31/07/2014 Week 23 School’s veterans to be honed FROM THE PRINCIPAL Ph 5826 5212 Out Of Hours School Care: 0457 847 970 toolamba.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au www.toolambaps.vic.edu.au Toolamba PS Newsletter PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Dear Parents, Eight very excited students headed off to Somers Camp on Tuesday. I’m sure they will have a fantastic experience. I still have very vivid memories from my childhood of attending the camp. CAR PARK Works in the car park have slowed down. The next stage is the asphalting of the area which I believe will be done in a couple of weeks. that students will dress up as character or something related to their favourite book. This day will be held in Week 6 on Monday 18th August. Start discussing ideas with your child or children! Mrs Serra has organised the purchase of the “Short listed Picture story books. There will be on display in the Central Learning space LUNCH ORDERS Despite a couple of minor problems things have been going quite smoothly. If your child is missing something in their order please remind them to let a teacher know. PARENTS & FRIENDS MEETING The next meeting will be Tuesday 4th August at 7.30pm. Have an enjoyable weekend. Regards Heather PARENT OPINION SURVEYS Last week these surveys were sent home with the newsletter. Each year schools across the State survey 15 per cent of the school community. Parents are randomly selected to participate and we use the information to support future school planning and improvement. The survey is designed to take no more than 20 minutes to complete and your feedback and opinions play an important role in making our school the best it can possibly be. Thank you to those families who have already returned theirs. P & F REMINDERS This term Parents and Friends are organising the raffle for the school concert and also the Father’s Day Stall. These events are only a week apart so we are looking for donations for both. Ideas for Father’s Day Stall: small tools, gardening items, socks, chocolates, toiletry items, handmade items etc. Ideas for Raffle: food items, gardening items, wine, pamper items, toys, books, DVDs, kitchen products etc. We thank you so much for your support...many hands make light work! Next meeting: Tues 5th August @ 7:30pm...everyone BOOK WEEK 2014 (18th -22nd August) Book Week is fast approaching! At Toolamba Primary School we will be celebrating Book Week with a dress up day themed ‘My favourite book/character…’ The idea is Page | 1 welcome! GRADE 2/3 NEWSLETTER 31st July 2014 for tickets can be sent along to school at any time. The Grade 2/3 are well and truly back in the swing of it. cost of tickets is $10.00 per person. The children discovered who Vinny was and have come Tickets which have been paid for will then be sent home up with some amazing WOW words. The children are attached to the newsletter over the next few weeks. fantastic at performing Kung Fu Punctuation and look All tickets need to be purchased before the concert as forward to if every day tickets will not be available for purchase on the night of the Subtraction has been our focus in Numeracy. The children concert. are developing great strategies to help them solve their The front row seats are reserved for wheelchair and problems. disabled patrons who are able to receive a complimentary In Integrated Studies Grade 2/3 are studying the carer's ticket. Commonwealth Games. They are very busy designing a Seats will not be allocated and patrons are requested to poster on either an athlete, a sport or the Games. Grade 2 move to the centre of the row and not leave single seats is participating in the PMP Program. This is a perceptual as the concert is often a sell out. motor program that improves children’s motor and Students required at Eastbank at 6.30pm perception skills. Yesterday they had their first session Doors open at 6.30pm. Concert starts 7.00pm sharp. and really enjoyed it. TOOLAMBA SCHOOL CONCERT Concert practice is well underway and everyone is having (Please return slip to school along with money) a great time Name: ………………………………………..……………..… Patrice and Kate Number of Tickets@ $10............................................ Disabled ticket ........................................................... CONCERT UPDATE Wheelchair chair seat required: .................................. Concert preparations are well underway. Next Friday we Cost of total number of tickets: $................................. will send home costume notes and bags. This should give you plenty of time to scour your cupboard for clothing. PAYMENT OF FAMILY ACCOUNTS Depending on your requirements, op shops are great As we have entered Term 3 we would expect families to places to look and Kmart sells clothing at very reasonable have paid at least half of the subject and excursion levy, prices. The costume bags are to be returned by Monday as the school has already expended these funds. For 18th August. Please send the bags to your child’s parents who have not paid we would appreciate payment classroom teacher. as soon as possible. We are also looking for any parents willing to do some Parents are encouraged to make payments by instalments sewing for us. If you are able to assist please see Juanita using BPAY. Payments can also be made at the office by or myself. cash or cheque. (Sorry, but EFTPOS and Credit Card are We will schedule a Prop Making Day in a couple of week’s not available.) Thank you to families who have made time. regular payments towards levies and camps. It would be wonderful if you had any spare time during this If you have any questions please contact the office. day to come to school to help out. Keep a look out in the Newsletter for further information and a date. RECEIVING THE NEWSLETTER BY EMAIL Any enquiries please contact me at school If you would like to receive a copy by email as well as a Filippa paper copy, please complete the details below and return the form to school as soon as possible. TOOLAMBA SCHOOL CONCERT Wednesday August 27th, 2014 This year’s theme is “And The Award Goes To”. Money Page | 2 Name…………………………………………………………. Email address………………………………………………… T.N.A. COLOUR CODED NOTICES I am writing to clarify the arrangements for the final round To assist with communication between school and home of the TNA Friday night season. we have introduced a new colour coded system for notes Unfortunately there have been some issues that have which are sent home. contributed to a change in fixtures, including the reliability YELLOW: Notes which need to be completed and of the lights, the availability of umpires and availability of returned to school e.g. Active After players on school camps & Somers Camp. School, The final formal round of games will be on Friday GREEN: BLUE: Parent Teacher Sessions, Excursions 01/08/2014. There will also be presentations to players for Information specific to a particular Net Set Go, Division 2 & Division 1. The rough schedule classroom or year level. is; Whole School Information –upcoming 5.15 – 5.45 Net Set Go Events/activities e.g. Working Bee. 5.30 – 6.15 3 x games; OCCASIONAL CARE Occasional Care is available at Toolamba Kinder on Fridays from 9am to 2pm with our teachers Wendy and Game 1 Div 2 – Toolamba Black v Tatura Blue Game 2 Div 2 – Toolamba Pink v Tatura Red Game 3 Div 1- Murchison Green v Toolamba Black Vanessa. If you would like to book a place for your child, please call the kinder on a Wednesday or Friday morning 5.45 – 6.00 Net Set Go presentations on 5826 5320. 6.15 – 6.30 Presentations for Division 1 & Division 2 TOOLAMBA KINDERGARTEN We are currently taking enrolments for 2015 for both 4 year old Kinder and Fun Group. Enrolment forms are available from the Kinder. Four year old Kinder enrolments close on 31st July. Fun Group enrolments will continue to be taken until the 19th September 2014. Please contact Tonya on 035826 5320 if you have any questions. TOOLAMBA OUT OF HOURS SCHOOL CARE. Out of School Hours Care is available at Toolamba Primary School; after school Monday to Friday from 3.15pm to 6pm during school terms. The price is $16.00 per session. Bookings can be made by ringing the After Hours Care number which is 0457 847 970. Please ring this number rather than book through the office. Enrolment Forms are available from Fiona or the office. To make a booking for Mon, Tue, Wed or Thurs you need to ring before 12pm on that day. Bookings for Friday need to be made before 5.30pm on Thursday. COMMUNITY NEWS Page | 3 6.30 – 7.15 3 x games; Game 1 Div 2 – Tatura Green v Murchison Game 2 Div 1 Game 3 Div 1 – Tatura Blue v Tatura Red - Tatura White v Toolamba Pink The break up on Sunday 03/08/2014 will proceed as planned & there will be no games on Saturday 09/08/2014. Simon Pogue President. ATTENTION TOOLAMBA NETBALL PLAYERS Could all netball players please bring $5.00 to netball on Friday night in an envelope with their name on the front and the name of their team? Envelopes can be handed to either Mary Valentin or Sally Moseley on the night. Any queries please phone sally on 0418 577 552. AUSKICK Sorry to all about the confusion regarding Auskick. We will be at Murchison tomorrow night from 4.45 to 5.45, this change is due to tonight’s parent-teacher interviews. We hope you can make it. Leader Hilary Vella