and mercy found in the writings of the Apostle Paul. Follow them on Twitter @crsroadband for more information. Tech Team Audio Volunteers Needed Interested in how things work behind the scenes? Be a part of our Sunday morning Tech Team. Learn more by contacting Scott at sbradford@fellowshipknox.org OPERATIONS fellowshipknox.org/#/give We believe that everything we have (money, possessions, gifts, talents, etc.) is from God. To responsibly manage all He has entrusted to us grants us generous hearts. Generous hearts allow us to support the work of our partnerships in Mexico, Southeast Asia, Africa, Israel and Central Europe; help us fund the disciplemaking efforts for adults, students, and children; and enable us to have a local impact in the community. Last Sunday you gave $ 101,370 towards the Fellowship Ministry Budget $ 4,282 towards Short-term Mission Trips $ 1,446 towards Habitat/Fellowship Makeover House Giving for the year through May 3 was $ 1,753,450 Ministry Budget ‘15 YTD goal $1,726,150 $ 83,562 Short-term Missions‘15 goal $156,170 $ 15,538 Habitat/House ‘15 goal $30,000 Giving: 5 Sundays in May projected to average $106,436. MERT Team Volunteers Needed We are seeking a health-care professional (physician, nurse, paramedic, EMT, etc.) who would be willing to assist during services should a medical emergency arise. Commitment is one service per month. Contact Angie Hall at ahall@ fellowshipknox.org. Office/Reception Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to answer phones and perform minor tasks in the church office. Contact Angie Hall at ahall@ fellowshipknox.org for more information. OUR TO you r i g h t n o w . f e l l o w s h i p k n o x . o r g We want to give you access to a huge library of biblical content that will help you develop and strengthen your faith whenever you need it most. Think Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, but with content to equip families, resource groups and develop leaders. groups CHILDREN Being in relationships with others is a vital aspect of discovering and experiencing God’s design for your life. We provide many opportunities to meet and connect with other people who are in similar seasons of life. Our groups are a great place to grow spiritually and serve together, all in the context of meaningful relationships with others. Visit community.fellowshipknox.org to learn more about each of these opportunities to connect. Wonder Weekday Enrichment Program 2015-2016 enrollment now OPEN. For information contact Nicole Burgess at nburgess@fellowshipknox.org or 4709800 x111 or visit wwep.fellowshipknox.org community.fellowshipknox.org children.fellowshipknox.org students.fellowshipknox.org LEGACY COMMUNITies Kingdom Builders Intergenerational Married and Single This Week: The Book of Daniel STUDENTS Fireside Room, 8:30am Middle School ·· FUEL: Sunday, 10am High School ·· FOUNDRY, Sunday, 10am Cheers Room 601, 8:30am Mosaic Room 606, 8:30am Simply put: RightNow Media is a customizable video library for every person at Fellowship. We believe this is a critical investment in you for your continued development, growth, and spiritual maturity. You will find content for parenting, marriage, men, women, small groups, pastors, leadership, Christian living, work, biblical finance, mission & outreach, evangelism, recovery, college, singles, students and kids. Image Bearers Room 603, 8:30am The Green Envelope thegreenenvelope.fellowshipknox.org The Green Envelope is an opportunity for you to partner with Student Ministries to raise money to fund our scholarship account. This account aids those in our student ministry that may not be able to attend spiritual-formation retreats and camps without assistance. Through May 10 online. If all envelopes are taken and returned, we will raise over $11,000 for the scholarship fund. As of May 7, we are at $7808 of our goal. Please consider partnering with us. Regeneration: Parents with Young Adult Children Room 604, 8:30am CHOSEN CHILDREN So, as part of our disciple-making movement and desire to see your continued spiritual growth, this is a free gift to you. Register for your free account at rightnow. fellowshipknox.org and instantly stream content from your TV, desktop, laptop, Roku, iPhone and iPad app. There are 10,000+ Bible study videos and resources from over 150 leading Christian publishers and ministries at your fingertips. Seasoned Purpose Room 604, 11:30am We believe that RightNow Media can help equip and unleash followers of Christ to disciple others and live like Jesus in their homes, neighborhoods, workplaces and around the world. It is not a replacement for Sunday or community. It is a guide, a supplement, a starting point. It is meant to stimulate conversation, to invite a common learning environment and strengthen existing or new groups. Intergenerational Married and Single This Week: Encourage One Another – Rebekah Wilson Singles in their 40’s and up This Week: Living Out the Gospel Together – Steven Latham Married and Single This Week: In His Presence - Phil Sartell This Week: Not Meeting Married and Single This Week: Not Meeting FAMILY COMMUNITies In Between Fireside Room, 10:00am Parenting through Adolescence This Week: Living Out the Gospel Together – Steven Latham For Better or Worse Room 601, 10:00am Two Becoming One Room 602, 10:00am Married and Multiplying Room 603, 10:00am Parents of Teens Room 604, 10:00am Married Around Seven Years or More, with or without Children This Week: The Biblical Story of Redemption – Tom Moore Married Couples in their 20’s and 30’s, with or without Children This Week: Community Building Brunch Strengthening Families through the Word of God This Week: Life Together - A Study of First Corinthians Parents of Children 10-18 in Age This Week: Not Meeting chosenchildren.fellowshipknox.org Foster Care Awareness Youth Villages is hosting a “wear blue day” in May for foster care awareness. Your organization/business/etc. picks any day in May and lets them know to come take a picture and raise awareness. Email Mariah at Alyson.parton@ youthvillages.org to participate. Knox County FUSE (Families United Supported Engaged) Group for Pre & Post Adoptive Families FUSE meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month from 6-7:30pm at Messiah Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. 6900 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN, 37919. FUSE is a monthly group providing psycho-educational, material, training, and support. RSVP to Victoria Copenhaver at victoria@harmonyfamilycenter. org or 865-660-8781. Dinnner provided. Childcare provided for children 5 years and older. Parents as Tender Healers (PATH) Classes To Become A Foster Parent in Tennessee: Start Date: May 18 Anyone (from any agency) is welcome to attend. PATH through Tenessee Children’s Baptist Home does have Biblical elements added to the curriculum. For more info, email Kacey at kbush@tennesseechildren.org.
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