TOOLAMBA KINDER PIE DRIVE 5826 5257 or 0409 582 124 The Kinder is running a pie drive. A flier was attached to the last newsletter before the school holidays. We have MOOROOPNA BLUE LIGHT DISCO asked that all orders and money be sent to the school. Mooroopna Hub TOOLAMBA LION’S CLUB Inc. Meets 1st Tuesday of each month. For more information contact: Morrett St Mooroopna Friday 1st August 2014 at 7PM-9PM. Cost $6 Contact 58254131 Bill McDonald 5826 5182 Helen Morritt 5826 5005 MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICE Sally Moseley 5826 5125 The Maternal Health Service is operating on a fortnightly POP UP COFFEE CAFÉ IN TOOLAMBA Sunday 24th August 2014 basis on Wednesdays. For appointments please call 5832 9312 10.30am until noon. GUITAR AND KEYBOARD LESSONS Bring the family along for a fun morning. Cliff Doornkamp conducts 20 minute lessons for both Walk, ride, or drive down to the Toolamba Recreation guitar and keyboard at the school every Thursday. The Reserve and enjoy a great morning tea! cost is $16.00 per lesson (payable at time of lesson). For The Toolamba Craft Group will be holding a trading table more information, please contact: on the day. Cliff Doornkamp on 0474 769 963. For more information phone: Helen 5826 5005 or Christine 5826 5182 MOOROOOPNA JUNIOR GIRL GUIDES Girls 6-11 invited to come and try Would you tick ‘YES’ to the following comments…. Meet Mondays at 6 pm-7.30pm during School Term ‘I really want to DREAM BIG’ At Mooroopna/Scout Complex, Echuca Road Mooroopna ‘I love to INSPIRE OTHERS’ (next to the Ambulance Station) ‘I want to ACHIEVE SUCCESS’ Guide Meetings are heaps of fun and a great way to make ‘It’s important for me to make HEALTHY CHOICES’ friends, earn badges and challenge girls to try some thing ‘I want to WORK AROUND MY FAMILY’ new.We also have some weekend activities such as ‘I really want a PURPOSE IN MY LIFE’ canoeing, sleepovers, annual trip to Melbourne and other ‘I want FINANCIAL PEACE OF MIND’ State and Region activities available. Then maybe, just maybe, you might like to catch up for Cost is $145 membership per year (payable quarterly) half hour over coffee and I can share how you can gain plus one off joining fee of $15.00. The term fee for running personal and financial freedom by doing something you costs is around $22.00 per term already do. It may or may not be for you but what have Uniforms start at $26.00 for the Polo and around $29.00 you got to lose by listening? for sak, badges and Look Wide (Badge book) Contact me, Josie on 0439 343 652 Leaders are all Police checked and have current working with children checks and First Aid qualifications. We would DAPHNE LEAROYD-SCHOOL OF DANCE love to see some new faces so come along or give us a Preschool Dance Curriculum “Dance to your own tune” call for further information phone: This inspirational program has been developed by the Royal Academy of Dance (London), and is specifically Page | 4 aimed at preschool children aged 3-5 years, both boys Sat 13th Sept and girls Toolamba Kindergarten Masquerade Ball I am introducing an “Adults Class” Thursday evenings 7.15 to 8.15 at our studio. The class will incorporate simple Mon 13th- classical exercises to tone and shape, plus cardio – Fri17th Oct Swimming. Prep to 6 Fri 19th Sept Last Day Term 3 jumping and Pilates for core and all over fitness. And no you do not have to wear leotards and tights! Just 2pm Finish something comfortable is acceptable If you are interested in joining us in this fun exercise class please call me for more details Roslyn Todd on 0438 597 655 CALENDAR 2014 Mon 6th Oct Start of Term 4 Sat Oct 25th Film Night Mon 20th- Fri 1st Aug Hot Dog Day Fri 24th Oct Fri 1st Aug Mooroopna Blue Light Disco Wed 29th – Tue 5th Aug Parents Club Mon 11th Aug School Council 6.30pm Finance 6pm Tue 12th Aug Community Meeting 7pm Mon 18th Aug Concert Bags to Be Returned Mon.18th Aug- Book Week Fri 31st Oct Grade 3 / 4 Camp Sat Oct 25th Film Night Fri 31st Oct Toolamba Blue Light Disco. Halloween Theme Tue 4th Nov Cup Day Holiday Fri 12th Dec Mooroopna Blue Light Disco Christmas Theme Fri 22nd Aug Mon 18th Aug Rapunzel Mon 18th Aug Dress-up Day Book Week Mon 18th Aug Spellathon Commences Grade 5/6 Camp Sat 13th Dec Lion’s Christmas Festival. Wren Street, Toolamba, Vic.3614 toolamba.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au Ph: (03) 58265212 Sun 24th Aug Pop-Up Coffee Cafe Mon 25th Aug Concert Rehearsal Wed 27th Aug School Concert- Eastbank Fri 29th Aug Toolamba Blue Light Disco. Wed 3rd Sep Father’s Day Stall Fri 12th Sept Mooroopna Blue Light Disco Page | 5 Fax: 03 5826 5464
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